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the hispanic community is a weekly series of programs devoted to the cultural and public affairs in the world's community a spanish speaking nations heroes for these programs is peter block president of the association for puerto rican hispanic culture today's program is about the governor of puerto rico luis a fifth day and we me and the
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says as
carol what you just heard is the what we can bounce it be you'll buy one moral compass one of puerto rico's greatest composers who lived in the second half of the nineteen century played by he's a was it a sign on my puerto rico's greatest pianist one of the world's truly distinguished pianist and i am peter brouhaha with the serious hispanic community tonight we're going to talk about the new governor of puerto rico so he's a very fascinating figure my guess this was typically go manage a prominent leader in new york's puerto rican community especially in east
harlem and mr dylan that's certainly also an expert on his family he really knows a lot about him he knows him personally so delight but i'm sure miss the film image knows him much better than i do and i say is indeed a fascinating figure why did you stop i will broadcast his music but one won't come because there's a double reason one might come poles live and work in parts of the second largest city of what we call the world of the files as it is often called and it is one of the truly lovely cities of the americas and don't lose face hometown is precisely ponds the second reason is that we say is not only great music lover he is a musician who graduated from juilliard and also graduated from the massachusetts institute of technology as he once
mentioned to me and that certainly is extraordinary that out too many people i think who have studied technology and music and graduated in both fields which already indicates what a special person this man is was born sixty five years ago actually on february seven teams that was exactly sixty five years ago is a very vigorous man and a dynamic and he has been in the political struggle practically it since he is the young day's events and he was a candidate repeatedly for the governorship will be four times for four years and i remember that when i was and what a recall several years ago
and then i met mr say whether people told me yes there is a wonderful person he said patron of the arts as a philanthropist is a very successful industrial this is a very distinguished man is a very kind man very charming but is not a politician he should give up politics and the man one of those who said so was supposed to be a political formal of chili i still remember this conversation which took place in an apartment house in the club got a section of someone and at this man said there why does the give it up it could be much happier and he could even do a better draw place people if you put it but because it is not a collector and this one of his many admirable qualities he didn't give didn't get and many realize that he's former party the republican state party had become
somewhat off the fall world where thais he did not hesitate to create a new party the new progressive party and then again many people said oh now now he's lost day he leaves the party greets a new party it would take a long time to develop that poppy and how can you ever hope to win with a completely new outfit but within about one he was within one here he not only had apollo from poverty but he won the governorship so he really put up a splendid fight and a victorious one and i don't think that the five and all that has ever to be in such a word calm among the people fleeing new government and what really caught so many hopes there's such a wellness that a new iraq is starting and i'm not just referring to is the fed is follow us i have noticed this and i think
there's an interesting phenomenon and i suppose you was the dominant who have noticed this tool that people in the puerto rican community in new york for example who do not belong to the state a movement which is to say he belongs and has been billowing for his entire political korea that people bought the peace movement was political philosophies different still greeted the election office the family very warmly and have great hopes for this new administration have you with him right there i have knowledge of theory and what i was sixteen years ago and that at the two morning he have people and window we ended winkle morning we went to home when they came here won't they hit that tie
it we're not so many a sixty year low exley sixteen years ago the airlines when the us asked for just the holidays and dead that day i met them then am i not these labeling of a you know it's a way he expressed concern about this money was going to be a banker and a shrunken and operate goal now is a disruption when we became very good friends and then musical for a on many many ok you send me letters dead day in order for an eagle flying hours about sending their requests that have been made over to him for air france nears the board birbiglia or are they all eat when to pull their poll world to open up a practice which mind you are no no no and gravelly i'm as everybody knows anything
for a great gravelly it let's go look and perennial question of video of all things that would nominate your pie and i would get which is this is true or not and i went out and i found out on where rio there it was again line all the way out i'm not about how i became a language meet them to read his hand his moneyball anybody that as gordie even less what it would cost them it over again you know and several patient we were there he is howling with him as a bit of it was crazy lady man and a warehouse a man they asked me so glock house saying that that is true that he shouldn't be in politics but i remember mr furrer i was telling me the daily people read their equal well in and develop body thinks
the game in funny because that is my woman now about a bad weather channel wanted they can actually would you take a man or a man of will ferrell mitchell there are eight caliber and you when frying it varies really appointed the jimmy world you gotten honest one of these young like he it's here's an dern is very significant of that was to fenway was practically the fond of the catholic university and consequently going swung on and who is as the dominant said a very devout catholic is also very broad minded person and bad among the young members of his cabinet to ward off a very high caliber is also a protestant now i have here in front of me in use paperless out an american who's been assigned a puerto rican newspaper it is a newspaper that appears in switzerland and a very good one bishop hausa outset one of the finest and this was the dominant is an uptick though i wrote about was the third day after
he had been elected before his inauguration and which appeared early in january in the newspaper in the german language and why did i write this it's almost the pages to see if all of the home page which in a daily paper is rather unusual why did i write this because i think that he is so important a figure and so interesting one that the european public to know about but above all of course all the family orchestra will abort because the election of a new governor is a man of great interest to the entire united states and more especially to the puerto rican community in new york would you say was the film image that because of the very close intimate connection between the puerto rican community in new york and the island the change of administration in puerto
rico has profound repercussions in the new york what we can communicate yes i knew they were here puerto ricans here in our way we're looked a little patio of hobby in this single room for a long time and they'd landed their usual wanted attained and they use all of these men mr morain that he was the idea of candidate and that is why these mile in less than a year i can say because in the oblivion it became to lead the ged became to be impetus their front yard is ryan guillen of the ceo of the very day of the election no the geese throw that day he wanted was an economic hit what about a growth rates but at the end the heat won when i was fifty four thousand bald and everybody had missed mass <unk>
radical islam and everybody here in new york not already know you look at that every that you will know that it went on and then you wear it even the seminoles to give you all the united states like valerie indiana like i feel really set even cece a monday where no love but you were like i'm going to the site to what means the meat of iranian also a gray day at all the things that mr rod mention he'll replace he's also very good show from un is that i think they think that i write it's a great victory as it does not but would they denied it so you see i think that what the report now on on my opinion my opinion is because of the union about the man who
won the election from work right away i did have a lot of quality has given me a name and they are very very happy twentieth they are some of them most they put you know some are not lazy mr lane it is what they like him as a man that is that is why i think there are we are where we have gained a lot yes but when the election is i think is the fair is really a man of complete integrity he is a friend of the people a real one who understands you the poorest the most humble people despite his immense whales is a little workbench iraq and just the contrary he is sincerely humble and modest is a man of great charm and warms hears immediate contact those people i remember when i first met him this was at the museum in cancer how he showed
me his collections and talked about his view was as an art collector and this is one of the facets of them and two he is one all of the world's great art collectors he has established the least effect a foundation i think is his faith president of writings and he has created in concert one of the finest art museums in the americas and this museum was delayed it is art also former centuries but it also contains more than pop and contemporary puerto rican out this museum not only the connections are absolutely first rate stunning truly beautiful but the new museum building is said to be one of the finest in the world it's a work by builders storm the building is a beautiful building and they say he's maybe more than handing out is i liken it presented by unknown organelles my middle eastern ukraine among
them well yeah they are designed for is that one there were one a forbidden and i mean have no simple and plenty for may be a little overwhelmed by the menil i saw the museum and it was still in the old house in how it fifty nine charming old patricia house which on a boat it's more time and it is there that i first met was the ferry that i have an appointment with him then when i saw him again a few days later since he was always checking the guest book off his museum he knew that i had been that game was my mother and he wasn't pleased about that and then my last at the last time i saw him i was at the small airport in ponce of them at the end of my mother my but just waiting for a plane ticket to someone this was in nineteen sixty three and to suddenly someone i had noticed him
someone quotes bell and it was was defending his symptoms all show it was sipping coffee and i suppose it was while the medial coffee then from a paper cut and he had brought to the apathy young many young was american who was a the son of a friend of his in the states and was going to work for you but was recently returning to the state's first and yet brought him to the airport and there we talked and that he said i should get in touch with his sister says the promise money was very active ian community affairs culturally dakota workman social worker new york was and i'm the director of a community center that feel like a community center in brooklyn ny med then films defecate and she is a wonderful person who does a wonderful job there amy the navy yard such a funk green section off of opening and if the fed raised has created the museum he has created practically the twenty votes at the minarets of the mighty i think largely catholic university he has sponsored concepts and many other cultural events
and there it didn't really have the time to tell a racing that if there is just impossible he's also the island's number one industrialist he is a brilliant man in his old ideas of both ancient books very knowledgeable one i already said that he is a musician he is many things and get what always comes through is the warmth and honesty of his personality that's right then and there oh stole the question of the land mean it would be an immediate matter of beat him a man with a wealthy man yes as mike cramer mr raabe it's their day doesn't matter go home his eight where they're asking for anything within these morning dina do let verizon and everywhere and that way in to work for a world beginning of the deal as the crowd only following him
it had before the stuff copy of the letter that you know to me in reply to my congratulations and he was elected to the governorship and i think they're don't let that is awfully gentle significant that's why i'm taking the liberty of quoting a good systems to block my sincere thanks for your kind of november seventh congratulating me on my election as governor of what political visits a belated answer but any goals my deepest gratitude it is a great responsibility but also great challenge that they give chance to serve for political and had a big in new ways of progress congratulations for the opening of the new puerto rican cultural center i'm glad to hear that the dedication ceremony was gratifying successes kindest regards and see any sign of faith and i think this is very significant about that is the way he is now no one will be a big house that he has assigned himself as the commandos stand is to fight crime it is interesting to note that apparently crime does not stand simply from poverty and sometimes the other way around because
when i first came to puerto rico nineteen fifty eight the crime problem was not very see is as yet it would put illegals very point a past that was hardly especially crime problem but since there is a certain limited amount of prosperity and undeniable progress that has be in something like the blow us all of this are the problem and as a matter fact drug addiction has been imported from the mainland from north america and they have a crime problem now and the nsa is giving his entire salary as government to fighting narcotics addiction and apart from that has stated that this is one of the most important and immediate tasks of his government to fight drug addiction and cry in connection to that they'll admit it that few days before there'd be severe rent last wanting us going oh he came to new york
and i remember on the first day last idea that they'll reduce his day that i was invited by what would listen to a conference in running an intermission political the mechanics and he wanted to see in that it can be the pentagon they're not only enroll in the lead stayed here what our ally walid yeah because these are the days began in compiling the spigot and one very ill and he he wrote though that going for him i think at last fall are very well loved the lead here over the question of women comics farming he's gay and the question of where i'm from jim you've been down in puerto rico i also believe that he will improve social conditions of was in advantages on was very difficult to say what the result of an administration will be and i don't want to make any definitive predictions but i am under the impression that a lot will be damned to a broad social conditions but the principal come to the
help of agriculture which has been lagging in puerto rico in the last decade which has not shared freely in the country's progress and that he's thrilled that is thrilled they'll with a question about a quarter dying of the amigos marshall be a lot of the farmer didn't want go ahead at the debate that believed it prompted a lot and a lot of them they colored lily this city is now theirs and that i think dates because actually a date they went on dame nothin on my little my thing is getting new program and the entire building see that ball with a company like and caution is de una are an unknown how volatile when you saw we really and say quite apart from any party politics we hail governmental east cafe as a great american republican the great hope for
this hemisphere and for the puerto rican people and it is very significant inconclusive a little bit of the man and there's the credo was that my it too that when the late papal of bees will come force the famous what rican nationalist leader passed away that the fed may send a delegation to the funeral although most of these campuses ideals way out actually opposed to there was all of these the family he paid homage to a great man a great part of that is because most of the rent always has a respect what any money that mean even anything in suits go in in the problem and not ride nobody outside mentioned before that way he respects already you solemn and that's the man so i think we cannot close this broadcast in a better way more pleasing way and await what cotton says the entire spirit of this man then with another band sound bite one might
propose a great composer for the leak of the vehicle both of pounds of the hometown of government legally yes you have been listening to hispanic community a
weekly series of programs about the cultural and public affairs in the world community of spanish speaking nations your host for these programs is peter block president of the association for puerto rican hispanic culture we invite you to join us again next week at this time for puerto rico reed visited a program in which mr block will discuss his experiences during a recent trip to puerto rico i'm bonnie line these programs were produced through the facility's of wypr in new york this is an er the national educational radio network fb
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Hispanic Community
Episode Number
Luis Ferre and Gregorie Domeinech
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Recorded at WRVR
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Producing Organization: WRVR-FM
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: 16-043-03 (The Riverside Church)
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:30:14
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Chicago: “Hispanic Community; 7; Luis Ferre and Gregorie Domeinech,” 1970-05-14, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “Hispanic Community; 7; Luis Ferre and Gregorie Domeinech.” 1970-05-14. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Hispanic Community; 7; Luis Ferre and Gregorie Domeinech. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from