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     George Lincoln Rockwell, International Commander of the World Union of
    National Socialists
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i am honored i think that you know you know there's no right buttons to reno appeared in any way advocate i'm here to prevent the best of my ability fact and it is what's changed me from an ordinary human at a point when i'm not promised then before you as the national socialist and i want it felt inside tonight into the facts which gave you my kitchen which i believe you've been denied which got me to make that change now i maintain ladies and gentlemen will prosper by speech tonight will be that you cannot have an educated opinion you cannot manage the affairs of a so called amok see unless you are given all that if you are denied some of that or a kickback or twisted or misrepresented then you cannot possibly die anymore than inebriated if you deprive him of the information of his latin want to do the speed of the ship and so you have got to let people know the facts of the matter before the content correctly and i maintain that most people who are liberal and i am probably a
sincere dedicated and sincere people in an academic community are liberal the reason is because the fact that they are given leave them the idea of putting it down maintain as i've said is that you are deprived of that your mind work in many ways like a computer you are not exactly like the computer but your mind work like a computer in that respect if you came into a computer polls information you know you're not going to get good information solutions out if you legalize into a computer you don't live in portland to make about it you neglect to put information into a computer you get about it your mind what the same way if they have some way of keeping our new knowledge with you must know you cannot make that decision now i had said it
was at all a packaging b leah nazi movement on the well i can present a few of the most shocking and it is milo and they might very well in spite of all of prejudging in spite of all the education as they call it was big when i show you some of these facts i think you will have the same experience that others to look at other colleges some of you will have the guts and the integrity to go at least and check and find out whether these things exist whether what i say they are they are you will begin to change your judgments i mean let me say this i am going to the business they say oh i give away with a piece of paper that we know what it says not only thing i caught that say this to you i'm going to refer to you not really
i will read portions of the menu and saying forget the entire back before i made this week that would require senate the backwards to the committee they've seen them all and i threw a jewish audience here i am lying about any of these documents that they don't exist at all the documents and martin luther king and the naacp is back now ladies and gentlemen the first black women are showing you is by a man up an impeachable credentials a man i'm sure you cannot say is that they get a lot more than in all of them i mention my lip and it would do what he says you will find extremely shocking document right here it reduced it's a full page newspaper article is winston churchill if pictures are i'm one of the people going
to you know what i mean western georgia with this article on tv the day i got out of the library of times the new iea nineteen twenty illustrated london sunday you know climate maybe copy which i reproduce this copy here it's called zionism <unk> a struggle for the soul of the jewish people and winston churchill in his article says the jews are being brought have one resides in happen and why the communists and he suggest that you're always either but he does say something that i want to listen to the discusses the russian revolution of overview of the biggest areas i get that power anyway i mean when you review a power mat in which winston churchill was discussing discusses his eye makeup the communists and the jews in your twenties as international jew in violent opposition to wallace jewish
rise the schemes of the international to the ignorance of this industry confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations are countries where they do the prosecutor avocado race for second debate of the sorbonne and the bottom of my ritual to the next world this moment about communism this moment along the dude is not knew from the days of sephardic of life how the lows of columbine and it required that we call mock record review it the loads of problems and that the facts be undone i think very few of you know that really would be liam feinstein not that the tragedy and write about going hungry or overlook the road in germany and emma going in the united states this civilization and development i'm envious of malevolence an impossible inequality has
been steadily growing the wages among anonymous in a way we shall are definitely recognizable pipe and the tragedy of the french revolution it has been the mainspring apparently subversive moment in the nineteenth century palace in charge and telling you about the russian revolution and i just kind of extraordinary personality from the underworld of the great cities of europe in america by day and have become practically the undisputed masters of this enormous empire are you jewish war veterans who disapprove of churchill didn't say that or you just program it's read it or you just didn't grow that the russian revolution was in their russian about whether that was infused with writing an opera you are not required to go to the classroom
now you could probably a new era of winston churchill said it's an nbc show that you must ask yourself how can you haven't been telling us why you not to notice this guy yelling in our knowledge of the up by yelling at have been done long ago i'm just telling you then again this gunman omar but there are furious and backwards i got from the united states and from the united states are about archives in washington dc ceo of the ceo of united states they say were weapons in the valley once again abides a bit about these documents you just got me put me out of business this is a public statement this is only you just going to double up and let the jewish war veterans at this is voting
block remember i will send you a copy of it is if you actually rejected see whether this is on the level it's gotten from the united states government that would be for the region and he has a report on the intelligence section the united states i mean in the united states army in the present united states during the russian revolution about the nature of the russian government uses a table made up in april it at at that time it was reality according to armenians this is the domino after night comes another report in the same last year he says it it probably try to save lives wildly in the united states but the movement is in had been made up since its beginning and by then controlled by russian jews at the greasy is right
that's a fact at gemini these these documents where i first saw these things myself i couldn't believe that much of a public outcry possibly not heard this from a white history professor from preferred to be kept in the velocity of what was a major how come i didn't know about that but i'm with somebody for my life so i started studying reviewing documents i went to the san diego library and got the universal jewish encyclopedia less than a week here in the library and look up the russian revolution and you will find the huge basket that they don't decide advantage because this is for them to read silicon valley job interview you're not supposed to know about and i made at lsu you know unless you do know what communism is coming from in you willing to talk about it you'll never be able to do it when you like it or not i really
like i mean we don't like it you know the joy of people are behind it and once you understand that then you can deal realistically with it when you like it or not only the other until you do not want to do you can talk about it you're deprived of information on the point something out there you know in the cia you have freedom of speech you can criticize anybody want to accept the communists i'm eleven thank you know ubiquitous on anybody want to accept that role in united states are not even criticize irishman thank you just want to say you know i think the beautiful as a try you'll recall many see my tibia subjected to terrorism what the kids that have invited well until you're going today
i have been all over the country now three years ago the police officers the first time when i am i was alive in three d so this oddly an oppressor come from the jewish war veterans always jewish groups way about the communists what's going on i maintain that there's nobody has to write that you want you can hear what you get here i believe in freedom of speech where you believe me a live set up in the cargo i know this and i regretted it was not only wrong but it was really if you do it will sound like a man there's nothing they're going to go more popular than ever because you're you let me
tell you what this is from the anti defamation league of the navy but the publishers against and that is that they would anybody want to challenge a sense when you knew about a copy of our review of that you sent warning you later years obama reviews an excerpt and show you audie you've operate so you get right out what's going on listen to this scholars and sons have just published a book by madison grant and vinyl the conquest of a cop is extremely antagonistic to jewish leaders and besides the book by the way at no time or is it due to reset the white man is the master race and created a murder and you don't want to write about that again that out was what to do about a somberly about six words in an accent or seven words you think what these words mean and what they've done here is the beginning of this live that
we are interested in spy calling the sale of this book and they have you can hear the fire they dont burn it because then you know about the live quietly you their business and i'm not about to deny that their business he says they can live without any business they get control and they simply say the booksellers if you sell any book that we don't like you're getting more books so you can't buy books that they don't like and i maintain that strong i quote i read the book maybe the work in the world but don't you think you should be able to decide that you're so you think the jewish war veterans and the anti defamation league to be a get together and say you will not remind you or him speak because you've taken a small problem i would do everything to shut him up this is the sort of thing i maintain it be nice you information you
say as he said about what somebody else said he said you won't be able to hear what i have to say you won't be able to judge for yourself i don't think are so stupid that you can't judge you have ever went to jewish war veterans tell you what about like what you're not gonna like this is what the whole thrust of my speeches a huge latino denied information but you like being told what she will likely what you will not like any case you read about a case you say on there that they use plain old fashioned version anybody thinks that they'd all try doing what i do and don't use up get up and give a so called anti semitic speech not talking about it and if you get a novelist ronan it that hope you'll find yourself with a bloody know you just simply haven't applied do you when you have a cat reportedly make up they got it when they won't deny
what you say they just say we're going to shut you up i don't think that american need people quite know about it and they don't want the communists they want and economists unit that doesn't know what they're doing and i don't know what i have to show who i'd like to kill one more documented is what i want to get this is about being put out by the american jewish committee it's a critique not the publication and they sent him to the editors and publishers of america again if you don't believe me you're welcome to get a copy of this charming jewish documents it's called sinking below the new techniques or bjork lincoln rockwell in its pages a good idea should have you know i have to say this has no idea when rockwell never reviewed fact just point out why that's the subject of this whole book there's a growing we're not allowed to say anything you can call him names out eminem and nominate never argue with that because we pay recently a beauty queen
they have not actually got a ladies and gentleman this as a result of the situation in his country which has caused me to become a national socialist and while union measures so that we get you all a while and were doing pretty good by the way too is in germany everywhere we want people getting it right here this is supposed to be a majority government not a government by one seminar even say if you don't go the way we do we're going to donate the streets demonstrations earlier this government is about the only damage it wants to go but in a less government goes away the monotony of the loudest and the brassy as says it worth going unilateral out in class human it is they get that way and it got to the point where how many of you people have the note anymore what you say in italian or like or an irishman i
may have no because they were to when i was in college we say a nice jewish boy you never say to fresh air you don't maybe realize and that's one of the reasons well any of you think that the un and describe what is it going to say just try when you leave here with you believe it or not the avenue q and so you know i think that was like i think i think we've got about something then you see what happens to a lot of people say on a commune but send what the attacks as if they cut a fire on the students are colliding head back again and go up a school so what like when the professor vivian actually leave you try this centuries old ladies and gentlemen is this climate of terrorism against in it any idea of against the fact that there is not equality among the races are any id information about the
juice than if you mention anything about the race is not being equal or that the jews might be mixed up and communism were behind race mixing if you talk about those things you are silent and i don't think that's right maybe i'm wrong i'm like you know they might be it and nobody ever get me a quick one hour in rap like they made it and i want to call me as long as i think i am i am i am acquainted but not one has got the guts to stand up in public and the baby and say no you're back to one with rocco has never and six years is at a crowded were one of the people do they say they will either on the spaceship landed one and they're gonna debate next week and the next week they're gone on a vacation you can find a these people have an argument to spend why they have know that i do and then to blame them as long as i have a document battles a box full of them
i'm going to believe the facts and not somebody screaming at your country you know this has three zelda ladies yemen as the deprivation if you're suffering of the lack of no lack of the facts as resulted in what they call evolution i know when you look at yemen the fact that your goal at the oregon free negroes and white people is that one of the negro is a white man what about it if that's true then we have no business discriminating one that we should maybe we should mix with and there should be absolutely no discrimination if there is a difference on the columns and then we wondered what that they do and if you try to point out that there are different psychological differences a living color of the skin then you in trouble curated your nazi europe that europe at a bakery all of these are names nobody discusses the fact there's plenty of bags to prove exactly what the neighbors are on the bubble and tonight a big lead that they better get you going in a time of it was a very well
reviewed name calling the result is that this liberalism is when throughout our country and i don't blame those who believe it because the banks give you no choice if the factories they say they argue they're wonderfully growth or even better than we are mixed judo along the country we might as well for us why president we had that we got on our country were to stop it but that isn't the back and what's happened lady together when the roman empire kind of similarly i'm only a dictator what latin america is not the whole country but it is the plane it's getting rotten right right would be on prominent i have one of the communist yet on friday i talk about my land and went to jail for doing the communist trade with growing and what about white house when i'm playing i went to jail you know yelling why was eli happy that we got into war to anybody going to allow the gap widen it flagged either strangled and so were the reason the
bottom a cop who helped with the day we have no idea right now and nobody really got it to the vfw that without them something the american legion the gun purchase it they will do it instead the american legion prices resolution saying i mixed up with a communist do with war veteran finally figured out you're right so you are preventing genocide that's an upcoming cup of the republic of the united states by nineteen seventy two weeks is your liberal the fight to become too liberal it through we're going to surround what anything that absolutely anything know and nobody will do anything about it and this is why someone via the open minded made of foam ear they got little bit put out when its only time it's being i couldn't
speak they didn't agree with me but that book may give me my like this big event the kind of thing that i did that one in it because i got sick and tired of seeing people aren't and nobody knowing anything about it everybody was really you know that you know i was a conservative theory everybody would whisper about the movie although people did so poor alike think that's hypocrisy in cardiff if you're a conservative and you know a computer billing on the people are disgusted and the opportunity to lobby it by that about him so i did something about it and i'm trying to create the vigor and the strike to stop a bk interrupt that happening in america now the reason that america is the game is getting rotten in gaza were all in good whiskey i'll people it is because we are being purposefully rapidly the solano is being routed out why it has been at that point that you wanna look you apply to be consciously a cup of return right let me
take a few examples with a pot culture i majored in philosophy and i won first prize the united states in nineteen forty eight a commercial lot ok jerry archive of american cancer society so until something we're talking about are not and when i was studying i tried to make me draw this crazy stuff through war paintings and so forth and i just couldn't see that look crazy and eight and look at other people but they would've made it says wheaton so i wouldn't know when i'd be good time and money i began to wonder years maybe i didn't change well the guy that they say is picasso and it was i thought it was a spaniard and it was the coming of the court but the nudity body did that
then i found out early on now and the next thing i began to examine was it's really partly about seven years ago the gangs in australia took the australian army manual political analyst you know they took every seven for a word of a prominent lately mcgowan white person and one of it is that it it was acquired by this then they take at the pratt institute was twenty nine page response or a link to the un to study spoke at the
museum of modern art and you're going to the museum of modern art and here is this then a podium and they like this why is that maybe you know the magazine and the quality of the law about the room with his name in all the bottom a the man ladies and gentleman it's bad enough that they're doing is to walk onto what they're doing is destroying in awe i know something about what they're going to have based
on order and discipline what they think they can probably would call a discipline that this one of this and that there's not this was concerns about freedom it's time to say we won among the crowd audibly and if they don't as i say to get back at the event which everybody around and they're the name of law in the country and a big opening iran analyst ray to birmingham and what they're doing ladies and gentlemen they are purposefully the striding the key thing is order without water there is no society that or you know i just had a rally upset about three weeks ago i have a permit i had every right to be there and the police told me when i went to go down there that there were three thousand longshoremen from another bust me up so i say well i only got twenty six guys maybe i'm simply to the nation's most desirable we won't have any
so as usual i went down in a way with my twenty six guys and sure enough there were no policemen shot a longshoreman in the bleep nixon the grunion the bearded bomb the volcanic with everything they had set and we spin a thousand miles was this creamy and i knew about not well your second lesson but when his second so what's really amazed by throwing up everything else finally acted at that so there's two traffic cop showed up in private kind of just wasted not totally legal that we should do this i should be followed later went back and then they suck up to the copley over no more campaign that you walk up to you more by this time i would rely having won iowa
then they had their way all about it could get violent not to know what happened during this thing going on five guys attack the police five guys were arrested and put in the police patrol for attacking police officers attacked the police about people while they attack the police van and you know the cops good guess what they let them out because it might provoke them to take the market here so the five guys outright you know that means ladies and only one thing it means that there is no law in sentences what you got mama you tell the police what to do not the other way around for you that we've done they had no army that it wouldn't want to iraq right now there's no way you have now are lessons impartial and in san francisco i would my own i saw a mob take over san francisco and run the
cops out to what they had in mind to admit that you really couldn't do any notice up a couple because politicians can draw a police officer an opposing lawyer somebody have a big boy and you're here to talk about them at the time the first thing that happens ladies and gentleman when you destroy a lawyer is that you become the first listen this is what happened in cities all over this country do you know that the government or to join could not on autism providence here when my day you were say in washington dc right across from my alley you could not walk along the streets of washington dc day or night to be picked up by the captain told you better get somebody to be would you go to be right you can't repeat of that rapid eye three become adults i'm not exaggerating state department
officials got some of the time money got on the state department as you might surprise you know it's a cube rapper not uncommon and so that is another example of what we can do there's this country have come to the point where i was when i was a kid yeah me about mcqueary i wasn't having it i know much about non they have a lobby yet whereas the messy society they say were dirty minded they have then says they have also an epic live in front of the white house to get rid of the normal people and they say that the only way to do the nice clean it requires they had a convention and he got the biggest cocoa i think it was they showed part of the show and the biggest and best hotel in washington they got for the queers convention it may sound funny but my point is this way to a job where i could really reached the point where we will tolerate anything there is literally no
matter what will be tolerated and the same thing when you say nobody will do it so long as lamarr is a lot and this is what i maintain it happen in this country law and author is being consciously destroyed you know that scalia police brutality ms mann sally and that'll love it myself but now the internet that's only got but they're there and there was police officer ahmed a professional muslim a pretty damn good the police brutality rises is to destroy their police department because that's the last thing between you and a takeover by the communists in the streets that would lead the armadillo in order to do and ladies and gentlemen they have overlooked it they call helping the only whet owl in china how do young to remember professors of the older people will remember though i remember what they
told me right after world war two fighting to preserve million dollars he was an agrarian before it was writing about the presence of china they act up and when people like me said well we looked to become its own normally he's just an agrarian before that of course he took over and he killed millions of people but their heads and cut the heads up on them up in telephone cord ripping automatic cuts until a nominee because they've shown you a communist party but technically jewish war veterans ever show you what they did to investigate questions twenty million and khrushchev said they killed twenty million christians you're about six million all about how about twenty million of us that they get the movie no tears no violin music thank you everybody and imagine how
that happened when he was a candidate the next guy comes along what he did everything we could to get rid of the taste of incurable it was acquitted in a friendly united states well he was a dictator i was going up and the movement that it likely he's a communist also likely not then was a cat who was a communist and eleanor and the rise in pakistan and true everywhere to why they couldn't be a communist he's hoping the president's wishes the troupe the second time around and finally they took them to the united states and ed sullivan on television city that your interview for the american people and of course you're right he's a communist and a direct later years when you're not when you're sick so it turned out it really was a communist the same technique technique they take a group of oppressed people they are generally oppose the presence of cuban the presence of china
then they in an economy's advise people they take over the government and then they set up a dictatorship a time gentlemen you have going on right here right now and you know you write here in america and they view of helping without knowing which are doing the oppressed here are black humor that they get it right and they need help but the county to move in and said now that help you good people would have marches lions and quarantines were arranging weddington everything we try all these things going on and they got through it organizations he joins john reddick promised assistance you and why do you say that is for the color people use for the oppressed the crimea communist same people would argue marching drum was that calmness couldn't they say people go to castro could be a communist now they say like when you said i'm thinking could be a communist and you know
i can show you the manuals with a shot of overcome police department exactly how to do it and theyre doing it that they're doing you just wouldn't advise you and you're helping them and the first thing you got to do to do it is to destroy a lot or destroy your police department we have a menu where they show how they will actually overcome the riot control police officer that our police brutality and we got a police authorized a black man he is in danger of losing his job maybe as likely to be electrocuted because he killed a less time a separatist the last night when i was out there was one of the skull and roses was running a place they were running out of aluminum police are many wouldn't be shot over it had quite the spill and dr shah i'm sure they have a centrifuge orion's over this and the police officer was a job he got a back woody lost allowing all flock white likeability that others waited until it destroy your
country say how come you go from brown made a real cartoon controversy about when it will because i found out the communists are doing to my country just what they did to germany in the twenty exactly the same the same inflation that same insanity the same destruction a lot of the same inflated almost hear the same rights the same level and the st jude it even has a few saying people are happy about the gas six million wild about when you're running civil rights moment same people i promise out to be a fact there's no argument about it is payback and when you look at it as a back what are you going to do about it just letting go well either with iraqi voters that became a conservative and i probably became totally totally disenchanted and disgusted with conservative that i was probably what you think that i've ever had to know in a busy calling the economy is now so to prove that they're not nazis but what about society says this is what counts as always
ninety nine c suite that are reducing our rapidly becoming a the communion the day actually disgusting so i gave up because some of us on the fight to prove every bit of the aisle and i happen ever since then it's in spite of the tops of the fight and i have been winning some of the most wonderful people i've ever met people i know college people want all that which our country drowning in hypocrisy and columns now you tell me our colleague hypocritical conservatives usually go to bypass planned housing units a country from the property do an app so i became a vaccine we are not one and it is a messy is a man who believes in the white noise of bottling hours of the white race is a master race at those me with a persecuted by else but it means we got to keep our country right if israel is a giant country have the right to be jealous guys are back up and as light of the bar so it again like countrywide and question why
don't you people think you left you went with israel ad campaign in the jewish schools in israel against singing jewish song and yet the campaigning against us singing christmas carols and to actually wouldn't stop you guessing growth without letting all they are going to do what we know i'm just simply say that were discovered that this has gone quiet up and he started in germany there's only three places on a base in europe and a better what communism not talk about white rabbit well one billion dollars but unlikely weapon at all three places as i am at bain italy and germany about communism and that one and the dome of course level of difficulty with the huge because the minute you go after communist you're going to the new which is what about this i can ever get it right because the kids are not allowed to make on his show and it was like so you want to go swimming at
what you can't do zollo is ladies and gentlemen they are destroying one either they're destroying our culture destroying civilization and they have got millions of sincere americans like maybe right here helping them to do because you really believe you're helping to build a better world you're helping build a better world and apply them violently but they weren't using in germany though ultimately that happen they don't tell you what we used led to germany what they're doing to our country here and anybody who priced value than they use terrorism to shut him up anyway i'll do it again because i know in my i'm going through as well as i got into it and i can read yours i do it every school i told you i'll get letters writing tomorrow tellingly i didn't dare say anything but i would you know every time i speak this happened what you'll hear a law abiding say i think you're right because of his chosen
and this amazing gentleman is that just not nominate a murder should be afraid to say what it is not and we are that's why i'm an actor because i am not any longer going to be a slave to beer be afraid to say what i believe is the true of certify more chummy out what a quick on the second call me maybe five point me to face it were never stopping it is never stop apple pie that no american industry in this country has ever back down because somebody beyond a call and say what rules of animal mobility of the name and i'm not about to i'm going to sell a gentleman by saying that the conservatives have a slogan which i think it's despicable and be as they say it's better to be dead than riot and the cummings in the liberals have a slogan which i think is even worse than treason it's a pretty rare than that we say that you know happen the way it happened he
get that then they're great i think you are very much the remote areas and i've certainly enjoyed the republican of regret that question at all you ladies in germany have a bonus question mr rockwell would you please give us a great diversion of communism but this is that judaism and political question mark in my opinion communism is be organized a mutiny i'm gonna say this well because it's a lot packed into a few words in my opinion communism is the nominee a quantity versus quality it uses look back i get together and said listen the head well there is tougher than anyone of his brothers together and welcome liam
i think the that communism is the organized knew me of the inferior biological people in the la led by the jews against the people on that civilization that's what i think it is fb if the russian revolution was a jewish takeover why were so many jews they're prosecuted why did so many of the great you know the name of the deputy thank you the name of that a propaganda is he can use it to the soviet union i mean iran is going to be do it again over two weeks ago at a big article about how some russian general was upset with the june were the toppled on again a russian i mean you know persecuting us did not choose that prosecuting religion
if you're huge now you may say to me but you can't you that we would mia brought here to show you out with that argument is allowed to tell you it's impossible for coming in the jewish because they do believe in god and i can work through my computers might have been here is able to spout court revived our home too and we're doing at the products of the aisle of a lot of the greats you people reported the american jewish committee the american jewish congress the american jewish historical society anti defamation league the neighborhood and they were unable to allow one patient at jewish congress of about twenty five a podium in a lot more rain the great jewish organization in the world last year as a sponsor of his book our show you what
they lived in the aisle at one of the great to the us about up faith twenty nine here we are on a page point i don't want your oil jewelry which is mostly a religious group the question of the time and why won't you others in the show you something with it you'd consider developer elected body or race and the answer is ladies and gentlemen they are group of people which you can recognize some of them anyway by their faiths not all but most jews i like tortillas or not if i could draw you picture with a big long know you'll be able to look like a jew i can draw a picture of a protestant i get a picture with catholic i couldn't even the picture of a baptist job at martin luther king what's new in the fact is once you like a little it really make mistakes and again as you you know they don't want to but the whitest white white ladies
and gentleman is not that they are just a religion and yet they list the top communist in america as a jew and he doesn't object to her probably in the book so what's going on unless you add gentleman they are persecuting religious belief any writing at his views are doing this is what i want to do that and this is not an anti semitism so much so that what our mr rockwell that the negro jew or italian island came up your squat before you say no white anglo saxon protestant up a bit subversive wouldn't you want him yet could you please discuss any knowing any positive feelings throughout all of the negro and jew that is
an attack or thinks they have would you don't object to outside of ending of sex with a deposition here i like that question i have no objection whatsoever to the fact that the negroes are here that are brought on here and i am ashamed of but i have no objection to the fact that the negroes in my opinion and this of course is the thing everybody gets torched it difficult to say this but i think they're biologically inferior not all of them you may have some heroes juan and i am talking about the average get a negro the great mass of negro just can't make it in my arrogance aside that's not their problems not mine it does not dictate your lights away give it to the negro but it won't help either one of you because everybody i however will say this the negro have a tremendous sense of rhythm the great singers the great dancer they tell are positive at the same forum is whether that's a positive thing you say i think the negroes in their own
country would be could be very happy in a muslim through i wanted to do that on long as far if we have to do to solve the problem i want a separate i'd only segregation a word i don't think no integration will work it was a separation and we get an applicant i'm willing to give him either united states namely miami beach in brooklyn it's both now as to the jews but they were subject as to the jews why differently as we want positive things can you say about them i will say this i will not live for ten minutes and i think to their superior and the average utah but the average viewer security the average gentile in business i think a damn good businessman and the basic seen time and again what people fail a good businessman what i object to is the way he used to let me give you an
example to be jewish business genius they have managed to rise to the top of an industry which now controls the minds of american army and the world's television you only three television network history nbc cbs and abc nbc the chairman of roberts' operation to abc the chairman of leonard cohen's and a russian jew cbs chairman william paley listed in here what impediments to be another russian jew you got three jews control everything you see on the television every job even though eighty five percent of the serious crime in this country is committed by negro i'd ever seen a negro criminal on the tv i've never at every time you see a negro you guy or a lawyer or a very great man and on the contrary of the opposite hand whenever i see a whodunit one of these things like perry mason and if i think i was doing that it did i would lie here like a lot of it on from alabama you got it that they got usually i'm shaven and dirty and filthy
southern white christian no good that's what's happened to your television because what i'm getting at the jewish businessman of you that he used to get to the top which is that because i believe every competition but then they have used or misused abused you don't anymore know what's going on they have had every national figure on the television even really what joe's i saw my the man who would produce the top with about a negro boys you dating a white boy's facing ewell they had him on television the other night with norman mailer who is be a day like we used to have and roman adviser divide the future by looking at birds and failed to nominate mayor is of our movement investigator and he says that if he can examine a man's do the current site in order and movement he can tell you the color and the nature of the man this is what they had on television but not once have they ever let any of the tanks they've made only get on this national television so you could judge me
for yourself eat you don't want people to listen to rockwell or what you read playboy magazine or it was some guy says i said they don't want me here jointly iraq or c in a letter as you go through the name of a good singers and writers and their fighters are a lot of other things like that are due to good businessman but the jews are the leaders of the communist movement widened the communist support the arabs against israel the mayor says if it's on monday that one honestly it the juice glass would you like me to tell you to show we are american as big an amendment is at a
women's use an unlimited a new law now judge issues going on if it's usually his economy's moment why did economists support the arabs against israel a communist do support the ads against israel largest communist party in the whole middle east is in israel twenty five percent of israel is i mean it's so this questionnaire to stop on space the communist do not support israel and many arabs against israel yitzhak right china and i might say this i believe communism is rapidly disappearing from the world as an issue i think the issue is rapidly going to be comrades the red chinese and imam of what communist as they are called nationalists are probably would sing we shall call of the emmys energize
people together and the russians have said so the ambassador plants wentworth recognize speaking russian ambassador if i had said not quite realized the party to watch the world africa asia and china together again or like including russia so i think what's happening when you find that you say coming to humans are going out its red china it's a poignant because the arabs and that will call a community they're conservatives of color much more than average of about imperialist anyone in colonial as many white people you'll realize how many negroes the russians have been thrown into a snowbank to be freezing up there must now you have to do much about it but the last negro from africa analyst with chinese are being kicked out of russia but color that in the same problems that we are so when you say coming as visible in the avenues that communism to a chinese
or to recollect questionable presidential campaign the nineteen seventy two counting on getting a lot of senators and congressmen elected with dr wen time of nancy as you promised in your view in nineteen sixty with a new york radio station i would say this to you have only to look around the law and see what's happening my guide people are getting elected whether they have my title or not to make too much difference at this point you have a great day oh this country and people are beginning to get fed up with race making people are getting fed up which is what i said they would raise about my campaign coming by campaign depends on to change that i predicted back in nineteen sixty race riots in nineteen sixty that minnie i said they would be out of this country they are not like that the next thing is inflation
and you're right this is just what they did in germany ladies and gentleman catastrophic inflation is not trying as i told you when you finally get to you then you may be looking for somebody to push that to an anatomy lesson for talking to be looking for some way to fight and this one avenue for my country i didn't want to have really a phenomenally good thing unless late night
George Lincoln Rockwell, International Commander of the World Union of National Socialists
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
George Lincoln Rockwell gives a public speech on communism and the Jewish people. He discusses how the white race has the right to a white nation, how police brutality is made up, that there are psychological differences between white people and black people. He also focuses on how the Jewish community are good business people and have used their influence for there own cause.
Recorded at Open Mind Club, Providence, RI
Asset type
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
Nazis; Neo-Nazis
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Rockwell, George Lincoln, 1918-1967
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c7d81acc680 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ George Lincoln Rockwell, International Commander of the World Union of National Socialists ,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “ George Lincoln Rockwell, International Commander of the World Union of National Socialists .” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: George Lincoln Rockwell, International Commander of the World Union of National Socialists . Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from