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     Madame Indira Gandhi - "India's Planning: Working For
    Democracy" Part II - Q&A
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adam dunn they again may i say how deeply appreciative we are of your visit to this country and your visit here in madison new jersey and the university you've given us a feeling of a people and a people to achieve i said earlier that madden gandhi was charming and well read and world travel you seeing clear evidence that she is also a fight he's willing to give much for what she believes and she believes her country and her people were deeply grateful that you can't meddle gandhi is willing to answer some questions if you like the book you may have heart perhaps part of already been passed out you do if you're like to write the
question down on no one of these cards and let them have the past for it please while the world were waiting for this process to take place and hopefully it will not take long i hope that all of the members of the group i haven't had an opportunity to see these huge this semester on the united nations program drew university you'll have to forgive us for reasonable feeling of pride in the establishment of this program and its initial response has been really quite overwhelming so far from colleges and universities all across the country a man gandhi in relation to the united nations may i ask a question for us how do you regard the future
role of the united nations in this war on world a world of cold war in various places what do you regard the role of the united nations to be wait i think the united nations has a very important vote a vast bank of identify the way these things can be discussed either rise even though quite often that it has not succeeded and it has a whole lot has been transformed into a hot glowing based cases that at some mainly issues these things and they discuss way as if there was no united nations you would have a heart was taken away so that is my feel it because most important to have some such fordham law sums that meeting ground read
different points of view different ideologies and meat and then perhaps find a solution the next question and i think this may be a bit soon is what is india's official reaction of the resumption of united states nuclear tests way i know not official and non official reaction is that we haven't danced on european this letter carries them out actually because we think that these deaths have a bad effect on on the atmosphere and they spoke with a human beings and secondly because we don't feel that this evening anything it's as though now i've been saying it and then you think it's as if one but i mean i like that each
block wants to be on the un about the lion and many other fans of the curtains when the top of the ladder if you keep on climbing in the stands atop the wall and since we're against will be fear that these steps do not and do not have heard the word in any way but they think it's not actual mountain gun there does the fact that pakistan belongs to saito caused much concern for indian national security i'm noting that national security is expected back expect humility because when pakistan receives ninety eight that those weapons and very rarely used against us
we're sorry was that he wants to know having a block but we don't see a sense in the stands and smaller countries and anger and says do these blocks because they just become part of the political they themselves on new dating one way or another i spoke privately about pakistan america got its me that i hope you don't then you haven't bought the idea that just because there is a lot of fun and the indian read propaganda out of criticism in pakistan newspapers in baghdad government inspired and if there is anyone seeing that being the the indiana beat the facts are and then this is for many reasons but because we out
country in many ways the same and many of the most in so that we have i mean five as a rather than a youth in the pakistani foreign sales and so on all through the nine sunday is a very close contact and if only we could get together and cooperate and trying to be the duke and we would both be able to make a better job this is a personal question have you ever spoken in public in russia already china i have never been one to sign my own investment in nineteen fifty three but that was the end of the
first people to travel actually i was going there for many months needed because i mean bassett there they said that this is the only place that nobody nobody nobody really fun to see you so you've been common habits sleep as we were on our real to moscow they stopped eating contest against clean than any sign the newspaper that game and now allowing people to travel site said that supposedly david drive these facilities i get to chat in now and see my back and so that the early cavett continues the bottom line that is making the army has the tibetan border situation stabilized i know it hasn't bcs day getting tibetan refugees from refugees are still coming down from tibet and this is
a difficult problem for us because pallas also the limited investigating refugees also from east pakistan and that it's more difficult steve to rehabilitate tibetans because most large proportion of the refugees have been nominees that is they haven't been doing any work except where they met it depends on so that to him i mean my mind that doesn't know what they can do when they come down and secondly the climate is very difficult for them they used to high altitudes definitely not anyway and now they're learning a different phase and they're going to vet the handicrafts learning indian languages and them i'm trying to play and none of this comes from my child in our audience i can
answer that i think the overrated do you have any sister or rather if you do are they brave like you got a dozen pieces and i didn't have a basement i don't have any now but actually in a way i have many many backers insist that because all named mvp going it's a step madame gun they i think we're imposing on your good natured us to answer many more questions i'm sure though this is one in the mind of many americans matt ward we love your father but we feel a krishna men and as a wedge between india and the us how do you feel about this question where i don't
wear just not because i think that if there is very unfortunate that the school situation has developed as it has and i think back down south the propaganda that has been done against first amendment and the wayne which is presented by the newspapers to the american public it's not poetry is very accurate quite often is at something is taken out of the speech and one or two sentences up in big big beer and indicted on yes it up what activists that if you see it in the context of the whole speech it has a different meaning but i do realize that the man then mix of this whole thing has been prevented here has created misunderstandings and doubt about there's a man and i can only say that he is
it does follow the policies of the indian government is not a prominent and at many many things many many actions that show that he is not just one instance the fact that india is a member of the british commonwealth now this was something that many many indians did not want and even indians let me state that democrats idea who is now the new leader of the most frightening factory in indiana that he owes so it was not in favor of this i mean you knew him ms tett i immediately issued a statement that the best thing that endures to break off diplomatic relations with the us because the municipal so much of the system my state no i mean they're happy to do things that we don't agree but that is no reason to one victim because we have many other things in common and we must be ready to give this
idea that there are instances but they have made many many other ones the one that was pointed out to me by a precedent and he said that because krishna men was largely responsible in getting the american and then released from china not just so that he is sometimes vacant bank rice and sometimes assumed that and that means you do you believe that way that's the ibm that happened to the thought of like i had that that means they were about sliding it you know being more or less known that made people who went through that thought of experiences the hat i was thirty eight years old i was scared and i was in the
nineties the ban an act of at least not that i don't know romney than i thought i was going to not be arrested why have this moment i mean somebody was invested let my mother was invested he was fined a certain amount i think five hundred the night with a policy a plot that cannot be fines though the police would come and they would take away whatever the lead from the house that's fine they made the topic plus the top left the house hosted by whatever they're antsy about this fault line so many things happening again that it doesn't mean anything and you'll find this thought that effect by many indians not only on the man and he didn't vote today but we did have a very difficult time trying to create i in favor of that has defined and feed them among the biggest people and we believe that
it was his fx the main factor graceful and dignified manner and that second factor many victims in fact and i think that is that they met with avandia came out that the piece of work that they've learned something from its people misunderstand because they don't know the background i don't know if you saw recently a tv interview where somebody asked the man about this is indeed and he's looking at cross anything don't ask me questions like that let not anybody here with me and it did say to me that doesn't ignite india's by didn't like twenty say something nice about it is not to press you if you're an indian look at that quite differently in the number of so many as miss them
an event at all to adopt thought the president caught and thinking here nobody makes that in mind about the night in my day that he made my teeth at night without him on the club life you know the pain and that was this reaction and somebody asked him that when you say something he just wouldn't make a remark that is counting on sunday he thought it would be that you don't and the positive attitude is not doing in some of the big account but the state made a prevalent in the small accounting and that it is an indictment on giving them we do
that with that in a way i mean at you know what does that do to have the british and the us government on individual a fisherman they ended you said that about taking in the piece is this due to birth control and other developments mean you know no i don't think it's due to the rehab but the family planning program but it does you know the same or a question of persuasion it's made a slow moving back down and it's gone down in it because education back a government official it's a
supportive family planning a family planning is not only about the drawing it there's a much wider program ideas that i intend to have the mother's had it as late as the problems of people who don't have driven would you please write to us by your father where's the end those at all times i have a collective ninety two significant and very sorry but there's no story of significance to know what somebody said to him that wikipedia is that you remain where sex got a footnote when the man is on tap so he said i like that i don't look ma california and this birthed an ally not made a fluffy won't testify and then like the convention it seems to say that the aims of european fierce intellect i've nothing to pursue a policy that you know we don't want our policy new to be saving it up filing an independent policy and that we deserve the right to death each
issue on its merits do their interest in them national interest and in the interests of what they consider an international peace and a bad fall beyond the only issues on may three and they really don't want to make the us the known as an assignment and then you get this then you explain the significance of story of your life and you know this is a very very long story because the flag has seen so many kinds of new things that i'm on now i don't have any special significance except that this was a witch according to symbolize on ig earnings and desires and in fact if you don't fight and so on the
embassy the united states has a significant is the real embassy which is known as the reid of righteousness that's not the name that we have given by its ancient name two thousand two hundred years ago there wasn't and i shook up in india who life as on things of that he had a great lawyer and he fought many laws and activate god's kingdom the last one he thought was an extremely bloody one and they were partisan thousands of videos and that was going on over and his sister are supposed to accompany him and said now what you didn't want a new game by getting the stately and bringing so much misery to so many people and this made sense to him and he vowed that that you'd never want to walk again and i would like to bring about peace everywhere so he put that many i guess would still exist and what the owner of rock edicts and villages outside india and yes he has
the messages of peace and the people that they must them respect to think about as the point of view of five as they must live peacefully and that sort of thing and he had put this to me that on top of the theaters showing that it just nonstop assault should be about my pin by and so we get this so really i think the difficult questions our cows again may say as is all too obvious that i'm done they were grateful indeed we head of i think it's taken ned and on the media much more of madame gandhi's time that i think we have any right to some of you may wish to come forward and shake her hand there will be refreshments served in they rear of this call
my colleagues my friends weird business
Madame Indira Gandhi - "India's Planning: Working For Democracy" Part II - Q&A
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
A town hall meeting at Drew University with Indira Gandhi about India's future government.
Created Date
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Town Hall Meeting
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Ghandi, Indira, 1917-1984
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a905474c24e (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Madame Indira Gandhi - "India's Planning: Working For Democracy" Part II - Q&A ,” 1962-04-26, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “ Madame Indira Gandhi - "India's Planning: Working For Democracy" Part II - Q&A .” 1962-04-26. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Madame Indira Gandhi - "India's Planning: Working For Democracy" Part II - Q&A . Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from