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and rejected hebrews chapter five the shadow and there you for every high priest is taken from among man and appointed their representative before gone to offer give some sacrifices for sins he is a boat to bear patiently with the ignorant and daring since he too is beset by weakness and because of this he is bound to make send offerings for himself no less than for the people and nobody our gates leon out to himself he is called by god as indeed iran was so it is with christ he did not could set upon himself the glory of becoming high priest it was granted by god who said to him thou art my son to date i have to got me as also in another place
he says the priest father ever in the succession of the visitor in the days of his earthly like he offered up prayers and petitions with a loud cries and tears to god who was able to deliver him from the grave because of his humble submission his prayer was hair sun though he was he learned obedience in the school of suffering and one's perfect and became the source of eternal salvation for oil will be him named by going high priest in the succession of both isn't it above the president we have much to say much that is difficult to explain know that you have grown so dallas he hadn't far indeed go by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you the abc of
gods articles over again it has come to this and you need milk instead of solid food anyone who lives on milk being an infant does not know what is right but grown man can take solid food that perceptions of trained by laura use to discriminate between good and evil letters then start discussing the rudiments of christianity we ought not to be laid over again the foundations of faith in god and of repentance from the deadness mr farmer ways by its direction about cleansing right send them a lot of hands above that his own action of that did it didn't have no judgment instead of it as a violent storms maturity and so we show if god permits the women of one speed and light and when they have had a taste of the heavenly gift and to share in the voters that i may have experienced the goodness of god's word and the
spiritual and edges of the age to come and after all this have flown away it is impossible to bring them again to repentance fall with their own hands that crucified the son of god and they came all of these days when the air stinks in the rain that falls upon it from time to time and yields useful corrupt of those follicle the discount debated it is receiving its share of blessing from oh but if it bears forms of this means it is worthless of god's curse hangs over it the end of that is burning but we speak as we do we are convinced that you are my friends and in the bit of case of this makes for your salvation but god would not be soul of justice to forget all that you did for love of his name when you ended service to his people as used to do but we long for every one of you
to show the same economic concern until you hope is finally realized we want you not to become lazy but to imitate those who threw faith and patients are inheriting the promises when god made his promised a problem he swore by himself because he had no one greater to swear by ivo and i will bless you abundantly and multiply your descendants i said was a problem after patient way to achieve the province maine swam by bit of them themselves and the oath provides a confirmation to end or dispute and so god designed to show even more clearly to the heirs of his promise how unchanging was his proposed got empty did buy a lot here they got to irrevocable acts in which god could not possibly pay
us force to give cars to us who have cleaned his protection by grasping the warped said before us that hope we hold it is like a banker for our lives and then you could say if i'm sure it did visit to the eu when jesus has entered on our behalf as for ever having become a high priest father ever in the succession although his edit this book isn't it king of salem priest of god most high net abraham returning from the route of the kings and blessed him and abraham gave him a tithe of everything as his porsche his name in the first place means king of righteousness next is cain of save him that his cane of peace he has no father no mother no lineage his ears of no beginning his life no end is like the son of god he remains a priest for all time
consider know how great he must before he drove the patriarch to give my price of the finest of the spoil the descendants of levis who take the priestly officer commanded by the law to ties the people that is the kids won although they too are descendants of abraham but most residents though he does not places dissent from them has tied a premium self and given his blessing to the man who received the promises and beyond our dispute the message is always blessed by the director again in the one instance ties and received by man must die but in the other by one of scripture refers to be alive it might even be said that levi who receive stipends has himself beaten ties through a room when he was still in his ancestors moines when both president met him now fiction had been attainable through the vertical priesthood for it is on this basis
that people are giving them all what further legal that have been to speak of another pre star rising in the succession of moe president instead of the succession of a room where a change of a priest who must mean a change of role and the one he has spoken also belongs to a different tribe no member of which has ever had anything to do with the quota for it is very evident that our lord is brown from judah i tried to which moses made no reference and speaking of priests the argument become still clearer is the new priest what rises is one like the fisa dick or in his priesthood not to a system of earthbound rooms but to the protocol life that cannot be destroyed careers the testimony though after priest forever in the succession of smoke as that the area rules of canceled as important and
useless since the law brought nothing to perfection and a bit of hope is introduced through which we draw near to god how great a difference it makes that the north was sworn there was no sworn when those others were made high priests but for this priest and all was sworn in as scripture says of him test form and will not go back on his word though after priest father ever have possibly the advice the government also be or which jesus is the down and talk those other priests out appointed in numerous succession because they are prevented by dave from continuing in office that the priesthood which jesus holds its perpetual because he remains far ever that is why he is also able to save
absolutely those who approached god through him he's always moving to plead on their behalf such a high priest does indeed fit our condition different guy less undefined separated from senators raised high above the heavens he has no need to offer sacrifices daily as the high priests do first for his own sins and then from those of the people for lacey did want some follow when he offered up himself by priests made by the mortar man and all that for it but the priest appointed by the words of the oath which supersedes the world is the sound made perfect know whatever and this is my main point just such a high priest we have and he has taken his seat at the right hand of the four men to stay in the heavens a minister and in the real century the tape reached
by the moment and not by man every high priest is appointed to offer give some sacrifices hands this one too must have something to offer now if he had been on earth he would not even to be a priest since that are already priests who off of the gifts which the morgue prescribes though the minister in a century which has only a copy and shadow of the heavenly this is implied when moses about to eric the tent is instructed by going to see to it that you make everything according to the pet from sean you on the mountain but in effect the ministry which is foreign to jesus is as far superior to theirs as our community mediate and the promises upon which it is legally secured at that first cabinet before close there would have been no need to look for a second and its place but god finding fault with them says the
day's upcoming says them on when i will conclude a new covenant with the house of israel in the house of view that it will not be like the covenant i made with the forefathers when i took them by man to lead them out of egypt because they did not abide by the terms of that covenant and i abandoned home says the lawn the covenant i would make with the hopes of israel after those days says the law does this i will set my laws in that understanding and right on the cops and i will be there to guard and the show be my people and they shall not teach one another saying to brother and fellow citizens know the lord for them shown to me from small world to great i will be merciful to their wicked deeds and this is i will remember no more at all by speaking of a new government he has pronounced the first one offered
and anything that is growing old and aging will sharply disappear leading has concluded at the seventies that's all the eighth chapter all the outlets at the hebrews
The New English Bible
Book of Hebrews
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Readings from the Book of Hebrews.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-67e91dcf877 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:07
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; Book of Hebrews,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; Book of Hebrews.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; Book of Hebrews. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from