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the fb the gospel according to join the first chapter the first that's the coming of christ when all things began the word already was
the word dwelt with god and what god was the word wars the word then was with god at the beginning and threw him all things came to be no single thing was created without him or what came to be was alive with his life and that life was the light of maine the light shane song in the dark and the darkness has never a queen ship then appeared a man named john sent from god he came as a witness to testify to the light that all might become believe ours through him he was not himself alight he came to bear witness to the
light there were you light which enlightens every man was even liane coming into the wind he was a lawyer by the way though woodward it's being to him that not recognize him he entered his own realm and his own would not receiving but durant did receive him to those who have yielded him that allegiance he gave the right to become children of god not born of any human stock or by the flesh and the desire of our human father but the offspring of god himself so the word became which he came to do well among us and we sold his glory such glory as befits the father's only son grace and truth
here is joan's testimony to him he cried aloud this is the man i meant when i said he comes often make but take shrank before they fought before i was born he already was a load of his food store we have or receive grace upon grace while the law was given through wars is grayson throws came through jesus christ no one has ever seen corn but guards only seven he who is in the interest of the fathers thought he was maybe we don't this is the testimony which john gave when the jews of jerusalem sent a deputation of priests and leave lights to ask him who he was he confessed without reserve
and of old i'm not the messiah what then it will i don't know he replied i knew the prophet we await he answered no and who are you they asked we must give an answer to those a sentence what do you give of yourself he answered in the words of the prophet isaiah i am a voice crying alone in the wilderness made the lord's highway straight some pharmacies who would win the deputy should i asked him if you are not the messiah know elijah nonprofit why then are you baptize him i bow ties in water john replied but among you know you do not know him stands the one that was to come after me i am not good enough to on fox and his shoes
this took place at best maybe on jordan where john was baptized and the next day he saw jesus coming toward him group he said there is the lamb of god it is he who takes away the sin of aware of this is he all home i spoke when i said off to me a man is coming to take shrank before may fall before i was born he already was i am myself did not know who he was but the very reason why i came baptize ing and water was that he might be reviewed to israel jordan testified further i sold the spirit coming down from heaven like a dove and arresting upon him i did not know him but you sent me to baptize and water
had told me when you see the spirit coming down upon someone and resting upon him you will know but this says he us de baptized in the holy spirit i saw it myself and i have borne witness this is god's chosen one the next day again and john was standing with two of his disciples when jesus past by john group toward him and said there is the lamb of god into disciples heard him say this and follow jesus when he turned and saw them following him he asked what are you looking for they said rabbi which means that teacher where are you staying calm and c he replied so they went and so where he was staying and spent the rest of the day whether
it was then about four in the afternoon one of the two four jesus after hearing what john said was andrew simon peter's brother the first thing he did was to find his brother simon he said to him we have found the messiah which is the roof or christ he brought simon to jesus who roped him in the face and said us simon son of john usually called seif us that is peter the iraq the next eight jesus decided to leave voluntarily he met phillip who like andrew and b decade came from betsy other and said to him follow me philip went to find nathaniel and told him we have met the man spoken out by moses in the role and by the profits it is jesus son of
joseph from nazareth nazareth nathaniel exclaimed can anything good come from nazareth phillips said come and see when jesus saw nathaniel coming he said here is an israelite worthy of the name that is nothing force in him nathaniel asked him how do you come to know me jesus replied i so you under the fig tree before philip spoke to you rabbi said nathaniel you of the sound of got you are kings of israel jesus acid is this the ground of your faith that i told you i saw you and of the fig tree you shall see greater things than that then he headed in truth in the very truth i tell you or you show see heaven why he'd
will go and god's angels by sending anti standing graced the giver of life on with their day there was a wedding that came out in galilee the mother of jesus was that and jesus and his disciples with guests also the wind the vote showed jesus's mother said to him they have no wine lift he answered your concern mothers not mine my hour has not yet come his mother said to the servants do whatever he tell you there were six storm water jar standing near of the kind used for jewish rights of purification each help from twenty eight to thirty
gallons jesus said to the savants fill the jaws with water and they fill them up to the brim no draw some off he ordered and take it to this joint of the feast and they did so disjointed tasted the water no turned into wine not knowing its source though the servants who had drawn the water new he healed the bridegroom and said everyone serves the best wine first and waits until the guests of drum freely before serving the poor resort but you have to get the best wine to know this deed that came out in galilee is the first of the sightings by which jesus revealed his glory and laid his disciples to believe in him after this he went down to compare anam in
company with his mother his brothers and his disciples but they did not stay there long as it was near the time of the jewish passover jesus went up to jerusalem then he found in the temple the dealers in cattle sheep and pigeons and the money changers seated at their tables jesus made a clip of chords and drove them out of the tempo sheep cattle and o he upset the tables of the money changers scattering that koreans then he turned on the dealers' in pigeons take them out and he said you must not turn my father's house into a market his disciples record the words of scripture says you for my house shall destroy me the juice challenge jesus wants i mean they asked can you show as of heartache for
your actions destroy this tempo jesus replied and in three days i will raise it again they said it has taken forty six years to build this temple are you going to raise it again in three days but the tempo he was speaking off was his body after his resurrection his disciples record what he had said and they believed the scripture and the words that jesus had spoken while he was in jerusalem for passover many gave their allegiance to him when they saw the signs that he performed but jesus for his part would not test himself to them he knew man so well all of them that he needed no evidence from others about a man for he himself couldn't tell what was in command there was
one of the fighters seize named nicotine most a member of the jewish council who came to jesus by night grab it said we know that you're a teacher saved by god no one could perform these signs of yours ims god went with him jesus' answer and introduce and very truth i tell you i'm always a man has been born over again he cannot see the kingdom of god but how is it possible said nicotine us for a man to be born twenty years old kenny ed tech his mother's warm a second time and be born jesus absent in truth i tell you no one can enter the kingdom of god without being born from water and spit it flesh can give birth
only to finish it is suspended that gives birth to spirit you are not to be astonished than when i tell you that you must be born over again the wind blows where it widows you hear the sound of it but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going so when everyone was born from spirit nicotine must replied how is this possible port said jesus is this famous teacher of israel ignorant of such things in very truth i tell you we speed of what we know and testify to what we have seen and yet you or reject our testimony if you just believe me when i talk to you about things on earth how you to believe if i should talk about
the things of heaven no one ever went up into heaven except the one who came down from heaven the son of man whose home is in heaven this set of man must be lifted up as the second was lifted up bible says in the wilderness so that everyone who has faith in him made it to him cause there's eternal life god loved the world so much that he gave his only son that everyone who has faith in him may not die but have eternal life it was not to judge the world that god sent his son into the world but that threw him the world might be saved a man who puts his faith in him does not come under judgment but the un believe and has already been judged in that he has not given his allegiance to
guards or we say here lies the taste the light has come into the world but mann professor darkness to light because the indians weren't evil batman or hate the light and avoided for fear that practices should be sure not the honest man comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that guard is in only does after this jesus went into june the air with his disciples stayed there with them and baptized john to was pop dies a net een on me at the same time because water was plentiful in that region and people were constantly coming for baptism this was before john's imprisonment some of john's disciples had flown into a dispute with
juice about to purification so they came to him and said rabbi there was a man with you on the other side of the jordan to hold new boy your witness here he is baptize it and crowds are flocking to him jones answer was a man can have only one god gives him you yourselves can testify that i said i am not a messiah i have been sent as his for about it is the bridegroom doubled the bright blue orbs the bridegroom best friend who stands by and listens to him is overjoyed at hearing the bridegroom choice this story this perfect joy is now mined as he grows greater i must go mess he will comes from above is above all
others he who is from bs belongs to the earth and uses ashley speech he will comes from heaven bears witness to what he has seen and heroin yet no one accepts his witness to accept his witness is to a taste of god speaks through forty will god saved utters the words of god so measurements is god's gift of the spirit the father loves the sun and has entrusted him with quote our party he will go to squeeze in the sun has honed all the tavern life but he you distill bees the sun shall not see that life god's wrath rests upon him
The New English Bible
Episode Number
John 1:1-"God's wrath rests upon him"
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to John.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-49c86f3a933 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:20:10
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 36; John 1:1-"God's wrath rests upon him",” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 36; John 1:1-"God's wrath rests upon him".” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 36; John 1:1-"God's wrath rests upon him". Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from