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the letter of poor to the romans the gospel according to paul from poe servant of christ jesus apostle by god school set apart for the service of the gospel this gospel guard announced beforehand and sacred scriptures through its profits it is about his son on the human level he was born of david stock but on the level of the spirit the holy spirit he was declared son of god by mit at in that he rose from the dead and it is about jesus christ our lord through him i received the privilege of a commission and his name to lead to face and the region's main in all nations yourselves among them you who have had the call and belong to jesus christ i send greetings to all of you in rome whom god loves and is quote
to be as dedicated people grace and peace to you from god our father and the lord jesus christ let me begin by thanking my god through jesus christ for you all because all over the world they're telling the story of your face god is my witness the guard to my offer of a humble service of my spirit by preaching the gospel of his son lord knows how continually i make mention of you in my prayers and i'm always asking that by his widow i made somehow or other succeed at long last in coming to visit you what i long to see you i want to bring you some spiritual gift to make you strong or rather i want to be among you to receive encouragement myself through the influence of your faith on me
as of mind on you but i should like you to know my brothers and i have often planned to come though so far without success in the hope of achieving something among you as i have in other parts of the world i am under obligation to greek and non greek two learned and simple hence my eagerness to declare the gospel to you in rome as well as to others what i am not ashamed of the gospel it is the saving power of god for everyone who has faced the june first but the greek also because here is revealed god's way over it wrong away that stops from faith and ends in faith as scripture says he'd show gay life who is justified through faith four we see divine retribution revealed from heaven and falling apart all the godless
wickedness of man in their wickedness they are stifling the truth for all that maybe known of god by man my spleen before that i was indeed god himself has disclosed it to them is invisible attributes that is to say his everlasting power and he had to have been visible ever since the world began to the ivories and in the things he has made that is therefore no possible defense for their conduct knowing god they have refused to honor him as god ought to render him thanks hens won't lay thinking has ended in futility and they're misguided minds of plunged in darkness they boast of their wisdom and they're made fools of themselves exchanging the splendor of immortal god image sheep like mortal man even for images like birds beasts and creeping things
for this reason lord has given them up to the violence of their own desires and the consequent degradation of their bodies because they have bought to the way the true god for air force one and have often reverence and worship do creative things instead of to the creator who is bliss and for over all men and consequence i say god has given them up two shameful passions that women have exchanged natural intercourse one unnatural and then man in ten giving up natural relations with women burdened with lust for one another males behave indecently with males and obeyed unknown person's a fitting wage of such aggression that's because they have not seen fit to acknowledge god he has given them up to their own depraved reason
this leads them to break or rules of god that they're filled with every kind of injustice mischief propensity and malice there one massive in the murder gregory richard and malevolence whispers and scandal mongers he voted on insulin ardent and boastful they invent new kinds of mischief they show no loyal to the parents no conscience no fidelity to that plate it would then without an actual affection and without pity they dole well enough that just decree of god that those who behave like this deserved to die and yet they do it not only so they actually applaud such practices you therefore have no defense you who sit in judgment
whoever you may be foreign judging your fellow man you can damn yourself since you the judge an equally guilty it is admitted that god's judgment is rightly boston globe will commit such crimes as these and do you imagine you will pass judgment on the guilty while committing the same crimes yourself do you imagine that you anymore that they will escape the judgment of god or do you think likely of his wealth of kindness of tolerance and of patients without recognizing that guards kindness is meant to lead you to a change of heart in the rigid obstinacy of your heart you are laid up for yourself a store of retribution for the deed of retribution when god's just judgment will be revealed and he will pay every man for what he has done to those who pursue glory ana and the mortality by steady persistent
sidwell doing he will give eternal life but for those who are governed by selfish ambition who refuse will be jobs to the truth and take the wrong for that guy that would be the fury of retribution that will be grinding misery for every human being who is an evil killer for the june first and from the grape or so and for every well do it there will be glorious honor ed piece for the june first and also for the greed for god has no favorites those who have sinned outside the pale of the low almost as when parish outside it's p u and laurel have sinned under that law will be judged by the more it is not by heating them all but by doing it that man would be justified the forgotten
when gentiles who do not possess little carry out its precepts by the light of nature then although they have normal they are their own or for they display the effect of the mall inscribed on their hearts that conscience is called as a witness and their own thoughts on to the piece on either side against them or even for them on the day when god judges the secrets of human arts through christ jesus so my gospel declares but as for you you may bear the name of a jew you rely on the law and a proud of your god you know this will you aware of moral distinctions because you receive instruction from normal you are confident that you are the one to guide the blind
to enlighten that benighted to train the stupid and to teach the immature because in the more you see the very shape of knowledge and truth you then who teach your fellow man do you fail to teach yourself you proclaim do not steal but are you yourself a thief you say do not commit adultery but are you an adult or are you a bomber made false gods but do you were all their shrines where you take pride in the mall you dishonor god by breaking it far as scripture says because of you the name of god is desired among the gentiles circumcision has value provided you people but if you break the law then your circumcision is as if it had never been equally if a nun circumcised man keeps the precepts of the low when he not count
as circumcised he maybe and circumcised in his natural state but by fulfilling the law he will pass judgment on you will break it for old european cold and your circumcision the true jew is not he who is such an extent knows neither is the true circumcision the external mark in the flesh the true true is he who is such inwardly and that through circumcision is all the hot directed not by the precepts but by this that such a man receives his congregation not from man but from garden than what advantage has that you what is the value of circumcision great in every way in the first place the juice when adjusted with the articles of god what if some of them went on faithful will that faithlessness cancel the faithful this
of god certainly not god must be true though every man living with a liar what we read in scripture when those speakers though shall be vindicated and we learn that it when the locked on trial another question if injustice says debris know god's justice what i want to say is it i'm just of god i speak of him in human terms to bring retribution upon us certainly not in god when i'm just oh goody judge the world and it is the truth of god for example because of my fortune why should i any longer be condemned as a sinner why not indeed do we even know that good may come as some libelous live report me as saying to condemn such men as these is surely no
injustice what are we doing is any better off no not at all but we have already formulated the charge that jews of greeks alike are low end of the power of sin this has scripture a water and there is no just man not one no one who understands no one who seeks god or elsewhere decide or like i've become the beast that is no one to show kindness no not one the world is an open grave they use their tongues what treasury at joe's venom is on their lips and their mouth is full of butter prices that feed jason to shed blood ruland and missouri and iowa long there because they're strangers to the high road of peace and reverence for god does not enter their thoughts our other words of
the law to address as we know to those who are within the pale of the more so that no one may have anything to say in self defense but the whole world may be exposed to the judgment of god talk again from scripture no human being can be justified in the sight of god for having kept a low more brains only the consciousness of sin but no quite independently of law god's justice has be brought to light the low of the profits both bear witness to it it is god's way of writing the wrong effective through faith in christ for oral have such faith oh without distinction for all alike have sinned and a deprived of the divine spread that and all are justified by guards free grace alone through his act of liberation in the person of christ jesus beside
him to be the means of ex speaking soon by his sacrificial death effective through faith god meant by this to demonstrate his justice because in his four barons he had were overlooked the sins of the past to demonstrate his justice know in the president's showing that he is both himself just end justifies any man who puts his faith in jesus what drove it is left for human brain it is excluded at the what principle the keeping of the mall will not excluded but faith does for our argument is that a man is justified by faith quite apart from success in keeping them all do you suppose god is the god of the jews alone is he not the god of gentiles
also satellite all gentile is also if it be true that god is juan and he will therefore justify both the second sized it virtue of their faith and the un's second sized through their faith does this mean that we're using faith to undermine below by no means we are placing law itself on a firmer footing the reading has concluded with the set the first verse of the third chapter of the letter of paul to the romans
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Romans-Romans 31
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from Paul's Letter to the Romans.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-79e6bf73aa6 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:17:25
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 54; Romans-Romans 31,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 54; Romans-Romans 31.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 54; Romans-Romans 31. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from