Late, Late Lecture; People, the Land, and the Automobile
- Transcript
does bill nice nice well the main event nice nice tonight's tiny program shed some light on the problems that are highly developed urban centers have incomes
are still think is desmond heat introvert and city solicitor of london who will talk on the subject the people the land the automobile or what price at two thousand they are in the road to be invited to say if you will of all the people the land deal a real an end of the world priced at two thousand well this is a big big problem and b and my country and the looks of things it's going to be a big problem in this country that's got a big problem not even be associated with what we in england called town and come to a gun control law which i know that in england where this started we're liking it and now they have can throw all buildings on the public have bibles to see that they were
safe that one's about that novel than the indonesians taking place on that the exit polls show the numbers i mean does that do in this country and with a vengeance you know when the exit door opens onto is it must open our lives within the confines of the building it was not open upwards and stick on the end of it or hotel cause we have introduced to do just that safety and the safety of public safety you got nothing to do with me because that is the fact that when you there's a different kind of local all in nineteen hundred not an effect on the morning that it happened until nineteen forties which were very
close to me in the first of all it was the people and the question will be you know the line is constant we have that on that nothing more than one country i know that because you can actually create nine points out another little comfort in his magnificent one with the highest possible that that little hard working country which has increased its without getting somebody else's problem the sea is by closing in detroit today they have increased the overland by one and there's a lot of brand new towns on this maddeningly fact that they use leaded by the system to accomplish as we have some dignity the
commentators have is reaching land the polar circle full of men that flat land and it doesn't have your spectacle i mentioned that you know that when we open up and utah political leaders in newtown have to be ready for material particular house that the judgment of cinema most of our own devices the ten or the other i mean it is most of the odds of that are consistent must be that it was when the people on the least and though the leg because otherwise they find there is i live in the suicide attacker the man that this has is that they're put into violent images of civilized existence same god that reigns as a wholesome crisco than he'd done that and you know
we're on the property and you don't want to get down down down for that forms a great band the florida keys this thing called and suggested that obviousness of these activities complement to the guild hall we have an economy that we have these this is the end of a convention in all the liberty of the individual is different about this and not sentiment the nation's homeless is also no longer the castle that he draws that had an event in boston some people decent images try to take out of applause in a tight an authentic conflict among comic book is the moment you're bound to acceptable ozone that he also does that and they said they had to do that and how to do things more than an automated to those people on the car let's look for a moment at the statistics seventy points within just you hate
your statistics a population to the united kingdom england wales and staten island in eighteen of them wrong that twelve million people in eighteen sixty one is the sense is that twenty five million ninety nine and run thirty eight million and the nineteen sixty one that's our latest figures fifty three million people in the united kingdom india in two thousand and it is expected sixty fail at that ninety four thousand square miles of the usa in nineteen sixty you want one hundred naked made in nineteen sixty five to one hundred ninety five and in the year two thousand ten the bureau of census projections usa caught his mind what we're going to do but it's contingent on to do something that says you will be between three hundred and twenty two
and four hundred and thirty seven million so let's go to develop the line for this investment and they think of the disease was it means that was the usa is thirteen times as the united kingdom the population here is only four times as va that's because leaving because president was saying none of the other day seventy percent of the american population lives in highly urbanized there's that's why i come here not to exaggerate the differences do not come close but to compel the similarities and see if together we can't make progress by sharing our experiences a little bit of a maybe the people knife i come to rob or medvedev businesses to do at these photos of new york state a net of forty nine thousand square miles his party is united kingdom it has a quarter of our population this is april nineteen
it was the bbc for her dad about my dilemma for it at the time but only for this about the common core lesson i can't run a thought in the morning an effective second i'm signing on the fourteenth and the rollout dot org and again that the ninety i crossed the same distance they get sick and a whole lot of them are here somewhere that has messages that it is wrong and the area united kingdom and half of our population of massachusetts warning if any issues they want and the earth's population state illinois and ten million population fifty six thousand square miles the little over a whole theory
of united kingdom you have one fifth of our population california seventy millions four hundred and fifty six thousand square miles if you talk with the games the united kingdom and have one third of the population in utah and its initially the state ended you thought you thought of the population all about nine hundred and thirty thousand people bought nine of the thirteen thousand and eighty four thousand square miles it's almost the size of the united kingdom we have one because of the population and i think that began to salt lake city to see their wellies are taken from me yet usa a statistical information nineteen sixty four oh it was a lot more people not only are we only terribly fruitful and
multiplying because we're living longer in nineteen sixty five there are in the us say three times as many people over seventy five there's a lot in the war and in england people marry they didn't fall proliferation into small family units and i betcha this is the day one because doesnt that was the population of a calm will go down the mom houses and that because they were no longer get matted the live with animals much of inform house of parliament now about a busy guy it's causing pressure on that astonishing thing about the vast population gone down by the proliferation of family units and you are very very lucky lindy you when you're born and earning more money than anybody else it is intense
the hall on it now and go to the other countries in the canadian the more chance of living of the turn of the century fifty years ago the chance of living for a bar email and forty seven year because it's exactly the same in india today thousands of armed forty seven year forty seven years in england the point wasn't un centric it has come up in the last fifty sixty year which is combine twenty seven years to something like sixty seven year without a summer was over the statistics on it go back to the convention there's a long wonderful back a bit in the statistics i want to be dead about five years ago and many of my friends and to see other people mentioning him things that biggie i said yeah i am as the long and that money is taking a blog that shows you out the computers sometimes get about the
city and united kingdom of nineteen twelve we have a quarter million of the state's nineteen twenty two we have nearly a million nineteen thirty two we have to a quarter million nineteen forty two to nineteen forty two one million eight hundred thousand dollars in nineteen fifty two we've come up to nearly five millions of the nineteen sixty two week about ten on the hockey for future growth in nineteen seventy they expect to have eighty million in nineteen eighty pages of millions and yet two thousand and ten fourteen million ugandan court absolute speculation or not asserting what it's like things already like a home with only to millions that it was four to re think among all the stray it to be figures for radio boston private longer guarantees together now the railway in england in nineteen fifty one the passenger mines run by really drains
twenty thousand million in nineteen fifty six it is almost the same in nineteen sixty one because almost say it's hard to follow the railcar it all big on pounding than it is pretty well set in the number of passenger miles traveled by rail boston cook in nineteen fifty one there were fifty one thousand a lesson about in nineteen fifty six forty eight thousand million in nineteen sixty one forty four thousand million it's a boss they always vote the private car i think fifty one thirty two thousand in nineteen fifty six forty eight thousand and in nineteen sixty one seventy thousand made you see ron paul lorin of railways constant boston coach going down the private talks
what's an amount of the united kingdom in ten years' time the automobile will double the previous time travel and in thirty years' time that it will quadruple its own i never saw myself being quite this because some of these things would suggest because they forgot to take note of man's genius for creating something new it comes in all castle was signed when the whole process and what is that something else may very well have a lovely get the tone of the senate i believe myself that something will happen to the turn of the century the big thing to stress is what is going to happen during the next ten years the fact that i don't see in the next ten years and a great new changing inventions come along since the next ten years which is going to be hell out
of the greatest possible restraint and discipline on the part of the markets rising global discipline restraint on the part of the motives for this reason because you know that's the people on the motorcar on the two combined and the whole respected all this thing you had a quote in fine i don't win the expression was but that it is it seemed to us it is the community it is because the us has been a day about all things that make living in a city the scene they detected the signal i think assisting from a different existence on some numbers that fall which has no middle dante of know an environment it can be useful in repealing politico this fall this is done by people who we're mad keen on a dedicated lot of
doing one thing and one thing and that is making them of the garment making waves it's a questionable product you can make because you know how to be made of the moment any single type of thing interviews with well in the morning the other way in the our resident know in many of the towns and cities it has gone down quite small narration suburban streets where somebody built a little house with his life saving and now find that house to be completely destroyed by becoming the multiple i'm not aware of a vision which enables that man at a day to recover compensation for what he's not it's one of those things you know that he never able to prove the satisfaction of a job because because a different tactic which is destroying the environment of the media is house and thereby reduce poppy for the former priest and pacifist a fun never stops that does not have been possible in the morning but impossible made it mean this is the destruction of
a community within the cities and traffic engineer to make or wrong way that saddam's lawyers put up a lot of that sometimes times nine hundred stock the region anymore anymore and i stopped a big investment in this conflict on a national web site of an event many of them anymore the symptoms of thing well that that's the time slow the traffic i submit then could destroy our palms as civilized places for a living and be i mean back to serve in the city of london by which i mean the one square mile district city of love between the great learning why in or not is now called me along which was inaugurated on april first to be here but i think the very name is a city of love as the influence of all along the bank of
england mansion house feel sinful people follow just over there are only a few people this dry continent so well in that area once well my still remaining that if everybody who came into the city in that all of these people it would require parking lot of six square mile on what i would think is that they do not coming back are and how essentially be as you say that that has got to be involved in a reasonably good for all public transportation and reasonable adult boutique too high it could be better the men are seeking to make the commissions a little aggressive you will that allows amputees i hope to do on the cds and one more thing and i think that sense of the city
ah i'm also told so some people but it's still on the way to be and so it was that it is not going with a better idea about public transit on the top much out of the tunnel on the untold life of his several times that the man runs all the expressways in los angeles still thinks the course of carrying abbas carrier pigeons always in the back of his car companies down an expressway been released on his life on the line in washington dc i understand that the americans have decided to make some form of public transport the basis for the future or that i got that from a person a lot of honesty a direct lending next if the public votes in washington is another nonprofit label it that advantage of listening to him get what is known as always jeffries during a lecture and a good looking twenty five years ahead in united states highway painted a very frightening because i thought
it to be in the five years i had this dance to the environment which is in the feces of them accountable could very easily happen in england we could very easily happen over here the four things that they mentioned some of them are finding that when a longtime advocate for ways of dealing with traffic <unk> destroying your city festival it's a routine all through traffic on a box through traffic should not go through the times so it should go round eyes and long time to get that thing winning the customer because many parts of dayton a shopkeeper a gimmick to get that they thought this traffic stopping in the pan on that one of the phenomena there's no method cost up and down those having around other ways and that is the use of pressure and it isn't on the great phenomena of the norse end of
abidjan and i got lost and five years is now part of that environment and what it was ten years ago when the telegraph there's a thing on the menu last season some level of sea ice is because our small small a diminutive affairs videos of the english countryside on this technology and i say that having them wind also battled the sentinel talking about rob market this particular site more impactful but you don't get that very much the biggest to rock the second thing is i think you have to accept the prohibition of traffic in certain local precinct out at shopping could see how that don't listen to them on the road there's growling low rather than with difference in the city along with hall in putting that rather than just a wonderful shop in an almost a tactic that city we've been
shopping for coffee owned by drinking and discusses it in the south most attractive place in the shopping precinct in london city of london an awesome first precinct of redevelopment in the area around st for that one of the people completely flat of the big thing that remains a big although it was in this village that though not tied to human faces it meant just you know the cost of that care in st paul's cathedral small building of compensate the show has grandiose festival stops the best of the rest of the capitol back in the same the same job i'm excited you know that's kind of the monuments fund will be the cost to the people which from farmers dozens of events slightly more
than fifty years they spent theirs and they have much more a navy vessel the economy going down to get something that simple the weekend of the redevelopment of the area around suppose we decided we would make it when i have quote the feinstein with the active all along the defense team to flee as an employee they comprehensively that they said they are not these new comprehensive in part of a comprehensive plan which was that by process of hopefully a message you've got to be here it is a great big public inquiry led landowners in the area income child will be sophisticated income child english american canadian law simple thing and then i do an unpopular interest in
town come together the okay i'm have this great and a pumpkin crop when it on without getting this case with the council was advocating which we had to use it the minister was that thing because we didn't do something the chapter that the illinois rivers because we didn't do another thing in chaplin the medicine also annoyed with each other they were busy thousands of to re crisscrossing and running out the losing trifecta ticket and stalin broke up to believe that once you lost the time so we've managed to tell ourselves to live in dignity julie and then they'd experience it was ten days or c we're going to have a basis for the most part getting to the sense that it would get in in the morning the owner of
it would go away and would never think was not legal mccardell remained and in the evening he would come time a normal cartoon woods hole are now smaller not have a committee republicans might cause my people have a lot of those things make it possible for him to get it just meant that it really affects offensive new round with the loss of its beachfront park in the center of the piece there are no stinking foods and those i hope not quite so much about and you can get in their lifetime all the senators sitting on the knives benches here than clerical regime about abandonment that all this is part of living in the city fathers of life existence in the city i don't have a driving throbbing sound of a tap
dancer in the great loneliness of strength i think is the law that really doesn't feel when they come to this thing principal who say that you know so it's a call of the day and not on him that i had to think that some of the debt that's at the sea and we don't like it because this meant there were no long pieces of the sea and the nation about a few months ago he won seven years ago at special guests gossip on the time for years and did at the ages the rebuilding as big as possible but by the time they got home and even so slowly losing my concert with the
prospect that the plan that i mean the debate seventy years ago the decision was good when the building came up beginning to drop out and the beanstalk we started writing letters to the press about subjects that passenger at we'll dig is it trying to get the whole thing opened up and over again would mean to the motion was thinking of kos win this case and that his idea was supposed to but the feeling you were going to go like alice than through the keyhole and wonderful long run the bill you're going to go to st john's say yes show love and then you get into the police in you sit down you have time to think that we wouldn't sell new nature and remember the consolidation is impulsive deep of those come
on we put a break on the ground but nothing in front of the next thing is the segregation of traffic from the victim to the pedestrian i were doing this in the balkans this is a piece of the city of london which the private sector would not take up that population survey well we've corporations a city follows the city council we do for that they priced millions and millions of our debt is feasible compass i've been waiting to help schools that's all this is spinning ball to theaters what's also for the ripples out these are developing them in the city of law and i think you're really only left and these are these levels of service as the podium is
polio is the only all taken billions and they didn't have a first for a novel and the people that i knew real time they can pass from one context here on the age of the all of pass a law on the shocking level without ever getting down almost to be the top and he was going to be an act of faith went on to make around some estimates that across the sidewalks no no i'm going to do the movie for multiple reasons that must be some limited accommodation for terminal track suit jacket went around town of traffic coming into the town and there's a lot to do with what you mustn't think that it is too much of it coming otherwise you will not know what to do with it really gets it that is bound to be some limitation on the amount of terminal tough as a sort of male about it works like this you first to fix
environmental standards of your city government announces they've invented it comes to this law school basically doing what you do the volatile gases the reasons that was a hard not getting sick from what they tell me it would appear that they have lost this city but by doing that they got that expressed that way but what the president is a guest in these hospitals ought to do and not to notice ironically on one thing for an analysis of these lots over the city do what they join violent two step once you've done that automatically there's a fixation for the amount all dominant topic the content there's a limit to the amount of that was that there's a city in dayton duncan will fall without the richest city losing its immortal soul this kind of thing has happened in ankara and i just noticed at anchor store for this event example that i
could happen at home in piccadilly circus the anchor a story than anything while i think that when i was about eighteen months ago ankara the capital all tech in the twenties and they cut him off the pope decided he would shift the capital this country from istanbul it's supposed to be on the phone so you want to shift it to lose all of that and there was this kind of the nutrients that isn't decided after thinking here taking that taking that consulting and they said we would like a city of a quarter million people you're right i'm going to achieve it and provide room for that he didn't expect and it was laid out in senior fashion with a half the heart of the city a spelling out most effective fashion to the outlying portions of the still the city and those relationship use that information to
follow them all otherwise you move around how to adjust to gone so most of the city so they designed and you see them not to grow a pace without any gun control and it is out of our consent of the large population or six hundred thousand dustin hoffman in a city designed fall according to make those happen the edges of these various sprawling city and on generating traffic saw coming into the center of everything wants to get the senate you know what i think munnell was once it down to the center on why it's warm cozy in the entire division us right now and thousands of a capital outlay on the line are you see anybody the importance in europe that was about the right to
sign up to the senate is no more than the second day particularly in the matter of the motorcar so what about now they have made more police in the center for the multiple and how about an invisible about the candidate here i'm alone with these ominous title track alone with these other protests to the side of the distance from the building that the building there was very windy and only talk with the statements of the candidate every movie the gas seller i made maintaining those roaring through and there's a bit of shade in the high summer and across the street was delightful momentum is now wholly in there because he sued the city civic opera what it is certain offices to the us government that because
there's nothing they're part of a plan for development of these developments on the toll this has turned out they just get up and handled this well when you see what he did to advance into the pan am building maintenance and what to do it was that it be joe decision and waited all attention to talk with is that those ominous course we thought that it's time to say they didn't like to think that the things that this wouldn't that present over that brought him to resign a ski boat because that and he did when he got up to the possibly for approval the question was the provision have you made for traffic industry and he said i've made a vision for an increase in traffic of twenty percent and the ministry of transport uptown contraband get this great audience at home could transform innocent than
just comes about where do we must make the vision for an increase of fifty percent and the supporters of an iconic that the factories use an artist designer i'm austin says he's saying he said no you make your mind once or the piccadilly circus you know if you want a mail some ways that make the vision for a fifty percent negative or hundreds if you wanted to be a case of bizarre place that american need somebody to meet friends and fall and so the soul then there is the amount of time and that's what you have to make a line which involves a traffic or as it to be forming it somewhere between the two dozen health without religious faith contains achieve in england by town and come to gun control and i'll post war legislation is needed before the deal a comprehensive plan everybody then comes to develop within the umbrella aegis elvis fan every piece of it the
plan was conceived as a whole lot of local government a far wider city kansas baker says ohio and this a sort of the modern human individual developers the private sector the entrepreneur you encouragement come forth and develops they immigrants without layers of providers that we must see in detail will be forgiven yeah i mean exactly we can make all of those things and though they can make a lot of these are not been very strong control of every single piece and here you can ensure that there's a costs between one piece of the button on the next there will be instances of banded in this example this is confirmed by the thought that if you say that inventive imagery the very hostile is strong and review because i think the fourth was when the pressure of events but i don't like the thought of being the system you were given the right to appeal to the minister and he is the man who in the ultimate analysis we
tell you just more than that should be the buchanan report that is under taliban control it has its difficulties it has certainly difficulties which i won't go into detail here but we've overcome reason bye bye and they pull that and then making them unavailable only leads to any who kept it up and making it available on lease this because i'm going on the instrument and billions between the cooperation and the person do that and that means we can indeed get the detail inspections and controls while the girls about that but at the moment some of the things in the law will finally be sent the same year there's always someone example an urban renewal at home
it must be done on a comprehensive basis that said the plan must be a comprehensive basis that i find emptiness on the spill said the plans on the comprehensive peace the engagement that has done by any industry entrepreneurs who come along but in most developing relationship develop that must've done comprehensively it should be a joint enterprise between the local authorities see this as a whole and the individual men who comes along with that and most people that will have to be i think is seriously thinking about a place in the future and see whether those sound system or public talks voters should be free to use his voice which is why he does not close an inconvenience to oppose the most biggest limitation on him especially in highly congested and increasingly complex society in which litvinenko is nothing new it's not even about the commonwealth the most unusual on the fashion or
your profit the fashion which does not enjoy that of your neck deep i think to come around to the idea of acceptance than patients in his own intense the tv doesn't find himself on any further expressway hi welcome that and that's when you know a bunch of them not against them that is significant in england after blanking over forty years in london that started building one fire on the ground a candidate for the fall the magnitude of these words from a discussion which appeared in the german company needs to be nineteen sixty doesn't lessen the preservation of us it is depends upon the deliberations of the private coal and the parties can completely it stands to reason the room must be found in city centers not only for the manager's duties business before he's not a partisan that space for having me to be multiplied four times or more before this in nineteen sixty it will be necessary to build up points or sped up in either case the cohesion of propinquity upon which the city of london authorities
have had to rely on for the conduct of its business movies for the spot not millions of the long litany of safety the cohesion a banquet on which any civilized venzke depends tend to be the straw maybe this would be a good thing i'm something back in the british press that at least letters measure the consequences and then decide whether we can afford it and secondly whether it is going to be worthwhile you're listening to the control of the city of london does and heath discuss the people the land the automobile what price at two thousand next week at this time here the associate director of the peace corps harris wofford talk and the federal government as an agent of change tj tomorrow night on any night this week you can hear just a heaps talk repeated on the late late night job of adobe are dr and then in new york
in many states it and that's riverside radio debut of the art concludes broadcasting for today as authorized by the federal communications commission in washington dc we operate with an effective radiated power of nineteen thousand watts on the side frequency of one to six point seven mega cycles fm channel two hundred ninety four the view of the art is owned and operated by the
riverside church in the city of new york and maintain studio isn't transmitted facilities and for nike riverside drive in new york city we invited to join us again this morning at seven am going to view of the art begins another day of broadcasting now lead
mannarino head are oh wow well
oh well well well well wow well oh oh whoa wow well allow her husband
- Series
- Late, Late Lecture
- Producing Organization
- WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
- cpb-aacip-528-js9h41kv5k
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-528-js9h41kv5k).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Desmond Heap gives a lecture on the problems of urban centers, and what issues they have in common. Heap also discusses urban spaces and its relationship with transportation.
- Asset type
- Program
- Genres
- Talk Show
- Subjects
- Urban transportation; City planning
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 01:11:53.808
- Credits
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Heap, Desmond, Sir
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-78dc5c0c255 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-35bc25dcf46 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:46:44
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Late, Late Lecture; People, the Land, and the Automobile,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 26, 2024,
- MLA: “Late, Late Lecture; People, the Land, and the Automobile.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 26, 2024. <>.
- APA: Late, Late Lecture; People, the Land, and the Automobile. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from