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we invite you to listen to a prayer by larry amerson caused tick minister emeritus all the riverside church in the city of new york eternal spirit well of living water harvest field from which comes the breath of life we bring to the all or so thanks for a needy radiant and cast all lead and pensions good we have to live by a temporal bread alone we had not sought the deep beneath the knees which earthly things can satisfy is the hunger which gollum own cabs me and i'm just not willing to surrender and receptivity that too was made freely com the insight and wisdom and the grace and power without which no man can fully lit we pray for a courageous free our fathers
walk through days of two lot when the future was on sugar so while we there was a creative faith such the bodies buried in us brooding over chaos may bring order out of it grant us inward resources of spiritual power that we maybe not submerged in difficulty but they rise above the piece appeared to it and carry off a spiritual triumph in the face of makeup awesome radiance victorious personalities but shall come and to all the world the ferry we brought first we prefer vision c hall the blind lead the blind and fall into the ditch raise up for this people we beseech thee leaders who shall see a little wary eye ahead i know what our people ought to do in our personal
a state grant us insight that shall make plain or the path before us until problems grow less complex and due to this more clear we have come to be lyle source of light that we might be children of the light and not walk in darkness therefore grand vision device servants in her eyes we pray for eternal allies around our daily duties we grow up says with difficulties and costs nearly ten until our perspectives because narrow and our whole rise and shot a scene dwarf our own upon the bleak heroes that so rollins song solo just today for horses and chariots of
fire expand our sympathy overflow our dogs increase our faith lift us to such an hour to do but we may go far from this place new man and new women in a new world we ask before nor saw comfort we request of the nightlife made easy but in word fortification host actually we prefer the laws in perplexity over there practical estate we cannot live by bread alone but we cannot live without we're not for ourselves on a for our families and friends the human need these climbers ken stahl measure our agony opened the free channels of goodwill among those people
touch our generosity until like a fountain which overflow granted even as we pray for those hurt by january we may have the imagination to see that undone selfishness to assist them we beseech thee also for those hard pressed by marlo temptation or got the upward path is very steep for human feat it is easier to go beyond the underarm sarongs songs written by presidents here with by protective care remind us in time but it is easier to prevent even a land to recover from save us from this song really are long so challenge us with the need of the world that we made contribute to it at least one good life
adventures for righteousness soul when priscilla want in family perplexity in a secret location in earnest desire for inviting the miners we commit ourselves to the in the spirit of christ you are listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson caused minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york it's been we invite you to listen to a prayer by larry amerson cause dick minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york dr bostic
eternal spirit tune the heaven heaven's cannot contain much less of these temples which our hands have voted on to that list in the humble and kahn tried hard we were assured they from the violence of the world in the turmoil and confusion of our busy lives we turn to the ford hour of quiet for meditation prayer that roiled waters of our lives settle after the rapids and waterfalls of another week grant our spirits of tranquil and then send us all you know fresh direction and on a better course i worked the mystery of life is very deep we cannot fathom it the explanation of his vast and varied your neighbors does not lie within the comprehension of our might today we break on wait for
lights or not the wildlife grantors that lead us in bursts of righteousness for binding say give us the eyes of faith that can see the way despite life's mysteries and the world's discordant noises that and left us about the immediate and set our lives and the wider horizons of obliging verities our eyes grown too accustomed to my hands onto innocent same to the world tomorrow and disorder today remind us of the goodness that he's here of the beauty that our eyes have seen in nature and in human life a friendliness that has been visited upon us love that has sustained us character that has undergirded us and of my goodness that has been
beijing winters did they put christ in our remembrance and those strong and radiant lives who have followed in his step oh wait and gratitude in the hearts of some of us who have forgotten to give thanks and the wrong the evil that depresses us throw great memories and why won't re center our lives around faith instead of fear bossy is the justification of our great public faith in the center last all and only camper of fear so that some of us who came in trouble with dark foreboding my god was strong conviction review and faith restored and hard to overcome center our thought not around our strength but why
are strangers but little alone and unaided we cannot handle even our own lived well mark and we'd get ourselves against the last eu of hospital circumstance only revive our innocent through is can we be adequate if we could be strengthened with my wife my spirit in the inner man then we should be strong indeed using even the ills of like to create finer character and a better word so combat outpost was one by one and ministered to waller db need of the we lay before the with solemn intercession sorry a state of our world today it's violence and uproarious trust enforce its madness of war our guard when cho are icy settled peace again when shell the morning be
glad as the sun rises in the evening the simple i'm sure the guarantee no more laden with threatened battle in death beyond our power to see the possibilities we pray for peace and just been on his piece that will give the world a lasting home of brotherhood past although there are barricades that we are recognized by coming in without press spirit of the living god the one law the secret doors in each of us that there may be evolving always good way in comfort our sorrow strengthen us where we are we study our spirit and send us far from this place to walk more worthy of the hive location where we have we have been called in crisis especially they help many who are in such
dire need that we must pray for them because they can operate for themselves forgiveness in our sustenance currently in danger so right now they are under strain strength to do what we ought to do and to stand but we must endure forethought blessings week break so that i refreshed menthol in benediction on songs spirits here and bring them all or to war over com the word in the spirit of crisis we pray amen you have been listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson plastic minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york we invite you to listen to a
prayer by teri ellison plastic minister emeritus all the riverside church in the city of new york dr bostic eternal spirit that just grace to worship the inspiring guy and in truth la hassle made us that the glory of our lives is not doing things below us that we master but in the divide about us that masters us we are elevated by our aberrations we are enraged by our reverence grant us an hour of such spiritual well made aware of eternal realities captured by a vision of the christ like polite lifted out of our little miss by dedication to abiding values and divide every last thing for kansas from our review our only eco tourism are indifferent apathy armina
ambitions are simple us that we may be ready for this a transforming experience dishonesty in confronting him confessing are saying sincerity and making restitution where we have wronged others humility in seeking by forgiveness and resolution <unk> grace and how to amend our life weil sie ist das a generation victorious over the hazards of war but frustrated and confused by the problems of peace from a dismaying world we come in to buy sanctuary here we pray for our spiritual insight but for hartz we may see a fresh and alive which event this darkness has not been able to put on for the heritage of the christian gospel for all the
saints soon from their neighbors writes for the noble succession of the sears and profits for christ by saddam was not easy for living friends who renew our faith in goodness and beauty integrity and low and for the local because of whom are human life is not are drifting wrath what a ship with a coarse accomplice a captain and the destination we thank thee marr show within us in these momentous times such resources of the spirit that we may be able to withstand in vivo day and having done all the stand minister to our intimate personally spirit of the living god walk through this congregation all
and be either help and comfort the inspiration and sustenance of our soul in temptation in illness and disappointment and depression in defeat when we are tempted to give up and in success when we are tempted to be brought or god restore our soul maybe hear my voice speaking to each of us reassuring us challenging us something else to dedicated and victorious living especially made ice summons be heard by some wavering and uncertain so who standing at the crossroads of right and role of christ and anti christ cannot make up his mind well carl who has given us this mysterious power of initiative a choice serve our songs on heights things and in
this dangerous generation when for ourselves and our civilization we must choose life are a blessing or other priests read us grace want by one in sport of consequence to choose for our devotion things worth living for and if need be worth dying for four our nation we pray but it may not permit the world of confusion for all efforts to create an ordered and peaceful human family are petition drive for our own six or our children's sake and for christ sake that he may see fulfill the faith and the hope for which you've done and for thy church universal the prairie wind up her descent toward fellowship and large
herd faltered sense of mission and the outreach of her service that she may so proclaim and practice the gospel of vice and the fighting domain column and i will be done on are hearing all of the unspoken pryor's the rise in violence from the deeds of our heart and of those movies that can find no voice save for a nine year low minister according to the riches of tight race in christ jesus are more common you have been listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson plastic minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york we invite you to
listen to a prayer by larry amerson caustic minister emeritus all the riverside church in the city of new york dr bostic oh god from whom come all good things in mandarin made sure we would sensitive they opened our spirits to be this all bard never far from anyone of us and yet in this provision of thy worship we would more internet they find the and the fall about the infiniti a grace and goodness and that the sopping to a new faith in the end a new vision all play for dan bowers combine questions arise concerning the and strong in the beauty of nature its cemetery and order hamann and color that we see the virtues of human life i've always felt too to integrity and honor courage and good will that we see the
achievements of man's mind and character the truth that science see beauty that art creates the goodness that high minded man who would gain that we see the victories of righteousness where whites has risen out of darkness and love has approved stronger than hate that we see oh god from who was a great reservoir of good as the streams flow make us more certain about the pungent odor dave me to shall say the heart is a strength of my life our home shall i be afraid in this face lift us up into a new curry policy as bart bailey need a forty two tower save us from soft optimism let not sentimentality the godless save us from saying peace peace when there is no peace and maybe never
tried to heal be diseases with easy words give us our mistake to face hard facts and yet when it all give us courage we beseech thee bossy is pretty varied needs by children see my face or volatile just lead us in the solitariness of all rome so when the ice still small voice deal with us one by one if we have the same read us the grace of sincere and the times and renunciation unplanned sauce with bipartisan if we are angry comfort us with the steadfastness of livestrong foundation saunders but the store may not be just bow if we are in anxiety clarify our vision and direct our
steps on the snarls some tangle of life in this company we beseech thee if we're pro homeless if we had been humiliated lift us are and so where did send us all the soldiers of the common good keep us from south asia living in a dangerous time but cannot survive his fall is without public mindedness the ensemble year thy hand of high commission maybe ladies' day oh god in a tie and the cries for leadership that leaders right especially to some young man or woman whose eyes being thrashed of the world can see andrew's mind and heart these sensitive divine approach can feel the need of this time and the way all made by commission
so bring order out of the chaos of our confused thinking and living and that practical problems very complicated amid questions of right and wrong very few my children cry for a little guy were to be alone onto our feet and don't like them to arm and a somber but spiritual has sought by sanctuary see plainly the right role for his feet to take because law has broad order out of the confusion of our inner lives for the us to be better servants of line in bringing order to this bewildered work for the wisdom courage and sympathy which mankind deepening needs we pray send us all empowered foreign ministry help us
to bring sanity into the madness of these were made a touch of christ about our spirits make us wise enough to make the world a little wiser strengthen us to bring new courage that those whose wise move mayor r o n on comparable afraid that despite the bewilderment all this present time love can conquer hate he's writing his triumphant over will justice to more powerful than greed and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our lord and all his crimes so right that i was by many batters we have come to this place of prayer and by god so various goforth not only by all seeing eye countries are divergent waves coming indeed we make growing strength of the praise of the name of the
crisis on me you have been listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson plastic minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york we invite you to listen to a prayer by larry amerson cause dick minister emeritus all the riverside church in the city of new york eternal god be for whom senators cannot stand we can humbly into by presidents all the turbulence of the world our hearts disquieted by ads confusion our lives contaminated by insane we come to the us
on our own insight and climbs grant just grazed to be honest with our so sensitive toward our neighbors reverent party we cannot come to worship be without bringing our brother with his father of autumn and when i said that we cannot allow the unless we love our brother also we would come bringing him with us in our hearts compassion and goodwill before we seek forgiveness help us to be forgiving before we ask for mercy bus to be merciful fate from our hearts the hidden grudge the cigarette vindictiveness the lurking give us are catholic and inclusive spirit of sympathy and understanding from all the bigotry in prejudice of race and class and deliverance teach us what it
means to carry even for those who despite their users and so by being in love maybe a windy indy but we come with our brother in our sympathy and nonetheless lousy as paolo we are we come from the world where man look on the outward appearance to be who does look upon the heart we ourselves hardly know the secret motives of our own lives we are so busy in the world but we seldom need are so face to face oh god seek us open all in the n word and trodden recesses of our show when we confront our see very strong all our profile this plantation we are solitary and when death comes we die
alone and yet another companion list immerse ourselves bring comfort and forty two deep well from which the living waters rise being with us today we bring before they are anxious concern for the evils of the world we lift up all nations and our prayer those who we called enemies and those whom we called frank macias tiles swift and in that us our judgments are weakened and song we wish well to others how can we do other well and yet here in thy sanctuary may we remember the last turtle rhizomes and perspectives of by grace rossi is still far from causes of our human tragedy deep within us all balm know it's the sense of the caustic ball who are no respect for a person's
terrorist for the victims of man's inhumanity among all people the tyranny and injustice invite purpose than the welfare of all nations and the fraternity of man can spirit of the fighters keep us from hopelessness and disillusioned grant us the courage of our fathers who in desperate days were on this date and in the face of many adversaries did not lose their faith brought close to lenny in special trouble here some are you or are burden for their sick at home some have a play date their getaway on their heart's wide buried in the scent of her son stand with their backs against the wall in desperate temptation almost overwhelmed spirit of god made by saving grace come to
some sought solace the day and strength is here talents on you borrowers and dedicated widely thought goods to live by church anti world to a better day lay dying and on the best in us and devoted to viking the most common we pray in the spirit of crime on me you have been listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson foster minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york it is both we invite you to listen to a prayer by larry amerson caustic minister emeritus all the riverside church in the city of new york the
prospect of eternal spirit so high above us that we cannot comprehend the and yet so deep within us that we cannot escape the bank myself real it was not in a shaken world we seek stability in a noisy world we need to enter peace in a terrible world we want to create in a world of rising and falling and borrowers we crave a vision of mine eternal kingdom who sun never set seeger thought everyone in the special circumstances and needs that each sold faces young adult become the mary hearted and the bereaved families together here and solitary souls will lay and far from home some of us attempted to be broad of the world's
prices and some crestfallen because of failure some strong in body and others driving to keep the word's ring while the awkward marriage or song of our health plans during the joyous like the sun indeed and cheyenne this morning into every window while the artist convert the scandal also within our sincere and it led some austere word of righteousness be spoken to our conscience is today save us from our legal excuses are cheap defences all are on where they sell dc it was grace to be honest with ourselves but we may right to a judge are dealing with personality podcast entrusted to us with the friends and family that surround us with the
opportunities far has put before us and where the stewardship committed to us we'd pray for the peace of the world he stayed even or forces that withstand goodwill and lay the film does which will explore another war for wisdom to see peace and pursue it for faith and character to you was a right the bar man has in his aunt were the hand we pray but that and our intersections rise for the united nations for all conference is seeking disarmament and peace for our nation and its president of all who influenced policy and for us the whole body of the people that mean i drove worthy of the stewardship of opportunity entrusted to us with and forget with burdened hearts we
brave provide church across the dividing lines of man's bitterness today keep our fellowship real and fight the dollar and i'm marci the crew indignities but in many lands persecutors say deny or liberties destroy her sanctuary and even refused to her the training the children of her own household and here where we have the liberty to maintain her strength we're our children and her underage see the fresh to understand her gospel and made real to the hands of the year the salvation that is in jesus christ arnold they missed church we beseech thee o loyal servant of geico but the
ministers will layman only women of this congregation grand vision and dedication wisdom generosity and devotion but we hear the company of christ disciples may exhibit is buried further in his work and the faithful servants of his game now may lie spirit touch us all with some healing wisdom and strength campbell are free review art infidelities made sensitive our conscience to dedicate our strength fortify us in our trials and send us armstrong in the lord and in the power of his mind in the name of progress we pray amen you have been listening to a recorded where by hilary emerson foster
minister emeritus of the riverside church in the city of new york and it's
Fosdick Prayers #38-43, Reel 6
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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A compilation of prayers.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3e53fa60a7f (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Fosdick Prayers #38-43, Reel 6,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Fosdick Prayers #38-43, Reel 6.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Fosdick Prayers #38-43, Reel 6. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from