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it is the gospel according to john chapter nineteen that's seventeen the final conflict jesus was no taken in charge and carrying his own cross went out to the place of this go as it is called or in the juice language called gaza where they crucified him and with him two others one on the right one on the left and dejesus between them and the product wrote an inscription to be fastened to the cross it read jesus of nazareth king of the jews this inscription was read by many jews because the place where jesus was crucified was not far from the city and the inscription was in hebrew
lettering and greed then the jewish chief priests said to pilot you should not write king of the jews right he claimed to be king of the jews i replied what i have written by government and the soldiers having crucified jesus globalization of his clothes and divided them into four parts one for each soldier leaving out there to make it to make it was seamless woven in one piece so they said to one another we must not terrorists let us toast for it and thus the text of scripture came true they shared my garments among them and cost lots for my clothing there it is what the
soldiers do but meanwhile may have the cross where jesus stood and his mother with her sister made a wife of progress and mary of magdala jesus so his mother was the disciple whom he loved standing beside her he said to her mother that is your son and to the disciple there is your mother and from that moment the disciple to crack into his home after that jesus aware that all right now come to its a point today and said in fulfillment of scripture i first a job stood there for solar wind so they saw a sponge with the wine
fixed it on a javelin and held it up to his lips having received the wine he said it has accomplished he bowed his head and gave up his spirit because it was the eve of passover the jews were anxious that the bodies should not remain on the cross for the coming sabbath since that sabbath was a date of great so limited so they requested to have the legs broken and the body's taken down soldiers accordingly came to the first of his fellow victims and to the second and broke their legs but when they came to jesus they found that he was already did so they did not break his legs but one of the soldiers stand to sayed with the lambs and that
once there was a full of blood and water this is vouched for by an eyewitness who was evidence is to be trusted he knows that he speaks the truth so that you too may believe for this happened in fulfillment of the text of scripture know born of his shall be broken and another text says they show a rope on him homemade pierced after that pilot was approached by joseph oh i must be a disciple of jesus but a secret disciple for fear of the jews who lost to be allowed to remove the body of jesus pilot gave the permission so joseph came and took the body away he was joined by nick and the most the man who had first
visited jesus by night who brought with him a mixture of america and arrows more than half a hundredweight they took the body of jesus and wrapped it with the spices in strips of linen cloth according to jewish burial customs now at a place where he had been crucified there was a garden and in the garden and new tomb not yet used for burial there because the tune was near the end and it was the eve of the jewish sabbath they laid jesus annually on the sunday morning while it was still dark material mandela came to the top she saw that the storm had been moved away from the entrance and ran to simon peter and the other disciple the one whom
jesus loved they have taken the lord out of his tomb she cried and we do not know where they have lead him still be debt and the others set out and made their way to the tomb they were running side by side but the other disciple program peter and reached the doom first he putin and so the linen wrappings lying there but did not and then simon peter came up following him and he went into the tomb he sold them in and wrappings lying and the napkin which had been over his head not lying with the wrappings but wrote together in a police by itself then the disciple who had reached the june first went in two and he saw and believed until then they have not understood the scriptures which
showed that he must rise from the dead so the disciples went home again but many student at the tomb outside weeping as she wept she peered into the tomb and she so today angels and white sitting there one at the head and one at the feet where the body of jesus family in this said to her why are you weeping she i said they have taken my lord away and i do not know where they have laid him with these words she turned around and so jesus standing there but did not recognize him jesus said to her why are you weeping who is it you're looking for thinking it was the gardener's she said if it is you serve who removed him tell me where you have laid him
and i will take him away jesus said mary she turned to him and said double life which is hebrew for my master jesus said do not clean to me for i have not yet cemented to the father but go to my brother's and tell them that i am now sending to my father and your father my garden and your garden many of mandela went to the disciples with the news i have seen the mortgage she said and gave them his message leapt that sunday evening when the disciples were together behind more doors for fear of the jews jesus came and stood among them peace be with you he said and then show them his hands and his side so
when the disciples saw the lord they were filled with joy of jesus repeated peace be with you and then said as the father said to me so i say and you even breathe on them saying receive the holy spirit if you forgive any man's sins they stand forgiven if you pronounce them unforgiven unforgiven they remain one of the twelve thomas that is the twin was not with the arrest when jesus came so the disciples told him we have seen the lord he said unless i see the mark of the meals on his hands unless i put my thing get into the police where the meals where and my hand into his side i will not believe it
a week later his disciples win a game in the room and thomas was with them although the doors were all jesus came and stood among them saying peace be with you then he said to thomas reach your finger here see my hands reach your hand here and put it into my side to be on believing no longer but believe thomas said my record and my garden jesus said because you have seen me you have found faith happy are they who never saw me and yet have found faith there where indeed many other signs that jesus performed in the presence of his disciples which are not recorded in this poll
those here written have been recorded in order that you may pull the faith that jesus is the christ the son of god and that through this faith you may pose this eternal life baez made sometime later jesus showed himself to his disciples once again by the ceo of thirteen years and in this way simon peter i'm thomas that when we're together with nathaniel of gay marriage in galilee the sounds of seventy and two other disciples were also there sam alito said i am going out fishing we will go with you the others so they started and got into the boat but that night the court nothing morning came and they asked to jesus on the beach but the disciples did not know that it was jesus he called out to them
friends have you caught anything they aren't said no he said shoot them it to stop on and you will make the catch they did so and found they could not haul the made a board that was so many fish in it than the disciple whom jesus loved said to be tapped it as the lord and simon be to have that he wrapped his coat about him for he had stripped and plunged into the sea the rest of them came along in the boat doing that made fool fish well they were not far from land only about a hundred yards when they came ashore they so a charcoal fire there with fish lead on it and some bread jesus said bring some of your pledge simon beat or went abroad and threatened them it to end fool of big fish a hundred and
fifty three of them and yet many as they wear then it was not torn jesus said come and have breakfast none of the disciples dared to ask who are you they knew it was the lord jesus know came up to the brain and avid diva drove them and the fish in the same way this makes the third time that jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection from the dead after breakfast jesus said to simon peter simon set of jordan do you love me more than orwell's yes lordy i said you know that i love you then feed my lambs he said a second time he asked simon senator john do you love me
yes lord you know i love you then to end my sheep a third time he said simon senator john do you love me peter was her that he asked and my third time do you love me more and he said you know everything you know i love you jesus say and feed my sheep and further i tell you this in very truth when you were young you fast and your belt about you and walked where you chose but when you upload you will stretch out your arms and a stranger will bind you fast and gary you where you have no wish to go he said this to indicate the manner of death by which peter was to glorify god
then he added follow me around and so the disciple whom jesus loved following the one who at some point had lean back close to him to ask the question lord who is it that will betray you when he caught sight of him beat her asked lord what will happen to him jesus said if it should be my will but he wait until i come what does it do you follow me that saying of jesus became current in the brotherhood and was taken to mean that that disciple would not die but instead jesus did not say that he would not die he only said if it should be my widow that he waits until i come what is it to you it is this same disciple who it tastes what has he had been written it is in
fact he who wrote it and we know that his testimony is true that is much else that jesus dead if it were brought to be recorded in detail i suppose the whole world will not hold the box that would be a written john chapter seven vests fifty three on to chapter eight bass eleven this passage which in the most widely received editions of the new testament it's printed in the text of john seven fifty three to eight eleven has no fixed police in our ancient witnesses some of them do not contain it a torah someplace it often milk chapter twenty one that's thirty eight others after john chapter seven their seventy six or seven vests fifty
two or twenty one vast twenty four and they went each to his home and jesus to the mount of olives at daybreak he appeared again in the temple and all the people gathered around him he had taken his seat and was engaged in teaching them when the doctors of the law and the fighters he's brought in a woman detected in adultery making her stand out in the middle they said to him muster this woman was caught in the variant of adultery in the lull moses has laid down that sense woman to be stoned what do you say about it they put the question is a taste hoping to frame a challenge against him jesus bit down and wrote with his finger on the ground when they continued to brace that question he sat up straight and said that one of you
is fort bliss show throw the first stone then once again he bent down and wrote on the ground when they have what he said one by one they went away the eldest first and jesus was left alone with the woman still standing where jesus again set up and saying to the woman where are they as no one can dim view no one said she said jesus replied no more do i you may go do not see him again
The New English Bible
Episode Number
John 19:17-?
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to John.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2022b6e4c6a (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:20:26
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 43; John 19:17-?,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 43; John 19:17-?.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 43; John 19:17-?. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from