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it's both the first letter of pork to the corinthians chapter nine the christian in a pagan society i might not a free man am i not an apostle did i not see jesus oh lord i'm marc yu my own handiwork in the lord if others do not accept me as an apostle you at least are bound to do so for you are your sales that they seal of my apostle it in the lord to those who put me in the dock this is my own set of rhino right to eat and drink of i know right to take a christian wife about would make like the rest of the apostles and the lord's brothers and see this or worse and i had to work for anything did you ever
hear of a man serving in the army at his own expense or planting of indie art without eating the fruit of it or tending a flock without using its milk do not suppose i rely on these human analogy is in the low of moses' we read a fishing ox shall not be muzzled you suppose god's concern is with oxen or is the reference clearly to ourselves of course it refers to us in the sense that the parliament should blow and the thresher finish in the hope of getting some of the produce if we have so the spiritual crawled for you is it too much to expect from you i'm a duty or harvest if you are lower others these rights we are stronger but i have revealed myself of no such right
on the prompter it i put up with a lot of that comes my we rather than offer any hindrance to the gospel of christ you know do you not that those who perform the tempo service speak the temple offerings and those await upon the altar claim their share of the sacrifice in the same way the lord gave instructions that those who preach the gospel shared and their living by the gospel but i've never taken advantage of any such right nor don't do i intend to claim it in this letter i'd rather die no one shall make my boast an empty boast even if i preached the gospel i can claim no credit for it i cannot help myself it would be ms anita me not to preach if i did it on my own choice i should be ending my pay but since i do it apart from my own choice i am simply
discharging a trust them what is my paid the census section of preaching the gospel without expense to anyone in other words all waving the rights which my preaching gives me i'm a free man and don't know muster but i have made myself every manservant to win over as many as possible to jews i became like a jew the wooden shoes as they are subject to the world of moses' i put myself under that law do in them although i am knock myself subject to it to win gentiles who are outside the law i made myself like one of them although i am not in truth outside god's law being under the mall of christ for the week i became a week during the week indeed i have become everything intend to man of every sort so that in one way or another i may
save some all this i do for the sake of the gospel to bare my part in proclaiming it you know do you not adapt the sports all the runners round the race though only one wins the prize like then run to win but every athlete goes into strict training they do it to win us at least we are beasts that never fades for my part i ran with a clear go before me i'm like a boxer who does not be clear i've bruised my own body and make it no it's muster for a fee of that off their preaching to others i should find myself rejected you should understand my brothers that our ancestors were all under the pillar of plywood and all of them passed through the red sea and so
they all received baptism into the fellowship of moses' in cloud and c they all eat the same supernatural food and all drank the saints' super natural drink i mean they all drank from the supernatural rock that accompanied that travels and that rock was christ and yet most of them are not accepted by god for the desert was strewn with the corpses these events happened as symbols to warn us not to set our desires on the evil things as they did do not be eye daughters like some of them as scripture has it the people set down to feast and stood up to play letters not commit fornication as some of them did and twenty three down thousand died in one day it is not to the power of the lord to the taste as some of them did and were destroyed by
serpents do not grumble against god as some of them did and were destroyed by the destroyer or at least things that happened to them was symbolic and were recorded for our benefit as a warning for upon us the fulfillment of the ages has come if you feel sure that you are standing firm beware you may fall so far you have faced no trial beyond what man can bear god keeps faith and he will not allow you to be tested above your powers but when the test comes he will at the same time provide only out by enabling you to sustain it so then dear friends shot and idolatry i speak to you as a man of saints form your own judgment on what i say when we bless the couple blessing is it not a means of
sharing in the blood of christ when we break the bread is it not a means of sharing in the body of christ because it is one loaf we many as we are all one body for it is one loaf of which we won't party look at the jewish people i'm not those who put taken the sacrificial new shares in the altar what do i implied by this that an idol is anything but an idol or food offered to it anything more than food no but the sacrifices they even offer are often in the words of scripture the demons and to that which is not god and i will not have you become partners with demons you cannot drink a cup of the lord and the top of demons you cannot put take of the more unstable and the table of demons and we defy
the lord always stronger than heat we're free to do anything you say yes but is everything good for us we have free to do anything but does everything help the building of the community each of you must regard not his own interests but the other mammals you may eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience for the earth is the lord's and everything in it if i don't believe that invites you to an emergent care to go eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience but if somebody says through this food has been offered and sacrifice then out of consideration for him and for conscience say do not eat it not your conscience i mean but the other mammals what you see is my freedom to be called into
question by another man's conscience if i partied with thankfulness why am i believed for eating food over which i have saved greece well whether you eat or drink or whatever you were doing below for the honor of god give no offense to jews or greeks or out of the church of god for my part i always try to meet everyone halfway regarding not my own good but the mood of the many so that they may be saved follow my example as i follow christ's i commend you for always keeping me in mind and maintaining that tradition i handed on to you but i wish you to understand that while every man has graced for his hand woman's head is man
as christ's head is gone a man who keeps his head covered when he prays or prophesies bring shame on his head a woman on the contrary bring shame on her head if she prays or prophesies bare headed it is as bad as if her head was shaved if a woman is not the way out of the eu he might as well have here at all but if it is a disgrace for her to be groped and shaved then she should wear a video a man has no need to cover his head because man is the image of god and the middle of his glory when as woman reflects the glory of man forman did not originally spring from woman but woman was made a lot of men and man was not created for woman's sake one woman for the sake of men and
therefore it is a woman's due date to have a sign of all thought it on her head out of regard for the angels and yet in christ fellowship woman is as essential to a man as a man to woman if woman was made out of a man it is through what one that man now comes to be and god is the source of all for yourselves is it fitting for a woman to pray to god they had added does not nature herself teach you acquire flowing locks disgrace ah man then a woman's glory for adults were given for covering however if you insist on arguing let me tell you there is no such custom among us or in any of the congregations of god's people in giving you these inventions i must mention a practice which i cannot command your meetings
tend to do more harm than good to begin with i am told that when you meet as a congregation you fall into sharply divided groups and i believe there is some truth in it for dissension so necessary of only to show which of your members a sound the result is that when you meet as a congregation it is impossible for you to eat the lord's supper because each of you is in such a hurry to eat his own and why one goes hundred another as too much to drink and you know homes of your own to eat and drink in all are you still contemptuous of the church of god that you shame it's poorer members what am i to say can i commend you on this point certainly not for the tradition which i handed on to you came to me from the lord himself that the lord jesus on the night of his arrest to braid and after giving thanks to god broke
it and said this is my body which is for you do this as mr mario army in the same way he took the cap off the separate and say in this cup is the new covenant sealed by my blood whenever you drink it do this as a memorial altar me on every time you eat this bread and drink the cop you proclaim that is until he comes it follows that anyone who eats the bread or drinks the couple the lord and was and they would be guilty of this secret in the body and blood of the lord a man must to stem cells before beating his share of the bread and drinking from the cup forty who eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment on himself if he does not deserve in the body that is why many of us the boat and sick and a number have died but is
we examined ourselves we should not last fall under judgment when however we do fall under the last judgment he is disciplining us to save us from being conned damned with the rest of the world that for my brother's when you meet for a meal wait for one another if you're hungry eat at home so that a meeting together you may not flow under judgment the other matters i will arrange when i come the reading concluded at the thirty fourth verse of the eleventh chapter of the first let's set off paulo to the corinthians fb
The New English Bible
Episode Number
1 Corinthians 9-1 Corinthians 10:34
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-78d01b70e79 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:16:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 61; 1 Corinthians 9-1 Corinthians 10:34,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 61; 1 Corinthians 9-1 Corinthians 10:34.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 61; 1 Corinthians 9-1 Corinthians 10:34. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from