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     Luke 23:26-"great joy and spent all their time in the temple praising
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the gospel according to local chapter twenty three vets twenty six the final conflict as they led him away to execution and they seized upon a man called simon from saturday on his way in from the country folk a cross on his back and made him will behind jesus carrying a great numbers of people followed many women among them who mourned and lamented over him jesus tend to the months and daughters of jerusalem do not weep for me no week for yourselves and your children for the days are surely coming when they will say happy of the bottom the warms that never wore a child the breasts that never fit one then they will start saying to the mountains
for naps and videos cover ups what if these things and then when the wound is green what will happen when it is dry there were two others with him criminals who were being led away to execution and when they reached the place called the skull they crucified him there and the criminals with him once on his right and the other one is made of jesus said father forgive them they do not know what they're doing they divided his close among them bypassed in morgues the people still looking on and their owners gear and get him he saved others know let him save himself if this is god's anointed his chosen the soldiers
joined in the market and came forward offering him their solar wind if you are the king of the jews they said save yourself there was an inscription above his head which ran this is the king of the jews one of the criminals who hung there with him taunted him i'm not you the messiah save yourself from the us but the other day and said shapley have you know fear of god you and of the same sentence as he taught us it is plain justice we are paying the price for our misdeeds but this man has done nothing wrong and he said jesus remember me when you come into your throne he answered i tell you this today you should be when the end potter guys i know it was about
midday and there came about this over the more land which lasted until three in the afternoon the sun was in eclipse and the curtain of the tempo was torn in two then jesus gave a load cry and said father into my hands i commit my spirit and with these words he died listen to him so it all and gave praise to go on beyond or dont he said this man was innocent the crowed who had assembled for the spectacle when they saw what had happened went home became that interests his frames have all been standing at a distance the women who had accompanied him from galilee stood with them and watched it all now there was a man called joseph a
member of the council of grew up right man who had descended from that policy and the action they had taken he came from the jewish down the vitamin c and it was one know look forward to the kingdom of god this man no approach private and i asked for the body of jesus taking it down from the cross he wrapped it in a minute she'd and made it in a tomb cut out of the role in which no one had been made before it was a friday at the sabbath was about to begin the woman who had accompanied him from devon lead followed they don't know all of the dome and observed how his body was made then they went home and prepare and spices and perfumes and on the sabbath they arrested in allegiance to the coal mine
but on the sunday morning very manly they came to the tomb bringing the spices they had prepared finding that the storms have been rolled away from the tomb they went inside but the body was not to be found while they screwed up every across all of a sudden two man in dazzling drama elsewhere at their site they were terrified and stood with eyes cast down but the main stage why search among the date for what lucas remember what he told you while you were still in galilee about the son of man how he must be given up into the pollen off simple man and be crucified and must rise again on within the man they record his words and returning from the tomb been reported although still eleven and all the others the women wear many of mandela joanna
and many of the mother of james and the with the other woman told the apostles but the story appeared to them to be nonsense and they would not believe them that same day two of them one on their way to a village called igneous which laid about seven miles from jerusalem and they were talking to gavin about all these happenings as they talk and discussed it with one another jesus himself came up and walked along with them but something held that eyes from seeing who it was he asked them what is it you're debating as you will they orbited their faces fool of gloom and one called cleo press and said are you the only person sitting in jerusalem not to know what
happened there in the last few days when you mean he said all this about jesus of nazareth and applied a profit powerful in speech and action before god and all people oh archie priests and rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and crucified him that we had been hoping that he was the man to eliminate israel what is more this is the third day since it happened i know some women of our company have astounded us they wind damage to the top but failed to find his body and return with a story that they had seen a vision of angels who told them he was alive so some of our people went to the tomb and phone things just as the woman and said let him they did not see i'll go you are beyond said host lol to
believe all the profits in was the messiah or not bound to suffer last before entering upon his glory then he began with moses and all the prophets and explain to them the passages which referred to himself in every part of the scriptures by this time they had reached the village to which they were going and he made as if to continue his journey but they pressed him stay with us for evening draws on and the day is almost over so you went in to stay with them and when he had sat down with them at table he took bread and saved the blessing he broke the brain and often ended two of them then that eyes wide open and they recognized him and the vanished from their site they said
to one another did we not feel our hearts stop fires we talked with us on the road and explain the scriptures to us without a moment's delay they said don't and returned to jerusalem there they found that the level and the rest of the company had assembled ad was saying it is true though are preservers and he has appeared to simon then they gave an account of the events of that judgment and told how he had been recognized by them at the breaking of the bread as they were talking about all this there he was standing among them sprout and terrified they sort that we're seeing a ghost but he said why are you so perturbed why do questioning his own rise in your mind's look at my hands and feet it is
i myself ted schmidt and see your ghost has freshened wolves as you can see the dire they were still unconvinced still wondering what it seemed too good to be true so you ask them have you anything here to eat they offered him a piece of fish they have coped which he talked and eight before their eyes and he said to them this is what i meant by saying when i was still with you that everything written about me in the mall of moses' and in the preface i'm sam's going to be fulfilled many opened their minds to understand the scriptures this he said is what is written that the messiah is to suffer death and that rise from
the dead on the third date and that in his name repentance bringing the forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed talk all nations begin from jerusalem it is you were the witnesses to all this mr place i am standing upon you my father's promise get so stay here in the city until you are armed with the power from above than he led the moment as far as a big fog and blessed them with uplifted hands and in the act of blessing he parted from them and they returned to jerusalem with great joy and spend or retiring in the tempo praising god
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Luke 23:26-"great joy and spent all their time in the temple praising God"
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Luke.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-43e99fe1a9f (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:13:35
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 35; Luke 23:26-"great joy and spent all their time in the temple praising God" ,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 35; Luke 23:26-"great joy and spent all their time in the temple praising God" .” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 35; Luke 23:26-"great joy and spent all their time in the temple praising God" . Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from