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well if you would only get it on my ear and then i can be no he does shane timm in to know if you're going to go into from the same think are politically perilous at a confidence is ordinarily get those bodies and amir's you know a texas court in the forties it's with that moment of an ailing wing is there yet that within a sign you as usual money doesn't a cdo marking what you know one of the lucky in roanoke iran as people covered by new loan years to record only a us up as he vetoes un haven't seen yet what he's a quasi law anthony that are made that you wrote was about the place yes you are but i mean give us another dose of the bodies were seen coming but it isn't as scientists have it again from his yellow moon jesse is a work a scene anna kessel or what is for somebody that mean it doesn't mean that the grizzly who fled on that i mean look at this young kid by selling below the obama when they literally pull in bolivia oh golly his lisa equivalent of the mega at that we know if he knows he'll be in their friends here in
at the boat landing on your butt of that we're putting into this yellow so prescient and goading the price of buying a plane for his yellow pup is a lot of comedians in a mono employed them the most terrifying and seeing us air so with the winner sadism you weren't you know amuses a benedictine in the majority have incentives to boise a gem of uproar a lot of us see this openness subliminally you know the boys you up with a lot of that one aside as forty kilometer innkeepers are with the measles will not blame us you know feel a thing economically and this obviously but is the wooden podium economy that we've seen is the cuisine and beautiful to us in the audience i go so that aerial combat at the any open on one umbrella price even given us was using the thinking of the bodies apicella said this is you're at the facade blown into the deep into putting this interactivity camera and i'm yours you know that when a site is it that the new dilemma because you know they're
convenient so the muppet and you flip in unison and the unit that i put other and demonizing twenty six the live ama says he and developers in battle is it and andy kelly get up and do you know or fish or that they're going to you know that really going on in real fear that one place in the show cooperation is in with us the texas using the handle and convener of the current quarter again elio will go in it so what changed over washington but again it was clear that the convention in english and all these years it was real
we were treacherous huge exams where they really got us the thing that is that the three hundred pm one reported that in the new england journal one of the bickering that you know we know that the interview that included going into place in port o in case there was a global economy as you will a little emotional and social news you know you don't return to quote daniel
tiger what about the one who usually go to a latino who had seen one of the record business who don't mention mr sean o'dell him to change in the home or goodman you know what a polish much most votes than lebron would hope of that city go brooke usual in an awful moment but i mean you're brought it home with his in the merchant no procedure emotional issue the window going an especially emotional and especially known for you know the regime is going to address the risk that they could push
around to him reading you know and talk about this that was totally knows what their ritual what basis you know and will make you go see people in new england and financial reporter washington order and control but this will not in and when you know where it was a lot of places unless you know who will be a major candidate it replaced by his final an advantage and then it puts you and they will not go to seed did russian jet they won't get worse you know and what we don't
we were going and it will have a free go to and would go so to get to the body that immigration issue didn't go with him go on both those weeks you know throw on the economy or the government at that point the economy is a political allies ago a little bit of show and a few little areas and we're going to keep you bruno humbert they ruled that that you know that the rental real to go through a fortunate though that the show meaning if the base with you when you go on that you don't think
that anybody is here to let them see much to go to a website is the vinegar in animal who for that relations between the film and about that and real issue of punishing in the asian dishes most that who addressed that you know honesty and that any individual issues are there they will go through your silly texas voters who showed deliberate those you know what i mean the way she sings and so it continued government were worried that it is here that recently that show the voice that can you know about that moment when a financial cliff those will go to india but if that's the world in
russia but have been to me that showed it very again an oil boom is over it's you really weren't horses can't go again when they were sent as a reading who is the courses on their own he showed him that we should see that they couldn't get him to go brand new level of going to europe most analysts say that a lot about this sort of the day last year when they wrote the report will show in paris do you only shows you were anonymous will eventually the whole notion that in the chilly weather images
who is important is that they need to go to where the diners the most to a lot of the front loaders western made recorder that now i'm what they learn is you know a little girl is there with yo jake won a quarter of the majestic <unk> or virginia drew more than three dozens of an issue there and sales really have been informal consider that this is the treaty that made famous song that would show check or you know enormous enormous enormous seeds you know in their opponents and the person i had been as you burn republican dean had to go
ms celia most inaccessible in thomas' them into mortgages will go into not only got really exploded for me and we would have broken a student id badges for example there was about his ability to lose you would have no one of a few women and if you listen in the order that pressure going to the system into idea what those you regret of the washington and jefferson that huntsman you know she was homeless when we wrote it and the lowest level they showed that they will usually you can think about and which i choose your opponent can hear the mice we distributed
it is you know the whole thing the us on new england took a machete to improve the mornings when i go see a christian i'm linda wertheimer that was your work today you will learn whether the hall because you're unable to show that if you know it the social video long as you can and then we go and then you know you know she had built when you know that tradition of women voters voted with the world should go in what the trip let the federal who've been ignored then you meet in which we've seen close to did they launch it or not i'm here it both in the world where i'm you so omniscient as you said is whether that sure you know we're not
sure sure that the insurance you're putting new book ok whoa an internet blogger who where do you want to know what is her home when the few in that city that didn't mean you were in one corner and a jewish and then there's the new with disabilities or usain or c a woman who lamented the militant badger no wonder of seniors and no incentives into who grew faster growth see it will hold them into an outreach euro was different a global bestseller bush what does he manage their request it when the soviet union mr sosin about
it if you go in a caucus in order to grow you know mr manjoo one of st louis initial <unk> your one jewish film will be the one that works were delayed for sure i wanted to go on a discount over here at his history an example of a pig and propane heaters those two partial affiliation with ac ago they're less likely to have been an illegal when it was the funeral pyre going into the tinnitus or the church leaders on what you know to you know only in the nineties what do you do to go in the government who don't need
to have been itching to be covered when i was in motion that will leave and you will be political showdown initial blood oh gosh the delay demolition a coalition do you know who are up happens in that they were saving in a recorded message at their custody going in odessa and then they'd go for healing and then this week there was hoping to the tv coverage requirement you do a lot of that is you know the oceans we did at the funeral of course a lot of political deal with the decision will only save them until the fed to ruminate the past they
were now about thinking about shows that take well this weekend we learned about the show jess you're feeling groovy just hand woman a recent growth will use a scene or two and we're pretty girl will malaria it was really the recession the notion really and whichever it was a fact that you don't mean to you know what this is he and will and that you are a russian jet good to know but we're less than what if you
could go into the location for most what did people in your little or campus on a simple when you're going to go in there in the world if we fashioned victorian oh you write that only one entity when you say what about the community that we met with the creator are pretty crucial importance to rule on the question of seeing a real truth to share land ownership of the interesting news but it required that we give seniors there were virtually all goes to a quarter of the rest of the sequence is better than person it oh literally
and you know in august fifteen to look as if we can't forgo if you are unemployed or that whatever when he left the most funerals went all alone and to create a lot of it a victim of militias were dead well when you remove you can officially the rim of chemo can look at that and go but we were really would've been a girl he met here when i was worried that i that i suppose would be no agreement that on their own label and that really did you know we show the fed is an analyst with independent you know what you would then take a political is it that have been
recorded if you believe that that isn't the most only one you're evil rebuttal to the selected winner we hope that when those who let it for sure they were going at it no homework and i would have been at the rule i mean if you know who in the world the women hogan a funeral he is a veteran i think if you watch it a little understood them had a latino into sort of the frenetic judges of the frenetic to make him into the mediterranean over and out oh oh
oh one woman good question she tours with a rule is that it is so what if you will you know we're limited to relocate the transition you know jealousy the winners of those winnings video of the usual yellow in me on the internet roe wishes said you wanted to and we'll put it in low mr seger well for it so it's that in a political opponent mediator is
literally most worshippers showed us we'd of that if you could do with a site you yet the navajo nation campbell who isn't really able to set you use about a major show that emotional we'll go to mature ethical issue agreed that alone would be needed to know you do that you in order the un or we will be but typical of the photos carrie the us they finish it would have brought it because it finishes the show go to grow it phonetically or religious film where he did interview after that has been made in the
bakery kimbrell you were ceo in a seemingly utopian you almost well what's your emotions you know are we going to go is it though we're going to win with those who knew that the un will do the cellar that the footage that showed the teacher rule they finish it and last year a lot of the end of her and has reported to get in last night that cain year the footage is actually footage of this opening book that is the new version of the world the photos of the one who got a lot of unions included you know she's doubled and finishes it was about and you know that view is that they
lead to the most open ended relishing the figure i made them really got into the show and then he got to be almost in an instant into there we go we're into history until in a decent living there weren't even what would win given what show you i'm ready we believe in america who has just listen to one of the members of the issue in america who can is lifting a record on demand and the war that was injured
you're welcome it's kind of the side where did it too soon to open than that we see them would go and we see that have worked for the show you call for when the show went to do we will a major sunni figure who receive you were when he held a new start for medicare and what is europe's going to close european union address to whom that we were you know there it is true one who writes you just now that the court has been less live and that you
could do it is when you get those returns their interest rate lowered by anita you know izzy young corpsman us who will appoint right in front of it to where you are not wanting that you know you get less it's interesting to hear much of it interview is i made me a meal look good things are you going to grow the horseman automated the naacp in her a figure that the figures has turned into he met this
weekend and was overshadowed a new ritual it's estimated that we were leaving the show honestly never ending up in texas you're one dollar and a button political incentives you're in america you're going to receive goods and a lot of them the condition into one emotion grow through literature and the only true if that ocean to rome where we've got to get them in russia and then that when us bolivia live ama this episode ollie will
go into any community in the new quarterly forget it felt this innocent any other body or you recite the live eight ma ma ma i was
Talk by Jorge Louis Borges. Intro read by Pablo Cotto.
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Jorge Luis Borges talks on literature, works of literature, authors, his time in University of Texas and New York City, what Europe represents and what America represents.
Broadcast Date
Spanish Language
Authors, Argentine; Authors, Argentine--20th century--Interviews
Media type
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Cotto, Pablo
Speaker: Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d2c5ac84365 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2ea27c60c57 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:32:25
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Talk by Jorge Louis Borges. Intro read by Pablo Cotto.,” 1962-02-27, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 21, 2024,
MLA: “Talk by Jorge Louis Borges. Intro read by Pablo Cotto..” 1962-02-27. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 21, 2024. <>.
APA: Talk by Jorge Louis Borges. Intro read by Pablo Cotto.. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from