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today hebrews chapter eleven or the faith and to his faith faith gives substance to our hopes and makes a certain the reality is we do not see it is for their faith that the men won't stand on record by faith we perceive that the universe was fashioned by the word of god so that the visible came forth from the invisible bye faith able often to sacrifice greater than games and through faith his goodness wasn't tested for his offerings and god's approval and threw faith he continued to speak after his death by face the duck was carried away to another life without passing through death far he was not to be found because god had taken him it is the testimony of scripture
that before he was taken here please god and without faith it is impossible to please him what anyone who comes to god must believe that he exists and that he wants those who search for him bye faith noir divinely warned about the unseen future do good he did and built an ark to save this household through his faith people the whole world in the wrong and made good his own claim to the righteousness which comes all faiths by phase abraham will be deported want to own land destined for himself and his ears and left home without knowing where he was to go by faith he settled as an alien in the land promised him living in tents as did isaac and jacob who weren't as to the same promise what he was looking forward to the city with firm foundations whose architect and build is gone
bye faith even said as self received strength to conceive though she was past the age because she judged that he you were promised would keep faith and therefore from one man and one as good as did this band descendants numerous as the stars or as the company's greens of sand on the seashore well these persons died in three they were not yet imposition of the things promised but had seen them foreign aid and healed them and could face themselves no more than strangers are passing travelers on earth those who use such language show plainly that they're looking for a country of their own if the hearts of being in the country they have left they could've found opportunity to return instead we find the morning for a better country i mean their heavenly one that is why god does not ashamed to be called their god for he has a city already for them
bye faith abraham when the test came off of the pies he had received the promises and yet he was on the point of offering his only son off homie had been told through the line of isaac your posterity shall be placed for the election that got a boat even the race from the date and from that ad did in a sam's receive him back bye faith isaac blessed jacob and diesel and spoke of things to come by faith jacob as he was dying blessed each of joseph sounds and worship god leaning on the top of his staff bye faith joseph at the end of his life spoke of the departure of israel from egypt and instructed them what to do with his bones by faith when moses was born his parents had him for three months because they saw what a fine child he was that one out of made of the king's edict by faith moses when he grew up refused to be called the son of sales doctor professing to suffer a hardship with the people of
god rather than enjoy the tennessean pleasures of sin he considered the stigma that rests on god's anointed greater wealth of the treasures of egypt for his eyes were fixed upon the coming day of recompense by say he left egypt and not because he feared the kings end there when he was resolute as one who saw the invisible god by faith he celebrated the passover and sprinkled the blood so that the destroying angel might not touch the firstborn of israel by faith they crossed the red sea as though it would dry land whereas the egyptians when they attempted the crossing were drowned by faith the laws of jericho fell down after they had been unsettled on several successive days by faith a prostitute ray have escaped the dome of the un believe us because she had given the spies
a kindly welcome need i say more time is too short for me to tell the stories of gideon they enter savage some object that of david and samuel of the profits through faith they wound through kingdom's establish justice so god's promise is fulfilled that muzzled revenue lions quench the fury of fire escape death by this on their weakness was to have the strength they grew powerful in moore they put far not a stunt woman received back the dead race to life others were tortured to death does dating release to win a bit of resurrection others again had to face tears absorbing even theaters in prison bars they were stoned they were sewn into they were put to the sword they went to vote dressed in skins of sheep or goats in poverty distress and missouri they were too good for this worm and they were refugees in deserts and the
males hiding in caves and holes in the ground he's also won and all our commemorated for the faiths and yet they did not enter upon the promised inheritance because with us in mind god and made a better plan that only a company with us should they reach that perfection and lot of ourselves with all these witnesses to face tremendous my car plant we must throw off every incumbents every sin to which we clean and run with resolution the race for which we entered our eyes fixed on jesus on the bands from start to finish jesus who for the sake of the joy that lay ahead of him and joy of the crops making light of its disgrace and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of god think of him who
submitted to such opposition from centers that will help you not to lose heart and grow faint in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood and you have forgotten the text of scripture which addresses us sons and abuse to you in these words my son do not think likely overlords discipline bruce hot one he corrects you disciplines those whom he loves he leaves the road on every sound on the advantages you must enjoy it as discipline court is treating you as sons can anyone be a son who has not disciplined by his father gave you escape the discipline in which all sons share it must be bass drums and no truce arms again we pay due respect to the earthly father so disciplined us should we not submit even more readily to our spiritual father and so active life they disciplined ice for the short
life according to the lights but he does so far to welfare so that we may share his holiness discipline no doubt is never pleasant appetite it seems painful but in the ambiguous for those who have betrayed by the peaceable harvest on honestly come in if when you're dropping arms and shaking knees and keep your steps from winning then the disabled limb or not be put out of joint but again its formal powers in a piece with all men and every night for without that no one will see them see to it that there is no one among new fourth it's the grace of god no bedtime noxious weed growing up to poison the whole know a moral person no one quote reminded like esau he sold his birthright for a single meal and you know that although he wanted afterwards to claim the blessing he was
rejected forty from norway open for second thoughts or police drove to the point of tears to find one remember where you stand not before the palpable blazing fire sinai with the darkness boom and where ruined the trumpet blast of your regular voice which they had a big deal no more but they could not ban of the combined if even an animal touches the mountain it must be stoned soul calling was a sight that moses and i shudder with fear no you stand before von sein and the city of the living god heavenly jerusalem before millions of agents the full concourse and assembly of the first born citizens of heaven and got the judge of all and the spirit of good man made perfect and jesus the mediated of a new covenant who spread cord blood has
better things to tell them the blood of a blow see that you do not refuse to hear the voice that speaks for those who refuse to hear the article speaking on as found no escape still rare so we escaped and we infused the other one who speaks from heaven and indeed his voice shook the earth but no he has promised yet once again i will shake not just alone but the heavens or so the words once again and only once implied that the shaking of these creative things means they're moving and then what is not chicken will remain the kingdom we are given is actually come and let us therefore give thanks to god and so worship him as he would be worshiped with a reverence and all he's a devoted fire never seized a lot of your fellow christians remember to show hospitality
that assembled by so doing have entertained angels without knowing it remember those in person as if you were there with him and those who had been maltreated for you like they must do in the one body desirable letters or keep it so and the mileage bond environment for god's judgment will follow on for nick akins and adulterous do not live for money be content with what you have forgotten surface say and i will never leave you want dessert too and so we can take courage and say the law does my help i will not fear what can man due to me remember your leaders rosa first spoke god's message through and reflecting upon the outcome of their life and work follow the example of their faith in jesus christ is the same yesterday today at forever so do not be swept off your cost by all sorts of oakland each key change
it is good that our social game the strength from the grace of god not from what we eat which has never done any good to those what governed by them oatman is one for which the priests of the secret didn't have no right to eat as you know those animals whose blood is brought to this in offering by the high priest into the century have the bodies burned outside the camp and therefore jesus also suffered outside the gate to consecrate the people by his own blood edges then go to him outside the camp then enlisted mark that he bought clear we have no permanent home but we're seekers after the city which is to come through jesus then let us continually often up to god the sacrifice of praise that is the tribute of lips which acknowledges name and never forget to show kindness and to share what you have with others four section of the
sacrifices which god approves obey your leaders and defer to them for their timeless in their concern for you as a man who must rendered an apparent let it be a happy task for them and not people in grief for that would bring you know advantage pray for us we're convinced that our conscience is clear how one desires or was to do what is right or older more honestly i ask for your prayers that i may be restored to you the sooner made the guard of peace who brought up from the dead are more jesus the grenade shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant make a perfect ignore goodness so that you may do his widow and may he make of us what he would have a speed through christ jesus tomb be glory whatever endeavor i mean i bet your brother's been with this education for it is after all a short letter
i have news for you i've friend timothy has been released and it comes in time he would be with me when i see you read or your leaders have your guards people greeting still you're from our italian friends god's grace be with you or their reading has concluded a letter to the leaders
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Hebrews 11-End of Hebrews
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from a Letter to the Hebrews.
Series Description
Readiings from the New English Bible.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-af61ee1bf2c (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:16:03
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 81; Hebrews 11-End of Hebrews,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 81; Hebrews 11-End of Hebrews.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 81; Hebrews 11-End of Hebrews. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from