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the first letter of port to the corinthians the twelfth chapter spiritual gifts about gifts of the spirit that are some things of which i do not wish you to remain ignorant you know how in the days when you were still paid in us swept off to those dumb he's in god's however you happen to be made for this reason i must impress upon you that no one uses a curse on jesus can be speaking under the influence of the spirit of god and no one can see jesus is lord except under the influence of the holy spirit that it is of gifts but the same spirit that of ideas of service but the same ward that are many forms of work but all of them in oil man of the work of the same god in each of us the spirit is manifested in one
particular way for some useful propose one man threw the spirit has the gift of wise speech one another by the power of the same speed it can pull the deepest knowledge into words another by the same spirit as connected faith another by the one spirit gift of healing and another director responds another has the gift of prophecy and another ability to distinguish true spigots from false yet another has the gift of expected at the room so different kinds and another the ability to interpret it but all these gifts are the work of one and the same spirit distributing them separately to each individual at will for christ is like a single body with its many
limbs and organs which many as they are together make up one body for indeed we were brought into one body by baptism in the one spirit whether we're jews or greeks where this leaves all three men and their one holy spirit was poured out for all of us to drink a body is not one single organ but many suppose the food should see because i am not a hand i do not belong to the body it doesn't belong to the body nonetheless suppose the er where to see because i am not an eye i do not belong to the body it does still belong to the body as the body went all i hope put it here is the body whether or year how could it smell but infect court appointed each limb an organ to its own place in the
body as he chose if the hallway one single organ that would not be a body at all in fact however that i've made a different organs but one body the i cannot say to the hand i do not need you know they paid to the seat i do not need you quite the contrary those organs of the body which seemed to be more frail than others are indispensable and those parts of the body which we regarded as less honorable are treated with special honor to our unseemly parts is given a more than ordinary seeming us whereas i was seemly parts need no adorning but god has combined the heaviest parts of the body giving special honor to the humbler parts so that there might be no sense of division in the body but that or its organs might feel the same concern
for one another if one organ suffers they all suffer together if one flourishes me or rejoice together know you are christ's body and each of you a limb or organ of it within our community god has appointed in the first place apostles in the second place profits said lay teachers than medical workers than those who have gifts of healing on ability to help others sought power to guide them on the gift of ecstatic applicants obvious kinds arora parcels all profits or teachers do war work miracles have or gifts of healing who all speak in tongues of ecstasy going or interpret them the hyatt gifts of those you should be a man and no i will show you
the best way of all i may speak in terms of men or of angels but if i am without love i am a sounding gone on our planning simple i may have the gift of prophecy and know every hidden truth i may have faith strong enough to move mountains but if i have no love i'm nothing i'm a door open or poses or even give my body to be good but if i have to learn i'm not in the better love is patient love is kind and davies no one love is never boastful nor could see to draw rude never selfish not quick to take offense love keeps no support over arms love does not to gloat over another man's sins but delights in the truth there is nothing left cannot
face there is no limit to its faith it's hope and its insurance love will never come to an end of their profits their work will be over our veterans of ecstasy they will cease is that knowledge it will vanish away for our knowledge and our prophecy i like a partial and the partial vanishes when all this comes when i was a child my speech my old job and my thoughts were called childish when i grew up i had finished with childish things no we see will really puzzling reflections a number but then we shall see face to face my knowledge no is partial then it will be whole like god's knowledge of me in a word there are three things that last for ever
faith hope and love but the greatest of the moral issue of boot love fest but that other gifts of the spirit at which issued a morsel and above all prophecy when i'm and he's using the language of ecstasy he's talking with god not with mann for no man understands him he is no doubt inspired but he speaks mysteries on the other hand when a man prophesies he's talking to maine and his words have a palette to build they stimulate and they and coverage the language of ecstasy is good for the speaker themselves but it is prophecy that builds up a christian community i should be pleased for you or to use the tons of ecstasy but better pleased for you prophesied the prophet is worth more than the man of ecstatic speech unless indeed he can explain its meaning and so helped to
build up the community suppose my friends that when i come to you i use extended language what good shall i do you and alice what i see it contains something by way of revelation or enlightenment paul prophecy off instruction even with inanimate things that produce sounds a fruit say on a liar unless there are no smart definite the divorce how can you tell what tune is being played on again is the trumpet call is not clear who will prepare for battle in the same way if you are ecstatic utterance yields no precise meaning how can anyone tale for usaid you will be talking into the air how many different kinds of sounds that are or maybe in the world nothing is altogether some less well than if i do not
know the meaning of the sound the speaker makes his words will be gibberish to me and mind to him you i know eager for gifts of the spirit than a spy above all to rick sale in those which build up the church i say that the commando force into ecstatic art crimes should pray for the ability to interpret if i use such language and my prayer the spirit in the praise but my intimate lies travel what they mean i will create as i am inspired great but i would also pray intelligently i will sing hymns as arum inspired to sing but i will sing intended simply too suppose you're praising god in the language of inspiration how the lead man who is present be able to say amen to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you're saying your prayer of thanksgiving maybe or that
could be desired but it is no help to the other man thank god i am more gifted in ecstatic veterans than any of you but in the congregation i would rather speak five intelligible words for the benefit of others as well as myself that thousands of words in the language of ecstasy but not the childish my friends be as innocent of evil as babes but at least be grown up in your thinking we read in the more i will speak to this nation's to manage strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners and even soul they will not feed me says the lord clearly than these strange tongues and not intended as a sign for believers but what i don't believe it's where's prophecy is designed not for mtv this but for those who hold the faith so if your congregation has assembled and you're using the
strange times of ecstasy and some and instructed persons on i believe i should add that we may not think you are mad but before entering prophecies the visitor winnie enters hears from everyone something that searches his conscience and brings conviction and the secrets of his heart under the beer so you will slow down and worship god crying god is certainly among you to sum up my friends when you meet for worship each of you contributes in some instruction of revelation an ecstatic veterans or the interpretation of such an utterance or were these must emerge one thing to build up the church if it is a matter of ecstatic art rooms only to shoot speak or at most three one at a time and someone must interpret if that is no interpreter the speaker had better not address the
meeting at all but speak to himself and to god all the profits to wall street they speak while the arrest exercise that judgment upon what you're saying if someone else sitting in his place receives a revelation let the first speaker stop you can or profits i wanted a time so the torah congregation may receive instruction and encouragement it is for profits to control prophetic inspiration for the god who inspires them is not a god of disorder but of peace as in or congregations of god's people woman should not address the meeting they have no license to speak but should keep the place as the law directs if there is something they want to know they can ask their own husbands of hold it is a shocking thing that a woman should
address the congregation did the word of god originate with you or are you the only people who hold that came in any one claims to be inspired or a profit they didn't recognize that what i am great and he does not recognize this he himself should not be recognized in short my friends be eager to prophesied do not forbid extent to cut the rooms but little or be done decently and in order the reading concluded at the fortieth vests off the fourteen chapter of the first letter of coal to the corinthians
The New English Bible
Episode Number
1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14:40
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2ebb674f286 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:15:24
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 62; 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14:40,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 62; 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14:40.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 62; 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14:40. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from