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the faster that of polo to the corinthians you imitate and order in the church from paul the apostle of jesus christ that god's call and by god's will to get there with our colleagues saw cities to the congregation of god's people at problems dedicated to him in christ jesus claimed by him as its own along with all men everywhere who invoke the name of our lord jesus christ there are and as well as ours grace in peace to you from god our father and the lord jesus christ i'm always thanking god for you i thank him for his grace given to you in christ jesus i think him for all the enrichment that has come to you in christ you possess food knowledge and you can give full expression to it because he knew the evidence for the truth of christ has found confirmation
that is indeed no single gift you let while you wait expectantly for our lord jesus christ to reveal himself you will keep your firm to the end without reproach on the day of our lord jesus is god himself who called you to share in the life of a sudden jesus christ our lord and god keeps faith i have you to you my brothers in the name of our lord jesus christ agree among yourselves and avoid divisions be firmly joined in unity of mind and thought i have been to my brother's by police people that that a chorus among you what i mean is this each of you is saying i impose man or i am for a promise i foresee for this war i and christ's surely christ has not been divided among you was it paul was
crucified for you was it in the name of a board that you were booked ties thank god i've ever baptized one of you except for christmas a virus so no one can say you were booked as it my name yes i did the guys know sort of staff unless i cannot think of anyone else christ did not send me to bow ties but to proclaim the gospel and to do it without relying on the language of worldly wisdom so the effect of christ on his cross might have its full weight this doctrine of the cross is sheer folly to those on their way to ruin but to us we're on the way to salvation it is the code of god scripture says i will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the cleverness of the clever
whit ayres you're wise man no you're a man of learning or you're settled deadbeat or limited all of them to this passing age goddess made the wisdom of this we look foolish as god in his wisdom on today in the world fail to find him by its wisdom and he chose to save those who have faith by the folly of the gospel jews call for americans makes look for wisdom but we proclaim christ yes christ nailed to the cross and though this is a stumbling block to jews and for rita greeks yet to those who have heard his quote juice and greeks alike he is the power of god and the wisdom of god inviting folly is wiser than the wisdom of man and the very weakness stronger the man's strength my brother's think what sort of people you are old guard as
quote few of you are made of wisdom by any one standard if you are powerful or highly born yet to shade the wise god has chosen what the one counts falling after she too strong borders joins what the world cubs weakness he has chosen things lo and contemptible be enough things to overthrow the existing order and so there is no place for human pride in the presence of god you are in christ jesus by guards act for god has made him out wisdom he is our righteousness in him we have consecrated and set free and so in the words of scripture if a man is ground led to be probed overlord as fermi brothers when i came to you i declared the uk tested truth
of god without display of fighting words or wisdom it was so that while i was with you i would think of nothing but jesus christ christ nailed to the cross i came before you weak as i was then nervous and shaking with fear the word i spoke the gospel i proclaimed did not sway you would settle arguments it carried conviction by spiritual power so that your faith might be built not upon human wisdom but upon the power of god and yet i do speak words of wisdom for those who are the right thought it but wisdom belonging to this pass a gauge or to any of its governing powers which are declining to that end i speak guards hidden wisdom his secret of posts removed from the very beginning to bring us to our full glory the powers that rule the world have never known it if they
had they would not have crucified the lord of glory but in the words of scripture things beyond our seeing things beyond our heating things beyond our imagining all prepared by god for those who live in the cities that god has revealed to us through the spirit for the spirit explores everything even the depths of god's own nature among man who knows what a man is but the man's own spirit within him in the same way only the spirit of god knows what bodies this is the spirit that we have received from god about the spirit of the world so that we may know all but god of his old grace gives us and because we're reinterpreting spiritual truths to those who have the spirit we speak of these gifts of god in words found for us not by our human
wisdom but by the spirit amanda was on spiritual refuses what belongs to the spirit of god it is folly to him he cannot grasp it because it needs to be judged in the light off the spirit imam gifted with the spigot can judge the worth of everything but is not himself subject to judgment by his fellow man thought in the words of scripture who knows the mind of the lord who can advise him we however was this the mind of christ for my part my brothers i could not speak to us i should speak to people have the spinach i had to deal with you on the merely natural plane as infants in christ and so i gave you know to drink instead of solid food for which you were not yet ready indeed you are still not ready for it for
us to learn the merely natural terrain can you not see that while that is genesee and stifle minute you're living on a purely human level of your morning a cheer when one stays on poles man and another eye on for applause i you know or to human after all what is upon us what is paul we have simply god's agents in bringing you to the faith each of us perform the task which the lord allotted to him i planted the seed and upon us wanted it but abroad they did grow the city's not the doctors with the plant didn't want to bring all calmed by god who makes it grow whether they plan for water they work as a team the leech will get his aunt paid for his own labour we have guards fellow workers and you hire guards got him ordered in your guards building i'm like a skilled master builder
go by god's grace laid the foundation and someone else is putting up the building let each day care how he builds that can be no other foundation beyond that which is already lead i mean jesus christ himself if any one builds on that foundation with gold silver and find stolen or are widowed he and straw the words that each man does when at last be brought to light the day of judgment would expose it for that big dorms and fire and the fire will test the worth of each man's were ever man's building stands he will be rewarded if it burns he will have to bear the loss and yet he will escape with his life as one might from a fire shirley you know that you are god's temple where the spirit of god the wells anyone who destroys gods tempo with himself be destroyed by god
because the temple of god is holy and that temple you are make no mistake about this if there is any one among you will fancies himself a wise wise i mean by the standards of this passing age he must become a flu again true wisdom for the wisdom of this world is falling in god's sight scripture says he traps the wise and that old kind and again the lord knows that the arguments of the lies of your data so never made me a man a cause for pride for though everything belongs to europe all of apollo son seif us the world life and death the president and the future of them belong to you yet you belong to christ and christ to god we must be regarded as christ's underlings and the stewards of the
secrets of god will then still isn't expected to show themselves trustworthy for my part if i am going to account by you or by any human court of judgment it does not matter to me in the least why i do not even pass judgment on myself but i have nothing on my conscience but that does not mean i stand acquitted my judges the lord so passel premature judgement wait until the cops were you afraid to like what that does it and disclose names in what motives then will be the time for each to receive from god such praise as he deserves and to this general picture of my friends i have brought a possum myself on your account so that you make a case as an example and learn to keep within
the rules as they say and may not be inflated with brain tissue pachter is one of the other who make shoe my friends so important what you possess that was not given you if that you really receded all as a gift why take the credit for yourself oh you know don't have everything you could design you have come into your fortune already you have come into your kingdom and lift us out oh i wish you had indeed won your kingdom than you might share with us what it seems to be god has made us apostles the most abject of mankind we are like man condemned to death in the army not ice spectacle des moines university angels as well as man we're fools for christ's sake while us at sensible christians we're weak you're so powerful
we are a disgrace you'd want on and to this day we go hungry and thirsty and interacts we added roughly handled we wandered from place to place we wear our cells are working with our own hands they process and we bless the prosecutors and we submit to it they slammed the us and we humbly makeup you we are treated as the scum of the earth the dregs of humanity to this very day i'm not writing a vast a shame you but to bring you the reason for you when my dear children you may have ten thousand voters in christ but you have only one father farid christ jesus you're my offspring and mine owned through the preaching of the gospel i appeal to you that the father of my example that is the reason why i have said timothy
who is a dsm to be under most trustworthy christian he will remind you of the way of life in christ which i follow and which i teach everywhere in all our congregations there are certain persons were filled with self importance because they think i'm not coming to cotton i shall come very soon if the lord will and then i shall take the measure these self important people not by what they say but by what power is in the kingdom of god is not a matter of talk but of power choose than how my to come to you will around in my hand on in love and a gentle spirit the reading has concluded at the twenty first verse of leaf last chapter of the first letter of glow to the corinthians
The New English Bible
Episode Number
1 Corinthians ?-1 Corinthians 4:21
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6b6ce494d5a (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:16:30
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 59; 1 Corinthians ?-1 Corinthians 4:21,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 59; 1 Corinthians ?-1 Corinthians 4:21.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 59; 1 Corinthians ?-1 Corinthians 4:21. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from