Hispanic Community; 12; Hispanic Community and the Police

- Transcript
it's a community you know hispanic community is a series of programs devoted to the cultural and public affairs in the world's community of spanish speaking nations your host for these programs is peter blocked the president of the association for puerto rican hispanic culture in new york at today's podcast is about the hispanic community and the police this is
peterborough analyse or use hispanic community which only talking this kind of followed the relations between new york's hispanic community and the police this is the question because often been mentioned many misunderstandings exist about it and soul an outstanding leader and the east harlem community which is predominantly puerto rican was technically doma met suggested to me that we should do such a program and i am delighted with his suggestion and he and i just do want your ways it cooled off very competent persons from the police department that the grayling damage already did was to me the program about government hey of puerto rico but the bomb image has been among other singers very active precisely in that field of community relations with the police and i want him
to tell us something about this activity this is a great opportunity for me to express myself my thanks <unk> forty or forty is our opportunity including day here today at this group of police officers who are very merritt like i'm way are already happening and that is hard and oh so they are trying to find a way of remedy to see it within the boy for air travel if it if possible now i would like all of the members of the police department while interests he had to identify them just briefly before we start the discussion and i think it would best be done in the order in which you're sitting at the table oh my name is the trauma was cuomo signed up for the vision of the community relations and clinton in relations might write on the sergeant thomas camera videos that have a commission charged narration commission the
challenge i was signed to the fourth division to coordinate civilized community relations activity within the fourth division my name is lieutenant to do the mail less audio commission elections religious division my name is with roman coliseum reason i'm selling their grief in this community relations i'm doubly inspector solomon gross in charge of the twenty third precinct the last two years and part of my job is community relations what do want the police think about the community the community think about the police how satisfactory is the relationship how can be important howl about the crime problem i would like the tillman act was say a few words about this from the viewpoint of the community so the beginning of the relationship between the police department and a
community i can see that so far we have been gaining ground through that we had had to widen widen gum or india in our precincts but ethel i wear betty dear respect our gross i met a commonality is it all that one of the uprising the things are getting the needle but one of the points that the public option though is that the crime rate among pork awakens and spanish americans in general is simply not high enough then among the average of new york's population and that it is particularly the people and the underprivileged neighborhoods who want them so still be protected against crime it is in those neighborhoods that we have of course concentrations so to speak of
crime and it is in my opinion the people of these sections who ask for adequate protection against dreamers in other words the people of those sections of the victims and they're they need the police very much so would i would like you to tell us about this and what tissue impression do it first let me say that this since i've been in the precinct i've had nothing but the encouragement and the percussive patient oddly the high breast then this waist commission leary commission multi only on the steps at uc representing it in getting the people of the twenty third precinct and the police together really positive neutral interaction we have tried under the spirit that they had indicated to make the people in a twenty third precinct phil but a twenty third precinct station house is their community station house we have maintained consistently an open door
policy anyone can walk in we have tried to bring the policemen and the people to fill up the fight against crime is a common fight that that we can't do one without the other really pull people must help the police for example we've distributed probably about ten thousand cyclists i think mr gregory damage has received were passing for cooperation in spanish and in english giving advice to the people but basically what we've done in addition to that though the causes are years of the whole thing is that is the total number of programs with the help of the downtown office with the help of people like lieutenant i'm ian olds autumn maudlin and with the trauma rodrigues and trump about going right into the community getting the community the opposite that this apparently program so that we can devote this kind of feeling of mutual understanding and trust and openness now i think
as i say as a brochure that we compiled sometime ago listing a number of these programs and i was wondering where the charlie would that raise some of us some of the program's yes please tell us briefly i will love briefly at one of the things that we have now they're bracing itself feature that that we attended all meetings are all community organizations in the precinct on this helps us you know feeling how that the community feels are different kinds of it are different different levels are we also were sponsored of many growers that we have worked book here which listed all the problems that we did last year and we had a brawl where my name of adolescents against addiction this was a program a new idea
and a lesson in spanish community to try and help them which we try to get the children into spanish mary shelley and i didn't say a better life to fill the drugs is not a groovy thing of taking narcotics on google's of marijuana is not really acceptable that anyone who takes is a not and we wanted the children themselves to convey this impression because we felt that one job because the generation gap can communicate with another child better than i or any other export democratic to communicate with their child and these kids put on a plane and fell about ten thousand schoolchildren and other literature they ask questions and incidentally they wrote the play themselves and we know from the reactions of the children in the audience that there was communication we feel that it's not enough we would like to do more but we are limited only did make an inroad that we have developed i think a good feeling with the children of the stolen
she won a main problems that we haven't and a community these colonies town itself is the fact that the police and the public never seem to get together towards ending a duopoly so encouraging the patrolmen to go out the people in the community to attend these meetings in uniform to get interest of the projects and the pesto the police department's been limited to the standard picture weeklies ms laura foresman period we've come to the conclusion to tell a society so we must move into the social fears we must help the community with their actually sounds but the grossly associate style a very unique dialogue program where he brought in just people from the community of adults and the trauma from patrol and they sat down the one thing the people we brought were people who didn't like cops and the cops would rather more people who didn't have a feeling for the community both negatively more about one another were going to get well sorry that we send out a moderate and if i still wasn't to successfully sort of looked at each other with suspicion but after a while i started
selling each other exactly what they thought of each of them why they acted this way and that circumstances and as one woman i can think of specifically lima who had no use for police and whatsoever and i can say it today yemen saying that she's a buffer placed upon but today she can understand our problems why we have to take the action to do and so on so forth alice fordham itself recognizing that the hope of america is a truth has been expanded now we have a weak and dialogue going on and on maybe twenty four to the twenty fifth will be taking the twenty youths from the twenty third reason they have to be the hot cool by that we mean it to lay out they don't associate many organizations that'll play this will hang around the corner they hate police they hate society and were going to take again please will patrol the regular method radio cause listening about the fort totten an mba from eight o'clock saturday until four o'clock sunday know play ball again or no fishing a ride bikes nearly together and swim together this woman out
maybe that'll be selling it and one interesting things is abnormal test dogs was that that they were discussing the policemen chasing more to court in a very rude and fresh and so on so forth to come out swinging so we set up little play and we made the youths the policeman the policeman deals and they get out and i said do what you can and will the connoisseur and he said no and i kept going back before the more they tried to sway them they just decided they were going to move after the conversation after about fifteen as well use took the rolled up newspaper in hip hop right over any psych out can't take that from him so i think both are not exaggerated position but it's all about the message across and you said incidentally that the youth is the future that reminds me of a message all association for public and hispanic coach of which i've done of thing the president received from president nixon in
connection ways our lawyer worth and they were questions most of us for you with the visa problem and he said that they're there you was he as the whole all the future that america's hope that uses the hope of the future of this country so well since this was particularly about east harlem i would like to say that there was all the vectors that might perhaps also be helpful is to encourage young people to get some attention or getting votes in music painting even as amateurs cause pain bro gain a certain knowledge of how to enjoy life much more get involved in sound activities that give them completely new outlook on life and i feel that the police can help in this respect tool and deb what sports
are extremely important disrespect this culture aspect as should not be focused mind i'd like to comment on that that is just the start of a little pest the block just my observation that the youth in east harlem and most got a wary his art are appreciative of cultural and of money in a very talented you see some wonderful things up their profession but that's precisely what would though in this is not so much the gipper use them bob and cultural are going to get them involved and the governmental structure which they say to destroy us and it's like we feel like relations lately but i think that the public feels that the importance of all our programs is hard to get used to a related establishment not just the market but to get in there and help it and i think one of the things that has been done which i think with and it almost quite a bit about which they opponent the twenty third place and couple of other britain praising service officer to
make the youths and you saw other minority groups relate to the establishment right there when i was i went to school and the year selected twelve use it actually small just won't use tarp they represent all ethnic backgrounds and we sent into what john jay college when they were elected by dr psychology a doctor of government dr of sociology and a professor of police community relations and after their training their we sent those six weeks intensive public speaking course and now they're operating under twenty third present and they're going around to schools this present time in a holding dialogue with the us and they questioned without the teachers presence on narcotics we sent him out to go to the playgrounds a plague this quibble to get to know if i was in the area to find out what their problems are to tell us who needs jobs that if we have a gang developing and this can can be eliminated just simply by getting jobs that will go out will get them jobs that we feel
that possibly this is the right approach to you that these youngsters themselves may average age is about eighteen and nineteen they can relate to the youth in the community where we are the old establishment and so on so forth i actually has been quite successful because they tell me that there's been a great interest shown to them by the negroes and by puerto ricans in the area of this and how did they make it they'll have a judo and they simply tell him i took the test and i went to school my friends when i took the test now awaiting be made at the trial and i've made it and you can do it is and they have the same backgrounds as well a lot of times i think it we discourage and sometimes not to walk among a place of wanting us as a community we discourage our youth by telling their underprivileged that they come from a backward neighborhood that that another one of the inefficiencies no sense to try and these huge proton that decision so that no matter where you come from you can make it in this country it charlie went on to tell about the use against crime
program that was almost a full run those prisons service office and i think that i won't tell you that is climate there was a problem that was developed under the supervision of inspector gross and the foreman williams in conjunction with the enabling youth core and to help get some community of men i'm jerry nineteen sixty eight the trauma williams contractors agencies regarding the use of value to educate the east harlem residents in crime prevention this was an outgrowth of two prior programs one was called eu so this week an educational table i knew that he was crying over sixty boys and girls were saying go into the precinct or fifteen different locations and man information on educational they will slow the precinct they gave out literature to pass by as my jeans and they'd cooperated the merchants in the community cooperated with them by providing tables and storage
facilities for the material in addition up patrols was what we're set up and the you've got ten in two hundred and fifty bear league vehicles reported hundred strip or open fire hydrants and a hundred and twenty five highway conditions they also referred three hundred housing complaints in assisted seventy five non english speaking people opera world was extended to the adjoining twenty fifth precinct where know the sixties children was similarly employed and the press and trying the us against griner has been terminated the us forest service programs now employing ten boy singer often sit in the station house black passenger prius was seized a community relations staff and clerical police is very interesting very good now we're not mistaken for robin wright who was crossing the long yellow light by rightful heir like race something bad a lot of the young woman
oh you know my greetings always has been and the body is kind of blog as a regular properly without the cooperation of the community and always have preached that the people have to help the police as well as a couple of the people now why you see that when back up the set a good can be answered by my i want but don't grow hear the westerlies why is it that day when they're crying is being comedic already to say i'm all we care that failure happened that's often why you see that bp board at sea the commitment of these mortgages going up to help michael ealy parties or why yet they afraid there might be a reason why you're single wesley all busted whenever they are trying our left to meet a beer right away and somebody's website where
several local graduated nowadays nowadays it's not they had a they see a bear their crime committed or a mall been going on or come to mandate and so they'd run they don't care what happened in moore why initial idea was to work you know at the savannah says is really at a very important point because as we indicated before unless we get the cooperation of public we can't do the job we can have a policeman in front of every house we can have a plea on any corner of the citizens of the taxpayers would not pay for that therefore we have radio cause patrolling to cover the maximum out of territory that we hope that the average citizen would give us this kind of cooperation not why they haven't done that i would suspect and only is the establishment is wrong to such a hardened oil out there it's ironic condition that people reluctant to get about they know they get about they're going to go maybe with this and they got a court in the meantime org for more aid alina somebody might write them
and this is one of the things we try to overcome in a twenty by precinct and i know many of the priests throughout the city we tell the people you don't have to give his name just give us intelligence information dial nine one one illicit intelligent description of what's going on tried a heartless get the information as quickly as possible so we can get to listening and make the arrest this quickly as possible i think in the twenty eight day we maybe because years oh bruce this kind of a backlog will jam up in communication because the last four months my records indicate we have been making enormous number of narcotic arrests as result of the i hope and my mom told me this and i have to believe that the information being given to us by people in the community people call up anonymously people are i know upset me anonymous letters telling has such a such place
there's someone selling narcotics and i think most the damage can indicate that and so there is that he's familiar with this plan or so they'd stopping of this kind of tight and we hope that will continue this kind of cooperation we don't know for sure but we do know that we are getting the cooperation we hope it'll be a great deal more to be a flawed instead of a trickle and it uses absolutely clear in the statement is just about comes out indian tied with the police beat with four tongue away costly say that you don't have to give your name someone takes is that words that may call up in four dimensional what your name where you live what your phone or macy's its natural wealth the purpose of him asking that name so on so forth that sometimes a person was giving information is excited sometimes we felt was receiving it's exciting and he gets something roy says the wrong house so we have your name your phone number and please get their local black americans is nothing here hill called compliant up and find out where it is to make the correction but that is what we like it isn't necessarily logical when you call me
give me information if he insists upon your name you just hang up there you don't have to give the name he's trying to do it because it's more proficient for us it isn't necessary so think we speak with full time if we can get the information will take it you know i get emotional half like unstable managed to come along you will have the impression that things are getting better on a personal alarms to run the things are getting much much better i can tell you i can assure you of that day in the last month at least i have seen son to change that i am not so tough right now believe that my office and that you know like a huge bullet bob mondello but actually actively it was a glass terrible believe you me a blast there were i wonder when they would but nowadays means i paint eyes of the house paint have gained and then i think i think we'll win that
interim trump right now i agree with comic no question about what made tremendous strides over the last number of years the effort of the palm and all its levels to get closer to the community continues and you've heard the evidence they programming at the department engaged than we are also engaging the patrolman the street changing his attitude towards police work and his idea of what the public is and should be the year and for the koreans so that really applying to avoid them we have friends vanish boat and for them phonetically so that they can engage in limited conversation with people in trouble and on eight but on all levels were trying to reach all segments of the community youth programs that really a sudden nominated there's
the weekend dialogues that point on we have spanish speaking interpreters as volunteers in many command spanish speaking areas of war available to the department and oversees the divorces patient and a few others have patient receptionists who acts as liaison between a public and a place unknown place matters there were many programs they just tend to break down a barrier that may exist between the public and the place and this is what this you don't have to go three for joe though he is this constant exposure to the farmer hessel hundred people mean for me it was you know of the station a successful it's along the forbidden place and i'm very second bully will continue and eight it will a show itself and julie i'd like to play they were little tribute to the monitor twenty degrees i think
they have gotten song because of all these programs we have we really couldn't have made a successful band without their cooperation for example i have here and this is for sure the kind of activity and contacts them and mad and in sixty eight i we printed in the police as an average of thirty three hundred radio request the police service among them eighteen hours or three hundred arrests a month has gone up this year the fire and arrest them and they issued some as its thousands of summonses among subtle subtle hundred disputes among a good six hundred seconds in a psychotic people month at under twenty five accents and god knows i'm a street isn't black rings we had when there was what kinds of car crowds in confrontations and ecuador that that we had we had our very minimum of civilian complaints fact is we only have two in the twenty eight day the nineteen sixty eight directed against to the trauma my name neither of which were substantiated to work because they
arose out of each with a summons or the making of an arrest and we couldn't really have this kind of cooperation of these men were and sensible we're fans that we really run the whole gamut there was all kinds of people are looking at the waste we got the best but basically had to take an overall picture you can run this kind of operation and have this kind of relationship with all these complex unless the men who were actually in history before me i don't go out there make the arrest and go out to the person they do and without giving any problems with that you must tell you that i learned a great deal in this last hour and that i am convinced that our listeners to learn a great deal so this discussion and i must tell you how grateful i am to each one of you for your contribution to this broadcast which i believe iran does a service to the public to the hispanic community thought the community in general and
a whole for the police department as well and i want to congratulate you on your work on a few thank you like there was a war it's b you have been listening to hispanic community weekly series of programs about the culture and public affairs in the world's community a spanish speaking nation your host
for these programs is peter block president of the association for puerto rican hispanic culture we invite you to join us again next week it's time for a podcast about the spanish american press in new york these programs were produced two facilities at wypr in new york this is the national educational radio network it's big this week
- Series
- Hispanic Community
- Episode Number
- 12
- Producing Organization
- Contributing Organization
- The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
- cpb-aacip/528-kd1qf8kr8z
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/528-kd1qf8kr8z).
- Description
- Description
- No description available
- Broadcast Date
- 1970-06-18
- Created Date
- 1969-04-29
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:31:28
- Credits
Producing Organization: WRVR-FM
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: 16-181-18 (The Riverside Church)
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Hispanic Community; 12; Hispanic Community and the Police,” 1970-06-18, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-528-kd1qf8kr8z.
- MLA: “Hispanic Community; 12; Hispanic Community and the Police.” 1970-06-18. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-528-kd1qf8kr8z>.
- APA: Hispanic Community; 12; Hispanic Community and the Police. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-528-kd1qf8kr8z