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it's been the peak the larvae are presents weekly feature devoting itself the important thing is the crucial issues of this election year nineteen sixty eight good evening this is robert morris tonight bobsled whether david higgins and i am joined by two ranking members of the new york state conservative party our guest sir james buckley conservative candidate for united states senate and cure lagarde radio and television commentator and one of the founders of the conservative party mr buckley just before we went on the air was given the level and around the table where i said that obstacle is republican david higgins with a democrat us what party of senator javits belong to well he liked it and i was thinking of overture to me that he is the candidate of the liberal party and of course that's where he belongs it at your party you were to run against the
jets so that's why i have that are a nineteen sixty two the conservative party was found an organized as the conservative candidate right now i'd like to work it in here with james buckley your face with a very interesting race you are you describe the senator javits is a liberal party candidate i wonder if you would care to get a characterization of paul o'dwyer well as we probably all know who had denied he was a number two joyce of the liberal party leadership so they have two men running in this race against that one i would say that the paula dwyer is a substantially more radical than with the javits that they otherwise survey of both on that end of the spectrum how would you describe the course of the country's main paula dwyer is a follower of senator mccarthy has said that he is not going to support hubert humphrey for the presidency i would you describe this a school of thought that's been represented by senator mccarthy as radical no no i wouldn't
i believe the patriot misguided money on i believe that he doesn't understand the nature of the communist trust in southeast asia he is appalled that the killing that is going on and i think it was an act of courage on his part to come out before the mistaken views than that he did support i don't think that this particular issue falls so neatly into the categories of liberal versus conservative as as most other issues and i believe that to paul o'dwyer is supportive of and several bodies use it does reflects ms dillard wires going to in essence of the meaning of communism this world mr buckley the conservative party is facing a major problem here in new york state in this election year nineteen sixty eight and it concerns the third of the republican party has refused to let its collectors run on the conservative party ticket which means that you might be
running out without any nominees for president this is correct this is a decision which the conservative party leadership will make in due course whether or not to select one instructed elect orders or elect or is instructed to vote for nixon at new ticket if they do endorse candidates but definitely being examined at an angle another number that leadership so that i couldn't answer that question and finally with some of them and certainly i have heard nothing but praise for the ticket from the leadership comes to regard it is a member of the leadership have you been in touch with the nixon people what's the story you're mr lardy well now are talking out of the decision first of all has not been made and yet we can't know that decision in fact until the september ninth has passed that's the last date for the filing of the slate of a locked doors we will have the slate select jurors and file by each league for established parties in the state so we know as omar speaking
here tonight the democratic and liberal party are going to run a join slate of a locked doors for the humphrey muskie ticket well we do not know whether or not the republicans little like yours will be on the republican line or nah that decision is for them to make and also for the republican state committee to make we i have stated that the only republican service they can hear stated that say a unanimous decision that we will run a slate of a like tours pledged to the nixon agnew ticket unanimous decision or twenty five member state executive committee our state committees to me on sunday september eighth to work and beef and we're a pledge to put a settlement tours before that state committee pledged to the nixon i knew to get that status as we're speaking here tonight on thursday september five <unk> you want the ranking enlisted leaders of the conservative party i think this is it has great misfortunes a very dull but very important issue would you explain the legal complications involved what is to stop the conservative party from using the same aleppo is without the permission of the republican state committee
the court of appeal to the state of new york held a nineteen sixty four when that very issue is before them that the electors themselves are the candidates for public office and that their consent is required to run on a line other than the line of the party that nominated him for that office the voters in the go the polls november do not vote directly for the president and vice president labeled for the electoral slate for it to be a presidential candidate those letters ended a month later and cast their votes presumably of their party had directed for the ticket however they are in fact free agents and good constitutional doctrine intellect york and spends a terrible electoral college means audible for any candidate he cares to what a presence in the vice presidency and granted their money than a few occasions that occur but leaving that technicality aside the point is the candidates are on the holding of the court of appeals in the electorate of a candidate and their consent is required to be our ally well the ticket office has tremendous highly technical or religiously
different animal which really interested listeners weren't used to but we assume you've been following the presidential campaign could watch do you feel at all close to him in any of his domestic policies and he's been on this campaign will run on her photo essay that i think is one of the most appalling phenomenon to come across the american scene some years and a dangerous one in terms of the development of helping to put a system especially in the south if you speak about a specific policy is i would have to admit that i had to favor a far stricter enforcement of our laws of foreign listening in attitude towards pro procedures and things about sorting this of course is the issue he's capitalizing a pawn but then his general for us based on his background and an
alabama when his government that and so forth is not a conservative woman and what worries me is that right he will become confused with conservatism and because inevitably although i think wrongly the people who vote for him will be categorized by the editorial writers of the new york times and so forth as being racist it wolves or brush off on us and could set us back i think that he is appealing to people who are genuinely scared who were not basically racist but who do not appreciate the damage he can do and this year they're nothing can address what will be on the ballot new york state this year you know we'll know as of monday year that's the last date september ninth profiling and it has succeeded in every state so far you can't undergo saliva why do you pay for these statewide campaigns before i think it's fair to say take into consideration as the buckley just said that some of the wallace supporters will also be conservative party supporters are even go
about this and this business of a structuring this campaign i don't think we'll have any difficulty of the mark at our positions from that of most of mr wallace and i don't think he's going to last laws in the state to represent the kind of front he does clearly written on the subway or isaiah caviar that is the extraordinary gallup poll for you're just released this week showing an increase of as national position from sixteen to eighteen percent in a nixon humphrey wallace contest i it's that there is no question that nsa analysts in the selfie leads both candidates an entire region also very picky it's very difficult to determine a cannibal he'll draw here in new york i do think that there are the people are supporting the conservative party will recognize the clear distinctions of positions being taken and will further recognize that of the vault will be a a vote in effect for the democratic ticket because they really are casting a protest on the
strongest way there is a danger expressed to me by one of the top three leaders republican party in the state just yesterday that are those people who are so confident of a nixon victory and our republicans of that stature will think that the one way to really ramify their strong position is to cast a vote for watson for this penis let's say in some positions and figure that will bring normal more clearly to the right wing republican ticket the of how strongly they feel about the major diseases of these siphoning off a traditional conservative party workers to be you know an important is to watch a no no we don't have any guarantees problem that kind of cross the state there there are undoubtedly there are there are people out there who will will cast a vote in the state as elsewhere for for awhile several they tend to deprecate him was made by the democratic party for years ago you know what happened the democratic primaries in indiana and minnesota michigan i believe where he got a sizeable vote in those primaries the musky mr
musk is just on record saying that that he represents quite a friend he says more republicans to the democrats the fact is a wholesale people feel he represents a tremendous threat to their normal blue collar worker vote because the democratic column nobody knows now is how this is going to go each way but i do agree with her the thrust of jimmy butler's remarks here that it is unfair quite unfair to categorize people who were supporting buckley whispering was in the end the north an integral part of a cell that they aren't just by the nature of that fact there are appealing to racial instinct iii don't wanna would never think you could characterize ad recently america like mad area adage it's much it's much deeper than that it's it's a feeling that the man is mrs strongly speaking out for the necessity for national patriotism a major theme of his or warm water that they're weak and an id i think you know you had a really hard time looking in the public record or five stages of his that are clearly categorically racist he's avoided that jim bartley the scores please those to the obvious question oh nixon
and back know now why is the conservative party are so enthusiastic about nixon ago the conservative party made it very clear even before nixon was nominated that he was their man now why is nixon yemen's nixon another cold water now he is and i'm sorry to say nixon has stood very clearly i think for our basic tenants he is fiscally sound understands that this country cannot spend and spend without destroying all of us it inflationary pressures he also is as strongly appreciative of the necessity of keeping the federal government within bounds of love restricting its activities of getting it out of a lot of activities i he also understands that even the fact that the private sector in this country is the source of our vitality a productivity and
understands that the true nature of freedom in this country which requires keeping a centralized government small woman word this word from berkeley in nineteen sixty four when senator goldwater was the republican nominee and also the conservative party nominee for the presidency there was a failure of the country that have goldwater were collected there would be a definite change in the whole structure of the american government he made it very clear during the campaign that he was against the whole trend in american society but there is a feeling today that doesn't make any difference whether humphrey and nixon gets that you can talk to one person after another industrial has come over and over again but now there's not going to be any changes there is no difference between that rewards well i disagree with the analysis you just repeated i think that would be a change and it cannot be a dramatic change we had such an immense bureaucracy built up with that it cannot be dismantled overnight know or can ignore is a president a free
agent the norwood gold would have been a free agent he has a congress to deal with so that though the change that i would see would be one of a direction one of purpose and would start us back towards a position where our freedoms when been strangled well let's get to the purpose of the conservative party when the liberal party was founded one of the founders of that was timothy costello the president deputy mayor of new york city and he stated that the liberal party was founded in order to keep the democratic party honest since the inception of the liberal party there's been a very close harmony between a liberal party and the democratic party and run candidates together for statewide office on a regular annual basis now since the conservative party have been found however was the concern in the us two questions first was the conservative party founded to keep the republican party honest and if so why has been such a failure in this particular that isn't always
rational is back on the scene at the time and that yes it is true that the conservative party was founded to have the same health objectives and on the direction of the republican party the difference is however there to be dishonest republicans you might want might say happen to be in charge of the republican party so the republicans are a party was founded to purge the republican party to help encourage itself of those elements within it would have destroyed the two party system at the statewide level in the state now is despite the most extraordinary opposition this is a remarkable thing about the conservative party it has grown and in just six years has mocked the liberal party out of row seat now and has done this through sheer political google
genius or whatever you want to call it and the disciplines within the republican party have started to collapse of the disciplines i mean the ability of a few bosses to dictate down the whole structure of what the actions will be a beach county chairman in the last few years the conservative party has had a definite effect on the selection of candidates with the pickle business today what we have to listen you mention the word dishonest taking off on my honest as those elements which are in charge of the republican party now when your brother william f buckley jr ran for mayor against germans in nineteen sixty five that your brother was an accident a better but still lindsey seemed to me got him on one point and won the day went well your brother stated that he represented the real republicanism was the gentleman said will want a new challenge me in the republican primary if that were the case now obviously if your brother represented the majority sentiment with in the end a retinal republican voters he would've defeated mr lanza in the primary
it is not necessarily correct know because i'm trying to think i think at that time there was some of the legal and disabilities that he could not have run him in a primary but i think it is also and realistic to assume that a primary contest necessarily results in the prison who truly represents the sentiment of the party in winning because of the arc of a bucking them shane you don't have the money you don't have the workers you don't have all these others clap trap which unfortunately is essential in and in politics today mr buckley i assume for most of your adult life you have been a registered republican all what prevented you from entering republican primary against that's money money on the thirty two million and they didn't feel that it was a million and the gap an instant i think it should be
observed that the primaries don't necessarily result in having the representative of the party and succeeded because i don't think anyone would maintain the airport what is the true joyous the democrats of his day our ideas and i mean he was thirty six percent lower we just have a man who's running as best medicine have philosophically similar outlook middle of wild migrating differently next month while you were on the un the vietnam an issue primarily i'm sure that they were a runoff between nixon and to and why haven't conceded low another one let's talk about vietnam for a minute that you're in you were you on this program last you have very firm stance on the hawk side of the issue most of the people who we've interviewed since last december of nineteen sixty seven have done flip flopped on vietnam and this has been a year for flip flops is a conservative party still hold the same views that you expressed to us to peer into yes i think we'll we'll the views that are in the vault national
consensus of the republican party on this issue to i say we back to particularly elite very strong statement made by president eisenhower former president eisenhower to the republican national convention in miami i'd rather have him as has spoken out on that very clearly and i've probably fit corrective brian basic categorization call our possession of a hawk n dove about to ketchikan to buy them and to her and jim buckley and what is your position on vietnam number one i believe that our involvement there was correct i believe in the domino theory that the loss of south vietnam to x channel and aggression and this is when it in fact is would have resulted in the loss of laos cambodia and thailand burma the disease would have spread i am not at all satisfied with the way that we have handled our involvement it's ethically pussyfooted on it i think this business of inching up inching up has invited doug how the measure is either by taking
away the bite of our force i don't see anything that has changed in the world political scene in the last few months a few years that will would have justified these flip flop to do to which you referred i think of those flip flops reflect politicians and testing the wind and sensing the dissatisfaction of many of our citizenry who have become convinced that we don't intend to win this thing but mr buckley we do have quite a bite and so vietnam right now we have half a million troops there now taking the present situation simply what should be done apparently we can't win the war or not wanting it well the fact that we are not winning it doesn't mean it cannot be won and as i understand it the judge's a staffer feel that that we could have afford this far more effectively not using commitment weapons i hasten to add and i we do know in fact that at about that time president
johnson called his cease fire above a certain point that the communists were hurting they weren't even able to supply of the gun so that was surrounding case i'm well we know that since the cessation of that bombing that the aurora the flow of supplies to the south has increased fourth for full this is a war of attrition the way it has been flawed and i think the evidence is that the effects of that attrition was slowly being felt i think that there are it is much more difficult to win it conclusively and quickly now that it would have been two years ago and i personally would not see a military victory a lot has been in the cards in the traditional sense i think that if we maintain the precious if we invoke some economic sanctions against people who supplied the north if we blockade the north we will find that suddenly the north isn't sending in himself anymore and then the problem will disappear but it's been made ten times more difficult than it might have been or the fact is we can't withdraw constantly are
you scott simon is paul the philosophical underpinnings of your argument at to subscribe to the domino theory one of the structural bases of the domino theory is all of southeast asia including the indonesian archipelago now several years ago and i'm inclined to think the cia was directly or indirectly and always succeeded in overturning the well redlining lead gen sukarno in indonesia and indonesian is now sort of mutual and somewhat pro west with indonesia now lost to the communists out as a domino theory still stand up you fail to point out that the revolt that took place in indonesia would probably not have been possible had not the people in indonesia suddenly found hope in american intentions precisely as a result of our involvement and they'd leadership in southeast asia had been fatalistic had felt that the chinese communism represented the wave of the future and that inevitably it would
engulf the fact that we stopped what was an imminent takeover by the icann supplied by an ali gave hope to always nations now if we withdraw if we compromise on any basis which means that we have in fact pulled out the first people who will sense this will be the neighbors in the southeast asia will encourage hanoi to increase the infiltration that already is taking place as result of our seeming hesitation in laos cambodia and burma and in thailand and also indonesia itself is separated by water it is such a long sprawling archipelago that to be the chances for an infiltration trouble making art are infinite no i think that obviously the countries that other neighbors a selfie a mountaintop me as way to reach indonesia and the philippines be more difficult but not impossible to
berkeley the fact is we're going to be faced with another war in vietnam in thailand about i think it would be safe to say that the war in thailand has already begun a mallet united states to make the necessary massive military effort in vietnam entered into a program which required all call them with united states be able to come to the defense of thailand there is an mls the national liberation front beginning to function in venezuelan colombian in bolivia although the death of a living thing temporarily not with united states heavily committed in vietnam what we going to do about these other places are going to start shooting buckshot all over the world what would happen what we have some lessons i hope we will have unmanned which has nothing to do with the strategic necessity to help others contain communism but first to go i'm not condone the military men incidentally but from what i've read i do understand that there is a rather formidable body of beliefs that that feels that had we
used our air force in and naval power as fact as effectively as we might including the blockade after all eighty percent of the supplies the north come through a rifle on that we could have done far more damage with far smaller a far smaller can commitment of manpower know what we should learn from this is that if we are to have effective regional pacts we must start soon in working with our allies to help them develop their own them power to protect themselves with american guidance in america partly the many wells that will be sold but we're faced with us right now we're faced with this right now because of the failures of american foreign policy in the last ten fifteen years i guess david a bit more we modeled the situation the harder it will be but may i suggest that the alternative to being prepared to help others keep themselves free of an aggressive party is the fortress america and i don't believe any of us believe the fortress america is a terrible foreign
policy this is interesting the conservatives who were the isolationists said he's now become the call the interventionists of the sixties you actually favor intervening in venezuela and in bolivia all these places if you're a united states senate that it's not impossible that you would be elected but it's clear there was a democratic party official i'm aware of the danger is that because you call this remind you cut into a traditional source of support i want to get back to that for years the democratic party has relied very strongly on me blue collar worker all and your brother's campaign in nineteen sixty five and dean adams's campaign for governor and sixty six especially down here in the city because of the candidates ran very strongly in white working class areas like ridgewood and in queens and inward and parts of bay ridge brooklyn but now these same people the ones were defecting to
wallace was great to the democratic party or picking up the same support i oppose to run a base of blue collar workers they'll back on the conservative parties at which that particular it's a forty people who are are increasingly aware of the encroachment of government on their private lives who have seen the failures of government who yes it is not a rich man's point at the rich people in this country can run away from problems are not affected by the problem is that inflation doesn't hurt them high taxes and they hired very expensive talented to tell him how much to pay any taxes whatsoever to our support has come increasingly from people who were self sufficient self reliant and who are face to face with the crime in the street for example face to face with the religion of the value of their savings face to face with the inflation here and arty i'd like to get your and here you mentioned in your opening remarks
the word protests and of the word protest have a massage or not only with the laws of war but also with the conservative party of course now one of the leading social questions in this country seems these days to be the welfare problem we have a large portion of our population which cannot work is not supporting herself what is the position of the of the conservative party on the welfare problem well philosophically in this next week to start with basic premise is the writing of a practical solution we had we do not believe is necessary and arm economy for for example the state of new york i wonder one point two million one million two hundred thousand people on the welfare rolls there's something drastically wrong with the whole well for philosophy most most of the most of these people have got to a weekend to wait to a position of of self sufficiency and it and that we share the year the year general distress across the country are
visible and democratic and liberal rights by the way as well as another republican conservative ranks about this question and a we're going to work in a mainly as has been emphasizing republican national platform and our positions on toward a position of much more aligned summit private sector or even the pope on the way pryor thirty year philosophy of the government dole of doing all the chemical and to encourage it business participation and job training of virtually all attended an education we recognize that there has to be some perhaps disproportionate support given those areas where educational inadequacies are most evident that's the basically it's a it's a it's a very tough problem but it's a the conservatives are not lacking in that human understanding and compassion for the plight of a great many of these people and to it's it's it's a bootstrap operationally was never comes down to jim are you listening to riverside radio programmers politics my name is robert morris an opponent alistair david
higgins and whether it's like weather i guess to saving our tour lagarde was a radio and television commentator one of the founders of the conservative party and mr james buckley who is a conservative candidate for united states senate this year mr gary was so troubling well i guess the first time ever been described as a regular commentator i realized i've been on a few radio program thirty know i you know i haven't had that for a last month ago that said it's appropriate to make that come alive and so on mr buckley i know this question is close this is of course very closely related to the race problems in this country are like your general feeling on the race problem why are the negros in their present position that they are in the united states and what should be done about this i think the first thing that we should do is draw a distinction between poverty in the eurozone or negroes and crime i think
that the negroes have been vilified him i'd say by this constant attempt to put them together the principal problem i believe of that faces the american negro today is the fact of his history in this country this has deprived him of the europe coco traditions of family traditions which works at one of the main assets of immigrant groups who came here with their own permission for centuries a negro has been a dependent and there we find a situation today where all of the legal barriers to full participation in american life have been dropped but the neighbor still finds himself and this independent position god animal welfare dependent on on the most menial jobs and this has been a psychological kurds are he has not developed in the course of the day or thousands and millions of exceptions that this project were taking of the
average you might say the fact is that he has not found his manhood within american society and that this is the cause of the frustrations i believe i think this is the inside daniel moynihan but we need to do is to help the negro held himself not tell him what to do how to do it but say we who have their these techniques of the skills there's no i'll stand ready to help you really go anywhere you want to be helped you tell us whoa what he wants to do for you and anna's help is available but you are on your feed you must see how you want to do it out with the way to the economic life of this country and when that is done there will be a quality control mr buckley it sounds though what you have those are what i have to do as an educator own followers with you wanted or not a lot of people who vote for the conservative party in new york state and the conservative in the north in general our anti negro and think that you and people like you and your brother will on
a quote exactly put them it isn't a place is exactly where the crazed well yeah i mean you know but i would say probably that girl you're talking about an inmate bigotry and i would imagine that you have a unit that it's early voting for republicans democrats and so i think as a national phenomenon of certain types of people but it isn't what conservatism is about a knife strongly and firmly believe that because conservatives and activism and because conservatives are concerned with the individual and emancipating him in terms of the opportunity that we don't know and i'm going to cut through that problem and how they grow and i guess that doesn't hurt being asked for her during the regular congolese descriptions of the conservative party of florida so dry and i strongly disagree with that such a characterization and i put it to you to put your finger on a single statement of any kind made any time during the securities true conservative party that would lend support to never any day basis that anyone could
possibly think of the conservative party has taken any position encouraging racism or bigotry of any kind or precisely <unk> i didn't say hey i don't think any reasonably conservative party has never made such a statement i am saying that people i've heard in new york city who were going to vote conservative cited that as one of the reasons now this is certainly you know this is true about this is a problem you have with your followers identity has never visited and directed at seven there have been there have been statements to the negro such as a civilian review board churches your brother's campaign in nineteen sixty five a statement about the young about welfare crop probably misconstrued to continue those are not flocking to the conservative west or french financially well you know the scientists recruited just reminded you alluded to world of bill buckley campaign for mayor more aware of that and jim of course as this campaign manager at the time of war and to be consensus to georgia been made not only managed to lose himself up by
his then campaign manager senator javits of saying that we were the party of the radical right to bring up the fear in the streets of the rest of these charges or outrageous and weed weed we regularly which we responded to an outraged finally detail comply quickly the national fair practices campaign committee on that charge and we got a beer elaine response indeed from a surprise to manage to lose to lose his campaign at the time no i'm sorry i will i won't allow that persisted that we won that we're not to be intimidated by that sort of thing it was said about senator goldwater again and the most outrageous former nineteen sixty four law it has been commented upon thought the book that the bill buckley himself in his book addressed to sell very well philippa and we made the demarcation of the other side there are people undoubtedly about their award for various reasons not to level four and only as you said there are apparently become in assuming medieval in from of dylan's in fact there are some all came out so they were really work does that make mr lindsey i'm a bass pro communist
correspondents of the universe logic and i do have to apply that having of a cadre of a categorization to the candidate or the party weak voters will vote for jim buckley are buying his philosophy as governor reagan stated in california and oh that's the state the situation with any candidate for office another body at most careful to make that in fact we have we i think we have done is now has anybody to reduce that kind of asparagus and two create a real dialogue with liberals that were out talking about we want them to change their philosophy we're not in business here just to get votes the conservative party a very serious party out to a sway public opinion so that ultimately director public actual result on a sound basis of jim buckley drug are used the phrase fear in the streets and that might well been the theme of the democratic national convention in chicago when you think of mayor daley's handling of the problem the street some us forces directing the police look was i don't know exactly what that the orders were and so on but i
do believe that the pleas of the mine and very badly selma believe it's typical of a poet while it no gestapo tactics and so on he reaches to this kind of label the fact is that it does chicago was threatened with the most severe disruptions the fact is that thousands upon thousands of people surrounded policeman confronted policemen with that that the obscenities with disturbing drawings and so none of which incidentally was reflected in the media sec regulations prevented other words i'm coming through but douglas the pen is nothing shocking in american society about having the policeman but under our own power of intense of a vacation and worse now this is going to be an issue in this campaign and that's why i asked a question please move then ended in every instance that i know about them and the mood in under a provocation at one point there were four policemen who went up two people get conned flag being flown and there was around in and they had to be rescued
now i do feel that they went overboard there's no doubt about it though once you got a person in your hands it's no point keeping on repeating over the head but i don't think that we can realistically expect our arteries to be saints and that becomes a breaking point and i'd just frankly have a lot of sympathy for people who converge on chicago looking for trouble the only thing i regret is that the police handed him precisely what they wanted they wanted bloodshed and and that triumphant about it so as you can see i'm almost about right here in a red coat or the subject of crime in minority report yourself to those many times of this country is faced with a skyrocketing crime wave read the statistics came out the other day showing that the number of major crimes united states increase uncontested percent just over the last two or three years what is your answer to the rising crime rate in the united states more police suppression i won't use the word suppression police enforcement or what
several hours but it's obviously mr subject and involves many areas but in a one thing we must do is be stern and that is and i know somebody breaks the law and i recognize a break the law on hold him accountable as the law provides put him in jail for a long sentences rather than letting him off that a day or two one of the problems we have is that an awful lot of people and gone around moralizing saying that no individual is really obligated to observe a lot if he considers it turned into the warriors and the trouble is in the courts are in the police enforcement though that that there is trouble with police enforcement there's trouble with the courts there's trouble with the parole system there is infinite trouble procedurally it just takes too long for someone who is a suspect to be brought to trial and i'd be released or to be how guilty of this business of going through a legal marathon for five six years
adding technicality of the technology advanced from a review of the courts is unfair to the suspect an unfair to society certainly in europe they find ways of having expeditious justice i don't think we really have justice if it isn't quick and it could be humane i strongly believe that first offenders for example should be totally segregated from the from the hardened criminal given every help to a tool of reform to rejoin society with a clean record on the other hand i think it's it's scandalous that people who have been convicted two three four five times of rape are returned to the streets to continue operating people what would your program in the general area cost more money or less money and the cost of the government's money to the states a lot more money you know we have to spend a lot more money for police protection and fighting for survival on this country i would like to work it
back to a subject that we were discussing a little bit earlier we discuss the relationship between the conservative party and the negroes actually the members of his panel and i had an opportunity to have a discussion of several months ago with a promise matthews who heads the organization negro and that we were somewhat astounded that he came out very forcefully and he said you know the only party which has supported us and the only party which is would really come out and give its endorsement to us military would really understands the prominent negro is the conservative party and i wondered if you could comment on this what thomas nast you is doing with his organization how it got involved in the conservative party well he's a very interesting man who's doing a great deal of good are you familiar with what he has raised capital by selling bonds no interest then he has used that capital to develop negro owned a negro directed enterprises which is train to management skills and i believe this year he's going at
about six million dollars invested funds and he hopes next year to re double that he has shown to all consent of that the talents of basically that the draws of the that the negro can be the source of his own salvation this is broad pride to thousands upon thousands of men it has also brought the programs which are developed her management skills which is something tremendously necessary and then he has set an example which is being emulated for the country odds it happened suddenly the conservative party was an investor in the original bond issue that doesn't surprise me that their he understands but the conservative party and that movement is the true friend of the negro and i think that more and more of the thinking negroes will come together towards tennis why has his message been so difficult for you to get across to the negro for example in this campaign or even a campaign to harlem and bedford stuyvesant and if you do what kind of reception do you think your state i i don't know i'll be
campaigning in those areas for the simple reason that they have gone through the least productive areas that campaigning for what's been the difficulty of the conservative party getting their message across to the black americans i mean obviously you do have some enlightened ideas on the problems which are affecting the negroes what's what's the problem with communication or i would say this on and then i'm thinking out loud now that we have instinctively know that our understanding of the dynamics of human nature with applicable to do to black as well as white as well as brown's woes yellows what we had failed to understand until very recently was that in point of fact the negroes in this country had suffered from a psychological still suffer in this psychological burden now that we understand this we can attack the problem directly and effectively of this is the existence of the problem it isn't inside of
daniel moynihan then an interesting enough follow he isn't the role he has been excoriated by the little communicate with a daring to suggest that this impediment in fact existed we understand what he's talking about and we intended to something about it mr darnell like to hear your views about a considerable yes of course i don't know if you say the problem is it is a conservative party communications i think we've probably been doing about as well in that area of the republican party i mean there are you are you i know you can respond to me and told me well mr lindsey got a quirky a substantial legal support needed in nineteen sixty five campaign and yet his campaign is all deception in that area i happen to know that it obtained through world a working coalition with some very significant organization people in the negro communities senator javits do on in the large not not not not not and anything like the
degree to which they succeeded in nineteen sixty five campaign governor rockefeller of for all of his family's history of benevolence of a very earnest and this appeal of time and time again in the area and there's general support of every liberal measure in this area still did not he wrote the basic democratic string of immigrant party has held the negro vote substantially it percent or better in all campaigned since the year first administration a new deal to beef up until nineteen thirty two it's very interesting amid the great majority of negro voters voted republican in a week they voted to a permanent alongs term stanley no gratitude to be a republican administration of lying about abraham lincoln for the emancipation of the negro community hasn't has generally generally has brought the liberal philosophy that they would be that the liberals want to do the most for them and iran and the democrats very effectively campaign for that i don't think that his standing up i have a hunch in this campaign
i grate many more negroes and people imagine now are going to vote for the republican ticket they are not they are not they are not i feel in this my soul listened to be just intuitive i just feel it is that there is a breakdown of his block voting there will not be a ninety percent vote as it has been only to the last four of five national elections were democratic ticket and i think of mr matthews dr matthew victim in a certain area and many other negroes is a mistake is as agent jim's earlier for sort of say it all negroes are poverty stricken it actually is a great deal of success and in the negro community and in fact proportionally their movement lasted six years in terms of increase the per capita income is a very very striking and there's a very substantial a professional class at evolving among the negroes i do think that despite the fact they're above the radical leaders in their house giving out this picture of terrible distress and poverty there is in fact a growing hope in the negro community and a recognition of the goodwill while the vast majority of americans
who are conservative ones was liberal minded to an american a raid a belief that the white population this country now that hadn't been hitherto does recognize that they there are there are there are things to be done there has to be some awareness of them i don't think they feel that bill despite what the leaders say that there was as much bigotry of that was apathy toward them that that apathy is is decreasing and that they are going to get recognition they are going to become part of and be involved in there and the direction is not going to be the stokely carmichael direction of the rap brown direction it's going to be a long responsible eyes of the roy wilkins all of the at which the young position although establishing a an accommodation and recognition and a full participation <unk> like to pursue something we touched upon early of this problem with the conservative party not being allowed to feel the same slate of electors it stands to revive the conclusion you'd reach which i haven't yet i think you'll see friday morning's paper in any case if you are not allowed to feel the same slate of electors it
seems likely with the rate of growth the conservative party even with a lackluster candidate for governor in nineteen sixty six where i don't think he was lackluster growth repeatedly simmons knew he was like what is a very fine man the gulf island thirteen thousand votes has been a substantial increase of close to fifty percent with each succeeding election of a conservative party it's not unreasonable to conclude that there are possibly seven hundred and fifty thousand conservative vote in new york state well if the and how does governor of a proposed to justify siphoning off seven out there as a very good question and the next election i think there is no doubt at all as we sit here tonight there's no doubt at all that he could indeed if if if that is the decision and i'm not going to say that is a decision of the republican state committee is making a decision and the electors themselves will make that decision and that
one there are the way you were great deliberate news yesterday that could be the case be the outcome of a national election could well be affected by this decision we are we have to our we discussed this with republican leaders across the state and not a single one has disputed the contention that the republican conservative and thus was required to carry the state against the democratic ticket on the democratic liberal iowa will under any circumstances you not endorse any candidate for president i know we are committed to have a slate of electors supposed to the next magnetic i give you would be willing to sacrifice a national election for this purpose or not we're not that we're not that decision as we have taken our position which is the only position that can be taken that we are that we are out to elect the next night a ticket and in fact i wouldn't be surprised if we're forced to this ultimate decision that indeed in the extraordinary protest against this on the part of republican voters are the only sensible thing to do in this was in this respect is to vote for the usually
on the conservative line since that was very disillusioned some republican leaders will have made it clear that they are not really out to give full support of the ticket of course there's the javits is made that clear stance already toward the national ticket is one of the i'll be quite vocal in nature worry as just expresses of this live sunday knew that he had no other choice but to support the ticket not exactly a ringing endorsement is on the liberal party line which is backing the democratic national ticket we are however it i still remain confident as of this hour that we will have a chance at a locked doors and it's about the idea that you can see just in some so called real political experts i've talked to this you're saying you have a real chance of winning you would be caught in this point in both the democratic and the republican party has pushed it a conservative trend pure pure victory is very possible now nineteen sixty five her brother facetiously said the
one key demand a recount the idea is that states or washington or washington but the senator javits food memory kept veering off the bubbly how much money you're spending your campaign very critical question because during the last ten cents a vote in the last week in certain expenditures for third with four thousand votes which threat we wouldn't love to have let's say and that the rage isn't good at that that's why we have five hundred thousand dollars at our disposal of the other candidates will get any boats float note we frankly are having money problems the small party as an employee always does the other candidates will be spending between the million two million each show what is the real reason behind the dream broccoli i mean now the republicans were down to wall street and a lot of money suddenly you must have a lot of sympathy among the very wealthy people in this country would seem to be the problem with giving money we have
a great deal of support for the people who are supporting us are also supporting candidates throughout the country in other words the head the conservative movement you might say has as it takes a nation of a nationwide position so that my particular candidacy is competing well with others throughout the united states and each of these potential bill moyers is taking his city for the year and divided into slices and each one assumes if somebody else is doing better so we have a hard time of communicating this also i hate to suggest that there's any cynicism and campaign giving but labor unions for example find it much more practically might say to give large sums of money to the democratic ticket war chest for example i'm sure that a lot of business giving it is in a real anticipation of a quid pro quo we are not yet in that position you were much mr booker like to thank you both for joining us tonight our guests have been as james buckley who's a conservative candidate for
united states senate and karen o doherty who is a reluctant radio television commentator one of the founders of the conservative party and our behalf of bob stockwell and david higgins this is robert morse wish you a pleasant evening engineer with fury rise as
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James Buckley and Kerin O'Doherty
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Politics invites Conservative candidate for the Senate, James L. Buckley, and Kerin O'Doherty discuss the campaign, war and welfare viewpoints of the Conservative Party with David Higgins, Bob Stikeleather and Robert Morris.
Series Description
Weekly feature devoting itself to the important times and crucial issues of the 1968 election.
Recorded at WRVR Studio A
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Asset type
Talk Show
Social Issues
Politics and Government
Public Affairs
Political campaigns; Conservative Party of New York State
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Engineer: Rothstein, Jerry
Guest: Buckley, James Lane, 1923-
Guest: O'Doherty, Kerin
Host: Morris, Robert
Host: Higgins, David
Host: Stikeleather, Robert
Producer: Summers, Marina T.
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1cb5f37414a (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:58:30
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-fca25a1f7cb (unknown)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:03:45.456
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Politics; James Buckley and Kerin O'Doherty,” 1968-09-05, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “Politics; James Buckley and Kerin O'Doherty.” 1968-09-05. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Politics; James Buckley and Kerin O'Doherty. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from