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the gospel according to mark chapter ten the us sent it to challenge to jerusalem they won on the road going up to jesus' leading the way and the disciples were filled with all while those who followed behind when afraid he told the twelve outside and began to tell them what was to happen to him we're now going to jerusalem he said and the son of man will be given up to the chief priests and the doctors a little they will condemn him to death and hand him over to the foreign power he will be mocked and spat upon forward and killed and three days afterwards he will arise again james and john the sons of seventy approached him and said my step
we should like you to do us a favor what is it you want me to do he asked me i said god just the right to sit in state when you want him at your right and the other actually if jesus said to them you do not understand what you are asking can you drink the cop but i drink or be baptized with a baptism by campbell ties with we can they are said jesus said about that i drink huge show brain and the baptism i am but ties with shall be your baptism but to sit at my right or lyft is not for me to grant it is for those still home it has already
being assigned where the other ten have this they were indignant with james and john jesus called them to him and said you know that in the world that recognized rulers more did over their subjects and their great man make them feel the weight of lost arctic that is not the way we view among you whoever wants to be great must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be the willing slave of all full even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to surrender his life as a ransom for many they came to jericho and as he was leaving the town with his disciples and a large crowd but to me as some of to
me as a blind beggar was seated at the roadside healing that it was jesus of nazareth he began to show and son of david jesus have pity on me many of the people rounded on him be quiet they said but he shouted or more son of david have to take on the jesus stalled and say in court and so it called the blind man and said take heart standup he is calling you at that he threw off his cloak sprang up and came to jesus jesus said to him what do you want me to do for you master the blind man and said i want my sight back jesus said to him
go your faith has cured you had at once he recovered his side and followed him on the road that one no approach in jerusalem and when they reached they say gee and detonate at the mount of olives he sent two of his disciples with these instructions bull to the village opposite and just as you enter you will find ten that they're called which no one has yet written on tight and bring it here if anyone asks why are you doing that say are mustered needs it and we'll send it back here without delay so they went off and from the court tethered to a dark outside in the street they went and tying it when some of the bystanders i asked what are you doing on tying that called
they aren't so does jesus had told them and where they are allowed to take it so they brought the globe to jesus and spread their books on it and he mounted an people carpeted the road with their cloaks while others spread brushwood which they had to cut in the fields and those who went ahead and the others who came behind shouted osama blessings on cable comes in the name of the lord and blessings on the coming kingdom of our father david cause i'm not in the heavens he entered jerusalem and went into the temple where he looked at the whole scene but as it was nearly eight he went down to decimate with the twelve on the following day after the deadliest day for me he felt
hungry and noticing in the distance a fig tree in the least he went to see if he could find anything on it but when he came there he found nothing but leaves for it was not the season for things he said to the tree may no one ever again eat fruit from you and his disciples were listening so they came to jerusalem and he went into the temple and began driving out those who bought and sold in the tempo he upset the tables of the money changers and the seats of the dealers in pigeons and he would not allow anyone to use the temple court as a thoroughfare for carrying goods then he began to teach them and said does not scripture say my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations
but you have made it on robert is caved chief priests and the doctors of the law and of this and saut some means of making away with him where they were afraid of him because the whole crowd was spellbound but by his teaching and when evening kagan he went out of the city a fairly next morning as they passed by the soul that the fig tree had with and from the roots up and be debt recalling what had happened said to him rabbi milk the fig tree which you cast has withered jesus i answered them have faith in god and i tell you this if anyone say as to this mountain bee lifted from europe please send her and into the sea and has no in what dumps but believes that what he
says is happening it will be done for him i tell you then whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours and when you stand craig if you have a grievance against anyone forgive him so that your father in heaven may forgive you the wrongs you have done the game once more to jerusalem and as he was walking in the temple court the chief priests more years and elders came to him and said i want all started how you acted like this who gave you was starting to act in this way jesus said to them i will ask you one question and if you give me an on set i will tell you my fault or thought it i had the baptism
of john was it from god or from maine and some may this set them arguing among themselves what should we say if we say from god he will say then why did you not believe him shall we say from maine but they were afraid of the people for or helped that john was in fact a profit so they are uncertainties as we do not know and jesus said to them and neither will i tell you live walked all started i head he went on to speak to them in parables imam planted of in the odd angle toward rounded student align press and built a watch tower
many legit o devine grows and went abroad when the vintage season game he said as seven to the tenants to clip from than his share of the broad use but they took him and crushed him and sent them away empty handed and then he sent them another servant who maybe to go to the hague and treated so courageously so he sent another and that one they killed and many more besides awful they beat some and killed others he had no only one left to say in his own the assad in the end he sent him they will respect my son he said but the tenant said to one another this is the year come let us get him and the property will be ours so they seized him and killed him
and from his body out of the video what will the border all the video do you will come on board the tenants to death and give the vinny odd to others can it be but you have never read this text the storm which the building was rejected has become the main cornerstone this is the lord's doing and it is wonderful in our eyes then they began to look for a way to arrest him for they sold but the powerball was aimed at them but they were afraid of popular feeling so they left him alone and went away the scripture has concluded at the verse of a gospel recording
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Mark 10:32-Mark 12
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Mark.
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-59be898e085 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:13:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 20; Mark 10:32-Mark 12,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 20; Mark 10:32-Mark 12.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 20; Mark 10:32-Mark 12. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from