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the the letter of poor to the portions the center of christian belief from port apostle of christ jesus commissioned by the will of god and our colleague to mosaic the gods people across the brothers in the faith in corporate in christ
grace to you and peace from god our father in our prayers to god the father of our lord jesus christ we thank him for you because we have heard of the faith you hold in christ jesus and the love you bet towards all of god's people both spring from the pope stored up for you in heaven that hope of which you learned when the message of the true gospel first came to you in the same way it is coming to man lahore world over everywhere it is growing and beer and throat as it does among new and has done since the day when you had of the graciousness of god and recognized it for what in truth it is you weren't taught this by it buffers are dsm a servant i tested worker for christ on our behalf
and it is he who has brought us the news of your god given love for this reason ever since the day we have it we have not ceased to pray for you we ask god that you may receive from him or wisdom and spiritual understanding for fools insight into his widow so that your manager of life may be worthy of the lord and entirely pleasing to him we prayed that you may bear fruit in active goodness of every kind and grow in the knowledge of god the stinson you in his glorious might with apple cart to meet whatever comes with fortitude patients enjoy and to give thanks to the father who has made you fit to share their heritage of god's people in the realm of light he rescued us from the domain of darkness and brought us away into the kingdom of his dsm
in home our releases secured and our sins forgiven he is the image of the invisible god is is the primacy over all created things in him everything in heaven and on earth was created not only things visible but also the invisible orders of thrones socrates or thirties the whole universe has been created through him and for him and he exists before everything and all things are held together in him he is moreover the head of the body the church he is that sargent the first to return from the dead to be in all things alone supreme far in him a complete being of god by god so i'm joyce
came to do well through him or chose to reconcile the whole universe to himself making peace through the shedding of his blood upon the cross to reconcile all things where there on hess op in heaven through him alone for one it you were your sales estranged from god you were his enemies in heart and mind and your deeds where the view but no by christ's death and his body of flesh and blood god has reconciled you to himself so that he may present you before himself as dedicated man without blemish and innocent in his sight on lake you must continue in your faith firm on your foundations never to be dislodged from the whole prof linden the
gospel which your head this is the gospel which has been proclaimed in the whole creation and the album and i have become its minister it is now my happiness to suffer for you this is my way of helping to complete in my poor sure one flesh the food tale of christ's afflictions still to be enjoyed for the sake of his body which is the church i became it's evident by virtue of the task assigned to me by god for your benefit to deliver his message in school to announce the secret hidden for mortgages and through many generations but no disclosed to god's people don't it was his will to make it known to make known how rich and glorious it is among all nations the secret is this christ in you the hope of our glory to come
heat is home we proclaim we admonish everyone without distinction we had started everyone and all the ways of wisdom so as to present each one of you as a much your member of christ's body to this end i'm toiling strenuously with all the energy and produce christ at work and what i want you to know how strenuous of my exertions for you and only low to see him son dore who have never say guys on me i want them to continue his good heart and in the unity of love and to come to the fool wealth of conviction which understanding brings and grasp god's secret that secret is christ himself in him like hidden or god's treasures of wisdom and knowledge i tell you this to save you from being talked to death by specious arguments follow absent and body i am with you in spirit and
rejoice to see your orderly autry and the firm front with which you have presented your faith in christ since jesus was delivered to you as christ and lauren live your lines in union with him be rooted in him be built in him be consolidated in the faith you were taught that your hearts or willful with thankfulness as be on your guard you not let your mind's be captured by poland don't lose its speculations based on traditions of manmade teaching and centered on the elemental spirits of the world are not on christ for it is in christ but the complete being of the garden grows embodied and in him you have been brought to completion
every car handles arctic in the universe is subject to him as head in him also you were circumcised not in a physical sense but be but by being divested of them or nature this is christ's way of circumcision for in baptism you were buried with him in baptism or so you were raised to life with him through your faith in the active coat of god who raised him from the dead and although you were dead because of your sins and because you mr way of circumcise he has made you alive with christ it has forgiven as morrison's he has cancelled the bond which plagues dust of the decrees of the more it stood against us but he has set it aside nailing it to the cross on that cross he discarded the cost of eight dollars and both parties like a garment he made a public
spectacle of them and lead them as captives in his triumphal procession alone no one that far to take it to die ask about what you eat or drink or overly observance of festival new moon or sabbath these are no more than a shadow of what was to come a solid reality is christ's you're not to be disqualified by the decision of people go in for self mortification and angel worship and tried to enter into some vision of their own such people bursting with a few dial conceit of worldly minds who's honed a promenade yet it is from the head of the whole body we know its joints and ligaments receives its supplies and thus knit together grossed according to god's design if you not die with christ and bass beyond reach of the elemental spirits of the world
and why behave as though you were still living the life of a widowed why that people died kate do you do not handle this do not taste that do not touch the other or of them things that must parrish as soon as they used that has to follow me in a few when injunctions and teaching through it as a mayor of wisdom with its false piety its sales mortification and its severity to the body but it is of no use at all in combat in sensuality were you not race to life with christ then aspire to the realm above where christ is seated at the right hand of god and make your thoughts dwell on that hire around not on this special a life i repeat you died and no your life lies hidden with christ in god when
christ who is our life is manifested they knew too will be manifested with him and glory that go to death those parts of you which belong to the earth fornication indecency last fall cravings and the ruthless greed which is nothing less than i don't like it because of these gods dreadful judgment is impending and in the life you once lived these are the ways you your sales followed but now you your sales must lay aside oh anger passion malice kissing the filthy pope have done with them stop lying to one another know that you have discarded the old nature with its deeds and put on the new nature which is being constantly renewed in the image of its creator i'm brought to know god there is no question here of greek and to
circumcise bend and circumcised berberian scythian three months leave but christ is and is in no then put on the garments that suit god's chosen people his own his beloved compassion kindness humility and gentleness patients before burying with one another and forgiving where any of you is cause for complaint you must forgive was the law and forgave you to crown oh that must be love to buy a dough together and promptly ate the whole leg christ's peace be arbiter in yachts to this piece you were caught as members of a single body and be filled with gratitude with the message of christ where among you in or its richness it starred and admonished each other with the
most wisdom saying thankfully in your hearts to god with psalms hymns and spiritual songs whatever you're doing where you speak on air do everything in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god the father threw him wives be subject to your husbands that is your christian duty as one's love your wives and do not be harsh with them children will be your parents in everything from that it's pleasing to go on and its the christian way fathers do not exasperate your children for fear they grow this happened slaves gave the entire regions to your earthly masters but merely with an oakland shoal of service curry favor with men but with single mindedness out of reverence for the morning
whatever you're doing but you're poor heart into it as if you were doing it for the lord and not for man knowing that that is a boston who will give you your heritage as an award for your service christ is the master who slaves you must be dishonest you will be recorded and he has no favorites musters be just unfair to your slaves knowing that you'd to hamas and heaven persevered in prayer with mind a week and sent for hot and include a prayer for us but guard may give us an opening for preaching to tear up the secret of christ that indeed is why i am now imprison pray that i'm a major secret plane as it is my duty to do they've wisely towards those outside your phone number you lose the president
opportunity to the full let your conversation be always gracious and never insipid study how best to talk with each person you meet you'll your book my affairs some tickets our dear brother and trustworthy help and fellow servant in the lord's work i'm sending into you on purpose to let you know all about us and to put fresh gotten to you with him thompson estimates are trustworthy and dear brother who is one of your cells they will tell you all the news here it start this race kept it like myself sins as greetings so does mark the cousin of boundless your credit instructions about him it becomes make him welcome and jesus justice of the jewish christians these are the only ones who work with me
for the kingdom of god and they have been a great comfort to make meetings from epcot france servant of christ who is one of yourselves he prays hard for you all the time that you missed and fast right and conviction and wholly devoted to doing god's will and i can vouch for him that he worked tirelessly for you and the people are loathe to see a and happiness greetings to you from our dear friend look their doctor and from the most devout greetings to the brothers a blow to see it and then thought and the congregation of her house and when this letter is read among you see that it is also read to the congregation of low to see a and that you in return read the one from odysseus this special word to our campus at into the duty entrusted to your in the lord service and discharge it to the flu
this greeting is in my own hand remember president ford's grace be with you reading has concluded that the eighteenth mess of the fourth chapter of the letter of polo to the russians fb
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Colossians ?-Colossians 4:18
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-4f13b589cd7 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:18:25
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 72; Colossians ?-Colossians 4:18,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 72; Colossians ?-Colossians 4:18.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 72; Colossians ?-Colossians 4:18. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from