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fbi independence day or eating is a tradition in the united states in the following report in the program we hear the remarks of governor nelson rockefeller given this post july fourth quarter institution chicago know your governor rockefeller chicago observance began in the second presidential term of ulysses s grant in the days when our grandparents or great grandparents were young those were the days when the fourth of july our are asians were forensic morals rivaling the fireworks and men eyes and brains it is fashionable in some quarters today to look back upon those days as archaic
the view of the intense patriotism they expressed as now a nationalistic and now hopelessly out moat how sam davis attitude rejects the true meaning of america this nation was founded and bill to greatness and milo and spiritual principles that run the universal and eternal aspirations of mankind i speak of human freedom the recognition that each individual human being as an unenviable worse and dignity but every person was vested interested right including equal opportunity to enjoy all of those rights all men and women in the world naturally a spider the human gross but these basic american principles guarantee today as they did in seventeen seventy
six true american patriotism therefore the notes me the smugness nor chauvinism whether reaching out to all mankind american idiot of a map of the most fortunate as a mission in this troubled world the demands of us today no birth of patriotism rooted in these fundamental principle is patriotism guided by those principles is not all fish it is as modern as our virtues and as our ventures into space as symbolized by the patriotic dedication of a giant blank died in on a market that seeks to live up to these principles is not something shameful rather it is the highest recognition of our responsibility and opportunity as americans for today and for the future for all other peoples as well as for yourself so yes someone did they do on another
mile and spiritual heritage of our forefathers they secured our liberties a hundred and eighty six years ago because they live in a great act of political creativity upon which has been going on in america the greatest civilization known to man thus they established in the workings of our federal system not only an inspiration to universal human freedom through intervening generations but a bill plante a bullet ran for a free world a future peace security and human progress is up to our generation before and these great works our forefathers established a federal system based upon an idea it is an idea of shared sovereignty i was responsible for the needs and where all of the people in
home sovereignty ultimately resides she is sovereignty between the states and the federal government and this idea fostering diversity within unity permits and encourages creativity amalgamation animation meeting me and providing several sources of strength and political creativity the federal government the state governments local government is pluralistic giving spoke to many energies believes an initiative through all the complicated fabric of private enterprise philanthropic activities educational scientific as well as the great inspirational spiritual forces which exist in our nation his character and he's characterized by a balance between the states and the federal
governments division of power between the legislative executive and judicial branches of government the absence of monolithic national parks are not national parties their bodies that have their roots in the fifty states and the local communities two party system which reflects the cross section of thinking and feeling the hopes and aspirations of the american people that preserves the dynamism and the competitive most of duality in this two party system with its roots and fifty red states throughout the nation it encourages home rule based on the philosophy that the government promises to the people is the best and it's fundamental driving force its creative energy as the freedom of individual initiative and private enterprise
mother was great fear at the time of the founding of this nation the thirteen colonies but there would be a growth of an all powerful central government that overwhelm the states and that would remove from them the sovereignty which they had retained and they're right of freedom of action but from our growth at the state and local level has taken place that has at the federal level that will focus has been on national defense international responsibilities foreign aid whereas the states have been made him a social needs of the people more more in cooperation with the local community the past ten years federal spending went up ninety two percent of his from nineteen fifty to nineteen sixty mostly for defensive purposes but it's deeply enough to show the vitality of this system state and local spending was up one hundred and forty six
percent and meeting in the education health mental hygiene and all of the other responsibilities with state and local governments meet in the interests of the people the sheer magnitude of new york state programs is a perfect illustration of what is taking place in this structure of diversity and duality where the vitality rested various levels of government today in your state has for instance a billion dollar housing program for middle income housing no money from taxpayers involve no federal money involved what a structure which like an irrigation system permits the creativity an initiative of private enterprise then lucas to channel their energies into a much needed social call the state now has a annual billion
dollars school aid program to primary and secondary public schools throughout the state the state for instance produces more hydroelectric oppressive a on the niagara and the state lines and all the bands of the tv ad put together i only mention these figures to give some indication of the vitality of the role of states in this great federal system which our founding fathers a step to show the perception the deep understanding the faith which they had an individual responsibility of three people in their creativity and forming this federal structure with the constitution and the bill right now another instant feature of the state and local role has been the social reforms have been known to do the state and local communities we're much about the movie a success and there's a laboratory in the social
field and yet it's interesting to note that almost without exception the social reforms of the new deal days have their origin in experimentation at state and local level the failures of the new deal era in the economic realm were largely in areas that had not been previously tested at state or local level such as the nra the la area and other activities based on an economy of skits not tendencies damaging to fulfillment of the systems promise need to be observed along when our recognition of its strength and vitality and i would like to mention three of these because as we look back on the creativity of the founding fathers and recognize our blessings of today i think we also have to recognize where the dangers may be found that could threaten the future strength and vitality of this great
free nation i think one why might mention first is a tendency of political openness on the part of individuals who feel that they are above partisan politics and that they we'll view from my higher level the political life of this great nation i would like to say to you ladies and gentlemen that politics is the lifeblood of democracy the army of the individual citizen that sounds has their responsibilities sure the responsibility of voting yes but in addition the responsibility for that designation in the political life of this country i'll never forget when i first said i was going to run for office people would stop me once in a while and say why do you want to get into politics politics is a duty business mr upset they were much indian arts a lot of politics is the dairy business why don't you get
in and clean it up the pope ladies and gentleman politics isn't as i said is the lifeblood of democracy and therefore we have a responsibility as individuals to take part in the political systems the party a once chinese know the thrill of carrying out the founding father's dream by going and ringing doorbells stopping in the homes of people that you don't know and talking to them about the issues and about the candidates and about the problems we face and the opportunities for solving these problems in other words if we as a free man want to enjoy the privileges and the rights of freedom we must assume their responsibilities each one of us that go with the preservation of that tree the
pope certainly another danger that it seems to me we have to be aware of too the danger slogans i'm a big sap and saut for phrases which instead of encouraging careful study an analysis of the problems economic and social and political of the forest there was a quick answer and substitute an emotional reaction for thought a little like the man who said don't confuse me with a fact my mind's already made up and i think we fall into this trap ladies and yemen when we get to talking about liberal and conservative and a rethink if we run a level so emotional we've got a conservative solution to a problem that is or what that solution maybe as long as a label attached to it it must be good or it must be there i like to say to you that i don't think the
complex problems in this changing world of scientific revolution we face today fall into the patterns that are left from another year of mobile walk and serve that we have got to keep open minds based on fundamental precepts laid down by our founding fathers let us examine the effects of a problem lead us analyze those facts with an open mind and let us have certain basic guidelines which motivate us in finding our goal and which are the guiding principles in finding the solution to these problems such fundamental concepts as the government closes to the people is the best job that fiscal integrity in government as well as in business and in the home is sound and has made the foundation on which this country is wrong but private initiative in private
enterprise have been an art and will be the driving force that has made america what it is that gap and that underlying all of these forces is that fundamental belief which cause the founding fathers to sign the declaration of independence to write the bill of rights because they have that belief going out of our duty or christian concepts of the worth and dignity of every human being the brotherhood of man and of the fatherhood of god and each is entitled to equal opportunity and equal access to all the privileges and benefits of this life which we in jail now ladies and alan if we have these fundamental beliefs analyze the problems then we can come up with solutions but i gotta keep us in the front of the movement of
three people who were trying to achieve those goals which was so beautifully expressed by abraham lincoln when he said the force that is bound the confederacy be gather is the common effort to lift the burdens from the shoulders of man ladies endowment today we have that capacity banks the science and the ingenuity of free man and it is our challenge and our responsibility to create political framework within which these goes and become a reality for all and i would start one more note of caution and that is the time of a leadership the desire to find out what the group is thinking what the constituencies thank you what the nation is thinking and then follow in that chorus rather than to find out what is right and then take a stand and let stand up well on that issue but have the
courage to go before the people inside this is what i think should be done and if you're right and they feel they will follow if not then that's too bad which you have taken years stan otherwise we fall into that position so aptly described in the story told by laughing at of the old ladies standing in the streets of paris when a mob came rushing by followed by a man and as he went by she said why do you follow that mob he said i have to i'm a leader of our system will only work if the leader in self appointed or otherwise have the courage to be out in front and not behind the people of this great country not outstanding fact is that our federal system as it has evolved in the united states has been a dynamic
success for fathers feared of centralized nomination states this fear has not material while the hopes for mutual security and economic growth have been achieved beyond our wildest dreams and those of the founding fathers this is resulting through the multiple post of power within our structure private initiative local governments state governments federal government the dual sovereignty between states and federal government keeping the bounds a foul the control of education in the local school district by the local school was at the community level no centralization of power over the father and mutual assistance in solving problems federal grants in a state grants and aids and a state and federal cooperation an extraordinary mosaic an extraordinary carpet war run by these threads of
separate and distinct with ari responsibility and power in this great federal stark now it is my deep belief that the federal idea which are bought pork lovers applied in their best dyke actor political creation in the eighteenth century can be applied in this twentieth century in the larger context of the world a free nation if we were but match our forefathers and courage and vision it away ladies and down when we face a problem today as nations which the cities states faced during the period of the great great empires they fall on the daily and lead on the island the last ride all together these cities states and some structurally broke up and the cities they were no longer a viable and the whole civilization
gradually crumbled i think we have to face the fact the day that no nation state it's self sufficient even in the party they're in the preservation of its own security or any ability to make the maids in the hopes and aspirations of people in economic growth and development from within its own borders alone we are dependent on other nations' security and for economic growth and social products and therefore i think we have to do is we you have the rise of human aspirations drop the whirlpool freedom education economic growth we have to recognize the fact that there is need for a political structure within which we as free nations and those who would john freeman ocean can work together with an instruction therefore we really face than once the same problem that the individual fifteen states did when they got together to see whether they could
john a federal structure we face for much the same problem areas to how can we john with other free peoples other free nations and create a political structure within which our security our economic on our social aspirations and hopes can be real about your borders in europe european emperors ago the united nations which have in its hands the hopes of the world at the time its creation has become a useful forum but its basic structure and communist dick manipulations of its mechanisms and destroyed its promise of being the hall of a central world guiding political spark economists themselves claimed to have and to offer a form of world order for those nations
which within our within their domination they offered any other nation that wants to jaw with a formal border under totalitarian structure atheist the concept but still it is a form of order and we of the free world do not have today a structure which binds us together to which other nations can john we're pairing a high price for the years of improvisation since the last or the meat problems that are growing in the western hemisphere due to a lack of political structure animate black which was caused by distraction of our country which often is motivated by crises raw the long range planning in the development of our relations with other parts of the war military alliances of anton by internal
dissension the common market we forced it has now become our number one economic problem on the international scene and yet we know it's right where the displaced us with no problems and a new question as to how we handle our relation to where the lack of international security is prevented the unleashing of the four dynamism of private enterprise and uplifting economic levels and social advances in underdeveloped nations of the world this is recognized by the communist world and they do anything they can to keep economic structures within these nations and between these nations in a state of tam while so as to prevent the full force free man man private initiative from operating to maximize its growth and of all they need is to apply the american experience with federalism for the development of a free world structure to ensure
freedom security order and grow we must begin with an understanding of home of the problems of the free world face and the significance of the fed no idea as a possibility in this solution free world leaders should begin now to develop a consensus of purpose and to bring for positive suggestions for practical application of the federal idea on an international free workplace consultation should begin now among three nations to define objectives and about means of achieving its purpose regional and functional conference's shoots a supplement these consultations about other side project what about the basis for a federal structure for the free world sooner perhaps than we may realize these ideas i know more visionary than the concepts of eighteen seventy six and at eighty so far
dominant commitment from our very birth as a nation has been to the everlasting concern for the individual his freedom and his dignity you came into being as a nation for the sake of an id or belief that man should be free to fulfill his unique and individual destiny believe based upon our dedicated faith in the brotherhood of man and a father got our founding fathers built a home for one nation yet the idea which they in this nation we're committed to the idea of human freedom was is and can only be universal we're bound of the people in the biggest jam two men by this commitment of the boldness of confidence and a pirate invasion matching those who lead this nation elia and ladies and gentlemen i think as we face this opportunity
and the opportunity for polio medical creativity comparable to what our founding fathers did on this fourth of july eighty six years ago to which we dedicated here today but i think as we gather here today we need to see ourselves in the perspective of the basic conflict that exists in the world are very no one i mean conflict done nothing the military economic or diplomatic but the fundamental conflict that exist between those who believe in the freedom of the individual everywhere throughout the work his or her right to develop themselves to the maxim spiritual intellectually material and those on the un and in the world who believe that the individual is the maudlin a kite in the machine in the service of the state to be so disciplined
so dominated that they lose our capacity for independent thought and ultimately the spiritual realization and in this conflict which is seen throughout the rural evidences of an unmarked car it's of the war we have become a symbol of hope for those who believe in the street they look to us to as in this great hall to was in this great nation their hopes and their prayers for freedom in the future and therefore we not only have a responsibility to keep alive and strong and vital and three the three institutions in our own country but we have the responsibility of devising the political framework within which a comparable achievement can be made for free
people and freelance throughout the word damn high for them the torch of freedom so they can have faith and hope in the future not only those who enjoyed the day but those who were behind the iron curtain to have that hope or freedom in their hearts but do not dare express it on their lips and we in this country following in the footsteps of the founding fathers were the same kind of courage invasion the same kind of foresight the same kind of faith that they have and worth and dignity of each individual faith and their political creativity we can devise a way that others in council a federal system which can take in other free nations where the
nations can play the roles of the states have played in this country and the us can achieve that ultimately for mankind as a whole that dream that has been our guiding star of the brotherhood of man and of the fatherhood of god you have been listening to a recorded remarks of governor nelson rockefeller speaking of july fourth observance of the total institution to brooklyn new york this is the educational radio network va fb
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, The States and Federal Government
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller gives his Fourth of July speech at the Chautauqua Institution in New York.
Recorded in Chautauqua, New York
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Event Coverage
Politics and Government
Fourth of July; Fourth of July orations
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: Education Radio Network
Speaker: Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-505b412159e (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:29:50
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6c423d83052 (unknown)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:35:22.248
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Chicago: “Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, The States and Federal Government,” 1962-08-15, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 30, 2024,
MLA: “Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, The States and Federal Government.” 1962-08-15. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 30, 2024. <>.
APA: Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, The States and Federal Government. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from