Madame Indira Gandhi: "India's Planning: Working For Democracy"
- Transcript
drew university is distinctly honored this evening by the visit of madame indira gandhi before presenting madame gandhi to you i would like to express a word of appreciation you wanted to individuals that i'm gonna be your fellow countryman the consul general of india mr kamen wall mr singhal the council's information assistant and mr sharma the director of the india trade center have been indeed helpful to us in preparing for the city's is true their efforts that we have been able to obtain the flag which hangs behind us on the platform is the one which normally hangs in front of the consulate general counsel general in new york our special
guest this evening are members of various chapters of the american association for the united nations and representatives of the league of women voters the ushers this evening are members rain the new route through ants will act as hostesses for the refreshment following the lecture there are twenty one years ago my father gave me a book by mr yoe well how long they knew it was the first american edition of his autobiography toward freedom if throwing morning's story of a people's demand for freedom and independence yet mr neyer rose speaks with considerable pain at the amount of time he was separated from his
beloved wife and as he was in prison a considerable period earlier we as americans were colonials and oppress we take now much pride in our revolutionary period a wall a violent revolution our forefathers really believe that men have certain inalienable rights in india there was revolution there are fundamental goals are the same as all is what their method was far different than ours nonviolence one which may ultimately prove to be infinitely a more potent weapon mad m gandhi grow up in a family had all
through this period of struggle in the family of a leader over people as they demanded three at the age of twelve she formed a children's group to help in that movement early education was in india then came studies in switzerland at somerville college oxford american does bob harvey university he joined the indian national congress in nineteen thirty eight voted on energy her time to working with the people mostly in the villages in nineteen hundred and fifty five she was elected a member of the all india congress committee later she was president of the women's department a member of its central election committee and simple parliamentary advisory board
madame done then was elected president of the indian national congress for the year nineteen fifty nine sixty she is chairman of the all india congress debated on national integration she has long have a particular concern with children with social work and within to the less fortunate she is president of the children's home and then president of the indian council for children where for child welfare she was founded in an organization to help foster cooperation a spirit of cooperation among two widely traveled well read he's a delightful charming human brain united nations has recognized her service to her own people and her status as a world citizen
by electing or to be executive board of unesco in nineteen hundred and sixty we're delighted that i'm bonding here on our campus ceiling that and on this topic will be in his planning working for democracy ladies and gentleman that i'm indira gandhi it gives me any pig pictures said to be amongst you because now i think about that that you're protected forty eighth in fact the united states and they have been in here practically in the aggregate and every day for the last four days and this is the end of the tour as messy hair
because i have had the opportunity of speaking about india but even more so because i have had an opportunity of learning about the main idea center than before i think about five than that never far have i traveled all over this past spring and met so many different types of the earth and especially since so many of the ideas and universities and so in the navy henry this has been an education and the most valuable experience and i certainly hope that that timing here will be won ecstatic at a friendship which binds and we continue to find out to find friendship and cooperation you know and although the subject of my dough is our plans
for the bidding of india you have to know something about the past the thing get a peachy eight both our achievements and our difficulties in india and he is perhaps the only country in the world we just do have links with that civilization state has roots in an estate book inspired by and gather strength from these old traditions and the vote there were many invasions that somehow the socialist activist such that these invasions of song ain't it again and
double in any of that idea as senate passed them so that that and i said the game about the present one and i think this album are there they didn't come with the idea of harmonizing india as they did on most commonly used to make india was a producing nation and again the train and get finished products only revolution made handmade a button and the need to put on that dss there's a market the game urgent that this idea of using india as a london and of using roman diaz and using time as a setting
and this was the first time that we came to india we just did not want to be and so all i did not want to become part of the nation and deliberately wanted to stay separate and a thirst that there's a recount a good to be blue a company of the month now perhaps if things that continued that they i don't know what would've happened but in order to both defend the country and strict that the british gave us with an education and within that window there in reality and that
is that you feed them that is that women who have equal status and to be emancipated and that does that do more in our own destiny and along with it a great depth in our concert and the desire to be able to live our own brain and kill him expand our own ideas not india had for many boston has been sinking into pilot the population was growing and everything was this fall and clothing shredded education and the situation became worse as the us passed it became the end of our forebears now indian national congress date to that
and nine months to reach into the hearts of the people so that it was not just a party of the akp not just about the past it drew within its foes the politicians on bass and creeds on the edge of this is that this movement it was a nonviolent movement and the description of nonviolence as mahatma gandhi so it was the absence of absence of fear and what was very unique was that in the midst of this in boston next week they were arrested they were shot down like if you were many were deported many homes were broken stream it difficult to educate my children because
even if anything about being down on the bed and singing did he or she was immediately and the move from the school and the school if i didn't want to compete and they fall twenty percent almost impossible to have medical attention and that is how my expedient and is that the social work rule because almost at once i found that said hadn't until secondly because there was nobody else to do them our house was not only essay political activity it was a center for education the religious rehab literacy classes and when i was very small and this was given to me when i came home from school and i were supposed to sit down in detroit not only tor the science but for quite a large number of the people who had gathered hundreds of beep they do and we find that out that
this kind of shooting the people who were hurt but not a lot of trust that the league and the back of our house and asked the man and you know you don't know nothing that nothing patients will lead about the top might not survive because they had but it's locked in various parts of the anatomy and some of the land meaning that we could not walk on certain streets we couldn't go boating there were so many things that a normal life which we were denied and naturally all of these things added fuel to the fire and independence movement grew in strength and as you all know in nineteen forty seven india became free not even before independence we had known that feed them was not would not bring
about the middle we knew that it could bring its own problems and difficulties and we must be ready to face them and foe they had a hard work but the most of the leaders did not realize this but then remember something first they said when you say we don't think it can end up because we just do and be like do we do as you say but we don't really believe that this man again who will feed and game and they found that this thing was possible that they thought that everything else assimilate and what happened overnight they talk about the high unemployment is either everything or dust bowl because the referee and forty one in the first years there was a great station and private but for what it ought to feed them live this thing i mean we had a guest as we were living before maybe if you want people have maybe then law
school is but the conditions mr nestor singing it's only nine the last one or two years that for the first time people have noticed a change in their nineties and have become a way not only have the rights and privileges that the game brings and democracy brings but also the obligations and the duties which follow engine problems we have to view them in the context of the last size of the country the enormous diversity of his sculpture or the different levels of development learn different languages we had forty official languages each with its own script literature drama boy a case on ask them et cetera at the same time we have to realize that there is a basic underlying unity which keeps all indians together and gives them a quantity of indians
not to force feed him we had a huge a sort of a setup and i know they were which we're not but they were even asked instead go not many superstitions had crept in and these things were reading the society and preventing it from going forward the biggest basket us with the task of going off and nicotine dependence we had a fan involvement at yet soundbite of the fan and in nineteen forty eight the neighbors of a big fan and it was the last time with over ten million people had died in angola over in about the nomadic to be which is which was the
highest in the world with freedom of the country and this meant that some of the best vice great idea because in burma went to burma before that this whole area was known as the indian empire that nasa lone mothers now pakistan so with a separation about motley rice growing areas i went to meet with the creation of pakistan how immediate did land reads going man mentally so suddenly we were left with a very difficult for the problem we haven't had that that isn't more due to the increase of population
as well as to the eating habits of the deeper that his essence who did not that seniors that means i convey been mining and getting beaten and food yes we have been greatly helped by the united states because they have allowed this kind of that can be a forty at to buy sell less sweet without one man that is we dont they created on his back and the bees this has been a tremendous hit and this agreement we can keep assets and i mean no to face these enormous problems we had to lay some suspicion here and the rest the nation's about the word planning because perhaps it was the seventh us you
spending top economic development but a cause and sentient vasquez a family who has very limited resources most precise to be aimed at those debts the money to achieve an education or a creation of those and other necessities when asked whether it's a family need not bother because there's enough to go around saying you know we talked about it and that is the meaning of our planning know i mean they are invested it so it's private enterprise which again had two advanced economy of the country you know we did have a few families and of you individually mistakes follow us to hit the country as a whole row and it's so it's really sensitive for the government to increase
and it is why we have what he called a mixed economy don't be like that in heavy industry not about military has had a private investment is enormously by giving money and either available resources to private industry mr mendes yes smaller businesses which are cropping up all over japan ninety eight of the kansas to see a rapid economic growth the expansion of employment and the reduction of disparities in with an income and also the key issue we have to
let me go and the justices were not because we want to follow any socialism that prevalent in the band because in the context of the union situation this seemed to be closest to what we had to do in the band but we're determined that whatever but if i don't it should be a democratic one it'd be one of persuasion rather than question and it should be something that is not easy and indian culture and tradition so approach is that any practical or climactic we're not like talk about them next time snakes not only in the sense that it has a public sector or the state sector and private sector but also that there's a mix
between big industry and smallest good pop industry is important to have labor intensive environment alongside the biggest teams of industry because their lowest number especially of the voting population is under them they have a little a word they have some work in the fields but in some parts of the year they're like it and therefore it's going to happen now on the few dozen i want to give you a few to give you some idea of what has been achieved in the last week tape that this nineteen fifty one in nineteen sixty one the national income of the country hasn't risen by forty two percent that came from by sixteen percent industrial production by ninety four percent and steve that is most important to us by a hundred and fifty percent food dreams by
forty one percent we had a great time great distress on education because that is the only way that people can understand what was happening and again i understand the need for big us participation in lowndes an accounting at olympus that has in the making of the planet as well as in implementing are the skins the number of children squealing gentleman has gone up by over eighty five percent of education perhaps has made the greatest chess but just because it was practically nonexistent before independence that is gonna wreck two hundred and thirty six and a half percent at this we had for me at her before and now been overturned union in the institute's literacy has gone up from sixteen percent to forty percent
and i know the scientists say that this thing that is forty percent is so no because great day to see amongst women that if they feel like that they only the men's figure it would be a higher figure but the women bring it down really making us now advance tremendously india not done in the last ten years but ever since nineteen twenty when mahatma gandhi first appealed to them to join the independence movement he believed yeah yeah and he believed that the independence movement will not be successful unless the women of the country participated and if they could not get active bought at least they should understand what it's all about and things that the main goal
and so women came from that they were elected to amend eleven and we've been in complete seclusion with their homes before they came out and they did some of the most mythic that eye movement which was an instance and i don't know if you know this but they did such excellent work that we did a few months on the up to news of lancashire and memphis to have to close down because there was no market for that he wanted to go and visit but because governments that david let's stick with this because if
you that they're unemployed he said that and that's why i want to go there i want to go there and explained to them like we have done and why and he meant they're mostly women and by the naismith he spoke with them and he describes conditions in india and then he said oh this is why we have to have a boycott because the archive is becoming my pleasure because now we don't produce anything and every little thing which he by the mining goes outside the country and have nothing to bring any type of the money back into the pan and he'd finished his speech with my body these unemployed workers say that you did quite that i mean you want that job but you don't want them at the boston millions of lives in another country fell apart and this as the men were arrested there women to poland there
were protectors they became more active they became sick of trees and precedents of the vegas they against members of the political organization so since then the women have been taking an increasingly important but and today we have a large number of environment and we have i mean that this thing as if you're going because it's in the beginning of nineteen sixty eight that i've got this thing at three hundred and seventy eight thousand remain in government were unknown under the constitution women have absolutely equal rights of man and for government and i'm thinking they could be i we have now women got nice ministers and all of the states and in all of the protections and other services says when this doesn't mean that the status of the average woman has this thing
as he wanted to or as it should we have passed noise which gives equality and rights improve the status that is the foreign defendants the hindu woman and she is in the majority in the country we're not going to fire but he could not that he was an enemy out that not only is and now the laws and the last they create enormous that it is not enough to arsenal it's just to be implemented it can only be implemented when it said it is aware of its rights and hasn't it because it's impossible for anybody to go from house to house and find out what is happening to the madness the women themselves are going to speak up are not going to come forward and say well this is where i have to
do or whatever it is the situation is improving and that everything that with great education that improves to find out michael dunn was very fond of saying that if you educate them and you educate and individually but if you're educated woman you educate the family and we have found the schedule because of that bet the populist genie has been stout offensive line of mind body program it is the community development of rural development plan and this ain't actor and developing set timeline thing that individually fama an initiative in the village committee it's that there is about development office and a side of these were kind of the map their work is supposed to be
done by the villages themselves and they have also to produce fifty percent of the past that whatever is done thanks ari and we found that by this community development program it bees needed improvement of agriculture next month but also the seattle education a certain program and so we found that has been fine tuning yes no you would immediately see a difference because they know how to how to keep the house see now how to not to have smoke in the house and a very very small things that added up together made for a better
looking than last century and has to face now why is that i'm sorry if you have heard that in the last elections two hundred and ten million voters were indicted the war ended with a sixty percent of them they actually go to the polls and amongst them was the bailouts percentage of women rain i try i wanted to bring in more women to parliament and the same needs and i tried to do that to sixty percent of our candidates must be them and i knew that you were that they would never have the data started but i thought that being i mean he did yet some way negate your private and this is what actually happened so that in the last minute and we had fifty remain members in the vote the houses
and built out of a total of seven hundred back in the states now we have to lead knowing that perhaps it just flawed then when you can just order to get certain things that we don't do it because we think that this is the best we are educating and of strengthening and leading it politically mature so they did that even though his tongue and now in nineteen thirty two two and i got over the map of us democracy doesn't bring its own problems and the biggest problem is that the sleepy to do like what is good for them and they don't know
it when you can retire unnecessary tests and this is why many of cropland and schemes asked know moving because and in trying to explain them to be but that we can only hope that with more education the state based in peru actually understanding of democracy he said has improved tremendously fun election collection in the first elections nineteen fifty two i was speaking to that audience where only a couple of days before my visit the leader of one of the opposition parties had gone in spoken speech something that happens that way you have said certain things about today's of those songs opinion and he said something quite different now he was getting the truth so i said
relax it i'm not going to admit that i'm not getting the suit and i'm sort of that gentleman would also insist that means bending that so nine fact that nevada's bundling such conditions but i think this is the meaning of democracy everybody comes and says whatever he and he likes you know have been really knows work and dad them and decide what do you consider a difficult and this set and this mean that you have to look for work very happy back to meet the victims and endo means on you mustn't except what i see you must be able to measure it with other people think but it simply did not make sense to them and they say that is your body the viewing acting i'd say yes why didn't understand me that's why you were just confusing to me to be
the opening and uses i'm not this wasn't picked to do back in nineteen sixty one ever heard anything like this point because people had realized how democracy works at all the produce a fun things that thing that i had been something that exacerbated in something that without foundation and just as they learn about book the obligations and don't let democracy means is the establishment off lottery point because government <unk> something that existed and a nation thanks because and those brands relevant the thing was they fall of communication and so the epa the government to do whatever was necessary for that they know into this remaining name but actually had no i've made it to do
anything except their respective citizens me underline this and giving them certain finance a certain lines and also their responsibility for development works in that village let's see the difficulties we are airing our disappointment is very easy then to think that the government is setting some hundreds of miles away they would just say that all before independence you'll be produced a company that is nineteen and the city through her about nasa nobody bothers about death we have an episode we have not the hospital not the school and if you're salman really exciting or the things that you only go as far as the source is when the net and they thought that well is that just an excuse but now only happened with them says they sit down and they say when you look like right now we have to decide that even though the c out and even the school building must have been something else and the next and the next and someone so they
have a month left at the station off from our disability now i spoke about the advanced enough schooling and so on that i did not mention it is one of the most important things and it also has improved considerably he thought the senate as a young and begin our independence the athletics they can see often union busting to second guess in nineteen sixty the senate won up to forty two years and this is because of adequate services and that the sanitation i've done that has not been pleased because i think he's but because the birth rate is a decreasing one that during this the population has
increased because of that decade and people living longer and also because of a decrease in infant mortality because it's very high it goes before we just bought it one is about the caste system now let's add the caste system of gaming to being as he followed libya's occupations that division broke down and luckily it was more of a class divisions rather than anything by occupation that if people have a certain obligation to keep it didn't deal with a confident that effective and the last cd on thing that this an er det er something like that that was considered something to believe in the past to do that the pastor moore
yes the distinction head down the novelty act because he had been going to different occupations and there was no kind of the segregation ended nearly empty except for that effect on the people who looked online but it's not just the only actor who was a meeting to get an economic these two things were not permitted and even began to dating back to this point about the mandate about student named know though that they may need a task that isn't the numbers of doing that parents don't let their children the other path like this might cut back is that became a poet went back to something big step in a month on the very nineties and all of us and it found a very important that you cannot predict the movement and even before feed him we had managed to get those open back up again so that's humans
and jamie hampton actually they took part in the political movement they were arrested together we act together and this had to be a dj mom breaking down the barriers that ability and nine awkward passed on and that ability of the day is not there as far as religion is concerned the car last year a secular state which does not mean that we dont believe in religion and dust means what it here quarter separation of state and set in india we have one was religions and we've seen that people should have the freedom of worship and feed them are made using that on religion that is right
i know that we have made that number of muslims wayne indiana divided into pakistan and india the muslims when asked where the only way we would go out of a population of voting nine million muslims only six and today the most respected human rights makes asked the current night this most competitive in the world the faster than lose in the second act and we have thirteen million christians i think nine taliban are catholics and some of them seemed to have been converted into factory
at ad buys st thomas and senate who is supposed to be buried in mud bath we have also us more you like a quote jewish community they all of those eighty eight hundred blows them react in the first century why now though they're questions that we don't get to do very briefly though they don't stay in them under the title of planning but they are questions that have been agitating the american mind and everywhere i be mad at why does it go on now moore is a city an
intensity as much an indian as an indian city that as much as boston belongs in the us are wanting more or she can the only difference was that just as most of endearment under the british fleet small town under the book at these smaller towns that under the paint and some part of the day she was known as they just going to end in india but in actual fact they were sued by the biggest decisions and then these way that achieves this so when he and although we did and not to be quite so that even in the thick of the independence public even when people were getting shot down a british walter with keith and not be harmed in
and you may not even have a bad word second now by the independence movement in india this movement that it was also going on in gaza and in findings at in their own lives maybe eighteen feet three hundred thousand and all is to have negotiations and minds of these areas into the rest of india i'm just an acquisition they said they would that happened to me and they said that they would be don't have we don't have that and that's not looking for the things that we would like you to go ahead and make your programs and pundits say so that
was what they call it a de facto transfer day as concerned as spies are not and development and other programs that concern became about india although officially thanks ari other purposes and jerry and the other engineers beginning and took up quite a difference can be said that there is nothing to discuss because blight is not the only boy is a pot of water and this was not that point of view which the indian government or the indian people would expect anyhow will forte dionne yes we continue trying to negotiate in the mrs somewhere diplomatic relations brokaw and we try to other countries and nine the star who was going on a non violently inside got beaten or being
arrested or did their property confiscated and so on and a large number of them were leaving go and coming to bombay and spend for employment neither good at fontainebleau announced the committee and they were also advocating outside and then there was a segment of the biggest headaches because then they came to me and i have a sense we're trying to do something and they said well if you're not going to do something illegal to some other party who might do something then the whole thing came to a head when the news of the atrocities in congo seeps through to get back and as these new city there was great tension amongst the going in law and that one outside detroit and felix thanks a lot of the strength and they get in and the summer repeat that became what i believe and
this man who was a private cigar huffing they shot at that month and mrs this out that that mission and they shouted back our mother passed the border the situation was i collected data was that in nineteen fifty five there was a non violent book the session in below five hundred feet let this recession much so that tended to be indicted three hundred were injured and one of the people who invented it was a woman went back and the epa ticket but he immediately became a headline again and mason and when there was a vacancy for biden from that ad as she was it that i'm opposed and in the second elections because he became us
laws might be another scene that was not from the hand was not really in it now than the media it was organizing a number of such recession often think to this than they had five thousand signatures of people who are looking for this man to become case there's no doubt that they went again have been shot at and many more people would die and the beatles band publicizing act even if one person of the day they would've been based cvs divorce all over india but of course and i think the parties and i wouldn't have had a most of the towns of surviving back in the desk within the massacre so the problem of how to stop this and that it was no way of stopping it a shot of processing that would be whistled down anybody who tries to and to go out
and given the circumstances that they decided to take action than to send some of our house this happened to come up before the general assembly of the united nations thank you expect to revolutions across the first stated categorically that goya is the economy that they did not acceptable to be going to do that it was part of a lot of the sec stated that garland is must be given day the nation the second resolution do voted against bottom of the sand and the union of south africa not just as the forces were about we had a request from the united states government asking us to wait and to try one small with the portuguese government said we have to do we
is it where the answer was that no damn reply is not to favor them and when the sun set the government there was no point in reading because the book jimmy would never been sent to negotiations and if we did it at the situation would develop which would be very much worse and what that would mean that the more violent than this limited action prove to be equipping them a limited action that have just over twenty four hours they would only about ten to keep a kid and of course someone about more than half of those were out of three so this is the situation of it we had to send forces in to go out and the fact that the portuguese did not win they did they'd asked like that i mean not
seen the show's over what conditions been like day and there was when i left india reaches over a month ago a very strong moment that most of the portuguese wanted to be an indian citizens and remained there that did not want to return to i don't know yes indeed it is also outside the spirit of planning and that is the question of kashmir this is going to be very much in the newspapers do you why do it what asked greeks country they would join and most of them made up their minds that means that the mine asked me who was a hindu did not make up his mind and he said way to do this i don't i don't know whether he gave it a plan not and that gives me
had been going last minute backing which was fighting bullets against the biggest and against the mets and the needs of that party working visit and they remained in prison even though and the next thing anybody standing get a game three we dig into the august nineteen forty seven in september of that year travis from pakistan and dead the state of kashmir and started taking mining and whooping as they progressed thirty nine the next month in october nineteen forty seven and the month i took most of his army with him and released the political prisoners the political prisoners then they were most of them are muslims the leaders of the national conference beamed and jack to form a peoples militia the fight in vegas but natalie they had no weapon and they didn't get very angry because many of these young like to
definitely work to crucify and by these invaders and many dreadful things happened there was an add on you know but i know that is based at the ground and then some of the nuns were good and they have been their own version of that which has been reported but so where is the deliveries did they meet they sent reporter david they have retreated from india and that the government ended was an englishman i don't mind that and his opinion was that they would not send had an especially dry and india from going on the negotiations were in his hands and he negotiated with the diplomatic about international conference as well as an activity they join india and indian forces were flown to sing under andy reid's they just happen now before the invaders would have these the extreme and in that process we would've been
finished now the question arises that thinks the majority of the people are muslims and that he doesn't get back to the most names why didn't they want to go to pakistan by didn't they welcomed the pakistani leaders now this also have a bit of a history maker founded pakistan was the event of the black people of the most unique in nineteen thirty six he wrote the best way to persuade than the death of a national conference to join the mostly mean they did not agree to do so do not believe it and also be agreed with the social and economic policies of the indian ocean or defeated themselves with acting and it was organized activities that has
been so it went there and down the fort that the pakistanis live on was the chinese that they were led by army officers who came to be and he was living on the pakistan forces also joined them and push them back quite a distance outside of it especially we thought that since a body that the united nations exists we should be up to the un and the game continuing as the dish and the un commission passed a resolution in three parts first event there should be an immediate cease fire secondly that pakistan is a big draw and regular forces on the state of gun when pushed me and the third part which was to be implemented will even the first you were acquitted was that they should be a place that
now the first two have still not being with it as far as that was inside and rehiring amanda speaking at something because they post the premise that that this tree and then thanked it since nineteen fifty to get to seven and sixty two and the nineteen fifty eight election there was a party boy of the site fact that it did not mean many seats and after that the desire and the then there's some of them that that combined dickson joined another opposition party which has gone the democratic candidate still exists even in the last elections family of this year because the national conference with its program with its plan for development with its program of the remaining with india which won the overwhelming support of the people and so as far as we're concerned that this position is
really a look at this question from the religious point of view because if the question arises that in kashmir the kashmir muslims cannot live with the bridge mediating those then what happens to the think to most fans who are spread out throughout the movie that means the name named joe it when i sit with the ngos and the three have a mostly and vice president of the nation by the university's ministers in every state and in the center and anyway they have forty one like we would always play it was faded and about it if a distinction is made in one part of the knee on the basis of religion i saw in the newspapers death yesterday of the
day before the news it's a game from pakistan papers about the acting with bingo and mfa that i had prophesied this way the first heard that the kashmir issue with coming out here and i have no doubt that this is something which mass to be instigated because resting lawyer has not ever had any kind of job except once before independence vote to set things right and this is an area made the people are not only makes most of the people in the bar and even you as i made it through from east that was the good news a long lost sister although the pakistanis do instead it and said i have nothing in common with these people and you just wanted to be doing a lot about his home and everything and be there and so happy and
being able to say just the same the situation not as a big admission for the united states not because the united states is a big and awkward country that does not only because the united states is helping in game and you guys did that development teams lifted this but because of your independence and because of some young greek man and the things they have said and the ideas for weeks the street the city isn't worth and these ideas how being as kind of guiding lights to our own leaders and in those days which were some of the darkest in india's history we looked towards the united states because of the threat that this was the one country in the west which would understand asked other which did sympathize with iranians
and even today this is the basis of the tension with india and eight that he thought would be the aftermath of thing and i believe that this friendship is very important today india is the only country a shia rates has afforded him office for the freedom of the press and for freedom of expression or the b and we believe that both know democracy is good and it's safe and we don't want to leave that off what ever happens so the most effective fall meeting any kind of invasion read that it just makes a nation op idea ideological indie and you must remember that we have both russia and china on our doorstep
thank you the plan would say we have heard that this has happened in china why hasn't that happened here that made it or do they have produced last ceo that reveals something so the bat the angry red have grown by at a group of ex life that i'd seen in the events of the beat me up to show that the that we can thank them do they're going to get a lot better living standards by the democratic mega that this method is taking them and there are really no room for comment and that is why we have been able to me the communists had in india and even cases which by this time was that the city of cases their strength has the kind of a big
boost that exists and they have like the white buckets that they're smart and years way they have they have considerable strength this only be met if i can't go ahead for the success of the idea and it's not only important to my act he ought to the indian government but at this it to their success really be a victory for democracy over protective in that sense and that is that it is so important that india may the success of these plans and these teams and others might be need and want from those flavors vehicles not alone in this heavy review one day you that we realize that the media burden is trying to shift the burden on anybody because what we get caught mr matt mullally get police to find a far greater than among within the
country itself at least we can do only if we had an understanding and sympathy from other freedom loving people from countries eyeing i thank you for listening to me so patiently and there and then i hope that you're interesting india and what has happened a way to grow and who enable you to have many diets work in india we have got a very large number of americans to being in debt or limos i mean there are there officially they're there from foundations they then as individuals and as i said before they're doing an excellent job of work i hope that this type of cooperation and friendship within peace and that really get to know each other better and i don't need to understand in an unexpected friendship
and can go and only out of friendship that east and there are many different ways of thinking in the world but their big radon which is perhaps the most ancient literature of the word it's about five thousand years old and has a verse which says that just as the beat makes honey from a very different kind of class so does though last man big night from different sauces so in nearly a time not really all that is good in the west but we don't want to be considered has been working out the past and the hope that by merging the tool we can produce something that would even go to the one the batman thank you
- Producing Organization
- WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
- cpb-aacip-528-9k45q4ss45
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-528-9k45q4ss45).
- Description
- Program Description
- A lecture on democracy by Indira Gandhi.
- Asset type
- Episode
- Genres
- Event Coverage
- Subjects
- Democracy--India
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 01:08:33.624
- Credits
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Gandhi, Indira, 1917-1984
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-bd040b22d21 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Madame Indira Gandhi: "India's Planning: Working For Democracy",” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 19, 2025,
- MLA: “Madame Indira Gandhi: "India's Planning: Working For Democracy".” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 19, 2025. <>.
- APA: Madame Indira Gandhi: "India's Planning: Working For Democracy". Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from