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the gospel according to mark chapter of the vests one on another occasion when he went to synagogue there was a man in the congregation who had a withered arm and they were watching to see whether jesus would cure him on the sabbath so that they could bring a charge against him he said to the man with a withered arm come and stand out here then he turned to them isn't permitted to do good or to do even on the sabbath to save the life or to do they had nothing to say and looking around at them with anger and sorrow at that austin that stupidity he said to the man stage show that your arm he staged event and his arm was restored but the pharmacies are
leaving the synagogue begin plotting against him with the partisans of hard to see how they could make away with a jesus went away to the lakeside with his disciples great numbers from galilee judea and jerusalem id you mia and trans jordan and the neighborhood of trapped inside and heard what he was doing and came to see him so he told his disciples to have a bold ready for him to save him from being crushed by the ground forty cured so many that sick people for carrying this kid grounding upon in detection the unclean spigots to when they saw him will forward his feet and cry alone and you have the son of god but he insisted that they should not be condoned he then went up and the hill country and
called the man he wanted and they went and joined him he appointed twelve as his companions or we would send out to proclaim the gospel with a commission to drive out devils so he appointed the twelve decide when he gave the name peter then came the sons of seventy games and his brother john who will be given the name or veggies sounds of thunder then andrew and filip and with all of you and matthew and thomas and jeans the son of orpheus as thaddeus outside one a member of the zealot party and judas iscariot the man who betrayed him he entered the house and once more such a girl
but they had no chance to eat when his family headed of this they said to have to take charge of the four people were saying that he was out of his mind the doctors of the law to who had come down from jerusalem said he's possessed by be years ago and he drives out devils by the press it's of devil's so he called them to come forward and spoke to them in part of those who can see to drive around to see to and the kingdom is divided against itself that cannot stand if our household is divided against itself that house will never stand and of satan is a rebellion against himself he is delighted at cannot stand and that is the end all through on the other hand no one can break into a
strong man's house and make off with these groups unless he us first tried the strong man up then he can rent said the house i tell you there's no sin no surrender is beyond forgiveness for man but whoever some members the holy spirit can never be forgiven he is guilty all the heat have no say he said this because they have declared that he was possessed by i don't clean spic and his mother and his brothers arrived and remaining outside sent in a message asking him to come out to them approach was sitting around and wood was brought to him your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you here
replied who is my mother who are my brothers and looking around at those who was sitting in the circle about him he said here are my mother and my brother's whoever does the will of god is my brother my sister my mother on another occasion he began to teach by the league signed the crowd that gathered around it was so large that he had to get into a boat on the league and then he set with the whole crowd on the beach right down to the water's edge and he talked to many things by power poles as he talked he said listen ice or wait don't to sew added happen but as he sold
some seed fail along the food box and the birds came and did it up some seed fail on rocky ground where it had little soil and it's sprouted quickly because it had no depth of earth but when december rose the un court was scorched and as it had no proper route it withered away some cedar fair officials but officials showed up and chalk the corn and it yielded know crawl and some of the seed fail into good soil when it came up and grew and boyfriend and the yield was seventy four and sixty four to even a hundredfold he added if you have ears to hear there and here when he was alone the twelve and others who were rounded questioned him about the
bubbles he replied to you the secret of the kingdom of god has been given but to those who are inside everything comes by way of cannibals so there's a scripture says they've received nothing baby here and here but i understand nothing otherwise they might turn to go on and be forgiven or so he said you do not understand this possible coded are you to understand in a possible this or so's the word those along the food bought the people involved the word do so but no sooner have inherited that sitcoms and carries off the word which has been so in the end it is the same with those who receive the seed on the rocky ground as soon as they hear the word they
accept it with joy but it strikes know root it though they have no state power than when there is trouble or persecution on account of the word before we at once others again received the seed of our officials they hear the word but worldly cares have a force level of wealth and all kinds of evil desire to come in and fill the word added grooves farm and that of those who received the seed it good soil they hear the word and welcome it and they bear fruit thirty four and sixty four all a hundred forward he said to them do you bring in the lamp to put it under the butte tub or under the bay and surely it has brought to be said on the lamps stand for nothing is hidden messages to be
disclosed and that's a book that doesn't cover it unless it has to come into the open a few obvious to hear then here he also said take note of what you'll hear the measure you give is the measure you will receive with something more besides for the man who has will be given more and the man who has not will forfeit even what he has he said the kingdom of god is like this abandoned scared to seed all of the land it goes to bed at night that gets up in the morning and the seed sprouts and grows how you he does not know the grown produce is a crawl by itself first the blade they are the easier than grown
corn it the ear but as soon as the crop is right he sits to work with the sicko because harvest time has come he said your soul how shall we picture of the kingdom of god or by what pablo show we describe it it is like the mustard seed which is smaller than any seed in the ground acted selling but what's so when it springs up and grows taller than any other plant and forbes branches so large that the birds could settle in and she'd with many such bottles he would give them his message so far as they were able to receive it he never spoke of them except in power bills but privately to his disciples he explained everything the reading ends at the sec to force
that's all the fourth chapter of the gospel recording
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Mark 3:1-Mark 4:34
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from The Gospel According to Mark.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-27f61fb6ffe (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:12:33
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 16; Mark 3:1-Mark 4:34,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 16; Mark 3:1-Mark 4:34.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 16; Mark 3:1-Mark 4:34. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from