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james between the these words will perplexed but no interest that it faces another reason and doesn't arrive at its object by rationally compelling arguments you faith is a sublime wagers pasco said you can find food is rare but a cello and all publicity and sell this is particularly true of the christian faith which suspends its universe of meaning on three points the creation and the judgment and redemption and got these three points to shore and the last twitches more certain problematic from the standpoint of an nfl also haven't gotten along us that god to forgive us
how can we prove that how can that be proven except my heart has forgiven and brings forth the food's made for repentance therefore we cannot lower propensity there are of course some doubts which we can't live there are sinful that's sinful bouts which are causing a bar our effort through secondly university the last ten points and that the operations of problems when they interfere with our wishes our purposes and sometimes they cause we lose as we say safe it got lousy and awesomeness of the funeral i had michele norris host
so in his brief and look for solace of the iphone where he was seriously reporting and he was just a tremendously it is hello despite their faith and sometimes if a few simple chops and while we mexican families mr carl young's at all poetry we can while accept them honestly we are removing row oh yes
and one more blues no it's not our putting ourselves use because we know eight point five the following emil what our true for instance thank you players say this man or his parents what is going on this question how often rise in various forms in your congregation are uninsured really thank you
were these then only job we still haven't you do so we try to win this this is wrong lowe says we have so many questions i do yeah yeah
it is within hours universal has the story and the question really is more quickly how god the proper this is an
emergency or have a proper reverence for the oil industry and they can't say it when they asked that question i don't know i says no additional role was to lose is your first two summers ago from professors who are just oh no this is illustration but this is the temptation from this is the heightened also there's a temptation of theological stones so i guess one way to overcome the last stop before lebanon's third generation after generation fuel rods in those jeans so the best question
some residual gap and horses ms azar who's whose dissonant dissident on the car to overcome these valves are there is a weakness in a rather to desperate philosophical and mystical discipline that once an absolute certainty dozens of weeds where the ymca say we've talked about all these things i think i can safely say that this was an exclusive whoa we're not magicians
final masters and why he there were the most rigorous intellect show on the removal of rootlessness to go the test is this just the hallway face the ultimate issue of life and death is announced on some artworks st paul's always says one really really long we go on tour and when we lived there for a pirate on a large audience mario flint and supporters from a rod which is in prices are probably face that situation work god and god's love and god's love for us just for us and our critics particular perplexing at the wheel people out we know who will they
get that issue was sort of the an area conference like i don't need money the report flawed in the sense of the ages and will say in scotland want all states have the two foundations humans that it wouldn't want to raise the starlight voted roughly three dozen opt out why as if as mr rosenzweig says that ad i like that his regime women don't think his soho whole life and yet faces the altar of the litter snow turns of iranian diamonds in his late eighties year as well i'd say within joe i
was wrong this is a this is the kind of thing another momentum of the picture and just a few months or lawnmower man living in that song give his birth state where a problem with his paper's reporters work at aig they really are i do at that we hope is that as they say but this is also because of the church and i thought all three months before real
man and the christian rooms conference in the changes to the sun oh yeah no more if forty he says he says he did that the wall i was in the air force for six months in war was shot over the shenandoah record from an iphone that story and so a lot of this old man he was a promising solo piece one
song yes we listen to the use of that law should not be included since we serve a lot yeah yeah the interview cost of insurance we see through a glass darkly i'm normally and paul ryan has to be patient in our hearts until we see the face to face no bruises
and only recently as two years it's been the
pittsburgh fb
Sermon of the Week
Niebuhr IV "Faith and Doubt"
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
A religious sermon entitled Faith and Doubt.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Neibur, Reinhold, 1892-1971
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-96ebbaee97c (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:13:59
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Sermon of the Week; Niebuhr IV "Faith and Doubt",” 1964-05-20, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 18, 2024,
MLA: “Sermon of the Week; Niebuhr IV "Faith and Doubt".” 1964-05-20. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Sermon of the Week; Niebuhr IV "Faith and Doubt". Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from