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the gospel according to mark the coming of christ here begins the gospel of jesus christ the son of god in the prophet isaiah it stands written here is my harold whom i stand on ahead of you and he will prepare your way a voice crying alone in the wilderness prepare a way for the lord clear straight costs for him and so it was that john the baptist appeared in the wilderness proclaiming a baptism in talking of repentance for the forgiveness of sins and they flock to him from the whole gideon countryside and the city of jerusalem and were baptized by him mr jordan criticizing their sins john was
dressed in a rough court of camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist and the fed on locusts and wild honey his proclamation wearing often the cubs one who is mighty of an eye i am not fit to unforeseen issues i have felt as if you were the world that he will bow ties you with the holy spirit it happened at this time that jesus came from nazareth in galilee and was baptized in the georgians by georgia at the moment when he came up out of the water he saw the heavens torn open and the spirit like a dove descending upon him and a voice spoke from heaven thou art my son my beloved on the my
favor of arrests there upon the spirit sent him a way into the wilderness and then he remained for forty days tempted by satan he was among the wild beasts and the angels waited on him in gary success and opposition after john had been arrested jesus came into daily proclaiming the gospel of god the time has come the kingdom of god is upon you repent and believe the gospel jesus was walking by the shore of the sea of galilee when he saw simon and his brother andrew on the league at work with a custom made four they were fishermen
jesus said to them come with me and i will make you fishers of men and once they were with their mates when he had gotten a little further he saw james simons it would be and his brother john who wrote in the boat overhauling their mates he called them and leaving their father's empathy and the boat was fired maine they went off to follow him the game too the burden on and on the sabbath he went to synagogue and began to teach the people what astounded at his teaching for unlike the doctors of the law he talked with a new party now there was a man in the synagogue was just by being disputed he should read what do you want with us jesus of nazareth have you
come to destroy us i know who you are only one of god jesus rebuked him the silent he said and come out of him and the unclean spirit through the men into convulsions and with a loud cry left him they were owned dumbfounded have begun to ask one another what is this a new kind of teaching he speaks with all started when he gives orders even the un greenspan its summit the news spread rapidly and he was so spoke at all all over the district of galilee are leaving the synagogue they went straight to the house of simon and andrew and james and john went with them simon's mother in law was eroded bid with fever they told him about
her at once he came forward to go by the hand and helped her to her feet the fever lifter and she waited a problem that evening after sunset they brought to him or who were you or close this by devils and the whole town was their government at the door he healed many who suffered from various diseases and drove out many devils he would not let the devil speak because they knew who he was very early next morning he got up and wait don't he went away to early spot and remained there in prayer but simon and his companions searched him and found him and said they are looking for you the us and let us move on to the country towns in the neighborhood i have to
proclaim my message there also that is what i came out to do soul all through gurley he went breaching in the synagogues and casting out the devil's once he was approached by a leper cornell before him begging his help if only you will sid the man you can cleanse me and warm indignation jesus stretched out his hand touched him and said indeed i will be clean again in aleppo say left him immediately and he was clean then he dismissed him with this stern warning be sure you say nothing to anybody go and show yourself to the priest and make the offering laid down by mose is for your cleansing that will certify that your but the mad when i don't and made the horror
story publicly sprinted find wind until jesus could no longer sure himself in any town but stayed outside in the open country even so people kept coming to him from all quarters when after some days he returned to the news way ground that he was at home and such a probe corrected but the space in front of the dog was not big enough to hulu and while he was proclaiming the message to them a man was brought who was paralyzed for men were carrying him but because of the ground they could not get in here so they opened up the roof over the place where jesus was and when they had broken through the lord the stricture on which surprised man
was lying when jesus saw their faith he said to the paralyzed man my son your sins are forgiven now there was some lawyers sitting there and they thought to themselves why does the fellow talk like that this is blasphemy who but god odin can forgive since jesus knew his own mind that this was what they were thinking and said to them why do you harbor thoughts like these is it easier to say to this by wise man your sins are forgiven or to see stand out take your bed and walk but to convince you that the son of man has a right on earth to forgive since he turned to the bar lies man i say do you stand up take your bed
and gold and he got up took a stretcher at once and returned in full view of the mall so that they were astounded and praise god never before they said have we seen the like what's more he went away to the lakeside world growth came to him and he talked of their as he went along he's so levi scent of obvious at his seat in the custom house and said to them follow me and levi rose and followed him when jesus was at a table in his house many bad characters tex governors and others were seated with him and his disciples follow and maybe you followed him some doctors of the law who were fighters he's noticed a meeting in
this bag company and sent to his disciples he eats with tex governors and senators jesus overhead and said to them it is not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick i did not come to invite virtuous people but singers once when jaws disciples of the pharmacies were keeping a fast some people came to him and said why is it the john's disciples of the disciples of the fantasies of fostering but yours about jesus said to them can you expect the parade groups friends to fast while the bridegroom is with them as long as they have the bridegroom with them there can be no frosting but the time will come when the bridegroom would be taken away from them
and on that day they will fast no one sos up edge over and shrunk force one to a mood cold if he does the bench tears away from the new from the old and leaves a bigger hole no one votes and you wade into warren weinstein's if he does the wind will bust the skins than whine and stevens aboard lost fresh skins for new wind one sabbath he was going through the cornfields and his disciples as the way it began to block ears of corn the pharmacies said to him look why i'll be doing what is forbidden on the sabbath he answered it would never end what david did when he and his band were hungry and had nothing to eat he went into the house of god and in the title for a
buyer for the high priest and eight the consecrated olds will go on but the priest is allowed to eat them and even gave them to his name he also said to them the sabbath was made for the sake of man and not been for the sabbath that for the son of man is sovereign even over the sabbath listen aims at the twenty eighth verse of the second chapter of the gospel according to look fb
The New English Bible
Gospel According to Mark and Luke
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Mark and Luke.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3be3169bbc4 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:12
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark and Luke,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark and Luke.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark and Luke. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from