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there is a prayer by ernest t campbell preaching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york most merciful and gracious father forgive us that in our money centered culture we so easily develop the acquisitive spirit and neglect the thankful heart store our memories last phrase before the wire failure to recall my goodness we thank thee for blessings that come to us clearly marked as such a sumptuous food good health clear mines deliverance from danger abiding friendships the unspeakable gift of my salvation what we would frankly to for blessings that come to us this guy is temporary setbacks that work a more enduring good unwelcome burdens that make us stronger for their weight
stages of illness that destroy our notions of indispensable a day confrontations with disturbing points of view cause us to check our own positions and earn the ground we hold soul deep feelings of guilt and loneliness which serve as problems to get us out of the far country and back to the father's house grant us oh god the faith to see the us our heart that we may praise the us we ought through jesus christ our lord aerosol art as we pray for the holy catholic church by church proclaiming a better gospel than it has ever lived panicked by the boisterous with whistle through its life taping the world
and its dependence on oil and pretentious buildings invoking the skills of madison avenue sold of the ob la la rosa ashamed at times of its beginnings the cup across the towel and yet with all the community of grace long been kept by the good tonight church or the courage that comes with knowing that that's for which christ died he means to win the faith that comes with a hearing of i word a commitment to service that is born and nourished in communion with the the quality of life that comes when the cost of discipleship is declared and the strong rise up to answer yes revive it search for god to revive might search
through us while we pray through jesus christ our lord we pray now father for our needs and so far as we can distinguish what we need from what we want we want friends we made deliverance from over a waning prior that puts men all ho we want light we may discipline to sustain the search for truth we want peace we need patience to work for that which makes for peace we want excitement we need victory over drugs and artificial stimulants and the courage to face life as it is we want to love we need fidelity
the only context in which genuine love can flourish destroy what is evil in us oh god an incline our hearts soared good all which we dare to pray for the same jesus christ our lord you live in a single prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york a lot more to us than the sum of all buy gifts
patient with us when we leave the proven way slow to anger when by word or thought or deed we wished me dead quick withdrawal when we come home more eager to hear our prayers that are we to pray every surprising us with new glimpses of thy self and other people studying us with five presidents and a darkening hour for allocating faith with what we have long day to be in the man from nazareth today oh god we turn with praise on our lips and thanksgiving in our hearts deliver us from every illusion of self made nice and help us with all that is within us too blessed like holy name through jesus christ
far more we prayed a day for all who have the eyes and ears of the nation that they may be faithful to the public trust those who at it and present the news those who decide what television programs shall live or die those who address us almost daily in political oratory those who devised the ads that shaped the buying habits of an affluent society those who preside at the helm of our schools and universities those to determine which manuscripts shelby second type unpublished those who pass judgement on scripts for film and stage
grant wahl such omar had an inner commitment to the good that beautiful and the true that there were may issue in blessing to us all through jesus christ our lord look now and mercy upon us a congregation gathered and i named where we are dispirited rally us to thy side where we are bitter towards life give us again the gladness of little children where we are caught in the grasp of some degrading have it set us free where we suffer from a wound inflicted perhaps help
us to forget and forgive where we feel past why are overlooked in our chosen were teach us to wait by will and pleasure where our faith invade has been driven from the center to the edges of our being state by claim again will god and then kline our hearts towards me these prayers we offer in the confidence that thou art able to do far more than we could ever ask or think through jesus christ our lord you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell preaching
minister of the riverside church in the city of new york lord that we are alive the food is delicious to the taste of the ground is firm beneath our trend rescue can compensate for toil but arthur might be fair on our son's be blessed by name be praised we thank thee for friends who care for ways that opened when every door seen shot for the reality of forgiveness he'll amanda vying for major purposes that make life minor irritations bearable for the confidence the man's greatest bills will yield to sacrifice and toil we find before thy self ground and source of every good and especially for thy
love but no resistance can diminish know neither exhaust with all by people in every corner of creation we can enjoy the praise by name through jesus christ are mortal we prayed a day for all who are up against hard numbers those in prison who serve effect sentence those in hospital whose life expectancy is a matter of days those who must make a payment on a mote at a certain time is being forced to move to unfamiliar waters on a date already assigned those who must retire from the only life i know on a day already circled in
black those who know that their income from work or welfare is cannot meet their family nice those who find a deadline staring them in the face as they agonize over some decisions oh about a lot a lot of life make us sensitive to those who feel such pressures knowing that it is a matter of grace and not a merit but we are not there are so and make man's extremity by an opportunity to say you know jesus christ far more we dare not to pray for our so it's a shame that we have done so little with so much yet struggling to offer it be a more obedient
service it was oh god here self understanding as kenya's we can bear at one setting west we think of ourselves more highly or lonely and we talked give us a sense of what is vital in line lest we squander our years and waste our attention on inflated trifles it lasted you regard for our unity with all men last we think in tribal patterns and forget that thou art lord of waldinger speak to us and grant that we more wary and by the words of a man maybe heartened and renewed live by word made flesh all which we pray and faith believing wrote jesus christ are mortal
man you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell preaching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york obama largely unseen source of all the good that comes our way here us as we lament our much complaining and attempt together the neglected art of praise we thanked me for all that nourishes our flesh for food you ate close to where and a place to live we thanked me for all that nourishes an prods our
minds towards growth for books that challenge our assumptions spirited debate that enables us to test and in turn be tested the lure of the unknown that keeps us from settling in with the familiar we fight before all that nourishes with all that is within us we were blessed by holy name for oh jesus christ our lord we remember all got in our prayers those who are in the early stages of disillusion meant those in public office who feel rebuffed by a system that stymies every effort to change and reformation those in high places in the citadel's of commerce who work within a structure where the employment of profit chips away at the
values to which they are personally committed those horrible marriage is turning into something other and less than they had dreamed it would be students on easy but the facts they are being fed are training them for work and not preparing them for life got hungry souls tortured with recurring questions on all the agony of faith and none of its cancellations the unloved been rejected or on the music of life is scored in a minor key obama wiped the source of our enduring and aloneness your ground of hope turned their hearts to me and give them to know that joy of my salvation through jesus christ our lord bart in
my presence omar and we acknowledge that we are a people be set by many chairs and needs afraid of depth we immerse ourselves in the small details of daily living in secure we read all sorts of power to hide our own inadequacies and certain we shout and argue our convictions in order to convince ourselves lacking wisdom we pride ourselves on knowledge unwilling to love we secure the door to our hearts against the entrance of our brother and even of the our god honestly which healing cannot and help us to
shape our lives around the christ that in his light and presence we might be made whole all of which we pray through jesus christ all or a man you haven't a single prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell preaching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york our hearts sleep up within us oh god of our salvation and we called to mind by faithful mass to us across the years thou has not dealt with us after our series
not rewarded us according to our inequities my mercies i knew every morning and by steadfast love reaches out to every generation we thank thee for the coming of the christ for light the challenges are dark are songs that insist on being heard orlov deal challenge to create wildfires for thy way of using the week things of earth to confound the mighty and things which are not to bring to an ot the things that our grant that note temporal concern made them for us the luster of that manger scene and draw from us the praise that is by do through jesus christ far more
we pray now for the family of men divided into warring camps quick to speak the language of accusation prodigal in its use of earth's resources unwise in its abuse of power yet with it all clutching at every straw in the hope that peace might come saul who work to bring that hope those who represent their people at the peace table in paris and the council chambers of the un those who labored to reduce the injustices on which wore feeds those who are dedicated to teaching at the frontiers of knowledge maybe extended those whose style of life makes good nice attractive those who buy
precept an example make it easier for men to save i face oh about loaded stand ten that earth should be a garden state i judgment on this jungle we have fashion for wade know are wrong and wish to save i will and thrown through jesus christ our lord speak now comfortably to us oh god for in this season more than any other we sense how far we are from the servants' stance offends us we would rather rule spiritual weapons are too slow for us we prefer the cudgel so paar
by word does not constrain us our taste runs to literature that does not yet so hard like a man and saw a grievous or our hearts are not in them grace we do not fathom we are too busy touting our own righteousness read there though it may be all of our clothes love is unconditional unexpected an undeserved breakthrough our defenses capture us four by purposes that the darkened us may give way to the high holy light and our restlessness issue invite peace through jesus christ our lord on that you have an esteemed or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the
city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york we called father not only arab dress as in a world where relationships and pepfar hard to build we prize beyond words our relationship with the we thanked me for the man take him by heart that answers to the gothic in hours for signs in number that hint the reality of the world unseen for shafts of light from light holy word that reach even to the
secret places of our being where our fantasies global art and our idols row i asked him for the priceless gift of christ and his impact on human story and they get more telling him but he could make it where we more loyal all friends with only have spanned the years and those company we have lived out the agony and ecstasy of growth forgive our much complaining and in the face of all by mercies bless us with gladden grateful hearts through jesus christ our lord here is now or god as we pray for all of the work to heal the rift between the use of america and the older generations grant that on both sides of this
chasm there may be a readiness to acknowledge our r and a willingness to learn from one another show us that most institutions how to call constructively with ferment into our young zealots a deep and appreciation for what has gone before help us who are over thirty to welcome new ideas with enthusiasm on tour when the veins of our organizations and enclaves of privilege to the infusion of new blood to be done with the hypocrisy and a tolerance for evil that invites revolution keep those who are under thirty from naive way minimizing sin and from unwarranted trust in mere you have
formats alone in the knowledge that come crisis days even they who shall fight and they wear a and the young men shall utterly fall wait upon the lord shall renew their strength el paso to wait through jesus christ our lord we pray for ourselves as individuals and need of the courage to be as members of one of another and the fellowship of this church help us to cherish time to use it well to see it as like you not to fear it's passing not too overly recess or resent the
changes that it works to know by faith the time is one of those are all things in which thought working for our good forgetting those things which are behind may we press on toward that which lies ahead even the goal of the upward call of god and in christ jesus are years remaining whether few or manet we lay before they threw jesus christ our lord you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell preaching
minister of the riverside church in the city of new york we find by name upon our lips oh god for thou hast placed it in our hearts however much we twist and turn and run through flea from by great love we sense in the end most citadel of our being that we have no future save the future that we know in the for mines that can think for hearts can feel our hands and fate that can do we find me four large purposes that call us for associations and causes that unite as for grace that re stories and forgives we frankly in a day when the problems that confront us seem more than we can handle open our eyes to the resources at
our command as children of the king and make us grateful for jesus christ our lord we pray for also find this city a place of bitterness and a wilderness of fear those who came with hopes but i've long since been abandoned those who came with high ideals and long now to recover them those who came with outstretched arms who now lehman express their need for other people nor would we forget those who are trapped in jobs that slowly eat away their life those who want to change the city but don't know how those four wounded on and each new day cause them to resume a war of
nerds against a system that keeps them on the outside looking in all of our whole are unable to demolish the old and bring the new to earth were galway bravely in this our town and make us agents of i will for our brothers good and the glory of by name through jesus christ our lord our names and needs are known to be oh lord behind our sunday clothes and monitors lie and rolling kingdoms of fierce ambition shameful triumph and passions that we hoped would never see the light of day where we shout the loudest we are
most insecure where we have betrayed the most grievously we are most defensive where we have sensed undone by will most fully we are largely unaware and eyewitness is the stronger for it help us to see and hear each other as people let the love of christ so ruled our hearts that each might think of the other first and all of us live to adorn the gospel of the crucified and resume on these prayers we offer under the for the same jesus christ are more and a man you live in the sting your prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york it's been
here is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york about the art the source of every good and perfect gift with home is no variable that's neither shadow that is caused by turning hear us as we speak our thanks to the we bless me for the gift of life itself and for those who share it with us for the boldness and imagination of a young for the staying power of those who bear the stress of middle years father was the man good example of the elderly who have come to terms with life
and made their peace with the but most we bless the four by self greater far then all buy gifts and for that love that meets us in the face of jesus christ our lord we pray this day for all who love thy good creation and work combined its wounds those who make the miseries of the poorer their own those whose days are spent in the company of a sick those who bring their skills on understanding to the mentally disturbed those who have to discipline themselves to learn the things that make for peace and work that men may study war no more those who love our city and labor often out of sight
ruiz it's time to recover its magnificence grant to all of them forgotten the will to keep on keeping on and the assurance that with the loves labor is not lost we prayed for ourselves really acknowledging that we are not a tranquil ordered men and women that we appear to be just now intent on worship if we have paid to higher price for the applause of men we store our balance and perspective if our passions have taken possession of our better judgment renew all right spirit within us if we find it necessary to defend our mediocrity by putting others down teach us what it means
to be justified by faith if the sheer weight of saying yes to it as tax cuts to the breaking point with the all things are possible and today be ascribed the prey is the admiration and the glory which is our reasonable service through jesus christ our lord a man you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york fb here is a prayer
by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york or eternal god our father beneath those role we live and in those grace we stand with all that is within us we were blessed we signed before the constants in our life but the ground is firm beneath our trend that day follows night at the season's march in predictable succession at the gates of mercy on mr altman to us and our navy we thanked me for all that is new and changing in our lives for startling breakthroughs in the realm of science for the odd ability of people to a long silent and the visibility of wrongs too long concealed
for experimentation in the arts and in particular the art of public worship for new people next door or up the street and the prospect of contributing to each other's growth oh about those ways are from a whole and yet whose works are never knew make us grateful for the past and open toward the future through jesus christ our lord we join our prayers oh god the hole before the this city of bright lights and broken hearts a comedy to those who think what they're those who feel a tragedy grant to our mayor and those who share is real
the patients needed to contend with the clamor of competing voices and the ability to hear this clamor as the language of democracy raise up and ask the people the willingness to break with private schools often enough and long enough ruiz somber order right give us a new confidence in due process as a means of getting where we want to go and the good sense to use our powers personal and conferred with modesty and restraint through jesus christ our lord we prayed now for ourselves awesome radiance are much fretting are
telltale tensions this credit the faith we profess and dishonor the renovate us mourn for the workings of our spirit on to law in us that is unworthy of the king may fall away and christ wrote on arrival in our hearts if not i will be done through others all which we pray through jesus christ our lord the men you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york fb
here is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york almighty god father of us so forgive us that the language of complaint is more often on our tongues them the language of thanksgiving and move us to the high praise we thanked me for food enough and despair for walls and warmth that shield us from the winter's rath for my music and they instructed and hearts that can respond to low we thanked me for the scriptures of the old and new testaments and their power to study us one familiar landmarks go for saints we
meet in unexpected places behind the counter at a subway change both in a barbershop will point to a goodness beyond themselves and put us in mind the three or the urge to pray but will not be argued down for hope that fires the imagination and candles the will at the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our god and of his christ for these and all by mercies we gladly praise the imam through jesus christ our lord here is now as we pray for those who do the thankless jobs in our society and cope with problems largely not of their own making the policeman who risked his life to quell a fight between rival
factions between guzman and why between a victim and his assailant between an institution and those who are angry with it the counselor who patiently unravels the twisted strands of a disturbed child's mind after the homeless failed the soldier in vietnam exposed a sudden death then because colossal greed and diplomatic blindness could find no other way a doctor working to save a life brought low by this a patient and the flooding of the rows of health the religious counselor perhaps on a college campus working to restore faith for some young person whose view of god has been warped by fanatics at home on the hypocrisy of the society the talks one way and lives another
grant to these and sung folk some assurance that they work where thou art working and keep them faithful to the vision through jesus christ are more oh about who are busy with every man help us to read or write our inmost strivings lest we fail to see that by best gifts come to us through struggle and make us where we are wrongly put together and furman us those convictions that are true which we are tempted to ditch because men call them david plus to make peace between what we want to be and what we have the capacity to be lest we lowered ourselves unduly and make
life harder for those around us about the radiance of jesus come across through us at the end of the world weary of its pain may find its rest in glee these prayers we offer are with mind and heart and strength through jesus christ all born a man you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york here is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york we compose ourselves before the oh god in this house of prayer
or pull that and the harsh of worship our spirits might catch up with our bodies and our busy grasping hands being rendered still we may quietly reflect on what we have we thank thee father there a breath of life for the gift of time to its promise and its passing notes for a place however modest that we can call our place we thanked me for stars that shine even in the darkest night or the comradeship of shared affection for the difference jesus' has begun jamaican us for the gift of faith and the hope of everlasting life all about a lot more to us than the sum of all by
mercies help us with joy and gluttonous unrestrained who prays five holy name through jesus christ our lord we pray our father for this republic now being sorely tested in the crucible of change grant that neither the super patriotic with his declarations of national innocence credit with his words may prevail what that those who concede america's faults undocumented to our future may lead us out help us to listen creatively to those who feel aggrieved and cheated to work for the election and retention of those sobering to public office courage and imagination to pray for those whose destiny it
is to be pulled by opposing forces who must feel at times like a rope and a hotly contested tug of war unitas or garden alone for justice and let by word beat us a pillar of cloud by day and why might acquire through jesus christ our lord lord we are all where the people and we are humbled and eyesight by the remembrance so what our honor only tons of rocks we think of words calculated to deceive words that might better have remained on spoken words that drew a laugh at the expense of other people words of command spoken harshly
words of unadulterated gossip all our plans our hearts that are speech in turn it may serve the cause of christ challenges the evil to which we have grown accustomed and confirm us in every good work and alter liked praise for the same jesus christ our lord a man you have in the stained or prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york there is a prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york confessing oh
god our tendency to remember what we ought to forget and to forget what we ought to remember we ask me now for the gift of recollection but all illusions of self made nests may give way in us and our hearts returned to praise we thanked me for the sound of church goes on a sunday morning for the site of the faithful gather for the promise of worship and the presence of thy spirit we thanked me for all to home our lives are precious and those who we answer go in our love we frankly forced out words that have a way of finding us one night sets in and most for the color christ that they just of
forgiveness and adventure help us to know from whence we come and to lonely go and make us glad through jesus christ our lord we prayed a day for those in our society who are called to speak the hard unpopular word a prophet who must shatter the comfort and fantasies of his people a statesman who must say no to the wishes of those who helped elect him the administrator who must terminate the services of the incompetent the judge who must reject a plea for leniency directors of admission last turn down the willing what i'm qualified government officials who must leave
unfulfilled the frantic yearning for a visa the doctor who must refuse to foster hope where no hope exists help us to understand that given the world as it is man must say no as well as yes and grant that those who speak that word may do so with compassion through jesus christ our lord minister to us gracious father at the level of our deepest and most needs if the urge to die bizarre taking the will to replenish our courage if we find our happiness tied to memories of the way things used to
be help us to understand that our day is no less by monday's that will if we catch ourselves having to knock the virtues of others to justify r morrow poverty lead us why repentance and faith to peace with the give us respect for the trailer which we've called lest we minimize tradition and help us with longing hearts an outstretched arms to welcome the future lest we betray our hope be pleased to hear our prayers oh god as in company with all the faithful in heaven and on earth we do law then magnified by name through jesus christ our lord our men you
live in a single prayer by ernest t campbell pitching minister of the riverside church in the city of new york
Dr. Campbell Prayers 1-12
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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A compilation of prayers.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Campbell, Ernest T.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b362f91d2cf (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Dr. Campbell Prayers 1-12,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 24, 2024,
MLA: “Dr. Campbell Prayers 1-12.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 24, 2024. <>.
APA: Dr. Campbell Prayers 1-12. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from