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the revelation of john chapter seventeen visions of the end then one of the seven angels that held the seven bulls came and spoke to me and said come and i will show you the judgment on the great for enthroned above the ocean the kings of the earth have committed fornication were there and on the line of her fornication man all over the world have made themselves dry in this period he patted me a wee into the wilds and then i saw a woman mounted on a scarlet beast which was covered with a blasphemous names and had seven eggs and tin horns a woman was pulled in purple and scarlett and that does and with gold and jewels and perils in her head she held a gold cup fool of obscenities and the fallenness of a
provocation and written on our forehead was a name with a secret meaning babylon the great war's end of every absurdity on earth the one i saw was drunk with the blood of god speaking and with the blood of those who were born that testimony to jesus as i don't ever i was greatly astonished by the angel said to me why are you so astonished i will tell you the secret of the woman and of the beast she rides with the seven eggs and the ten harms the beast you have seen is he who once was alive and is alive no longer but has yet to a standout of the abyss before going to petition those on earth whose names have not been inscribed in the role of the living ever since the world was made won't be astonished to
see the beast forty ones was alive and he's alive no longer and has still to appear but here is the clue for those who can interpret it the seventy ads i seventy euros or which the woman sings they represent also seven kings of whom five have already fallen one is now raining and the other has yet come and when he does come he is only to last for a little while as for the beast that once was a live band is alive no longer he is an eighth and yet he's one of the seven and he is going to petition the tin horns you sold out in kings who have not yet begun to rain but who for one hour i have to share with a beast the exercise over oil or thought it
would be about a single pup was among them and we'll compare that vote and they thought it up on the beast they will wage war upon the land but the man will defeat them for years lloyd the rewards and king of gigs and his victory will be shared by his followers quote i've chosen and fey then he said to me the option you so one of the great horse hair is the notion of people's on populations nations and languages as for the ten homes you so they together with the beast will come to hate or they will strip of naked and leave a desolate they will baton on information not the ashes regardless put it into their heads to carry out his brackets by making common cause and preventing their sovereignty upon the beast until all that god has spoken is fulfilled the war when you so is the grape city that holds
sway all of the kings of the air after this i saw another angel coming down from heaven he came with great authority and the us was lit up with a splendid then in a mighty voice he proclaimed fall in fallen is babylon the great she has become a dwelling for demons are hot for every and please spit it for every fall and loathsome good for all nations have drumbeat of the fierce wind farm occasion the kings of bs have committed fornication with that and merchants the world over have grown rich on a bloated wells and i have another voice from heaven that said come out of her my people missed to take part in our sins and share and of plagues or the sins of piled high as heaven and god has not forgotten of grinds bail back in her own car and repay have
pricilla for our deeds no thought of the strength of the portion she has mixed retail grief and paul went to match have an oculus pop she says in iraq i am a queen on my throne bow morning for the role would those weeds because of this have played the show started in a single date pestilence believe and famine and learning from it as lord god who has pronounced how do the kings of the earth who committed fornication with it and were loaded on the jury will weep and we over as they see the smoke of a conflagration they will stand at a distance for all of that tough talk meant and will say hamas a loss for the grapes city the mighty city of
babylon and a single over your dorm as spark the matchups of the us also when we add more oomph or because no one any longer buys their condos condos of gold and silver jules impose costs up purple and scarlet silks and fine linens or kinds of scented wounds ivories and every sort of thing made of costly wounds braun's iron or marble cinnamon and spice instance perfumes and frankincense wind or low flow and wheat sheep and cattle horses charts slaves at the lives of men the flute you're wrong thought they were seized from you all the glitter and the glamour lost never to be yours again the traders in all these whalers who gained their wealth from her or stand
at a distance from our eternal torment weeping and morning i'm saying a loss the loss of a great city that was quote been fine linen and purple and scotland does and with gold and jewels and arrows a loss that in one hour so much wealth should be laid waste then all the sea captains on voyages the sailors and those liberated by c student activist and son cried out as they saw the small grover conflagration was the city like the grades city they threw dust on their heads sweeping them morgan and say i lost the last for the great city where nora where ships at sea grew rich on a well alas that in a single hour she should be made waste but let's have an example or exempt apostles
prophets of people have gone for in the judgment against her he has vindicated your chords then a mighty angel took up a storm like a grape most or non coded intimacy and said that's show babylon the great city the same height lean down never to be seen again no marshall the sound of hopper's and minstrels all three players and trumpeters they have been you know martial craftsman away any trade be found in you no more shell the sound of the new big cat in you know martial the light of the lamp be seen in you no more so the voice of the brighton bridegroom they have a new york radio is where once the match and princes of the world
and with your source agreed to deceive do well the nations or the blood of the profits and of god's people was found in the blood over there who had been done to death on her after this i had what sounded like a roll of of our strong in heaven and they were shouting allah louis a victory and glory and power belonged to our god four crew and justin his judgments he has condemned the great war or corrupted the us with or fornication and has a bandaged obama the blood of the seventies than one small they shouted i know you're the smoke goes up from four haven't ever and the twenty four hours and before living creatures they'll down and worship god as he sat on the phone and the two cried arm in i'm ilya
and a voice came from the throne which said praise our guard or you is seven's you that fear him both great and small again i had what sounded like a vast crowd like the noise of rushing water and deep rosa find out i think i sovereign over all as entered on his arraigned eggs out and show for joy and do in college for the wedding day of the latin has come his bragg has made herself ready and for her dress she has been given frying living clean and shiny know the final win signifies a righteous deeds of course people then the angel said to me like this happy of those who were
invited to the weight example of the lab and he added these of the very words of god at this i fail at his feet to worship him but he said to be no not that i bought a fender seven with you and your brothers who bear that testimony to jesus it is god you must worship those who get testimony dejesus and inspired like the profits that reading has concluded at the tapes and the us all of the nineteenth chapter of the revelation of john the revelation
of john chapter nineteen versus eleven visions of the end then i so heaven wide open and their that khomeini was of whitehorse and its rider's name was faithful and true for he is justin judgment and justin war his eyes gleamed like fire and on his head where many died ends written upon him was a name known to none but himself and he was rolled in our garmin arranged in blood he was called the word of god and the armies of heaven or white horses quote inflame the linen clean and shining from his mouth that went a
sharp sword with which to smite the nations forty eight is crucial ruling with an iron rod and trade the wine press of the ross and retribution of god the sovereign lord and on his robe and on his lady that was written the name king of kings and lord of lords then i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried alone below the birds flying in mid devon come and other for god's grace supper treat the flesh of kings and commanders and it made the flesh of horses and the riders official ball main slave and free great and small and i so the beast and the kings of the earth and that arm is mustered
to do battle with the writer and his army the beast was taken prisoner and so is the false prophet who would work miracles in its presence and do you did those that had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image the two of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire with itself for this frames the rest were killed by the sword which went out of the writers month and all the birds gorge themselves on their flesh and i saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hands he seized the dragon that's apple doubled the devil or satan and seeing him up for a thousand years he threw him into the abyss shocking and sealing it over him so that he might seduce the nation's no more to
lose those and he has won over after that he must be let loose for a short while then i saw thrones and upon them set those film judgment was committed i could see the souls of those who had been beheaded for the sake of god's word and that testimony to jesus those who had not worship the beast and its image all received its mark on forehead or hand these came to life again and rained with christ five thousand years though the rest of the day and did not come to light until the thousand years were over this is the first resurrection happy indeed and one of god's own people is the man who shares in this first resurrection boss at the second death has no claim that they should be priests of god and
christ and shall reign with him father thousand years when the frozen here is over satan will be let loose from his dungeon it will come out to seduce the nations and the four quarters of the earth and to most of them for battle yes the hosts of golden may go to come closer to the sands of the sea so they marched over the breadth of the man and laid siege to the camp of god's people in the city that he loves but fiat came down on them from heaven and consume them and the devil there's a juicer was flung into the lake of fire and so forth where the beast of the false prophet and being from there to be tormented day and night whatever and i saw a great white throne and the one who set upon it from his presence isn't haven't vanished
away and no place was left for them i could see that did great harm small standing before the throne and books were opened and another book was opened the role of the living from what was written in these books that did were judged upon the record of their deeds the seed give up its date of death and haiti's gave up the date in there keeping they were judged each man on the record of his deeds then this than hades one for long into the make a fire this make a fire is the second death and intuit were flung and whose names were not to be found in the role of the living than i so and you have
them and the us for the first heaven and the first death had vanished and there was no longer any sea ice so the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god made ready like a braid a dorm for her husband i had a loud voice proclaiming from the throne now at last god has his dwelling place among man he will do well among them and they shall be his people and god himself will be with them he will wipe every tear from their eyes that should be amanda day and the morning and try and paying for the old order has passed away then he who sat on the throne say it below that i am making all things new and he said to may write this down for
these words are trustworthy and true indeed he said they had already fulfilled but i have the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end and profit from the water springs of life will be my free gift to the first day or this is the victors heritage and i will be is gone and he shall be my son but as for the cowardly the faceless and the violent murderers for indicators sorcerers and daughters and lazily every kind then lot will be the second death in the lake that burns with self interest wanes and one of the seven angels that held the seven lost four of the seven last place came and spoke to me and said come and i will show you the bride the wife of the lamb so in the spirit
he carried me away to upgrade hype mountain and showed me the holy city of jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god it sean with the glory of god it had the radiance of some priceless jewel like i just for three years crystal it had a great high wall with twelve gates at which what twelve angels and on the gates were inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of israel there were three gates to the east three to the northeast rita the south and free to the west the city ward at twelve foundations storms and on them whether names of the twelve apostles of the lamb the angel who spoke with me kind of glowed measuring wrong to measure the city it's woe and its gates the city was built as a square and was as white as it was will it measured by his role and twelve thousand
firearms its length and breadth and height being equal it's warped was one hundred and forty four cubans high that is by human measurements which the angel was using the war was built of jasper while the city itself was a tune called bright as clear glass the foundations of the city were one adorned with jewels of every kind of festive the foundation stones being jasper the second lapis lazuli the third test done the fourth the fifth south bronx the sixth communion the seventh recently the eighth below the ninth talkies that is chrysoprase the eleventh turquoise and the twelfth imam with us the twelve gates were programmers each gate being made from a single girl the
streets of the city one of pure gold like translucent glass i so know temple in the city for its tempo was the silver won't go out at the man and the city had known the do some hormone to shed upon it for the glory of god gave it like and its map was the lamb by its light show the nation's wall and the kings of the earth shall bring into it or respond the gates of a city should never be shot by day and there will be no night the wealth of the spread of the nations shall be brought into it but nothing not plead to add nor anyone who's ways of force or flow but only those who are inscribed in the man's role of the living and he showed me the
river of the water of like sparkly like crystal throwing from the throne of god and americans don't know middle of the city street on either side of them ever stood at real life which she was twelve crops different one for each month of the year the leaves of the trees set of for the healing of the nations and every year curse if they should disappear sort of guard and we'll be there at his search of worship they shall see him face to face and then his name on their foreheads there shall be no more night nor will they need that might overlap or seven for the lord god will give them might have the charade for evermore and he said to me these words a trustworthy untrue when we're going to inspire as the prophet's
has sent his angel to show his severance lot much shorter happened i remember i had one coming soon happy is the man who leads the words of prophecy contained in this book it is our age on who had so these things and when i'd hadn't seen them i've ferried worship at the feet of the angel and showed them to me but he said to me you know there i'm better for seven when you would your brother's the profits and those who heed the words of this book it is god you must worship then he told me you don't see lop the words of prophecy in this poll for the au fulfillment is the air meanwhile that they even know and laundering evil and the filthy minded warren is filled click the good man persevered in
his goodness and a dedicated man be true to his dedication yes i am coming soon and bringing my recompense with me to a quiet everyone according to his deeds art of the afro and the only cure the first of the lost the beginning and the end happy of those who watched their robes plea they will have the right to the tree of life and went to buy the gates of the city outside of dogs saucers and for dictators murderers and idolatrous and all love and practice to see my jesus have said my agent to you with this testimony for the church's i am the route and scion of david the bright morningstar come save the spirit and the
brain come with the shooter replied come forward you were first to accept the water of life a free gift to or their desire for my part i gave this warning to everyone was listening to the words of prophecy of this book should anyone had to them where do the plagues described in this book should anyone take away from the words in this book of prophecy god will take away from him his share in the tree of life and the lonely city described in this pope he'll gives this testimony speaks yes i am coming soon our man come for jesus the grace of jesus be with you all the reading has concluded that that twenty first vessel the twenty
second chapter of the revelation of john
McCracken New Testament Reading
91-92 Revelations 17:1- Revelations 22:21
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Revelation of John.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-812291ffd4b (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “McCracken New Testament Reading; 91-92 Revelations 17:1- Revelations 22:21,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “McCracken New Testament Reading; 91-92 Revelations 17:1- Revelations 22:21.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: McCracken New Testament Reading; 91-92 Revelations 17:1- Revelations 22:21. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from