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this bill is the first letter of pouring to the corinthians the fifth chapter i actually hear reports of sexual immorality among your mr aleksei such as even patients do not tolerate the union of a man with his father's wife and you can still be proud of yourselves york to have gone into morning amanda was done such a deed should've been rooted out of your company for my part though i'm absent and body i am present in spirit and my judgment upon the man who did this thing has already given as if i wear indeed present your being assembled in the name of our lord jesus and i with you and spit with the power of our lord jesus over us this man is to be consigned to satan for destruction of the body so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the lord your
self satisfaction hill becomes you have you never had the saying a little evan leavens all the dough you live and of corruption is working among you purge it out and then you would be bred of a new beginning as it where i live and passover bread or indeed our passover has begun the sacrifices offered christ himself so we will observe the festival must not use the old liv and the level of corruption and wickedness but only leon live a braid which is sincerity and truth in my letter that i wrote that you must have nothing to do with moose livers i was not of course referring to begins to reduce lines on a gravitas and swindlers so i don't actors to avoid that you would have to get right out of the world i know right that you must have nothing to do with any so called christian who leads a
loose life or is grasping or ideology as the slander of a drunkard or a swindler you should not even eat with any such person what business of mine is it to judge outsiders guard is that judge you are judges within the fellowship root out the evil go out from your community if one of your number has a dispute with another has seen a face to take it to pagan law courts instead of to the community of god's people it is god speed want to judge the world surely you know that and if the world is to come before you for judgment i you incompetent to deal with these trifling cases i'm not aware that we have to judge angels how much more media matters of business is therefore you have such business disputes how can you address jurisdiction to outsiders you know count for
nothing in our community i write this to shave you can it be that that is not a single wise man among you able to give a decision in a brother christian sports must brother baltimore with brother and before him believe it's indeed you already four below your standard of going to war with one another at all on our brother suffered injury fine art rather than just have been wronged so far from the issue actually indian amber robe injured and grow your brothers surely you know that the un just will never come into possession of the kingdom of god make no mistake know for make a total i don't attack now no idea to either of adultery on almost sexual perversion no thieves are breadwinners or drunkards or surrenders or swim good it will process the kingdom of god church where some of you but you have been through the purified water as
you have been dedicated to god and justified through the name of the lord jesus and the spirit of our god i am free to do anything you say yes but not everything is for my good no doubt i'm free to do anything but i for one will not let anything make free with me so this for the very end the belly for food use a true and one day god will put an end to both but it is not true that the body is fun last it is for the lot of them are from the body god not only raised our month from the date he will also raise as by his power do you know that your body's organs of christ shall i then take from christ his bodily parts and make them over to our heart never you surely know that anyone who leaks
himself with a heart becomes physically one without the scripture says the pair shall become one flesh but you links itself with christ is one with him spiritually sharon for vacation every other sin that a man can commit is outside the body but before making decisions against his own body do you not know that your body is actually writing the end wellington holy spirit at the spit it is god's gift to you you do not belong to yourselves you were bought at the price then on a god in your body the christian in a pagan society and no for that matter as you wrote about it as a good thing for a man to have nothing to do with women but because there's so much immortality led each man to have his own wife and each was one heroin husband
last month must give the wife what is due to her and the wife equally must give the husband his view the wife cannot claim her body as our own it is her husband equally the husband kept in his body as his own it is his wife's do not deny yourselves to one another except when you agree upon a temporary abstinence in order to devote yourselves to prayer afterwards you may come together again otherwise for lack of self control you may be tempted by satan although this icy by way of concession not command i should like you all to be as i am myself but everyone is the gifts god has granted him one this gift and another that de leon mind of the windows i say this it is a good thing if the state as i am myself but if they cannot control themselves they should not a better be mounted
them burdened with vague desire to the money and i give this ruling which is not mine but the lord's a life must not separate herself from her husband and if she does she must be they remain unmarried or be reconciled to it has been and that's been must not divorce his wife the rest i say this as my own would not as the norms if a christian is a heathen wife and she is willing to live with him he must not divorced her and a woman who has a even has been willing to live with that must not divorce and has been for the heathen husband now belongs to god through his christian life and the heathen wife sue have christian has been otherwise your children would not belong to god whereas in fact they do if on the other hand they even bought their wishes for separation let him have it in such cases the christian
husband or wife is under no compulsion but god school is a call to live in peace think of it has a wife you may be your husband salvation as a husband you may be your wife's salvation however that maybe each one must order his life according to the gifts the more discredited him and his condition when god called him that is what i teach in on our congregations was a man called with the marks of circumcision on him let him not remove them was ian circumcised when he was quote let him not be circumcised circumcision or and circumcision is neither here nor there what matters is to keep god's commandments every man should remain in the condition in which he was called were you a sleeve when you were called who thought that that troubled you but if the chance of liberty should come take it
for the men who as a slave received the court to be a christian is the logs for the ban and equally the three men who received the core was a slave in the service of christ you were bought at a price boom not become slaves of man less each one my friends is to remain before god in the condition in which he received his call on the question of celibacy i have no instructions from the lord but i give my judgment as one who by god's mercy is fit to be tested it is my opinion than that in a day most tourists like the present this is the best way for a man to live it is best for a man to be as he is are you bound in mileage do not seek a dissolution has your mileage been dissolved do not seek a
wife if however you do moderate there's nothing wrong in it and if the virgin mary's she has done nor wrong but those whom it would have been of grief in this brotherly life and my aim is to spare you what i mean my friends is this that i know we live in will not last long while it lasts my name should be as if they had no waves mourners should be as if they have nothing to believe them the joyful as if they did not re joyce buyers must not count on keeping what they buy nor those who use the world's wealth on using it to the full of moral frame of this world is passing away i want you to be free from anxious care the un moderate man cares for the lord's business is amy's to please the lord of the moderate man cares for a worldly things his aim is to please his wife and
he has a divided mind the un my door senate that cares for the lord's business have we missed a beat dedicated to him in body as in spirit but the mine were one cares for a worldly things have aim is to please her husband i'm saying this i have no wish to keep your neck tight grain i'm thinking simply of your own good or what is seemingly and of your freedom to wait upon the lord without distraction but if a man as a partner in celibacy and feels that he's not behaving properly towards it if that is his instincts are too strong for him and something must be done he may do as he pleases there's nothing wrong in and let the body but if a man is steadfast in his book was being under no compulsion and has complete control of his own joyce and if he has
decided in his own mind to preserve his part in her virginity he will do well that's hugh laurie's to spot not does well and he who does not going to do better a life is bound to her husband as long as he lives but if the husband die she's freedom idea when she will provided the body ages within the lord's fellowship but she is better off or she is that is my opinion and i believe that i too have the spirit of god no about food consecrated duty the deities of course we all have knowledge as you say this knowledge breeds could see it is love that builds if anyone fancies that he knows he knows nothing good in the true sense of knowing but of a man who loves he is acknowledged by god well then about eating this consecrated food
of costs as you say a false god has no existence in the real world there is no god but one for indeed if there'd be so called god's whether in heaven on earth as indeed that are many guards and many markets yet for us there is one god the father from whom or being comes fortune we move and there's one lord jesus christ through more things came to be and we flew him but not everyone knows this there are some who have been so accustomed to idolatry that even though they eat this food with a sense of it's he even consecration and their conscience being week is prohibited by the eating certainly for will not bring us into god's presence if we do not eat we have none the worse and if we eat we are none the better
be careful that this liberty of yours does not become a pitfall for the week in the week it sees you sitting down to a meal in it than temple you'll have knowledge without his conscience be emboldened to eat food consecrated to the the deity this knowledge of yours is utter disaster to the week the brother for old christ died in last sitting against your brothers and wounding their conscience whose sin against christ and therefore it fooled be the done for my brother i would never eat meat anymore for i will not be the cause all my brothers don't fall reading has concluded that the thirteenth less of the eighth chapter of the first letter of purim to the corinthians it's
The New English Bible
Episode Number
1 Corinthians 5-1 Corinthians 8:13
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c41a34ecbbc (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:16:40
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 60; 1 Corinthians 5-1 Corinthians 8:13,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 60; 1 Corinthians 5-1 Corinthians 8:13.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 60; 1 Corinthians 5-1 Corinthians 8:13. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from