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they're on a chaise wall all her lowly eight days harshaw i am they use all social mobility law was written the synagogue with rabbinic commentary assuming we hear mr paul zealots spiritual leader of the orthodox songs of israel are quote new jersey for this week the couple is contained in the twenty eighth chapter of glitter on this section is introduced with a following prayers and it shall come to pass
if that will park into the voice of the lord thy god to observe to do all his commandments which i commend the of this day and concludes with the blessings that will come upon israel the reward the popular mind has interpreted the reward of god from an individualistic standpoint and confined of this strange even in the commentaries of the rabbis it is interesting however to know how they attempted to relieve their interpretations all mature realistic meaning a good illustration is the way they explain first six blessing or so when the outcome is and blessing are no
window no it's literally coming and going to mean to the ordinary everyday transactions of law but the midrash explains it quite differently lessig law though window into the world and invite going from the worm and bad that the following common entre whole huge ship at the taco typically back to oh happy is the man who's our war of terror is like the bow or a bar this rabbinic interpretation opens up a very doable train before which is most appropriate for our consideration as we approach the beginning of the jewish new year by obedience to the
commands of god we are here told by walking in the way he's chosen for us by the lesage shall we be they've already sued for months even as we entered in is that not literally true when we entered the world we are greeted with cries of joy loving arms receive us a wealth of affection is showered upon us the cry which welcomes us is by ruth cobb are lessened be he who has come and walk high boots or entertained for its the infant as it lies hopeless oh it's mother's side is a riddle to which time alone wolverine
vs will be when it grows up it pose es is the possibility of so much good but also of so much people but since the future was hidden the homes are the bitters and the child's a rival is an occasion for rejoicing and love and blessing but a lot of the other end of like when the human career is not done but the city however of some parents falsified and they're loyal which gave such promise of the lesson proven itself a fate and how many quarters well looking back on them unless it be
applied human life has frequently been compared to the voyage of a ship each of us has launched upon the city of light and when we leave but even a parental control amidst good wishes and find the votes the expectations entertained of us of the heights but the sea of life a balance with dangers memories of the rocks upon which we are liable to be back stranded many of the crosscurrents which midterm us from all right course how few comparatively are they human ships which come safely into the harbor are originally marked out as their appointed destination should we
be surprised at a ship coming to grieve when it had no compass on board and its captain process no charts overseas on which are more dangerous places to be avoided it is the same with a human career why there are so many rocks on the sea of life is that too much is left to chance too few of us have guiding principles which regulate our country which help us to our audience at some decisions when faced with that we plunge ahead recklessly and blindly in the hope that everything will turn out all right but it turns out all wrong it is the supreme purpose of religion to offer us a
compass and they try to assist us in our voyage for work not only does it point out the direction we should take but it clearly marks what we are to avoid in order to escape disaster storms may always arise and veterans but it teaches us help rather than accidents are liable to occur but it helps us to make the best of it somebody once defined religion as the size of navigation over lives by its aid we can steer our boat safely into a haven amidst jokes about the commandments and precepts of god when observed and he did diane very human being from the moment he sets out on his career so that eventually which is the ultimate
destination of life which is in the arms of god it persists to make that career useful a blessing to himself and others it's so orders a light that it's in the icu with the word molested by raw veggies waddell rabbis intend to teach by their common happy is the man whose death is like the dollar apart from god back to go on is the true way of life each terminus an occasion for blessing not an aimless wandering constant progression is the right way to live and that and can best be achieved by submission to the constant control of the will of god and it shall come to
pass that will hardly improve the voice of the lord all these blessings will come up monday and overtake the top lawyer we'll borrow a pub outside their message out that would be interested in a message out about the in the new message out they are free to buy body and approval by land a lively than the light of god is a dream an honorable like a blessing from perfect it cannot be because we are framed print aware but not only show we'd be able to look back upon it with pride and satisfaction more it cannot be a failure a useless were god's standard of judgment differs from human judgment in matters of this kind in estimating the achievement of a fellow human being the question is often asked
how much has eleven there was a kind of riches whose value is not lost but increase at our exit from the world the wealth of a good name an honorable career kindly actions by walking in the ways of god aren't they close to his commandments we shall surely accumulate a sport of these regions which will stand us in good stead when we take our departure and we shall be greeted as we enter the world beyond as we were greeted when we entered this world with a joyous exclamation though invite coming to farming you have been listening to portion of the week the bible was read in the synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening you
heard rob eyeballs eleventh its spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation sons of israel lakewood new jersey the capture of proportion of the week is the lines are crumbling of the congregation beth shalom days plus amari in the days on the it's the wrong it's wise all saw you murph knowledge of all the nannies bomb those are al ali in mayor off that buzz aldrin they are more human body all matter bell army am yeah it is it is my
other the eu made a log will name our culture by at a law outlawing eu long yawn they're like college as long will moy all my indiana i am but it you know vi almada about ali erik is a rocky yeah this'll mom or your the ad a model being the date mahdi him a long wall you by oz elevating as aunt auntie off line now that the ailing bank i am i am us chatting me podcast largely off all the hair a mom it was shattered mayall and more broadly our
bodies airing like a lot of our neighbors law blog at our show more humans miami by a violent yeah but you know cheney he's my alma and the eagle nine ian may pass cost was all my aim at a lot have gone this sale or lab it out warshaw why a channing why a goat off al i am my art was sharp and that's what i mean paul
Portion of the Week
Ki Tavo 37-2, Rabbi Levowitz
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 2 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Ki Tavo.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
Asset type
Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Levowitz, Paul Z.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-15516444107 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Ki Tavo 37-2, Rabbi Levowitz,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Ki Tavo 37-2, Rabbi Levowitz.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Ki Tavo 37-2, Rabbi Levowitz. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from