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the gospel according to john chapter sixteen this sixteen a little while and you see me no more and in a little while and you will see me some of his disciples said to one another what does he mean by this a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me and by this because i am going to my father so they asked what is this little while that he speak so we do not know what he means jesus knew that they were wanting to question him and said are you discussing what i said a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me and a truce i tell you you will weep and mourn but the world will be glad what though you will be plunged
increase your belief will be turned to joy a woman in labor is in pain because her time has come but when the child is born she forgets the anguish and have joined that a man has been born into the world so it is with you for the moment us said that hot but i shall see you again and then you will be joyful and no one shall rob you of your joy when that day comes you at last nothing of me and very true side tell you if you asked the father for anything in my name he will give it you so far few of us nothing in my name i asked and you will receive that your joy may be complete til now i have been using figures of speech the time is coming when i shall no longer use figures but tell you of the father
in plain words when that day comes you will make your request in my name and i do not say that i shall prayed to the father for you so the father loves you himself because you have loved me and believe that i came from god i came from the father and have come into the world know i am leaving the world again and going to the father and his disciples said why this is plain speaking this is no figure of speech we are set to know that you know everything and do not need to be questioned because of this we believe that you have come from god he's a science and do you know believe locke the hour is coming has indeed already come when you ought to be scattered each do his home leaving
me alone yet i am not alone because a father is with me i have to do all this so that in me you may find peace in the world you will have trouble but cottage the victory is mine i have conquered the world after these words jesus looked up to heaven and said father be our scout glorified i sound that the sun maid glorify the followers made himself over all mankind to give eternal life the oracle bo has given him this is eternal life to know the cologne are truly god and jesus christ who know tests and i have glorified the on earth by completing the work which sell davis me to do and no father glorified me in my normal presence
with the glory which i had with the before the wedding began i have made it known for the man who know just give me out of the way and they were lying low gave us them to me and they have obeyed i come on and now they know that all buy gifts have come to me from the what i have taught them all the time that i'm from the and they have received it they know with certainty that i came from the they have had faith to believe that though did simply i prayed for them i'm not praying for the world but for those who know has given me because they belonged to the orbit is mine is nine and forties nine is mine and through them as my glory charm i'm just a no longer in the world but they are still in the world
and i am on my way to the holy father put it by the power of i mean those who know has given me that they maybe one as we are one when i was with them i protected by the power of those who now has given me and kept them safe not one of them is lost except the man who must the loss for scripture has to be fulfilled and no i am coming to the left while i am still in the world i speak these words so that they may have my joy within them in full measure i have delivered the i word to them and the world hates them because they asked the rangers in the world as i am i pray thee not to take them out of the world but to keep them from
the evil one they are strangers in the world as i am consecrate them by the truth by word is truth as lotus sent me into the world i have simply and into the world and for their sake i know consecrate myself but maybe to maybe consecrated by the truth but it is not for these alone that i pray but for those also who sued their words book that faith in me may they already won as though father martin me and die in the store sold me baby in us that the world may believe that though it's simply the glory which though davis me i have given to them but they maybe one as we all won
it in them and though in me maybe maybe perfectly one then the world will learn that though did send me that though didst love him as loaded street father i deserve that these men who love i give to me maybe with me when i am so that they may look upon my glory which though has given me because the oldest love me before the world began all right yes father although the world does not know the i know the and these men know that though did send me i'm a bad name known to them and will you make a note so that the mouth oh had strongly maybe if i die maybe in the end the final
conflict after these words jesus went out with his disciples and crossed the key drawn ravine there was a garden there and he and his disciples went into it the place was known to judas his betrayal because jesus and often met there with his disciples so do this took a detachment of soldiers and police provided by the chief priests and the fighters he's equipped with mansions torches and weapons and made his way to the garden jesus knowing all that was coming upon him went out to them and asked who is it you want jesus of nazareth and said jesus said i had come he and bass to judas the traitor with them when he said it and he they drew back and failed to the ground again jesus asked who is it you want
jesus of nazareth they arms and then jesus said i have told you that i am he if i am the man you want that these others go this was to make good his words i have not lost one of those who about diversity then upon simon peter drew the sword he was wearing and stare at the high priest servant cutting off his right ear the servants name was marvelous jesus said to be debt she your sword and this is the top my father has given me shall i don't drink it the troops with their commander and the jewish police know arrested jesus and secured him that you confess to address anas was father in law of pathless by priests the lead here the same classes who had advised the juice that it would be to their interest in one man died four people
jesus was followed by simon peter and another disciple this disciple who was acquainted with the high priest when with jesus into the high priests courtyard but peter reported at the door outside so the other decides the high priests acquaintance went out again and spoke to the woman at the door and brought be to an end the maid on duty of the door said to be done for you another of this man's disciples i'm not too sad the servants and the police had made a charcoal fire because it was cold and they were standing around it warming themselves and beat of two was standing with them sharing the warmth the high priest christian jesus about his disciples and about forty toward jesus replied i i have spoken openly toward the word and i have always talked in synagogue and in the temple
where all jews congregate i have said nothing in secret why christian me ask my heroes what i told them they know what i said when he said this one of the police struck him on the face exclaiming is that the way to lots of a high priest jesus replied if i spoke on this state it in evidence if i spoke well why strike me so and this sent him bound to purchase the high priest meanwhile because dude warming himself the others asked are you another of his disciples but he denied it i'm not he said one of the high priests servants and elation of a man who was here peter cut off insisted that i not see you with him in the garden peter denied again and just in a cock crew
from caiaphas jesus was made into the governor's headquarters it was no every morning and the jews themselves stayed outside the headquarters to avoid the firemen so that they could be the passover meal so by that window to them and i asked what charge do you bring against this man if he would not a criminal that implied we should not have brought him before you buy that said take him away and i am by your own role that jews and said we're not alone to put any man to death last may and joined the fulfillment of the words by which jesus had indicated the manner of his death private then went back into his headquarters and simon de jesus are you the king of the juice he asked jesus said is that your own idea or rather suggested it to your point of why have you said about it your own
nation and that even priests are brought to reform a lot of your data and jesus replied my kingdom does not belong to this world if it did my followers would be fighting to save me from arrest by the jews my king leo thought it comes from elsewhere you are working man said by that jesus out said cain is your wood my task is to bear witness to the truth for this was i born for this i came into the world and toured not death to truth listen to my voice and with those words went out again to the jews for my party said i find no case against him but you have a custom but i'd release one prisoner for you at passover
would you like me to release the king of the jews and in the clamor owes about him we want but obvious but others was abandoned private no to jesus and had him forward and the soldier's play to the proto farms and placed it on his head and roll given up the pope pope then turn enough to tie and they came up to him crying hero keg of the juice and struck him on the face once more pilot came out and said to the jews here he is i am bringing amount to let you know that i find no case against him and jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the possible koch behold the man said pilot two priests and their henchmen saw him and show to classify classified
take him on crucify him your shows said by that for my part i find no case against him the jews out said we have a low and buy that low key ought to die because he has clean to be son of god when private have that he was more afraid than ever going back into his headquarters he asked jesus where did you come from but jesus gave him no answer do you refuse to speak to be set by a lot sure you know that i haven't started to release you and i have authority to crucify you you would have no authority or taller overby jesus replied if it had not be granted you from above and therefore the depot deal and lies with the man who handed me over to you from that moment pilot tried hard to release him
but the jews kept shouting if you let this man go you're no friend to seize or any man oh claims to be acting is defying caesar pilot had what they were saying he brought jesus i went and took a seat on the tribe you know what the place known as the pavement gaza and the language of the jews it was the eve of passover about noon pilot said to the jews here is your came they shouted away with him away with him classified him crucify your said pilot we have no kidding but cesar the jews replied then at last to satisfy them he hated jesus over to be crucified at the sixteenth
us of the nineteenth chapter of the gospel according to join it's by
The New English Bible
Episode Number
John 16:16-John 19:16
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to John.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-deb9ebe4a0f (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:18:57
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 42; John 16:16-John 19:16,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 42; John 16:16-John 19:16.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 42; John 16:16-John 19:16. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from