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it's big the date is long will owe money in today's casale in the days on the it's the holiday so when i come in a seemingly verified lloyd's canon law spiritual leader the conservative congregation i meet a jewish center and running to new york the three pilgrimage festivals but mark the cycle of the jewish year are mentioned in various portions of the bottle nowhere however does the religion with greater clarity then in the portion of deuteronomy and that is
right in the synagogue this week for here they are clearly identified it's primarily harvest festivals celebrating the bodies of nature the holidays or trade man's involvement with the elements and identify nature itself as an extension of divinity paradoxically enough the value of major festivals is much greater to those of us who are born and reared in an urban society overly dependent upon technological marvels rather than on the phenomenon of the cycles of time the necessity for some rain did not have to be explained to the former and the shepherd those are those
however who we will begin to light it it's something that comes from a swedish water something divorced from a faucet and milk something that has created and dispensed in the carport container have to be reminded that we are still dependent upon the elements for life it is true that from time to time the proof of nature's might still overwhelms us when our schedules are upset by power failures or when we learned of crop failures through increased prices at the supermarket nonetheless we still tend to consider these incidents which would probably come under that category what insurance companies acts of god as lame excuses for
poor service my public utilities or as a justification for unwarranted price squeeze is somewhere of a long chain of the economy that stretches between producer and consumer it is undoubtedly true but a very legitimate picture of society's evolution could be given simply by the description of mountains continual struggle if not two when complete independence from nature's caprice at least partially saul the mysteries of four bodies have to plumb the depths of for treasuries this quest itself has learned to man's alienation from the
elemental mysteries of life and has given rise to his tendency to think of himself as an question master of all that he surveys it has water dog the symbol of the primal emotion of gratitude to the memphis and creator it has lessened his attachment to the world around him and that has certainly didn't his ability to see himself and his world in proper perspective his creations of the one creator of the universe the lifecycle to a city boy is nearly a museum visit or possibly an excursion to a forest preserve the best it is seen through a glass
darkly in the three pilgrimage festivals of the bottle nature is woven into a pattern of a mess a patient of redemption and of community beginning with the birth of life in the springtime in the biblical first month the festival of freedom the exodus from egypt is celebrated in the spring with the passover and then accounting of time begins with the earth and its fruit and after the passover the second of the pilgrimage festivals is marred seven weeks from the time has signaled its first put to the standing corn with the arrival of the great summer harvest festival of pentecost the
supremes harvest festival indeed for centuries of jewish life the festival incarnate comes with proper knuckles seven days of feasting and rejoicing after though have gathered in from the thrashing floor and from that one press at a cost is of course celebrated as the festival of revelation at tabernacle is kanan later ages to be a national festival with political as well as theological overtone but for this governor is religious the very nature of assembling three times a year gave a cohesiveness to a community
of them as worst agriculture is and herdsmen they're too often a tightly packed suburb lacks in our own tone contrary to it too popular distortion of the nature of the jewish religion rejoicing on these festivals was not simply an option what was a religious mandate though shalt rejoice and i feast ball and ice on them but offer by non servants and i'm a good servant and the levis and the stranger and the fatherless the widowed that are within the gates seven days shell bulky both east of the the lord argo and the jews came as pilgrims bearing gifts not his misers coating their own gotten gains they had been blessed by nature and they
came with free will offerings to their creator they're redeemer though the transitory nature of human life and human experience was dramatized by the symbolism of the tabernacle of the face of the tabernacle is and only eating up in haste of the offering of the passover and eleven bread yet they did not sit in mourning with sa cloth and ashes was instead they came together knowing that prevention was theirs theirs was the faith that trust and security joy and happiness came not to the one who tried to accumulate possessions and paul were for far off rainy days of distress but rather that it came to
one who free and unfettered gave knowing that his very life let alone his bowtie was the gift of the lord who delighted the lines and the blessing you have been listening to portion of the week the bible was read in the synagogue with hiv in a commentary this evening you heard rabbi lloyd tenenbaum spiritual leader of the conservative congregation i need a jewish center and honey to new york online a lot of the congregation today is a lot on our army in the days on the it's the wrong voice also follow oldman aires mayor off that buzz aldrin they are more humane
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warshaw by a panamanian by a coach al ali atm why i was sharp and herbs when i meet their mom i am gotten all ya me in my job well arnie in the fall lye on her outlawing eighty bodies shared on ads matt chat on a savvy moms not at odds that awe dates men at offset many lemay narrow our share of sadat law our law that's why it occurred a new law tells a long lance the air show maggie's plan to mars on at odds at our lamb a natural
way iran eight oh certain age i share is out of alt latino my job at our game people my age at her it worked well yeah the easy why are bowed out an ad in the head at a man was directly at ashram ah yes now that they are i told is it roy army me well audio only mr niles beer aka ashram i am nobody at all on that's why is their aim
my eyes hello again as chen am i did though teams i'm amanda shadow as i am all mayer's article caught me in my ape named layla hid in er our show more year in malawi here all along their name is charlotte by allah will vie en op war ii get a job mahlon will mandate moscow shares my odd way the fbi
Portion of the Week
Reeh 34-6, Rabbi Tennenbaum
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 6 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Reeh.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
Asset type
Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Tennenbaum, Lloyd
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a97725f802c (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Reeh 34-6, Rabbi Tennenbaum,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Reeh 34-6, Rabbi Tennenbaum.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Reeh 34-6, Rabbi Tennenbaum. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from