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the acts of the apostles captivity in their thirty six or leads the alarm after a while well said audi not to go back now to see how our brothers of ferrying in the various towns where we go play in the word of the lord barnabas wanted to take your mark with them the courtyard that the man who had deserted them in a billion and i'm not drawn to share in the words of your command to take with the no the dispute was so shocked that they bought that company by members the mark with him and say you are a cyclist while poll shows silent he started on his gimmick commanded by the brothers for the grace of the lord and traveled through
syria and cilicia bringing new strain of the congregation he went on to vote for and there he found a disciple named timothy the sound of a jewish christian mother and a greek father he was well spoken out by the christians the list for an accordion and port wanted to have him in his company when you have the police so he took him an circumcised him out of consideration for the jews who lived in those bar while they all knew that his father was a greek as they made their way from town to town they handed on the decisions taken by the apostles of the elders in jerusalem and enjoy and that of the actual day by day the
congregation's grew stronger in fate and increase in numbers they travel through that region appalachian region because they were prevented by the holy spirit from delivering the message in the province of asia and when they approached the libyan border they tried to enter the area but the spirit of jesus would not allow them so these scripted missy up and read the ghosts that were doing the night of asian themed pull the macedonians who they're appealing to him and saying come across to macedonia and help the opry had seen this division we have once said about getting a passage from macedonia from building that board headquarters to bring them the good news so we sailed from collapse
and made us great run the cemetery the next state in the aftermath of america vilified a city of the first rank in that district of macedonia and are over probably fairly stable family along with tampa bay we went outside the city gate by the riverside where we thought there would be a place of prayer and set down and talk to the women who had gathered there one of them named lydia a dealer in purple fabric from the city of fire planner who was a worshiper her heart farm were posted she was the pirates and the ghost who had that and then she said to us if you will get me to be a believe in the lord i've been due to come and stay in my home
and he insisted on going was when we were on our way to the flavor where we would have to verify your spirit and brought large profits do have orders by caring for people of the whole of the rest of us shuffling these men are servants of the supreme court and i'm declaring for you a way of salvation he did this gave up that day until poor a bearded no longer running on the spigot he said aka bob you in the name of jesus christ from october and it went out there and they him when the guarantor know so that they're hopeful gain gone they seized full of silence and threaten the city authorities in the main square and bringing them before the magistrate they said these
men are causing a disturbance an hour said that they're doing they're advocating for the roots which is illegal you and all of all of all your even the attack and the magistrates for the prisoners' clothes and ordered them to the floor after giving them a severe beating they flung them into prison and ordered them to keep them under close guard in view of these orders he put them in the prison and secure that the inmates talk about midnight or silent at her prayers were singing praises to god and the other prisoners were listening when suddenly the effect of violent their great that the foundations of the deal were shaken forward towards that
the duo walk up to see the prison doors wide open and assuming that the prisoners had escaped through his sword intending to kill himself a pork show could you yourself though are we're all here foreign fighters currently the air even exported the vote of the boston or was that do to be saved they said look at that in the more visas and you will be saved you and your home so then we spoke the word of the lord to it add that everyone in his home at that made out of the night he broke them and watch them and immediately up with he and his family were baptized he brought them into his home
said no to me you and rejoiced with its horror unfold in his newfound faith in god and the liking the magistrate said that officer with instructions to release them in the dealer reported the message before the magistrate said were in the view of the belief the value may go free and blessings on your journey but poor saved for the opposite they gave of a public parking though we are once again and have not been bombed you get a few of them to prison and there may notice smuggler though privately though indeed let them come in person and their supporters and the officers reported these words that if they were alarmed at out that they were roland set of pain and apologize to
live in the escort in the road and requested to go away with that they are leaving the president they went to libya's health where they met their progress and words of encouragement to than they deposited they don't travel by whale a couple of them apple will be a band came to america where there were the dewey finn ago following his usual practice or went to the meetings and for the next the sabbath he argued with the quirky takes a scripture which he expounded them applied to show that the messiah and rise from the dead and this jesus he said well my uncle came into you is the messiah some of them were convinced
and join paul and silas so did a grape number of god fearing greeks and a good many influential woman but the jews in the demo is they recruited some more growth of the dregs of a populist arose the rubble and had the city in an uproar they more aces helps with the intention of bringing paul and silas before the assembly hearing to find them they pay a decent himself and some members of the congregation before the magistrate jumping the man who a big trouble or the world of know come here and there's hard work though they all love the airport mourners at this at that there is a tribal king he says these words caught the great commotion them all which
affected the magic that soulful they bungle houston and the others and let them go as soon as dr vail the members of the congregation said paul and silas all through the area on arrival they made their way to the synagogue the jews here were more liberal minded of those that that's what i got they received the message with great eagerness studying the scriptures every day to see whether it was as they say many of the battle became a believer and so did a fair number of greek woman of standing as well made but when the testimony and do where were the area they gave more nervous that upon the members of the congregation's important ones that were bound for the coat
while silence and they will stay behind course it's collaborative the father of that and came away with instructions for silence and chemically for joining them will be now while paul was waiting for that but that he was exasperated the ceo the city with who will write you really argue in the synagogue with the jews and did their worshipers and also in the city square every day with casual better life and some of the typical ian and stoic philosophers joined issue with him driving theory he would appear to be a propagandist or for india because this because he was preaching about jesus and resurrection
so they took him and brought him before the court the vioxx said and we know what you don't have is a funeral pro you are introducing ideas that sounds strange to us and we should like to know what they mean now the athenians in general and the foreigners there had no time for anything but for people are feeling about the latest novel than poor stood up before the court of audio that's been said they interact and i see that in everything that confirms religion you were uncommonly procurement but as i was going around looking at the object of your worship i noticed among other things i know the ending the inscription to an unknown god what you worship but do not know this is what i know proclaim the god who created the world and everything in it
and who is more people and women that does not live in drying made by name it is not because he'll back to anything that he accepts services at maybe ten twenty even so the universal given a life of prayer and orwell he created every embrace the man once more to inhabit the whole circuit he fixed the box of their historic and the limits of that democratic they want to seek god and it might be caught and fined him no indeed he is not properly one of us wheeler who we are as some of your own point of saying we know it's still his offspring as a god offspring than we are not supposed to the deity of like an immediate go so the dome shaped by human
craftsmanship that design as of the kinds of ignorance bloggers or women bearing no ego modern mankind or maine everywhere to repent because he i think is the day on which he won the world judge i'm just really judged by a man all these to the war with you have given assurance do all by grieving and trumpeted when they have the votes there are even needed some call and others they had we would hear you on the subject some other time and saw the assembly however the man joined them and became the leaders including dionysius a member of the court though it all but there's also a woman named governments and others the site activity lear act in the way that the problem there he fell in
with a dude named a quote not a native of partners and his wife priscilla he had recently arrived from italy because audiences had issued an edict that or do you leave row for pop wrote them and because he was of their favorite dvds were with them and they carried our business together they were to make of your sort of discussion for you then silence them to vote they came down from macedonia and pork devoted himself a tablet to prepay affirming before the jews that the messiah was jesus but when they will pause them and resorted to abuse issue of scarcity will say to
them your blood be on your behave my conscience is clear know i shall go to the death of with that he live and went to the house of a worship of god named patty of justice who lived next door to the synagogue christmas who held office in the synagogue now became a believer in the morgue with a longer term and the number of corinthian listen and believed and when the guy's one night in a vision the lord said before have no beer warm with your preteen and do not be silent what i am with you and no one elected to do you harm and there may be in this city or my people really sick of them for eighteen month teaching the word of god among them
but different area was for consul over half the jews say the bump or in a body unbroken into court that man they said is inducing people to worship god in ways that i gave the law or was just about to speak when galeano said to them if it had been a question of crying or grave this to me that i should of course i've given you do a patient hearing but if it is some bickering about words names on your tuition will you may see to it so i don't know might be a john who these matters and he hadn't been ejected from the car then there was a gentle attack on the sauce that these who held office at the synagogue and they gave mr beatty in full view of the page but only live
valeo court forced the door and then to relieve of a brother who have tips to the feria accompanied by pursue it and the gorilla her career he had his hair cut off because he was on the road when they reach that mrs teapot the problem and with himself and to the synagogue where he held a discussion with the dew he was asked that they are longer but the kind of step out from activists saying as a true believer of them i shall come back to you if it is god's will on landing at this area he went up the baby's respect for the church and then went down to npr after spending some time there so the
division of the country and armed group project bringing use very thorough look on that their reading has concluded only a few of the arrogance of the opera
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Acts 15:36-Acts 18:23
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Acts of the Apostles.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c14a9a07090 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:20:40
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 50; Acts 15:36-Acts 18:23,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 50; Acts 15:36-Acts 18:23.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 50; Acts 15:36-Acts 18:23. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from