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the gospel according to local chapter to their swan the coming of the messiah in those days a decree was issued by the emperor augustus for a general registration throughout the roman world this was the first registration of its kind it to place when quentin the us was governor of syria for this proposed everyone made his way to his own town and so joseph went up to julia from the town of nazareth in galilee to be registered at the city of david corn bethlehem because he was of the house of david by descent and with him when mary who was big road to him she was pregnant and while they were there the time came for her child to
be born and she gave birth to a son her firstborn she wrapped it around and lead him in a manger because there was no room for them to launch in the house now in this same district that where shepherds and in the fields keeping mortgage through the night over their flock when suddenly that stood before them an angel of the lord and the splendor of the lord shone round about them they were a terrorist threat but the angel said do not be afraid i have good news for you there is great joy coming to the whole people to date in the city of david i deliver it has been born to you the messiah the lord and this is your a sign you will find a baby lion all wrapped up in a manger
all at once that was with the age of a grape company of the heavenly host singing the praises of god glory to god in the highest heaven and on earth his piece forman on hold his favor arrests after the angels had left them and gone into heaven the shepherd said to one another come we must go straight to bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the lord has made known to us so they went with a low speed and found their way to mary and joseph and the baby was lying in the manger when they saw him they recounted what they had been told about this child and oral care and what astonished at what the shepherd said but made a treasured up all of these things and
pondered over them mean while the shepherds return glorifying and praising god for what they had had and i'm seeing it had all happened as they had been told eight days later the time came to circumcise him and he was given the name jesus the name given by the angel they thought he was conceived then after that purification had been completed in accordance with the law of moses they brought him up to jerusalem to present him to the lord as described in the law of the lord every first born male still be deemed to belong to the lord and also to make the offering as stated in the law of the lord appear of total dollars or two young pigeons there was at that time in jerusalem a man called simeon this man
was upright and devote one who watched and waited for the restoration of israel and the holy spirit was upon him it had been disclosed to him by the holy spirit that he would not see death and two he had seen the lawrence messiah guided by the spirit he came into the temple and when the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him what was testimony under the law he took him with his arms raised guard have said this date muster though give this guy sent his discharge in peace know that promise is fulfilled what i've seen with my own eyes the deliverance which the west made ready in full view of all the nations of light that will be a revelation to the heathen and glory to light before israel the child's
father of mother word fool of wonder at what was being said about him simeone bless them and said to marry his mother this child is destined to be a sign which may in rigid and you too shall be pierced to the hot many in israel will stand or fall because of him and that's the secret thoughts of many will be laid bare that was also up profiteers and i'm the daughter of faneuil of the tribe of asia she was a very old woman who had lived seven years with her husband after she was first mind and stand alone as a widow to the age of eighty four she never with the tempo but worshipped day and night frosty and brain coming up at that
very moment she returns thanks to god and she talked about the charlton the war who were looking for the liberation of jerusalem when they have done everything described in the law of the lord they returned to galilee to their own tone of nazareth the child grew big and strong and full of wisdom and god's favor was upon him no it was the practice of his parents to go to jerusalem every year for the passover festival and when he was twelve they made the pilgrimage as usual when the festive season was over and they started foothold the boy jesus stayed behind in jerusalem as parents did not know of this but thinking that he was with the body they journeyed on for all day and only then did they begin
looking for him among their friends and relations as they could not find and they returned to jerusalem to look forward and after three days they found him sitting in the temple surrounded by the teachers listening to them and putting questions and all around him what amazed at his intelligence and the answers he gave his parents were astonished to see him there and his mother said to him my son why have you treated us like this your father and i have been searching for you in great anxiety one major search he said did you not know but i was bound to be in my father's hosts but they did not understand what he meant then he went back with them to gaza and continued to be under a
veritable authority his mother treasured up or these things in her heart as jesus grew up he advanced it was them and in favor with god and with man in the fifteenth year of the emperor that it is unconscious pilot was governor of judea when heroin was prince of galilee his brother phillip prince over judea and track on itunes and a serious prince of everyday during the high priest would openness and travelers the word of god came to join senators if that i am in the wilderness and he went over the jordan valley proclaiming a baptism in token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins as it is written in the bulk of the prophecies of isaiah a
voice crying alone in the wilderness prepare the way for the law and clear a straight path for him every reading shall be filled in and every mountain and hill who have ruled a coroner's job is straightened and thereafter wiese made some moves and all mankind show see parts of the rooms crowds of people came out to be baptized by him and he said to them you vipers brewed who aren't you to escape from becoming retribution then prove your repentance by the fruit it bears and do not begin seeing the assailants wielding ground for our father i tell you that god can make children for a brown coat of the stones here already the x
is lead to the roots of the trees and every tree that feels to produce good fruit is cut down and thrown on the fire the people i asked him then what are we to do it applied the man with two ships must share with him was none and anyone who is food must do the same among those who came to be baptized or attacks covers and they said to him master what are we to do he told the exit no more and the assessment soldiers on surveys also asked him and a quarter less then he said no no let me do with your body the people wearing the typical of expectation or wondering about john whether perhaps he was the messiah but he spoke out and said to them all i broke ties you were the
water but there is one determine who is mightier than i i i'm not fit to unfasten issues he will bow ties you with the holy spirit and with fire his shovel is ready in his hand too would know his commission floor and cover the wheat into his gallery but he will burn the chaff on a fiat but can never court in this and many other ways he made his appeal to the people and announced a good news but prince harry and when he was rebuked by him over the affair of his brother's wife her odious and for his other misdeeds grown little by shutting join up in prison during the general baptism of the people when jesus to have been baptized and was praying heavens opened and the least it
descended on him and bodily form like a dove and then came a voice from heaven though my son my beloved on the my favor arrests when jesus began his work he was about thirty years old the son as people thought of joseph son of eli son of matter son of levi sutton of melancholy son ocean ii son of joseph son of modify our son of a mars son of me son of a sly son ahmed ii son of mayotte son matt a fiat son of see me you son of joseph son of georgia son of joe haden son of reset son of reasonable
son or she ought to you son of levi sutton oh no son of ad on sunday of course and son of god made him some of her son of joshua sunday of easter son of joining some of mass at some of levi sutton of simian sun of judah son of joseph son of john and son of billy it son of media son of man are some of my past that son of nice and son of david senn of just a son of orbit some of bourne's son of song son of a nation son of ahmed a son of my
son of his run some of theories some of judah son of jacob son of isaac some of abraham son of tv our sound of nail or sound of sealed sound of reto sound of puget sound of the evolving sound of sheila son of teen son of a passion and son of shame some of noir son of me make sound to some sound of the son of jim and son of my how are you son of a kenyan son of the jewish son of sixth son of a son of god
listen has concluded at the thirty eighth verse of the third chapter of the gospel recording it's been
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Luke 2:1-Luke 3:38
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Luke.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2eb1ee0bf22 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:17:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 25; Luke 2:1-Luke 3:38,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 25; Luke 2:1-Luke 3:38.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 25; Luke 2:1-Luke 3:38. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from