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iwi'notherno iiau muni'rdiriau i'w thymrorgn i angenau'r amlwym deborne i'n eu un our selves in our relationships with thee, lead us up from our low levels and out from our narrow boundaries, that we may escape from our obsession with our selves and loving and serving something greater than our selves. Find what we are in thee. Set us in the great backgrounds of our lives. olé, iith ma창 i cegelenawn pweren clyw y see i misodig, Herotig ddFromhingdіл egなul. Higher eichorginau aynaェ yn gweithioeeg a 제가vert te facept mewn hyffnailiau,
nid i'n brag oeim rydwyr, ym игрny ac eich aig chi'n aml fanau a'r unu yn gyleigau ieelluech, hunol â dolaetiadau aml adm specialio ac ypeople? Ein ei frungiill ni iawn i fyddannau fod, oedd ydraslygu mewn hyffnail yn y rhabaim y fraw. Turnywunor wedi fel Llefi Rolegrifus U Sarth תwy Gweekfardioedd. Helde Д Lead help Toeg wediedd Farkg eraill wedi bod yn Ysgiliau wedi unrhymonius rhoi burstyddol. Nag Holly Whar am yr Gymallrank sewing 깊plau ar ôn gand newid lefnog freell, Gallo'raeth yن un cepis meinkw cynllos o noodrydd o bar console. kansulas maeth wrthervesuaol. Mae wedi'i llwyrhgyn y beth roi'n caswael, gychydolír loginio roi ar ddyma sy'n gaethuch. Mene bona iechillioad yn hwnau i'r cy Whoof
isiau dddoedd chi hi dew gwrs yn dyùwn r Lean yn chelau a'i acod bob ebl wneud mwis ymfbeitha hearau y sドン Torybol, sef y dou隸 an Look into Dy� instagram 📷📷📷📷📷🧶🢺📷📷📷� assessin 📷🏼🆸�gu🦐🏼📷🱒🏷🏷neladol hynny Law 🦐🏷🏼�</2 🝾🏷🏷🏷🏷🏷🏼 🏷🅫🏷🏷🏷 SL mewn i alethubhwyth olyidi maen nhw i'n oblivort âher Awayldi. Yn wedi'r ddymret mire bwllu sef i d оружioch i sternod. Yn sițioch ynihb a y bydiaeth yng Ngмwfe i meddwl eich lyfu eichadodio i ll too, cu chodth meir ar gyffredibio gan ymbeni dron cunwedig ni'n gweidorannau i ddoundl
maximan gallun Galwistaart? It must be as the person who enjoyed it, and it must be how we raise our strength for them. Not for soft and easy lives, do we pray, but for great resources? Some of us are struggling against powerful temptations. Some of us feel the burden of grief and anxiety too heavy to be born. We ask for stability, for inward reserves of spiritual power, yng Nghymru'r just Comellun. Mae fod y bal 전iau mathdi i'r D Davis sydd i'r unrhygod ran diweifio robi o cypaşa maud, méthau a ni'n agarod. Mae y dynyddiant, yn an octave rhwyd fo wedi dynodiw i felliau. Mae fer bod y ll Interviewa i dd struck Llwyddi meitha i buo. Bydd yn gallwodraethom yn gwild o mewn oplei eu ac phatig ardom yn prï 모 felly g一个, mae ei gwy cryr o braj risb. Mae wedi wneir flann ysteidaur yn mydol am이 roeit jeldo, ran gan ilw y castel unrhyal yn y prwwonio ond drwedd y cheering
любой fel y Twineau gwiliau. Nos roeithehad, ac ffodil yng Nghyldool yst cod roe ym ydwch i saethol-oardegi afeudd ar dal wedd weiß a pom right ddiardd. o hwn'n ffsôr y cythastin sydd. Mae a geidyhau'n ffelen na fel addict o ac odym chi'n ffiros siolau sayswf i'r Vigdi cael cebl immune outputs a Greid. Ubudaifiol y p Star Nghymru a'u'r pract initiative tocond. i eich oven, fiau am eu Gebwydd holes. Traid Γιαnorill hynny, eich hon Shallor Rhysu wedaخر,
ohendru yeti enw Llwy bobl Nyf Бodyst塵l. an inappropriate ni dod arall o cael hyn. Waith ein gawr gyda'r ry Sebastien ло gwneud llwyrno ar gael agol bidodaeth porr i'f short o cael hymdiad wedi'i toti'u'r divine llaul llwfyd argydflāر fe fi'n g Continue aggrav innovations Pelechakat y seigau vei d queda cucumberaf y cyfŵnturaill cystal hand? Bursti yr cyhwsau. Dim gyddoastbil seadod yn cyhr ôl, disch unsafe ac変estereeman, gwneud i mi'r cyfrigh yw gyda'r seerddau, hunsaydda? Deir either dieiganchad amser,
fyrg am leithafmethidol, infectedis yn ymon oethau pan amdeau â'r soir., amdeauostliais y mộtioedd y pretio'r armiau Estados Chyn Doch â Ithlydd wedi'u amdeau meialindir viulidrosidiaeth yn y tu plruktio tsp â'r g白 ar yn edig snagrog evidenten a owarigaeth y gwirg, a ذ upo duechio'n cyf係an am Whydioedd ddicófneth y gallaw y fwy nor cyfluebod sy'n quiteodol ganPhir sut ac ac wedi acoithio hefyd yma roeg un sydd connaill candidates. Đfe i nw i.g y fawr da a'm mi dynamiciしu ochestair y busgrossau i gallo'r galo fawr ar yn amser yn gallus.
Tot i betan yna beth a'i â fawr eu peth. To i ni'n defnyddion o'i ang i ni'r Quarantine os, mych aredd yna oed, syni hi ddweddauLO unig i fyndi pethau'il yw nai twb, Mae hwyril, sy'n cyfrwahan sy'n teாau fallwynna i'n porna bod yn gweithyddol mistakenaiddodaeth bu oig hefyd, ac moddiol hefydol may ceid gallant a'r pensissaadau bod i mo眯ig llrr p Pitts gweithyddol y qualified gies statig, ac hwyrillasegu gwybod, ond eich 성공, o'r cyhovahiadraeth Boy captive panellol chi ddydu rhaig fyrwch. Sá'u gw captio beth mae gyda newidau ganwmuджadau gan etuaohd� electrical amde finer wir 450amus axig yn bplwy, a'i recell Germquisadau, sydd wedi ammwnaeth ddybyddos i dd Dais co포 datig.
Tói lle y gydahedraeth ag beth fydda ydyn nhw'r 걱onydd yr gyda fydd fyru de sylfod anybnym Psalm bracket fel gweld caeg iaeth deol ast, ac yn gweld bod gweld y sb我說 mewn allihloeric dw wedi mewn allihyd, Nod roedd erol acог sutiseddi motivational?' Mae was runway roedd yo credu fydd yn y geflad. DAYì'n ddebu hiadleta beth yn fantcesu Ildyn. wedi 13 roeddau c представля,'n gefnith arall ar y Bleig canfaithio. Doyd aionad gynful hynny. venio cylwad yn hynn ac hidol hwng iad sydd ac sint eisiau goflsheio cweld o fy fydd y rowario po покla fr division aiocaf goflsheio ac yno cael bofnod mentor meithaed 😿 eu coel yo sollדdi galleptio bydde sawn cho hon aut yn cael hyn a quiadau er ni'n awestrothsol, a Cymior Edo
a wh산baut. O tach ieg cyddiw ceithau rydyn, o'u lhym ychyd i, m yw ymdd eu lle Тогдаum jadau odeptor? Yn ei Havingсihennaw hanynaid變 cael y cylordactio a'r hynny. Ymodraethydd. aesthetek aynhw i'n defnyddio ac rydsteid i'n enki'r angen�i a'r rydyn, i am hynny mennydd. Lai manir roeddion sy'n gyfer medd百 i plant i y pwi sard rowdbw·e rydyn ni mus loose iddol onddi mynd mo arall Adfel i am Iichernil fwel i am
Iichernil spirit i ond Gymra wärellu dych ddwy Adhymru oedd miraculous y cygeddiad. Gael ie wedi'r gor explicwch yt y lle fo Foot Gym yn第一個 estaeth arwydd. Ash o'r ddairrak sydraendeu amgygu cheerle goth asedatre, Marriage is a phwp e'r y Winath mew fhu mewn per fo. Rydigeth cymu y boi gweld ar Straw and Set Miguel a peth lefno mewn cyddog y fazer. Bydd y Cymru fod yn gweld o'u ahignir, eu fod doel ac cynnog o ddyn nhw i ddymur un i gabydd ywodb'r dybyr, eu y maeddan adyn cyll dan yeast meddwl cysaeth. I nor Aeg y dybyrmnoedd o ddynwl moi ynda oedd gan fegynu, ac uni lyd MSD institup neu, ei gydnau gan m run y maeddan mealig a llwyr trwy maeddnau. Fe fy cyl lakeach a' rhan o gwneidioähr... o'r win sl the from forgetfulness as little thou must be reminded oreuged'
we pray against our own reluctance, not against thine. We would have our hearts open by our prayers the thal mightest come in as thou hast long desire. O God help us never to lose our vision of thee, thou art the centre and the circumference. PŽe pennu bennu'r uolóront meith ymgynt ei hynnydu'i bod y gallu ei lly Ambassador. Tref iRo'm yn刚au bun mae eit. Mae ban thir i'r i'r i wrth amryffand! W bolts toais săgiberigom oed i gyfluculemu hwnnw ifaithu wasu yearg. Transmog foor stradaйlach a eu�n cyflut Пот estava ond Ranosiau wnaoi o hwnnw'r très gyda chi lw mod am qul barw y dd come'r ddymeud, rydyn ni sefyd yn f close yma,
hon f tanto'r isdwy afchull ei hedig. Ricidion eiசu difnig, defnyddio chi wedi ifut 있어요, eu connu'r glifな. Y gydwno'n gweld siaradu, ffyd neu myselffiddio�i cynnnaiidamente eit nhw ar y federdwyddio undedd a'w cwfynion, cyl👎 dr高, fwynyddio gefniana eitarell o'r mith yma y dyma��ntor longiillwraith i'man a cry wedi gallus mith o fooi am beth a'u ffodd eu gwbl sy'r i biod advertisements'na. Gdyn symrabraith i ffodd gyflein mewn ffyd parwllors cy girlfriends yn co AM sleepo, tres'r initiativesversyn sarcבר enjoyic enwch ydwch ond lle hoee i flec ford ydy ll이athnak yda devith a dawch,
gwer fing Mäd Johnson, sy'n p voltaillMake'n p burner ond sfчас��inem i h fill. Mae'r i'r gallu Lunar Bran y myng l salir argyng Mae'r adhutol fal'i, mae yn malo, ai gyffur. Mae'n malo, ni chi'n malo' mewn, ó Scua, yn aros yn nihtu ffynnaen o ddetico mae beth dellenstrosachio Since a bwlaiethol embarnil. Adyf. פ garlic helaし, p linesai y rhwau a'n dei unig bestina ceffiliur o'r heliad, o'n dod eich hynny'n hun usadwn o'nnu'r postrungi bod chi o fysio ega yn caetiau a'r cywu er. Lleidbros, ac yn amdoen i'r ciliau brancaldu fel fefnwyr.
O Ard i fodnaethau yn caetiau fel nobl fefnwyr. pi a per'07th gweld f程 y yhte pysi itaint, a ty'n f pried i cy الكrali hynny. Pysi 1x4, yn'mi dysbryd estabaen, barancan, perafra on recruitift, peroar o delivera, beir elawnau ddymyrnydd austen, i ddi unm werdef yn y twydau ar wyeh informationu. Undry Fi engcybigoedd Freudhwyyl'ai dda, f arm fewn o'r rhebod hyn odi'r â'r osol? Deg y llenfaith a hwn toyd yn đâu i'n gysdie y meinen gallu gallu wedig oedō ay étaitbithio ymf eu cadu gwneud tegool adher��au a dynaall gydru swith gisteddau a'u galluau ymf y invisible yn rhywbeth.
¿A commented? i Tarnol o'r llwig minersu o'r llwig遊 AC, Corpsign Helder reproductivearaj่os poweraff yn dwedna i'ch tyshelwio mal ny anunci yn ddegafill sydwchwâddio egg gallu folf yn cyplumbi o'r llwllw way yn unig boulu varu yn syddðu
Glam o i fynd, enzymes, balwnio i gw社 Kell eu'm gynni toh ang yw'r zepold. Cyn bi meidawr ddim gan yna o fraa o mae'r sef y gallo, eye o'l arательно a'ulau rha. Mae y gallo am y piliad� eu pollanaio gwylíchi hollanστ ang pere civil maethiu y Hongrillestominousi. mewn i'r Bella Victoria o newIDS Illham Orser, vict Seuf, dw i'n bytell gwane, ddiao bydell radiol o hyn, hefyd'in leylhferdd. bikeordio 2043, a sy'n gael Tal' y by Member, y gwine Cl disabilities ac, ac yne imprintol ceis i!" o gael cw Scotland mewahirasıeth o gyllaeth, cyfaldsiau honddu £5 Diamantiau yn gael, gen Fi marketersio'rgyllai. Helorgun sydd mutation i'f i ei yna acodolf goandio chi?
Cwyfnwch weld i dĵitu unrhygi fe fwestdiadau ac i'au sydd fel'na y tr Ganzphain a achio a ffordd S wouldna iawn i genna Clipyddiac esopate yn ´Hear the voice of conscience, plainly speaking, and forgiven for the ´湾st we would go out to build stronger characters create in us a clean heart, O god, and renew a Write Spirit within us. Mae i'r rhannos pwgi peruf y toor yn bアm i gweithio f consequian. Dyna aleg i llain y wni ei'r gwbl sy'n fawro, mae'n aw arrange ratham yn decide, pe dorreunaan i dadaeth yn fawro ffordig holl i possibleop Fusion密idaeth at tellu codd dellreimon beth, i daroddys diall am wh산 wneudio'r cynедин Alexandu ac mawr ysbyd lle gelf yn Will.
Mae'r pweliedd i'w migacyffor gwneud fel fighter power and from all self complacency deliverers, so use the two small wisdom of our wisest leaders and the two partial goodness of our best Ya o distractedwch, Suf aówend 2013 o f Sinn gladau cwll eraidodd subscribe 130 o gen mostir. Huwodraeth i bydda gron Liliillau gall вчolmun a chypryn sy'r » aplementi cael ddiênu lltu llaud ar Splaman. Ond dra'n perir o ddi'n myn wneud pob yn pa 1973.
enghanwain ar fawr i an七 y diseb ito ddys��rau'i. Mae'n myn glþr'i narw i o serj her Tetgiau sic Cyn принципiben angenaill i ddryn ar Dimpan angenu'r dy cablesion o edarnu su fôr. Ond po grŁant'n mynd ar un a rhai cyl 부�細 gyffatiau nad scuro gyffatiau a diwad. Li mew ymlyd viau trwy accusations sy'n ddoedd a Dyngui a ddppo foi ddynu tekstan i eu ar ddychiswn af sicit o mewn gwahp o'r ddy ardul lle dsearedd fi odgyt a ddysgau lionen. Pond i Lewandreiddiu cyll rodeidau o fill cofry reheetau by'n cael lland i gallw'n cael wet brani חau Giodd ydy nyfraud, wnaeth cyffais yMs rôl yna mess paylw, yng ngising g Classic patterns a oes to dros darflas, a'iогadull yng Nghyngol eu leithfodid i cwrithio'r saurfell ymoo a wneud rel our the goiad fθOYend отнош Pow
ŋd en gallau ond yw cyfrig ac ond fel adpo ly newidoedd eu psaidd y gafoddi bod cael gw existing mei jobadau ei humbel us, if we are stricken and humiliated, lift us up, if we are bereaved comfort us, if we are tempted, suckered us, if we are confused, direct and guide us, and send us out sure that nothing can happen to us that thou and we together cannot meet. We pray in the Spirit of Christ, amen. Eternals, Spirit, hope of the souls that seek thee, strength of the souls that find thee, we worship thee,
praying for that inner refreshment and renewal, which only thy presence can bring. Through another week, the world has towered above us with its huge problems and has assailed us with its turbulence, and we have grown anxious, fearful, perplexed, inadequate. We need some shepherd to lead us in green pastures and beside the still waters restoring our souls. Surprise us today with some unexpected gift of thy grace, some needed insight and guidance, some vision of new possibilities, some fresh resource of strength and courage. Let this visit to thy sanctuary be to some of us,
the beginning of a new era, as though once more at the burning bush thy voice said to us, the place where on thou standest is holy ground. We pray thee for inner spiritual victory over our lives, grant us this triumph when we face hardship, we dare not ask to be spared life's difficulties and tragedies. Whatever strength of character we have achieved, whatever fortitude and patience we possess, has come from handling hardship, but we pray that we may rise above it, be superior to it, have power to transcend it, that we may build it into the fabric of our characters, and weave it into the texture of our soul. Grant us this victory when our lives are prosperous.
Thou see us, Lord, how deeply we desire happiness and love it. For all that makes life joyful, we thank thee. Help us nevertheless not to be hurt by happiness, not to be enfeebled and made selfish by it, may we transcend it, use it well, build with it more radiant and serviceable lives. Grant us this inner victory as we face our daily work. We thank thee for tasks that give worth and meaning to our days, despite the anxiety which it entails and the fatigue it brings upon us. Blessed be God for work. Make us adequate for our responsibilities. May our sense of vocation be victorious over routine and monotony.
We ask not for deliverance from our tasks, nor for smaller burdens, but for sufficient strength to crown our daily work with unselfish usefulness. Grant us victory, we beseech thee over our temptations. Have mercy upon us for we are exceedingly beset by enticements to evil. May the good life revealed in Christ shining our eyes today with an attractiveness that evil cannot have, above all we pray, that we may so handle ourselves, that we may not hurt and harm others, thou hast woven into our lives those whom we deeply love, so that whatever we do, we do also to them, help us to be our best for their six, and may we never by our weakness or infidelity injure and dispoil them.
As thus we pray for ourselves, we pray for the world, and especially for all those who labor for mankind's good, for all physicians and nurses caring for man's bodily ill, for teachers in our schools and colleges training the minds of the young, for social workers relieving the distress of the unprivileged, for men and women in business and the professions who put the public good before private profit, for all statesmen working for honesty in government and peace among the nations, for these we pray, and for thy church. O God, make the Christian church more Christian. May the Spirit of Jesus descend upon her and invade all who represent her,
that the day of the Lord's victory may come at last. In the Spirit of Christ, we pray, amen. Eternal God, deep beyond our understanding and high above our imagining, we worship thee. We thank thee that we cannot comprehend thee, for if thou couldst be caught in our nets, if we could run the lines of our weak thought around thy being and thy ways, then we're thou too small a God. We glory in thy greatness and thy depth,
beyond our comprehension. Be to us, we beseech thee what the souls of men across the centuries have sought to find in thee. Be to us a refuge, for the storms of life are heavy, the tempest beat upon our ships, and we need harbourage and anchorage, throw thy greatness around our littleness. Be to us the citadel of the eternal amid the anxieties of time, and let some hearts in this company rejoice that thou art our refuge and that underneath are the everlasting arms. Be to us our judge, for when we compare ourselves with ourselves and with others, to easily self-complacency takes possession of us.
Thou spirit of all beauty, truth and goodness, be thou our judge. We expect of us more than we expect of ourselves, humble us with some fair vision of loveliness in character and indeed that will shame us from our self-contentment. Grant that some soul here may see thee high and lifted up, and in contrition amends his life. Be thou to us a guide, for it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. If thou hast no purpose, then our purpose is vain. If thou hast no plan, then is our building vain. If thou hast no will, then do our steps walk waywardly and no not where they go. We beseech thee that for the garden and reward of our worship
light may fall upon some path, and some soul confused amid the perplexities of life may see the road that he should take. Be to us a friend, not far off, but close at hand available for every day's most common need. So that we may but part the inward curtain of our souls and find thee there. O eternal soul, great and yet so close, make us aware of thine abiding presence, and be to every one of us henceforth the inner friend, the unseen companion of our pilgrimage. As thus we lift our petitions spoken and unspoken before thy mercy seat, we think of all souls praying to thee around the world.
Across all the lines of race and creed and nation, our sympathy goes out to them today. We are one brotherhood of man upon one planet. God forgive us that we have made of it so ill a place, when peace and brotherhood, justice and equity and goodwill might have had their habitation here. Shame us out of our waywardness and ill will, we beseech thee, and beginning with our selves, let us seek thee in Christ, that as a fire spreads, so the contagion of Christ's spirit may kindle all mankind. Especially we beseech thee for some soul here, hard bested his back to the wall, fighting some temptation, all but overthrown by anxiety of a state,
grieving for the waywardness of those dearly loved, broken hearted with bereavement at their death. Come thou, beyond our power to pray for them, close to all needy souls. We thank thee that we do not need to stay defeated, that we can be reborn, redeemed from defeat to victory. Grant that triumphant experience to some soul here today. We ask it in the spirit of Christ, our men. Our men, our men, our men.
We ask it in the spirit of Christ, our men. We ask it in the spirit of Christ, our men. Iess y bluryd ni wedi ayau â' yn dymnol ei veithod am дraud ar y llaw i â. Ti'n gallu rog, yj cyflக dyny.
Dyn perish'n gallu'r febastio. our hearts to thee. All our thoughts touch but the outskirts of thy ways, our imaginations are but partial pictures of thy truth. Our words concerning the our short plummths dropped into a deep sea. Yet into thy sanctuary we come with grateful and expectant hearts, because while we by searching cannot find Chywaf digas i cyffreddon Promise 对ir o lan hyn a i fod diwyngui mewn viwe Status Cymru'r D Cymru Cymru'r ddoeg, ac dom attacking reithaw rain rhol o. Mae da rhani callor ryithawrillgradd
Zyhennol, who gave Baek sun gyd yn hefydna gallu ac skarpti ddy 것adau gallau hwydwysílu rampion. Gallau i ef ein hynny. Mae am derynwnod yn hi fel hynny ddod y amplified Ew clerodd. Mae'n hynny gwrd cesfeldu passeder adequate? Mae'n hynny cael atau gy борrectic oes flying bra百'r style? A ξrwysig dwy decides y bod vital i genoddiu'r liar yn ac eichеше per sтиforb, westi'n bynfo'r ch Rückwyr'r diad cynnig yn increasedau bynfodostohol…" Yn cadawol arwnol o dyd跳 Knwy'nael rhikkun' i'n gwasllorion... …rych amelyr ydpelwyr ei ddiynnod a d recurrfan fel yn mynd hyn oedd yn cofnod. A 6.40a Freddy dim a pinch ondell, eich sifぁ wneud wrthvaid shook n表示… Gamię clappingos drwy Highway Cymru'r yng wolf Shт
cyfllad i'r i wedi cael cyfllad cyd con May some broken railing itself zostate sees herbat go on a righ Hay Oyie seen esting Anybody Been Welcome to us in the spirit of dedic dedication Never Gray Family bar bra foods. Gwilau our toppings a chahanol. Gwilau our enhancing. Gwilau our việc a easeill y forwardiclet infection sy'n gallu'r eleven that we don't want, any phanol fel mew ddigau! Gwilau our Melbourne
a chahanol fel ei weithol gydill gallu'r ceidol newwydd Matau sy'n cyfAnother Ol. Mae'n cyf diaphrag yelling, … unigo lle y ddoses sydd yderfvär. Mae'n cyf deshalb sydd cyfyannau o'n cyf Evetorb oedd Amnerileill. Coli. Lou nerf oedd Am win i chi. L Produ. ematau mewn ffrid. lon barym aneddeach ddyn i'r sabdd. maithgorn yn hahyd transcript hynnych— eisiau hynnych ymrbionegu ei deithgast y Starthol yn Se mixer. Chyddechohol yn cael ffeg, kflusophopneg來到 Cylrefau Dolan Philan. To drifell, ac yngYr i'n chi, yn ac f einz gallu以前 nenrisiau i unfamiliar call fromhyd, yn f helmeti iawn ni hef y bethlfaen. A norgive mo gall熟 lle genomeau crown mewn sy nah.
y diror ieddurer â'r f a'r f専 the ein kullau rwy'r nen amod y torblau yn cy hope bydd oes bod wal m Aunt rgwna i'r dan hefydol yn y rhaid i interesu On all soldiers of the common good let thy blessing rest. From housewives in the kitchen to presidents and kings in their high stations, we pray for all in ordinary or extraordinary places who serve their fellows. Upon physicians and nurses, lawyers and teachers, businessmen and statesmen, upon all who work for the poor and bear on their hearts vicariously the burdens of unhappy folk forgotten by the world, we ask thy blessing.
Upon all those who work for the purification of our politics, the bringing in of world peace and the spread of the gospel of the Son of Man, we pray. Help us all so inwardly to conduct our own lives, that whether we live in prosperity or misfortune, we too may be among the honorable company of thy true servants who lift the world and do not lean upon it, and who leave it a better place in which thou mayest rear thy human family. We ask it in the spirit of Christ, Amen. Eternal God, our Father, high above all yet in all,
thy children gather in thy sanctuary to worship thee, thou fillest the heaven and the earth so that none can hide himself where thou canst not see him. Through all the universe thou flowest like the living blood through our bodies, yet there is one spot where we feel the pulse, where putting the finger we know the heart is beating. Let thy sanctuary be that to us to this day. O God who fillest all things, here let us feel the beating of the eternal heart. We pray for thy special grace upon this hour, not for this hour's sake, but that all of life may be elevated and strengthened. Make thyself so real to us here that never again canst thou be utterly unreal. Out from this place where specially we have found thee,
and been found by thee, may we go never again to lose sight of thee. May our family life be more wholesome, our friendships more faithful, our difficulties born with more equanimity and fortitude, our bereavements endured with more trustfulness and hope, our work done with better fidelity, honesty and kindness, because we have met here. Take us all into thine embrace. Be with the children that come up from the gates of the morning. Let them not by wrong training, evil example, or disastrous circumstance be turned away from thy purpose for them. Study our boys and girls in their tumultuous years, amid the waywardness of this generation. Keep their self-respect unsullied,
save them from the contagion of this unclean world, and may they be strong to offer the valiant service in the years ahead. Be with them a tour in the flood tide of their power. Let no prosperity spoil them, no disappointment crush them, no faithlessness overtake them. Keep them true to the nightly vows they took in their chivalrous years, and let their strength be glorified in thy service. Support the agent, now drawing near the river, across whose flood they see and vision, the shining battlements of the heavenly city. Establish them in their going, and give them a triumphant welcome on the other side. So encompass us in all our varied needs we pray thee, and in thine everlasting arms and fold us every one.
We pray for the sensitive and answering spirit and for the listening year. As the air is full of messages which unattuned we do not hear, so is creation filled with words from thee which our dull spirits miss. Save us this day from living like blind men in the midst of beauty not seeing it. From living like impure souls in the presence of love, not comprehending it against our dullness, our insensitiveness, our callousness, our thanklessness we pray. May we open our hearts to thine incoming, O thou God of righteousness and love. Give us the victory we beseech thee over our doubts. Thou seaest with what subtle and dangerous effect they creep upon us,
undermining the foundations of character, stripping away the worth from life, and leaving us at last with the universe bereft thee and an existence empty of meaning. Build deep into our hearts faith in thee and thy Christ, and so faith in ourselves, in our race and its possibilities, and eternal things unseen over which death has no dominion. For those who labor for the spiritual welfare of the people we pray, lift up leaders in our time. Give us courage to stand strong against the evils that afflict the souls and societies of men, against harshness, crookedness, guile, and all shy canary, against uncleanness, hatred, prejudice,
and all contempt of personality. Make us strong to stand that in our day Christ may see of the travail of his soul and be glad at the progress of his kingdom. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen.
We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen.
We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen.
We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen.
We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen.
We ask it in his name, Amen. We ask it in his name, Amen. The eternal God so high above us that we cannot comprehend the and yet so deep within us that we cannot escape the make thyself real to us today. We are tired of our littleness and would escape from the narrow limitations of our ordinary lives, lift us into the fellowship of the saints in light.
From our discouraged thoughts of human nature, redeem us by the remembrance of the shining ones for they to walk the common ways of earth, they to our our brethren and reveal the possibilities of man's nature. Lift us into the companionship of the noble living and the noble dead that in their fellowship our faith may be renewed, our hope strengthened, our courage confirmed. If thus we seek high fellowship today, it is because of tomorrow's need. Help us to go back to ordinary tasks to do simple things in a redeeming way to perform common responsibilities with an uncommon spirit to face a disordered world with triumphant soul. Eternal spirit by whom the humble are enlightened and the righteous are guided in judgment, grant unto us the grace of penitence and contrition, the gift of hospitality to thy leading and of obedience to thy will, and then do us with the faith that conquers fear and the courage that surmounts disaster.
We acknowledge our common guilt for the disorder that afflicts the world. We remember with remorse and sympathy the multitudes of the hungry and bereaved thy children and our brethren upon whom the heavy consequence of our joint sin has fallen. Open ways for us to serve them shed light upon the path that leads to their redemption and to ours. Teach us by the severity of thy just and law abiding punishments the insanity of war and the true conditions of a saving peace. Thanks be to thee for thy human ministers of light and love, who have acquainted us with incarnate goodness, so that our eyes have seen it and our lives have been redeemed by it, for homes where fidelity and goodwill have made life beautiful, for friends whom we have loved and known, and for friends unknown,
by whose multiplied service and sacrifice across the ages, a great heritage has come to us. We thank thee, make us worthy of this high company of the world's servants and saviors. O God who has built thy church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, save the community of thy people from cowardly surrender to the world, from rendering unto Caesar what belongs to thee, from forgetting the eternal gospel amid the temporal pressures of our troubled days, for the unity of thy church we pray. For her fellowship across the ambittered lines of race and nation, and to her growth in grace, her upbuilding in love, her enlargement in service, her increase in wisdom, faith, charity and power, we dedicate our lives.
Touch our hearts in these days with a fresh spirit of generosity. Upon every agency that dispenses the gifts of those who have to the needs of those who lack let thy benediction rest, save us from selfishness. Soften our hard hearts, save us from mean excuses. May there be no portion of the world today that our goodwill can reach, where our gifts do not make the lot of some easier to bear. Come close to us in our personal troubles. Some are here who have lately laid their dead away, and their hearts are sorrowful.
There are anxieties of body, mind and estate that need the healing touch of thy hand. There are prayers for wisdom, certainty, spiritual stability and power. There are souls here shaken by temptation, bewildered as to which way they ought to go, or so defeated that they feel no hope. There is strength here, thy gifts of intelligence and power waiting to be used in a generation that desperately needs them. According to our needs, may the riches of thy grace in Christ descend on every one of us. We ask it in his name. Amen. The eternal spirit from whom our spirits come, and in whom is all our peace and power, we humbly worship thee, thou dwellest in light unapproachable,
thou art to us like the sun at noon day thy brilliance too bright for our eyes to gaze upon, yet known to us by the light and warmth that bless the earth. We believe in thee with our minds, make thyself real to us in our hearts and consciences, grant us an hour of spiritual hospitality to the highest, and send us forth refreshed, purified and empowered. Grant us the grace of gratitude, have mercy upon any here who find it difficult to be thankful, for some of us have lately been bereaved and our hearts are heavy and depressed, and some are in ill circumstance, anxious about the moral and knowing not what will befall us there.
And some are sunk in shame over iniquity, committed or planned, and are wondering why this should be a world where evil is so easy and righteousness so hard. And some of us are burdened not for ourselves, but for others whom we love better than ourselves. How can we be thankful? Grant that in this hour of worship we may rediscover the faith that overcomes the world, may recall the endless benedictions by which our lives have been enriched, until thanksgiving rise is warmly within us. Quick and hour memories concerning the homes that nourished us, the friends that have sustained us, the books that have inspired us, refresh our recollections concerning the blessings of our civilization, bought and paid for by other toil and other tears than ours.
Lead us supremely to the Christ through whom thou hast so radiantly shined upon us, and at the foot of his cross we will be grateful. Give us tranquility, beneath the two great stress of this busy world grant us serenity and steadfastness that we may be like him who built his house on rock and not on sand. Give us stability that with comrades we may look on the restlessness and vicissitudes of life and possess our souls in peace. Give us courage, Lord. Courage to be honest, unafraid, straightforward, truthful. Build in us the basic virtues, without which it matters nothing that we erect graceful superstructures of aspiring piety. Let there be no crooked way in us, no guile upon our tongues, make integrity of life and character our portion now and evermore.
Give us vision, Lord. Thou hast not made this earth that the children of evil should triumph here forever. Thou hast made it that thy will should be done here as in heaven. In days of industrial greed, racial strife and threatened war, grant us insight to see that better days may come. Let us not supinely think that violence shall curse the sons of men forever, or the poor forever lose their opportunity in the degrading depths of the city's slums. For all sorts and conditions of men we pray, wherever in hospitals or in homes of sickness, disease has stricken down our friends, or those whose names are quite unknown to us, there let our hearts be. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, or in sincerity and truth thy ministers at home proclaim thy word of righteousness, there let our hearts be.
Wherever lovers of children guide their early steps, or servants of the age it make more peaceable, the last roadway toward the sunset, there let our hearts be. Wherever soldiers of the common good fight stalwart battles, for a fairer day of decency and goodwill on earth, for them are petitions rise. This is our supplication before thee that Christ, with his steadfastness, his courage, his faith, his sympathy, his victorious power should dwell in us. Granted, we beseech thee for his name's sake. Amen.
The last roadway toward the sunset, there let our hearts be. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, for them are petitions rise. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, for them are petitions rise. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, for them are petitions rise.
The last roadway toward the sunset, there let our hearts be. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, for them are petitions rise. Wherever on the far frontiers of the world missionaries preach the gospel, for them are petitions rise.
Fosdick Prayers Reel One
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
A compilation of prayers.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a03f592a7c3 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Fosdick Prayers Reel One,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Fosdick Prayers Reel One.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Fosdick Prayers Reel One. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from