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a heart condition and he had a bed there were no materials for play our study in evidence for these children the boys ain't slept lived for twenty four hours and set space i wouldn't have been surprised to see the children even babies are members of our team saw them in the woman's hospital because they do permit the women to take very little children today or to prison with them but to see these little boys well i asked why the four year old was in prison and i was told he had been caught stealing a necklace then i asked about the parents of these children because the vietnamese family is a very close family and i received a very evasive answers i believe that these boys had been picked up on the streets of saigon just a few of the estimated two hundred thousand young children who survive as best they
can address in the streets nike does multiply that number from their population two hours this would be something over a million four hundred children in the united states between the ages of four and ten adrift on the streets no no family the network of agencies involved in the arrest the tension imprisonment it's vast and complex and brutal you've just had a glimpse of it if you read about the green beret case we heard of many such before we went to vietnam in a briefing at the white house and state department staff we were given information on political prisoners which turned out to be absolutely false they that is our government told us insisted as we press to our father brandon and i were there together some others
as we press wanting to know is it really true that the number of political prisoners is small and decreasing and they insisted such was the case we lend insight on from ambassador callie who is formerly the cia chief in vietnam and is now the pacification chief deputy to gen abrams at the number of political prisoners have is increasing and will continue to increase as the pacification program develops operation phoenix which is a part of the pacification program pulls information from half a dozen us and south vietnamese intelligence and security agencies you know and to tear it out and capture the sea or alleged dc political agents why we were in saigon members of the assembly criticized this program there's practically no freedom of speech freedom of press freedom of assembly but members of the
national assembly while they are in the assembly can raise questions and a number of them to raise questions criticize our program operation phoenix they charged that some us advisors of mistrust everyone arrest the wrong person's roundup whole villages often imprisoning interrogating torturing then send again often bulldozing the village and making refugees of the villagers it's over four million people of south vietnam are refugees and at least eighty percent of these are refugees because of us bombing again in terms of the united states' population has to be thirty two million we learned that the united states is financing a one in three tents million expansion in the con son island prison because cy
vance devil's island to provide seventy to add additional barracks for political prisoners due process is practically non existent under few he to the extent save an increasing use of the military to deal cards thousands are imprisoned without the most fundamental elements of a fair hearing in charge here is general procedure in the interrogation centers that beauty regime is maintained by this repressive military police state even if they had any election what meaning wouldn't have been the leading opponents are imprisoned or forced into exile and when there is no freedom of press or assembly when president nixon and other us officials talk about vietnamization they are talking
about supporting keeping in power if you cheat government vietnamese and some of them in prison and at great risk to themselves spoke of the devastation of their country by modern instruments of war that is by united states modern instruments bounce guess herbicides napalm and so far saying that they would not serve the country that has so destroyed their land and their people and in almost every group we worry and practically everyone had at some time or other been in prison or a member of the family had been i ask you when you read a bombs dropped remember is think about what set bombs would mean here and to you as of last february the united states have dropped over both north and south vietnam twenty five tons of bombs for every square mile and over one hundred and eighty pounds of bombs for
every man woman and child in vietnam and since last february the bombing has escalated in march it was over two tons a day and south vietnam the day after we got to saigon was booed as five hundred and thirty five thousand thirtieth birthday and in honor of the buddha there wasn't the b fifty twos did not bomb south vietnam and we all thought well how wonderful but then we were towed none of them were i don't they dropped all of a bouncer bouncer the house the lucci government supports this destruction of their land and their people at a luncheon in saigon as some of the members of the lower house gave for our study gene wang deputy talked about the vast expenditures poured into south vietnam by the united states he said we are bakeries in order to destroy ourselves that's the greatest
tragedy of all the events of the past couple of weeks leading up to this moratorium underscore serious political questions in press conferences president nixon has stated repeatedly they will not be affected by protests he said he hoped for an end to the war in nineteen seventy he again stressed that the south vietnamese people must be free to choose their own government even if they choose comes and then president you can't do that president nixon he declared that the war will not end in a year or so now i understand some of our officials said the same last night but i didn't hear them and that the south that you in kenya's government will never accept a coalition government questions which i think we need to struggle with or who is making american policy how is it made why does the united states
support inside a government that imprisons those who talk about new trailers and negotiation coalition pieces move its dna our job today every day is not to me a lot like catch phrases such as the organization the administration as a way of ending the war is the ultimate in dishonesty the urbanization means a continuation of the war with war materiel bombs planes napalm yes both young girls with war materiel and financing from the united states to that duty government the organization is a trick to perpetuate the present saigon regime and i feel and i just like to put that cn for you to
think about that our job is to keep up unrelenting pressure ever increasing tension until the administration is forced to be affected by the protests forced to admit that the united states is on the wrong horse the pope we certainly are indebted to mrs bennett for getting the facts out and for providing this new voice to interpret some things that many of us certainly have never heard thickly at close range or from someone whom we know and respect
and so has indeed been a privilege to have her with us and i am more than sure that during the course of the year she will appear on other forms and palace walk church probably with more leisure and you have a chance to engage in dialogue with his advantage over some of the profound issues which you raise trust this evening we were supposed to have one or possibly two other speakers roman senate not show up at this point i would like us to stand up and join him singing a number of four hundred and forty four it's b
it's b the
piece do you know continuing in the spirit of moratorium day like to present a number of castle seven james burton union theological seminary field education division who would share with me and the coal seam phase of this service of commemoration will read for us in scripture and makes comments are quite common three cds kept your father asked me to report briefly about impressions day from the state experience
and the next night just two or three very simple things about that the rabbi on television tonight reminded us of the old rabbinical saying that their calm times when the old man let's listen to the young in order that they the young might later listened to the wisdom of the men killed men and the list of young people that we saw today is that says that the viet nam is the central issue it covers everything but they think or feel there is really no other issue for them except that but they also recognize that the war in vietnam is only the tip of the iceberg and that it is a symbol of american involvement across the world and dozens of other countries probably is involved in such as seven other countries as now as
we were in vietnam in nineteen fifty eight and that's the consistent pattern of the us involvement is oppression of the poor which brings us full circle to some of the concerns that we have in this church with our immediate community and reminds us that the tip of the iceberg that we see in vietnam and the moratorium which we observe today bp comes full circle to our own community to responsibly to our black neighbors and to the church's work of liberation for all poor of the world and that work the job of ending oppression of the poor nixon has promised us yesterday that we would have the war for three more years instance resigned today in other people that is not right at about eight o'clock morning to someone in grand central
station and this was just union summer of woodstock students and the other about three hundred of us in a circle at eight o'clock it was my turn to stand on it so walks in the middle of this thing and make a statement must as a street corner preacher but it wasn't done it wasn't awkward at all because of the rightness of the issue and the va theological tone what was going on this was a service of prayer repentance and of scripture had a power that captivated all kinds of passers by as they came in and all several men and women who obviously commuters stop to say what this meant for the period there's a strong concern in the suburbs about this issue
but the most significant thing i thing down there for me was the fact that the church in the street has a vitality strength that is really worth our celebrating those of us who gather regularly in institutions church in the street can be trusted and it has a lot of vitality in wisdom that will lead us in the future years arrived last comment is simply this that this is only the first day of the moratorium and you can begin planning now for the next which of the november thirteenth and forty two days thursday and friday and in december three days solo if the key is participation then perhaps those of us who gather here regularly up to find ways that dissipating in those days which are common
these words are from the book a revelation and they provide a perspective or so after this i saw another angel coming down from heaven became a great authority and the earth was lit up with the splinter then in the mighty voice he proclaimed fall and fallen is babylon the great she has become a blowing for demons are hard for everyone clean spirit for every foul nelson bird for all nations have brought deep of the fierce wind of her fornication kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and merchants the world have grown rich on her belt and wealth and i heard another voice from heaven and said come out of her my people less you take
part and her sins and sharon her plagues or persons are piled high as heaven god has not forgotten her crimes pay her back in her own car and repay her twice over for her deeds double for her the potion that she next meet out brief and torment to natural look to us all she says in her heart i'm a clean on my throne know mourning for me you know widows weeds because of this were played shall strike her in a single day pestilence bereavement famine and learning from it is the more god less pronounced her due the kings of the earth a committed fornication with her and want her luxury will weep in way over as they see the smoke of or conflagration they will stand at a distance for horror torment and will say alas alas for the great city of mit's city of babylon a single hour her doom struck the margins of the earth also weep and mourn for
her because no one any longer buys their cargoes park was a gold and silver jewels and pearls clause of purple and scarlet silks and fine linens all kinds of center woods ivories and every sort of thing made of costly woods braun's iron or marble cinnamon and spice incensed perfumes and frankincense wind oil flour and wheat sheep and cattle horses chariots slaves and the lies in parentheses of the gross national product just went out the window the fruit you long for they will say it's gone from you all the glitter and glamour lost never to be yours again the traders and all these wares to gain their wealth from her standard distance for horror at her torment weeping and morning and say alas alas for the great city was clothing fine linen and
proponents garment dyes and with gold and jewels and pearls alaska than one out so much wealth should be laid waste then all the sea captains in voyager's sailors and those were traded by city still the distance and cried out as they saw the smoke of her current conflagration was there ever a city like the great city they threw dust on their heads weeping and morning and saying alas alas for the great city where all have chips it's a rich on her wealth and so you are jewish of the midwest but lett heaven exalt over her exultant prophets and apostles and people of god in the judgment against her is vindicated your caucus then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and hurled into the city and said the surface the shell babylon the great city the sad hurling down and never to be seen again no more so
the sound of harper's and minstrels of players and trumpeters be heard anew don't know more so craftsman any trade be found and you know more so the sound of them will be heard no more solo light of the land we see no more shell the voice of the bride and writing to be heard their traders were once the merchant prince of the world and with your sorcery you've deceived all the nations of the blood of the profits and of god's people was found in her the blood of all who had been done to death and the city's been sure sure then he showed me the ruler of the water was sparkling mcchrystal flowing from the throne of god another lam down the middle of the city's street on either side of the rest of the tree of life which use twelve crops different one for each month of the year that leaves of the
trays serve for the healing of the nations in every a curse of things will disappear the throne of god and of the land will be there and his servants or worship him they shall see him face to face and bear his name on their foreheads there shall be no more night nor will they need that like a plant person or the lord god will give them like they shall reign forever more it's been the same others join in a series of prayers some of these prayers are from the late dr harry emerson was like lettuce pray and peace let us pray and to the lord
let us pray for the peace of this from above and for the celebration of our souls oh god fairness not to our souls take us with an and guide us down that dark steps to the deep center and though we fear the silence tell us to wait until site is given to our eyes and hearing to our ears and we are able to understand why god has brought us to ourselves if we are humbled by standing at the source of our dreams and deeds and thus convinced of our native by grace then come oh lord and strengthen our hands that we may do well but we do well what we do well before the healing of this world pray for our
troubles we'd need be and our troubles for they are many we are burdened with the tragic sorrows of the world with that leads an increase of those we love and with inner perplexities and problems that destroy our piece we must choose between faith and fear courage and cynicism strength of character and collapse of life and we want to choose a better way we see in the vision and power and hope grant us raised to accept the materials of life we must accept and to use them wisely open our eyes to see opportunity here where we struggle and to be challenging to not defeated by our troubles knowing that those who are
for us are more than those who are against us pray for peace for peace oh lord we pray for the peace of the world the world in which we face daily disaster be sovereign now as we are involved in war and threatened by disorder on every side ours has been the sandwiches calls that we confess grant those patients to endure fortitude that having done all we may stand grant wisdom to balls upon whom rest the nation's responsibilities grant wisdom to those who must force would also carry the
responsibilities to do just mercy and so over ruled the way richness of man the doors may open where we had thought all of state was ended and he's come in with the promise of justice and human decency and freedom oh god we cannot make a good world out of evil men and women close our hearts forgive our sins and amend our ways granted and this place where we have come to worship and to learn of the by transforming face may change our lives turn us from the grudges that we have borne the un rather than as we had practiced the un cleanliness we have harbored the selfishness we have called to me we go
forth a more fit body of like people to work for peace and righteousness in our times finally overrun with prince silence first for the lives of men and women who lost their lives in the struggle we would prefer for a show day of moratorium and for those who help to bring about and for the days ahead in which we must engage in trying to refocus our attitudes are
questions and our concerns over this great struggle to pray for ourselves as veterans of world news as we pray in the name and spirit of jesus christ who taught us when praying together to say our father who art in heaven how would be by name by kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for violence the kingdom and the power and the glory forever almond thank
you very much this point we returned the evening over to dr campbell or lecture on justice and the social order fb facebook fb is both a
point fb to pay
off be close but he's been fb is because by the fbi has been
to put the paint has been the
place but the peaks boy it's been it's
been a piece by fbi is big fb to
by this bill is but the peaks but it's been
unlike the long island railroad will try to begin on time that really is unfair though because i don't write that's right and i have no personal grievance against that this has been a very unusual day i think in the life of new york city in the
nation at large i came back in the evening with a dose of new york state this morning there was a harsh even around the airport laguardia seem to me that the traffic today at a sunday quality and quantity about it i may be wrong but i i sensed a kind of holiness pervading the country the likes of which i had not sent since the day when the whole nation was in mourning for the passing of john f kennedy i step out and they passenger area at laguardia and was met by youngsters from a high school and they cite a long island who are concerned so secure my signature for or a petition our intent upon giving me something to indicate where their sympathies were regarding the issue of war and peace seems to me that there is something heartening and this would ever be are
refined judgment about the tactics and this isn't that brought us into vietnam the fact that there are people who are concerned about this rather than some of the frivolities that are normally associated with the adolescent life well let me stop here and honestly right now i mean we have some questions feel free to slip well that we don't have any loyalty objects like that we have other loaded sex like quotes it was almost mentioned campus sunday with owen the summit like to share something you'd like to disagree with it i had hesitate to try to represent printers foreign carmakers to survey was an exceptional man but
i would try to be as faithful to them as i i can be cosby he doesn't cut some not as such that is the whole concept of a foreign aid for any country but he does talk about in the last chapter about the hopes for world war
ii he's not very encouraged by any thought that we can appeal to states which through the years have always operated on the principle of self interest suddenly turn now under some x or taken from the church the toomey desires are giving away what they have and stopping war is also i think very perceptive and sign of whether a nation is militarily at war or whether it's so strong from previous wars or they can take a piece of posture but really all science another man described his way to the top can afford to be in a pen a boy's scottish the old saying has a grub first the netflix show he doesn't have much hope your body does have hope that perhaps with the threat of nobler nuclear expansion something might happen but he makes the point and this is only in a general way my command so that it's awfully important for a state that is a have the state recognize the inequalities in the other states and to do what i
can go to redress those inequalities and i would think that within that he would save it so i think he would say that that was just it's based on the fact that god made not only people to be interdependent for each other what that nation's to be entered and i would be in terms of what they can do the resources they have in their ground so i'm inclined to think he would call that justice he doesn't think it's a that a state can love as anyone fail the state an automated be facetious here the serbians want to explore their candy loving people within a state that i think will put pressure on the state to be more just he would acknowledge that this is the christian function
well yeah yes unfortunately it is usually described as that not always seems to me to take you know kind of a justice out of it this is the problem of the white man and a black man out through syria group
A Hall Moratorium Observance; Campbell Lecture Outtakes
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
A Hall Memoriam Observance, along with an outtake lecture from Dr. Campbell.
Recorded at A Hall
Created Date
Asset type
Event Coverage
Global Affairs
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Campbell, Ernest T.
Speaker: Berkland, Jim, 1930-
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8c6fded23aa (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “A Hall Moratorium Observance; Campbell Lecture Outtakes,” 1969-10-15, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “A Hall Moratorium Observance; Campbell Lecture Outtakes.” 1969-10-15. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: A Hall Moratorium Observance; Campbell Lecture Outtakes. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from