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has been leaks by his beak
if beak to pay fees but the point is
because by his bed it's been it's
been in the polls but has been this big thing you're saying
things like that is that it would you like to come to the america now so that you would like to or iron law
yes sir follow oh yeah thank you
fb welcome to the fourth and last section of the nineteen sixty four series on land now retire later we had the experts read us we have been interested in stimulative unify a lot of property won't leave her tonight we have a camel our own people and i think that each can recall an expert oh i wonder if they are the right people for tonight's subject planning retirement how i'm not to the point is of course that these people have moved into what's called retirement around a considerable history of success i have a hunch that we show learning more tonight about how to retire successfully than not i'm not going to attack an abduction of our panel other than to ask them
to know their name the smile that later first some of you may know him even better than i do and secondly we've asked that in their opening remarks they'd take a few moments now what they have done as a background for the words of wisdom that will follow you will understand the city there is one situation which i got into my first experience in counseling and retire or a lot i've been saving it for tonight and i think it has a message for the city back in nineteen fifty nine the minister of a large church and a band out of austin texas wrote back mccracken saying that after twenty five years is the minister of the church he was retiring he planned to stay in the community your memories are a success and as they make plans to you want an all having heard of a successful relationship between dr mccracken that five to an easy transition that took place as
joan want to know how they work of al gore because that you recommend the way at the time and for some reason the letter was given to me and c and i added a little bit of research including talk about a feisty and i'm sure the nourse theatre to remember about because we talk together i think at any rate i reply to jail in texas by telling him the doctors thought it had taken him so completely out of the riverside church situation for volunteer he stayed away from that time also before it even came back to visit since that time after that his real introduction song the church was in a very gradual base he preached occasionally never enter and only upon personal invitation that contract he kept himself from church problems and he would not let members or friends in the church come to him and talk about your business manager other huge yet he was always a record for
cars i also took what were you telling the inquirer from texas of my own experience with george polk my predecessor and how we can work things out he told the french that from that day i took or succeeding him i would be as much on my own as if he had never as if he had left completely he follows planned to never introduced himself into what had been his responsibilities although he must advise patients dr barry many times for we were completely different ways our problems in the way we dont want them and the way we work with people you're trying are like dr feinstein oh always always available for consultation and advice to those requests no i said to our texas minister in effect was that if you really want to give your successor a chance yet how insurers and out of the community and stay away for a long time are horribly
move fifty miles away and get a chance to be his only thing and give them a chance to set its own merits and not make it possible for the church people to be able to turn you all time you make him feel like a at any rate it gave him all this wisdom never hurt another thing from him for three years and then one day out of the first i came alive he said i didn't like your visor it has been wasted away my successor has chance to get established know i once again i'm very active in my own church but in a different role i am able to
administer the new minister of israel and certainly an e i in the churchill well it seems to me that there is a message in the story for many of the students face deeper and yet at the same time think of how this man after having been part and parcel of this church for twenty five years and that a problem for him in having to sever that relationship and their friendship will opponents advanced talking about this so retirement is something to talk about and it's not the easiest thing in the world to effect but there are people doing with remarkable success in four of them are here tonight life i've been waiting
as carol our moderators and even that we're not supposed to stand up we did just as well you might see on my knees shaking and then i just take a fairly think that rebuilding unidentified answer all of that cows questions i have a lot that i would like to say that that might be but i think might be good and then just one i was not difficult i may say for me i think it is not for a great many people i always had a lot of interests and hobbies have a dog ahead photography that both rather expensive hobbies and the lazy enough to be that little extra time for all the chores interns and so forth leslie care of the three things that you might do were mentioned as paid jobs voluntarily volunteer jobs and problems well very fortunately it was not necessary for me to look for a job and so i'm going to
speak about her volunteer job and a hobby liam to be a volunteer job is the important one that i want to speak about that first the hobby is the most fascinating and exciting sport in the world about which more books have been written in any other sport many more it is the least expensive it doesn't require you to leave your home it brings you in touch with interesting people on talk about the game of chess and that it is an international language once so one big trip a long days train trip in yugoslavia pulled out of the back my camera case not falling traveling chess set and in a couple of minutes was playing chess with a young yugoslav rudin no english at all and i didn't know his language at all well if the same thing happened in other places it's a wonderful international language but i
don't advise it except under the knitted you've taken up as a hobby and retirement except on the two conditions one if you learned before sometime and won't take it up again and wyoming's do it's a wonderful hobby is the hobbit and secondly if if a group wanted to begin at the beginning in all take it up together and to beginners about the same speech and addresses much fun playing the other two masters but our debt right away to this are volunteer work which is hospital volunteer work and i think that's important because the first anyone can find a place in that many more kinds of hospital volunteer work in you probably imagine an sec media gives you that scheduled day that day you've heard advised directed a regular schedule of time or you can use the skills and abilities which you have as well as learn new ones just came and i played
chess remember the marshall chess club you got into the hospital and there was feeling pretty girl and then fortunately he was able to legally several against a succession not sure that the patient and a fourth you can start in without any very special training or and yet there is good orientation possible to get an intense short training courses for special kinds of past their work and then that brings you in contact with people that makes you part of a team a group effort thats really accomplishing something and last of all of course the base and its service you know that you're needed the work is needed the doctors and nurses the professional staff of the heart though welcome and that glad that we are now five years ago ms bartlett to suggest that two moms in mcgregor who is that the president announced plans to make an announcement at the ball field hospital
and volunteers in unison and class and i got in touch with the hospital and within a week or so i was startled it's not a very great deal to me although i've done a little more the hospitals and once or maybe twice and wait and eighty for half a day to hefty four hours at the time and i wanna roll up seven hundred hours and that's nothing up there the years malaysia has reached over eight thousand hours of volunteer were happily well the year list of jobs is something out a good years suggest any way to show you the variety of possible just one of them rapidly
and their candidates new album waiting patients collecting charts escorting wheeling patients from one place to another quirk in the admitting office reading new patients filing for and serving coffee accompanying a new patient to award and explaining the hospital and so forth there's cafes serving two nurses and profits serving the patient's the scoring patients visiting patients especially on christmas people are very much needed because in that hospital every patient is visited by somebody on christmas day have to know that his family is not coming somebody is comes especially to call an optical a page a flower arrangement is a magazine and book carter goes around the wards two three times a week a shopping cart with cigarettes candy his modest man distributing newspapers taking orders for newspapers interpreter
new hospital where i am there are many poor people and they're working with the book cart i have distributed votes to the spanish people spanish speaking people what's in french italian german polish ukrainian read hebrew we have like built in all those languages and the pace of library which is very fortunate given me shampoos to date i mean there is somebody writing letters claim gains or aging entertainments typing all kinds of tartar work sawing rating has lots of the women were helping him the barber ranging religious services making bandages samples applause clerical were working in the bases library and i'll give you an idea of the jobs
remember that there are just as many in which you do not have to come in contact with the patient as they are and which you do people at first perhaps their heads and they say i talk to an accountant last night began to tell him about this the stadium was awash in the patient in the hospital while volunteers don't wash of taken out of the men's room but it it further a person goes into one of the jobs he seemed to get yes it be equated with the hospital and may go over to have to work with patients and the work with patients is very satisfying it's much more than giving a box it's speaking to them getting acquainted with them letting them ask you for all sorts of little things getting letter paper mailing a letter things that the nurses have time for and i could give you a list of that kind of thing which would show you better
make sense of it will i think it curls waiting for me to stop and that's gotten sick i asked my life wrapped professionally with the young women's christian association working with college students in the field of religion bible theology et cetera i don't most of the people who are here but not yet retired because what i have to say it's more interesting to them and to those of you have already retired about you i retired i wanna say i believe great honor and i feel that your wisdom needs no suggestions for me and that though you who have not yet retired might pick up an idea here and there at least i would be glad to share my convictions and experience that with you i want to know what's that word retire it's a dangerous word at because people say it means that your very tired
i don't know how many people said to me after i was sixteen which is the unit's like quotation marks retired i never use the word i talk about resigning i resigned that sixty it must be so tired and of course i wasn't tired and not tired now and there's no reason for being tired and while there were retired is a technical term which must be used in the business and professional world and by buying agency is it is not the word for you to use and you should drop it out of your vocabulary viet next day i wanna say is that tepid at the one goes on with one's work his job whatever it is are still very well said one finds a substitute interest
which takes hold a wine and seasons one and salesman is so much interest that he goes on as much alive is he was before he was sixty or sixty five or whenever the mandatory age is eric you lack and to you you get a new interest are you continue with the eighties you had in terms of volunteer services honorarium work by which you supplement your income unite refinery be retired because you are subsidized to go on living and this is lots of fun and unique you for yourself because you think you're not working and you're not working the way he used to but of course you helped earn the money that you're not just see as a person who resigned some time ago not if you have any interest which cannot be transferred as sets at then of course you have to get a new interest i like to say either travel or theater or
the books are painting as winston churchill did or whenever i've been hard so far are you have to find some way to move into a new field i feel very very strongly that one of the smartest things to do is to change jobs at fifty five or sixty i know a very prominent member of this church who is doing that very thing this coming summer now he's in a prime position now but he's moving into another prominent position the second position will not be met and mandatory requirement retirement at sixty five where is the first position is and therefore he's trying to go on working till he's seventy five and the work is this a needle down that you i mean that's a very smart and that thinking
about i wonder if they're worried too about what not to do when you are a rap that when you have that come to the age of sixty five or over first of all do not say to sixty fry make you a different person from the person you were a year ago five years ago twenty years ago you are still mr amir says it's not enough and you're just about the same person you were again and this idea that certainly at sixty five something happened to you become an aging person a retired person or resign person or a person with resignation with a sweet expression on your face none of this is true you are just whenever you were before and it is the lack of work on is what were you before and the second thing i want to say if you do not spend all your time with your contemporaries of course i'm very lucky because my life with problems and now may those students are in their
thirties forties fifties and of course they're still my friends and don't you think i'm lucky because i let my contemporaries but i don't have to spend all my time with them and the trouble with your contemporaries this they talk too much about their analogies to tell you about their arthritis and mathew vandyke tiny here not if you're really alive at it yeah they know i want to say is really really important thing my doctor says that you read you begin to grow all at seven years of age the aging process begins when you're seven and that's why i say that there's nothing unusual happening at sixty five it's just that are going on as we all do a living that and the idea that you are your family have known now mother sixty five when we going to do about it is a tragic idea whatever mother was a thirty twenty
fifteen is now but come out stronger when she's sixty five and yet it was a very good or very interesting ari i'm very much death then you're in trouble when she sixty five that i would feel that this thing we all need to keep in mind is that life is a whole a very real hole and that one begins once meaning and understanding of live how when in high school and college are of course the church says before you're seven years old and certainly is a big factor and you go i'm not building interest building relationships building a point of view building an outlook so that when you're sixty five year interest in politics are economics are are our travel or religion our people is so vital and so very good it never occurs you to stop and think well i'm getting or am i not you are of course getting old but so far the kind you have brought into these years
of maturity a racism outlook wait staff are out runs the real problem of the of ages i think when one is sixty five wind out praise prayer the thanksgiving more than any other prayers you didn't have to break there's a petition for help and well if i have several maybe you're an invalid or maybe youre already wealthy or maybe you're never going to be wealthy or maybe you have arthritis but so was the real point is if you have so much to be thankful for and achieve saying you have to be thankful for years ago it as a whole and the eu now at age sixty five or more are a richer person because the kind of person you were twenty five and thirty am far because of the way you've argued that the polish because of the way playing our didn't come to church and participate in the life of the church because
of the way you feel about children and young people and by the way one of the most important things is to have lots of children in your life and love them very much because after all they're the true life a to the whole meaning of life the pope that gentleman was probably was from one of the most un retired people i know and this is a wagon goes another un retires but i don't know that i am retired are not going to sell it and i became a way to be very informal or an appreciable because sometimes i think that nobody wants to make a life pattern after anybody else and i say oh how ridiculous but nevertheless i'm quite willing to see lithium upon here in my retirement ears so to speak i'm about cry i grew up in
ohio in the country on a farm my education will listen about her education is in a very small schools operate i've been on two high school and how it became a teacher my first experience at age eighteen with a teacher in a one room countries go with kindergarten and all grades below red schoolhouse that was working with young people many of the boys are my age really felt like you know they didn't they didn't want to read it and the high school or college and was a principal high school a major college and university teaching administrative work with their seven second of art in the girl scouts organization and a wide net to see a bus
somewhere along in there at the courthouse and i have to say this because while one das actor shes married i think depends a great deal on her husband and his attitude i would leave plan before we were married we talked over all these things and i think we were in complete agreement that we felt that each individual should have a complete life doing pretty much what he or she was to do and that the government would contribute in his or her way to the best of his or her ability but always said are supporting money now i don't know what will would say about me but i want to say that i've always had that kind of support from him and i never get down down as you will see is that the longer it without it and other people said about the recovery if he felt all right about that that's right after we were
married i began teaching that we can't win the same college faculty it was an economic necessity i have ended up his degree and all the time i've been working for people and said why do you want a doctor's degree you get married you'd never make any news that the system waste of time and money it up as a rich wanting to what so it's a bit of defense made me feel that i wanted to do a job afterwards and i want to show the people that the doctors to treat it mean something but i think even more than that i taught for many years i'd been an academic work and i had felt that i was useful that i was doing something that was needed for that there is a great demand for him fb i also have a little snake in feeding back somewhere in my head that i want to have a very active life in the middle years of my life and then the time it would be fifty i didn't want to have a
regular schedule i wanted to taper off i got a four worth anything at all that that perhaps would have ideas that i wanted to pursue it would just be fun to make my own schedule and not one of the people poppa biggie like an actual airport or i was said in a full time regular job until i was fifty six and then i knew i was going to eat change retire thinking how i could do that would be very excited because i did one and i thought you know when i flipped this full time job and then that that's her bid today and someone came along and said how would you like a record to war people around the world we have three months of the two or what we had other people with this professional educated people and then they got on ships at mgm planes to come back to the united states no one i stayed on and had eight months and
southern europe we came back to new york and record they were not all heil because a few years before and visiting this day you know and we didn't have regular schedules we bought a farm a portals they're activated farm and omitted think it's why it was anything but it was in the sticks but it was near a grownup none of these regions that's had a great transformation in the past two years so we went out there and i didn't know that i was right at home because i had always had a great interest in the song while i have a feeling for mike pearl buck's the good earth and my father taught him a great deal about the conservation and natural resources of the reforestation that need to be carried out on these three new details some it out there that somewhere and he saw a planted twenty five thousand pine
trees on it makers of foreign well gradually leave him out of the house very simply that so it would be a pleasant place forced to go in the summer at this is to my home right right right young man and women that i had gone to school it again in the country still so i was right at home and they say i want to drive me up to and see what someone who came from the city can do so what if they put me get working on different committees it was disappointing that was trying to establish an ohio a five hundred mile trail that young people young and old can walk over to the most beautiful and historic part of ohio two new yorker are homely as we live in a couple of apartments
in the art and there are it's one of the unusual places i think in the art because the people who have bought into this corporate of upright o'clock and of themselves good up until a year ago somebody allies served on the committee and for a time i was president of the board of directors of this whopper of a house and that's nice new job for anybody wants to retire now a number of other interests parade that i'm not and i want to say that they came out of interest that had begun with me and i was in my teenage years and in my early twenties and thirties and as i look over them not one of them is something that i picked up and i thought i was going to retire and i'd always wanted to travel when i told you about this world war which was wonderful you know and i have a fine winter and then in the
south and another summer driving out to be good things happening in the national parks three friends of mine a trip to south america and then about two years ago and nothing very nice thing for my particular exciting thing happened i was asked to come on the staff of a children's magazine called highlights for children as a world editor with the understanding that they in my employers expected me to build apple will not really developed was that they dreamed of they are being sent on a trip to africa for six months on a salary with all my expenses a better time he said i am i'm rick practicing and africa was still upset the life of african children their way of living the games that played their interest in trying to report that back to the
united states to the children here so that american children in ottawa grow up with stereotypes about children that their lands and just yesterday in that you look at that now talking about ways of life of africa of our children and now i say some of the stories are written by children the drawings senator children six seven and eight years old and this will be used in the schools here and will also be sent back to africa where they use and other interests are the theater enough to work fahrenheit you don't have too much time and too much energy to go to the theater but when you don't have this regular schedule you could read the new york times in the morning and sit in the sunshine and yet why you do it you could get a three headed at night you can have a subscription to the farm it and tear the opera and that to some of these
sites and not only other things to do but they have great meaning in your life another idea that has been with me for a long time so i want to continue learning i want to learn something new every year and consequently happy courts are taking courses and seminars going to lectures some other it in riverside church and every year since then to a full time employment in one great pleasure i think it is having time to enjoy friends we have a look up there at first women and we read a book once a month and come together not far book review but to discuss the book now what we have a great exchange of ideas we haven't had such a long time we stretch our minds i think that's a good thing to you every time i'm so an agreement that with a pot when the fed has said about keeping in touch with young people and that's another
thing that i do a great deal of its students young people that met yesterday a call from a woman who is they considered on an assignment to go to africa for work that she wanted to talk to about clothing she could take you know all these different things to your assignment then last night a young man from uganda who has studied here a telephone and wanted to come and talk over some of his problems a great deal of that and this week great nice little while writing very enthusiastically about a son or daughter that will appear that family next fall and that didn't make me feel old strangely it made me feel very young that this young greatly some i could write me a letter of such enthusiasm about something very important in her life that they're interested in it's
just a mistake you know that's a lot of work with facts and figures it may do some tax records and that's a job and them taking the advice of their salaries to get us on the very first night just after we were married yes in anaheim i but i was determined i wouldn't give up so i have continued to some investment and i get a show of falling investment portfolio and no tell me that i get a financial report they get to bed with me and get all the joy that he gets out to review the mystery started our app if i have my information correct i know among these people let it you call a retired i think you would judge at a
quotation marks around that i think mr perkins as pena nieto find a crowd it's a sort of stock in the new law what's the year yeah i think you probably wouldn't understand that my ideas about retirement if you knew that i was born in savannah georgia and i went to the high schools that i was scheduled at a college it in the fall but they're three weeks after graduating from high school my pants up it on the train and my mother said this to me i don't want to be the comeback self again and you die i wanted to die on you and it in austin well old brother my side i had at lincoln university in pennsylvania and i graduated from lincoln university in nineteen eighty about one fact i graduated did oppose samsel leave my services so when
i joined the army just about five months before the end of the war that i left the army i entered harvard law school which i graduated in nineteen twenty two and i started the practice or new york city episode mike mccue little office downtown in nineteen twenty four a nineteen twenty nine i was elected to the new york state legislature and so when youre in the accent from the year nineteen twenty nine until last year last fall that i'd been active in politics the fact that i'm still are more or less active in politics that is the one interest which i think will fall into the great after serving one year in the legislature i said and the attorney general's office says ninety nine nineteen forty four to one nineteen sixty three at nineteen years and let your last august i thought it was just about quarter day and do something else besides the head assistant
attorney general of new york state now i don't know you as a director that part except on just about everything in politics from election district inspect election district captain i've run for offices a seven judge and it but that was about it for a five to sit night just about had enough of the coming to serve at a party and i think now the thing i'm most is it to be in a position just to do whatever i want to do and say what ale i say without reprisals and without right eye if you will remember at the time the day before president truman was leaving the white house one of the reporters said this to the surprise and what do you intend to do now our privacy truman and his customer only a saudi matter what i write them to me now that there is a barrier at times in which it was the chairman and i have
been incomplete every time i think a man that is an idaho maryland is entitled to retirement really just whatever he pleases on our retirement to me doesn't mean doing it means anything except doing wife to me has always been so exciting that i'm not fall to an anticipated so much so that frankly it up a bit the company is leslie i could have stayed on the fire is the mandatory age in the state and that's seven years but i thought that howard looked at that and said well as some other things i want to do and frankly the year but why can't that i've been doing had this we got the local cease to be too exciting and shout and that may be a an indication of second childhood but i wanted to see more of the world do something different something challenging something sight in fact about two three years ago i had this tremendous age to
go to africa and a lot of the captains are wide support perhaps that the white man and even melody and all i had read it and i didn't get that opportunity i still have now upon a time and one of the things i would like to do is this i'd like to try to like to write like to speak up set how she'll have i have started on that wealth that i started on that years ago i couldn't believe the liberating politics at that speaking that had to do that through the years and i hadn't published anything get this collecting information and which i hope someday to really put together and the book probably not the not the novel but that they did travel all of my guests are my opinion on light i've been interested in photography both a steal at death and the movie when i take something yet i don't think the us so good that i would go this show them to
anyone one other than her close friends know that it is anything that i may yet ask you would you like to say something that i don't think the end of that quote you upon retirement as i simply didn't just whatever he feels like the way i do believe though that nearly everyone knows has something else and he would like to do it has not been doing that has been done when he has that opportunity and all that has been my keys in many instances i want to try out i wanted to abuse and it had no chance to get to it and some books i want to do some more reading specialist and get around some of those books which had been collecting dust the worry has not been by a network and have an open and once in a while a bit of history flight is to my mind and i want a compelling with the current events in i'm melissa behr is a similarity there and i would like to make that i would like to
make them mouse problem speech of not not to speak and write i get out of that to the main thing now is i'm busy i'm busy i'm writing as i said i'm like and busy yet i tried to wear little still live i haven't stopped living at it i did a little trapping and i hope to do a lot more and i have done a little writing how do more of that account is just a passing interest and politics i will always be upset that i would like though to really have become engaged in the international the human relations have always been my foot and i think that's what politics in gator might straight to the people are the more they fascinate me i'd like to know more about the people i have not seen have not come in contact with and that before i die i hope the problems allows me that option and our
app it strikes me that there is one underlying principle that has emerged from what all for speakers said and that is that retirement actually be successful and i can't fight for that when i use the word we turned i have to apologize to you but i don't know the process of retirement and if it's to be successful otherwise that thought that was mentioned is going to occur it becomes a matter of inflammation of the interest of the things that are challenging for anyone who is going to be to see the world as a dollar eventful place returns can be kind of tough if life has been working on a job all day and watching television all evening determined that might get deadly because it would mean sleeping eight hours watching television for sixteen hours that's not very exciting
oh i'd like to take we can we have ten or twelve minutes that's available to assign our speaker's robot longer principally because i started out like but they were fascinating and i didn't think any of you want to see them stop before they at least it got the principal point may i'd like to take a couple minutes now let's give each one of them a chance to ask a question of another panel member or to make a rebuttal or to amplify something it has been said and that are two and each of those and then time for a few questions from the floor nold you have anything like a normal life as if anybody does get interested in the possible hospital volunteer work at the metairie out how to get right into that top the united hospital fund
united hospital fund in the telephone book three fifty four straight we put you in touch with the director yvonne directors of volunteers of maybe at hospitals twice a year they will get orientation institute of two or three days which she too which you might come in though you're not committed to be volunteers find out from doctors superintendents nurses and other volunteers just exactly what they you could do that is one thing that i thought i should that's the ban on the question that there's some online women friends some time sometimes ask me they say i will not deal with my husband since he's retired he's terribly in the way around the kitchen our wouldn't
want to get rid of a little bit of a carol is presley came out that barry is seen before we make you people mainly a lot about demanded businessman who's that profession has been so friendly specialized and he can easily securing to something else and he does feel like a fish out of water i'm like to know more about that man what we do we do i would like to say something about that that because among my colleagues collins i have run was wondering can i have one i know one in particular who weren't all three years if i think that if it reached a high salary continue to work when really it was a financial loss to the texans
he just knew that i didn't know what to do with himself not that brings up one thing is when someone mentioned before just find something i really wanted retirement to me is and i find it now more challenging and exciting for more likable i'm getting a chance to do something i've never done before that is now well was that really active if you know of all of all grew into all those are falling which is a scientist that made it this is going to be one of the situations that we chop somebody's thirty five hour a week or something like that and
frequently i think minimum of those things to male eyes to teach sex work so i did their job dreams of possibilities that they're going to carry out and they are retired and what your experience has been anything like mine but i have saints are many people that cry and then they'll know or something and they probably sheer an iranian lot of wheat for them because it seems to me that some of the greatest desires of their lives they're not having an opportunity to experience sorrow and say start some of the same scene if you are very busy executive stock some of them evident before sixty five i have a few words of wisdom that i would like to add that they're not mine but i noted an article not long ago on the subject of leisure and perhaps this applies very definitely to our discussion these words were set mankind now possesses for the
first time the tools in i get to create whatever kind of world he was where the opportunity now for the development of all of our human potentialities whatever they may be and if we can just arrange to encourage the freed of all of all the potentialities which minnesota already shown last x number of votes and geology we haven't dreamed of and will have some kind of utopia what stands in the way while one thing is happening struggle for survival can accumulate material things competition things we have sought have been valued more status symbols and for their own beauty and usefulness another thing that stands in our way as a national sense of guilt about leisure we've accepted blindly this term dictates of those like carlisle said work alone his noble forgetting the biblical injunction that there is also a time to laugh and a time to dance one writer said that if we could just bring ourselves to believe in the
virtue of excellence rather than in the virtue of states that we would be better off well it seems to me that we have a lot of havoc considered we have often thought of retired people as being old and i think the correlation of these two ideas has been it's been blown pretty tight tonight we forget that it was not too many years ago that the average life expectancy was way below we have a sort of expectation that when we get just a little bolder center sixties that we ought to start having meals or start slowing down these things at all i think gone up in smoke and i wonder however if when we come back the subject of retired that we don't do that if we don't have to begin getting ready for reforms all in seven or about forty years and that's one of the tunes on getting ready for retirement is the usually make of our leisure time and
perhaps this is one of the words that that might stay in our mind is being prudent the subject the we have reached reporter at which is supposed to be our german time and we haven't played fair with the audience but then i was a little bit afraid that when we get down to about five minutes that we started opening up the questions we were going to be able to do for many people to justice i have one note dr laurie handed to me saying please ask people to take a minute so our cards which it work and you and then you leave them at the door if
there is a question that just must be asked we will entertain it's not this will be a means go on thank you it's been fun i
think it's
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it's been linked to pay off by fbi is but it's been tough but
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the pope
Speaking of Ideas
Planning Retirement, part IV, Panel, Retirement - How Not To
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Panelist discuss retirement, and how to plan for it.
Asset type
Event Coverage
Consumer Affairs and Advocacy
Local Communities
Retirement; Retirement--United States--Planning
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7545eab414e (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:53:00
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9e23a6024c8 (unknown)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:59:22.032
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Speaking of Ideas; Planning Retirement, part IV, Panel, Retirement - How Not To,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 20, 2024,
MLA: “Speaking of Ideas; Planning Retirement, part IV, Panel, Retirement - How Not To.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Speaking of Ideas; Planning Retirement, part IV, Panel, Retirement - How Not To. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from