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as janson remix and stands and where wallace stands have you examined your conscience about this winding down i've examined myself about a lot of things from durham of course the last few years and i've come to the conclusion that the one thing this more important to the nation above all other things as the war in vietnam that nearly on their total of foreign policy but also that it is interfering with our any program that we might have with regard to the inner city and with regard to their decay in the uk in the state and in the rural areas and that you know we must get finished with a war before we can ever get onto him to lose sight of an appraisal of of what we must do to augment the kerner report this drug where if it's mr nixon wins the state by a small margin and we're really despite the soul searching you will have to do i think it would be
great you you obviously lean on domestic issues toward mr humphrey and wait for mr nixon is it your position that little bit on reasonable here and now i don't know that it would be reasonable if that for three years i told people that i thought the war was the most important thing we could never get around to mr humphries domestic program on mr nixon's domestic program until such time as we finished off the war and that this was a thing which was interfering with those completely i think though we have we have the democratic party have stated that our leadership right along and weave them tolan effect that turn if they present us with mr kostya kennedy and mr mccarthy and later on even mr mcgovern that we would probably be a little saved this country and be able to change her direction of and so far as foreign policy is concerned now for me at this point to say will last that's perfectly all right but in the meantime i have
to look at alternatives and so consequently digress from the position of opposition to the war i don't bring give any hope for an e bike to vote in november against the war and in favor of peace i have become so our son of the inheritors of part of the piece position and if i were to you know over on this other aspect of and say it's true that mr that i oppose mr johnson and mr humphrey previously but now i'm faced with nixon was and therefore after taking what's that people in politics call realistic approach to time went away and that all those things then i would love not i would have changed course completely and have rob the people of our right to talk and speak from here on in until november than until november the fifth on the question of peace because i will have a limited successfully that out of the campaign it's for that reason that i cannot abide by people who in a sense
continue to talk about that the war has as it was as it has been for the last few years and for all intents and purposes present no change with respect to the attitude that with regard to the war percentage think about what your position is getting so you have an important and reasonable i don't mean to be rude but this is exactly what this new law francis yes we have been remotely floor of precisely what i wanted to say was this is the election of richard nixon means the war is a continuing proposition i think you're quite as convinced of that as i am now if the bite you're refusing to endorse you with humphrey you are in effect helping nixon and the white house are you not then defeating the whole purpose of your anti war campaign of your piece position because election of missoula you come to the conclusion they're unlikely you have to push it for that there
is a difference between the people i mean the promise on which you make your appeal to me at the moment is that there is a difference between the republican and the democratic position regarding the war is ending we do develop that because i haven't seen the evidence is that apparently you have with regard to us well of course i don't know mr nixon's position one vietnam either but i am simply going by the halls we were just out and hausler mr humphries on very vague on that two year process fallen already it hasn't though that's the thing i'm free just on the basis of the twenty years experience of the hope that the public has of you with humphrey in office that of the threat of the three or the two men who have a chance of being president hubert humphrey would be much more likely to make a real effort to stop you what gives you that you know we'd do that because not everybody's a liberal is at the same time you know going home to stop a war this is not a visa and news i'm not natural they
don't fall one from the other pole if you if there has been something that i have you heard about i would like to have explained to me that there is a real difference between the two parties with regard to it and not because to me as far as as andrew i think thousands of young people they would like to know the difference and so far has failed to make an impression upon the people are going to fight the war the young people are going to be drafted and there they incidentally have no spokesman up to this point and they're not an opportunity of voting on the very thing which is likely to take their lives or their liberties the next couple of years and so in a sense i do have an obligation to them and i think if there was evidence to indicate that there's a different because in attitude which would in effect suggested we have been an hour or perhaps as robert kennedy said one time when he was quick
checked out on how his attitude with respect and he said yes i was wrong first now i would like to see somewhere along the line that we would have this kind of an expression opinion and that as an indication of where we're going from here on in with respect to the war because we will never get around to the domestic issues not in the light of the fact that right at this moment we are cutting back on all kinds of programs on health programs national health problems i'm talking about medicaid programs and a variety of other things because we cannot have guns and butter and so before we can even discuss one of these things we have to get over on to the question of how we dispose of the war well try and play with that for a few minutes if you ward and others say that richard nixon suddenly decides that the smart thing to do is to come out against the war and do step of peace negotiations and really to do it and really to end the war
the feature that finally quelling undying for i'm not being critical of mr nixon that personally but there he is the kind of man who dazzled his finger up to see how the wind is going on and it would put him in the white house i'm quite certain well any practical man would do that to put himself in the light of the was over the post war recession comes the conservative congress is not going to take the money that's being spent on the war and spent on these domestic programs where without a lawyer that's right good as virgil that's why i think in the accenture being on again progress of congress and not on a reactionary congress and that's why i think it's as senator mccarthy has said that in this campaign across the nation that the effort should be should be to turn in a senate that would be able to meet a nixon by humphrey what have you in there in the white house and be able to insist upon an ending of the war and then insofar as the other aspects of a constant eye i say we do have a real serious problem
we have a serious problem and shifting from want a piece of the present and it may very well be that that very condition has been responsible in certain measures for the decisions that being made on high level for instance after the second world war we had a great shot edge of consumer goods so we could therefore moved from out a wartime economy over into a peacetime economy and if we laid off five million men we could in the course of a couple months pick him up again and point them at this time the ten million people are more there now employs in one form or another in manufacturing industry or in the army itself if pieces declared we have no plan to utilize them in connection with any other manufacturing because there is no shortage of consumer goods at the present time so that on less we hadn't many very end and made plans with respect to how to utilize the men part in connection say with the development of a go of their outline than the kerner report building construction
various other things that then also in our country area to stop the pollution of the waters in the light less plans are made like that we are likely to have a full scale depression if the war to end soon alibaba just a minute but there's a good friends i think you made a little bit ago a while back and could land like to follow up on did you infer that richard nixon is a little bit more sympathetic it would be a little bit more effective in the antiwar cause and hubert humphrey in the annual un or video was an anomaly i can say that when i don't i'm not i don't know on the basis of the analysis for the past for years i don't think in terms of the man's past record of what he would do in the next four years and therefore i think these are the heiress which we are committing by saying because this fellow is a fine man did such and social so therefore he would
do the right thing in the next four years to come i thing that's erroneous thinking we have to think in terms of a lot of things i don't know other mixed richard nixon has an obligation to save anybody's face he has said that he was part of an administration that pulls out of the last war inferring that eisenhower did i know that mr truman said that eisenhower stop the war and he truman couldn't dare do with me being a democrat that was involved in it and that these are political considerations that these are straws in the wind that i hear from people in the hyatt yuan of the democratic and republican party and so i can't come to the conclusion that one of these wood and the war more quickly than others ms owens i like to work the election year nineteen sixty eight here now there's one word i could use to war characterized this year it might be the word frustration the first manifestation of frustration was when senator mccarthy what the challenge president johnson
for the nomination over the vietnam war the people were very upset about that and we know that mccarthy of course did not get the nomination but now we have another candidate in the field but george wallace who is manifesting a different form of frustration now the figures on it was his popularity have alarmed me tremendously we're at first he might have a gun and went to eleven and thirteen an end to nineteen and now they have a size twenty two percent of the electorate are over three quarters of the votes of the democratic candidate for president now this continues to go up and i am hopeful that it won't it could have quite alarming consequences and both humphrey and nixon have addressed themselves to these consequences in their campaign ads might seriously affect the two party structure in this country what is your comment on the wall as candidates rising am as much alarmed about the was downstairs and body us i think that that is shows
a very definite trend in the country over accepting probably the split the same token man y'all and richard nixon and agnew and strom thurmond started it they really yeah gave they gave this bar i think the losses campaign because they themselves appealed at the miami convention to precisely the same kind of people though saw that hate mongers and the likes and those who would deny our power liberties to a great segment of the population they do not appeal to them very successfully because these people are going to wallace about every appeal is quite a gentle losses appeal is a better appeal and their appeal is and they have than strom thurmond couldn't swing and that was about all they tried it ash yes for sure that a fair chance of the republicans had a convention of taking a middle of the road modern republican and they are certainly turned their
back on that and richard nixon became the richard nixon a ball and returned to go and the whole republican party with this up with this poster of abraham lincoln and there and that emancipation declaration surrendered to strom thurmond miami art well i would like your comment on the effect that this was candidacy is going to have on the on the two party structure in this country we know nineteen forty eight when we had to strom thurmond running on the on the right and we had to henry was running a lab or less than five percent of the vote but was according to the polls is continuing to increase the strength he's already up twenty one twenty two percent that's right the republican party and the democratic party both to come more or less the same kind of an attitude of their conventions with respect to the war in vietnam and that turned off a lot of people made it just didn't give people a choice and so in that kind of confusion and can calm a man like mr
wallace and make hay out of it well i'd like to get on to work i think this is a fairly thorough analysis what's going to happen i don't know nine or thank you to our unit a local issue here mr dwyer and that concerns the uk the school strike here in new york we've had then we discuss this with you before on this program a number of months ago when a series of strikes in a setting other in the sanitation strike cowardly view represented the sanitation men yes and their negotiations with the city i like your comments on the recent schools well i think a great deal of the fault lies in not being able to have some new a new venture the sky new approach and not being able to sit down with people for several months in an ironing out the areas of responsibility on both sides in the area of opportunity on both sides he was a negro a new system which i agree with i believe that
that the board of education has failed to give the children of the slums a good education i think that's been generally conceded whatever the reasons for it are as not important they're not unable to accomplish an annual ideas is brought forth which has the approval of the border regions has the approval of the legislative bodies and has the approval of the maya has the approval of the board of education that was spilled de centralizing other words to give the people and mabel an opportunity to run their own schools system now we have the same time aig and contract and negotiations came up there with the teachers' union and i think they outline of the obligation of the local school board to the teacher should've been incorporated and whenever a plan was developed and also makes the extent to which the union could properly bargain with the
school board i i don't thing with a local board i'm talking about i think that to take care of the local board and give it some measure of clout and some measure of the party want to deprive him of the basic authority over the personnel and certainly would robert of a great deal of its own it's effectiveness by the same token i am i am and always have been in favor of our other against the possibility of anybody lose their job without hearing at these things which i think should have been looked into undeveloped before this experiment was actually put into effect i think we're suffering from my failure to purchase do that correctly we're doing it now and according to today's paper we are and there is a plan afoot which will work that out the last one i think was an eighth that devoting mccoy the first audit really a coming on strong ago i said we find these people because they were racist we didn't give
them a hearing because we well we can't prove there were races we know that there are now you say you don't see a man loses job over being without a hearing and hearing somebody get from a school board run by some alimony mccoy rates that were at those precisely at that should be outlined that shows precisely what i'm saying that all of these obligations and regulations should have them and developed ahead of time so that your mr mcguire anybody us make his own world and by the same token that their son should be some submission of a party to a local school board these are things which are not we can have a local school board we can have a local school the school board that deals with this teacher's precisely the board of education does seventy percent of these teachers entering the school board are white in a black neighborhood these days he's at the statistics it's not as if they're taking all whites in drawing him out and putting in black people mr dwyer it's even a little bit more specific than that i think according to some articles that i read in the paper this week
mr nixon for example is coming very deeply into the normally democratic jewish vote and i've heard it suggested that the anti semitism because a majority of the teacher in the public school system in new york city are george of course the students involved are blacks in these districts that there is somewhat of a black anti semitism involved here and this is causing a shift in the jewish folklore this is that this is one of the main reasons for the shift in in the jewish vote in new york city how how is this going to affect your campaign at the stroller epp obviously it's partially trouble affects my campaign i i own big and related to that i had no idea whether the facts and all are not i don't see how it does but i think some of the things that you're taught to shift to the right will work against you i'm not sure about that yeah there's been a tendency in this state and not to go down the line that people vote for president don't have to necessarily take that same question of the same party they don't have guns they have to do it with
respect agnew but they don't have to do it so far as the senate is concerned i'm a tell you that one that's a jobless ran twelve years ago he ran a million votes in the state behind must eisenhower our and mr also senator team ran far ahead on his presidential nominee that year that's four years of war broke you could comment on the on me on the jackson about the basic thing i mean it's tiger is referred to block voting and the global purchased a jewish writer into the river for america the change in that in the drawer for the warriors knicks making these deep inroads into the george well i don't believe a word of it that's i don't care what kind of pulls you quoting from ireland was a source of the first place that amount laughter i realized that when i get something like that to tell me what a big block of people are going this way that are going head over heels often makes an adequate quality because i've been around the streets and i have
<unk> the source of that that came from the answer your time so that probably took a lot of meds and from independents so are all but some independent source of course nixon's campaign managers they have independent sources are listening to riverside radio interview og er than ever the programs politics my name's robert marshall a permit panelists are pops like weather and david higgins and i guess this evening is called was a democratic candidate for the united states senate thank you sue the point of bob's type of a political poster boy it's an open secret that for years senator javits has been running very successfully by taking the normally democratic jewish vote this is a matter of electoral statistic this is not us coles is an error damon i mean we have an odd question was don't get many more information than enough for it last thursday we have on
that question was at two years ago when mr chavez ran for delegate to the constitutional convention he had the republican and the democratic nomination in the last well what other statistics have you got there alright alright for you when that's going to be a campaign now that this is something not only about gm one thing i want to say with respect their bombs position here i i don't believe that there is blocked voting in this house city and i've been able to tell you particularly with respect to jewish clothing and i may point out to the most recent primary or iran against their joys of restaurant was jewish and there was no jewish district in which he won over maine and even get fifty percent of the vote in any district so yeah i mean there are situations where persons of jewish extraction of jewish persuasion have a position on same thing is true with respect to other that appealed
to our jewish neighbors this is also true with respect other issue of blacks but there is no black voting in this respect from particularly jewish but broadly during the fortas nomination june for doing in a sense you in any sense said that that jacob javits was insensitive to anti semitism it was issue now this was obviously a appointed to sean brock i don't know as the play will block part was seeing things as it was it was no question of are playing two o'clock i thought i know judge for this and i know you make a wonderful chief justice of the united states supreme court and i thought and they'll become senator javits at the time he said i'm gonna vote from two react with the charges made against the appointment by strom thurmond and jim eastland now would make any difference to me what he was he was going to be a successor to judge juan and it was important for us at that
point that we have a successor that would be able to pay more than lip service to the constitution of the united states and i didn't i thought it was it was insensitive of mr javits at that point to have didn't have done what he did in that was to sort of bailout eastland and strom thurman by repeating the charge that they made against the appointment in the first place the child that he had repeated was cronyism and if there ever was a group in the whole wide world and live by cronyism all of their political lives it was the eastern zone that thurmond's so that the charge didn't have any merit to in the first instance and for him to react to it that certainly seem to me to be a proper thing for him to do if that happened to effect and jewish people in the city are in the state or the nation that was incidental <unk> or let's get down to the to the campaign i think that one of the trouble if you're running into here is that you basically do not disagree with senator javits on many of the
issues i think you're going on with whatever i am pointed out to me well jobless may be running into trouble with your line of because he basically does not disagree with you on to many of the issues and i think it's fair to say that your political values are not that i read what about vietnam when you're ready you get that from the opposition's i know there's a lot of mets being creative well i like you ever you the answer that i like usa are worries as best we know and as your political philosophy really disagree with a really basically disagree with that position yes i think that that's a fair question and he presented that will without the promise of what's termed from photosynthesis now his position vietnam's radically different mind i have been battling the vietnam situations the last few years and doing that period of time as jazz has been praising the administration in new congressional record nineteen forty six and forty seven right up to recently
his position with respect to vietnam changed how i would say not that within the last eight months nine months before that it was in the starting out i think he was a man with a bedtime can resolution he was the most vociferous in advocating the passage of the bay of tonkin resolution in nineteen sixty and nineteen sixty six he was sent on a junket by the president of vietnam he came back he praised our effort and then he suggested that it was an appropriate walk for us to be an and he continued and all through that period of time of the senators in the senate were criticizing our involvement he was a strong defender of the administration that he good excuse the fact that we haven't been winning quite as much as we thought we were going to excuse the predictions of that of the general source shown to be close judgment has shown to be faulty so that it was only i think your first time he asked for for a cease
fire was two days after the primaries but i wonder why i'm not from that point on and it has taken that position but he voted against you voted against every effort to cut down on the defense appropriations whether there were made by kennedy or whether were made by now wayne moss or anybody out why he voted in a sense against the efforts made to tucson of humanize the draft law to some extent and to bring about certain to end certain inequities with regard to every one of those efforts he was an administration he voted with the administration and these were presented either by senator kennedy moss a grueling so that in so far as that aspect of this concern and there's a very distinct and different position in his in policy and in depth and then in air in our conduct
our low fares regarding the vietnam war to america well i think it's fair to characterize you as a liberal mr boyer how would you characterize senator javits as a conservative now senator javits says has been a good man i'm not quarreling with senator javits i'm not suggesting senator javits is the the worst kind of a person is coming to the senate i would say that chavez was a democratic senator from indiana say i would say that on the republican senator from idaho maybe i would say that's good but i as a senator from the yard i think you're entitled not something that's something a little better than that and then a phenomenon and a sign of a republican that is regarded as a liberal republican and you realize oh i'm sure that this is liberal and conservative all relative terms depending upon the atmosphere and each given instance
there are and times when he has done quite well there are other times when he has fought has shown a capacity say with respect to our tax laws when there was an effort made to to eliminate in equities and injustice in our tax laws he has seen fit to vote on behalf of the haves rather than the have nots he hasn't played for instance are very recently a unique situation come up with respect to migratory workers that he's in a position to advocate laws which would give them my major workers' pay better break and you get by the same token when he was asked whether or not the their boycott which york city had initiated was an appropriate way of handling this situation and discouraging people from buying the grapes from
california he said that he thought that the boycott system was dangerous so that on the one hand he would give a weapon to a group of migratory workers on the other hand you would not permit them to use in these are the inconsistent seasons wreck nature boy you agree with the proposition that the function of the republicans to shoot the wounded after the battle was that the family and i can't quite sure i'm not shy that's a remark attributed to senator mccarthy i don't think he actually said it but yeah well you know all the centers of violent iodide man he went into these kind of displays every once in a while i did follow morrison feel a coach giving up with what mr woodward it into another crucial issue i think i perhaps touched on i run up the while us canada say and that their concerns the issue of crime and that we've we've all all sorts of expressions crime in the streets and also its which people think of euphemism for opening the negroes in their
place and but generally speaking and ugly newspaper that right here on the table shows that the people of new york city and new york state have a genuine concern about the area crime that concerns burglaries and muggings and so forth a lot of this as the parent of course upon the narcotics problem i like your general views on this crime situation is particularly of chronic lyme and no doubt about the increase in crime in the streets and the fact that people are not safe and that has alarmed not only the people of this city as a lie and the total nation's because the crime rate has gone up by may say according to again statistics has said that fbi statistics and i don't know whether or not that's a parody that a crime rate has gone up all over the nation and whether or not i'd there's so psychologists and
psychiatrists of related this in a certain sense to the war and to what is happening when people come back and the fact that we act in the fashion that we do on a national basis but i don't know that that case had been made are not suffice it to say that it is a and it is something that endures the people everywhere and injures them not really an even those who are not insolvent it injures their business life of our city as well as well as of course they're causing a great deal of distrust of those were victimized by and there's nobody that i knew a lot that has not taken that thing seriously and the slogans that are used by you mr nixon that would indicate that that there's air that this kind of thing belonged to one particular sect your group and that for that reason it has to be very stern measures taken with regard to that now nobody has ever suggested that therefore crime history i'd ever heard of
anybody preaching that there has to be a vigorous prosecution of any crimes committed there has to be police action with respect to wherever it is a curse and i think that that song and disposes of that partly by the same token when we are talking about long on and we should continue it so that the basic law of the land the constitution and the bill rights wherever and that lawyers violated wherever it has not extended to many of our citizens and we take that up equally seriously but in your tours around the state how much how many people come to work what are the first question said that the rescue what is foremost on the people's mind well there are local issues of course their own issues that i have found around the state and that occur that effective water pollution say in areas like the finger lakes where you always think in these terms of these beautiful areas and you go then you find that some of the area supported by the water pollution live a swill
going into wood from factories or something else like an uneven lake champlain and lake erie and now these are local things biting everybody talks about or i recall my first one one of the first counties in the southern tier and i spoke and talked as if this is where a democratic group and they were mostly democrats and when i got outside one man said to me you're making a serious error i'm a republican and i'm going to vote for a republican but i'm as much interested in this war as anybody else and and so i did change in that respect i realize that it was foolish to think in those terms of the independents and republicans were equally in and concern about him as we were but then i think secondly the thing that bothers most people even whether on all blacks on their knowledge no blackberry or black people living in the county some are other park feel there's an involvement and civil strife between ethnic groups and then this i think it is a matter of deep concern to all of the
people because we find ourselves drifting over into this kind of a society describe of the kerner report separate bomb equal and that obviously in our day has to give rise to some kind of strife and i think that that unless we are able to really face up to that meet the issue and do something about it which will bring about an end to it and bring back the kind of days we enjoyed under that under the presidency of john fitzgerald kennedy during his period of time where it's only a few years ago and then we had a blowup of all our whole approach to the world and we had a sort of a feeling of brotherhood and there is not reason nothing has happened in the interim period which should create this kind of strife between us and it's merely a difference of approach and the difference of how they're feeling of hope on behalf of the disinherited paula dwyer that there's a third man in the same central race james buckley the conservative candidate know the room isn't there a slippage on the right of the democratic party in the state you feel that mr buckley is hurting you more
the fighting gendered cabbage i don't know you probably is going to an injury to both those if we can say that way but he has a drawing i would stay strong votes from democrats as well as republicans to what extent he would be to where the percentage will finalize anybody's guess mr mcguire analyst on one of the last time we had you on the show back in april i made my reputation as a political profit by predicting you finish a good third in the primaries don't don't regard yourself as exclusive effect opponents have actually do as they told me that it was going to be to figure as we've had a poll of human least he said animal a poet was that's why i take a dim view of musicals two days before the primary that gave me fourteen percent of the vote tally of seriously that poll cost me a lot of votes as a lot of people are for eugene nickerson because they felt that i didn't have a chance
and was important for them to defeat president well you have the same problem as you have now you haven't got a dime how much money have you got new campaign chest how much we afford to spend you can afford spend maybe you don't have any money well another landowner i i've got a lot of good people will come to my defense and we have an operation down the hotel common oil or wheat maybe to meet all the bills so far and oh we're continuing to get and in our money in for the mail and we've made very many appeals and we have that they've been coming up which we hope will be a regular some mileage and television and radio towers the end we're not be honest than one dollar to five of genesis but by the same token we will have we were puts rule put in the field this year some forty thousand young people and that's
something that nobody else can do i think we can in that fashion make up for the loss of money we will have done some to spend and radiant television during the course of the last couple weeks particularly am sure how much we'll have i'm in a better position to tell you winning campaign manager tells me of the eighth or ninth we have also three other things going for us to see that because the newspaper that i can certainly have reported uptick yes they posted just be there and then we got there the palace theatre for one night with all kinds of things new and you know faces in the inmates that are in theater world there are many things which are coming out which i think one they wouldn't get is to me i've dealt with conservative and our approach to that we don't normally goes around later on the front page of sometimes happens at the campaign and so we will try and live within our means but i think we'll it was the president who campaigned extensively for you and that he
will do whatever is record requests to do he's coming in not only eight he's wanted to speak at the dinner and i think you know we will have a man i think this schedule adam and a couple more locations followed other any other a national figures that are coming into the state to hope you love and asa go ryan will be at speak of the donors were steve smith and none that's so i think these are fairly these people land on me over time and i think also sense to smith took a prominent part in his brother was senator kennedy's campaign is significant because many of the people from the kennedy camp as well as from the mcwrap the camp of command to help out we got the fellows first domino very important fellow's name ali his airlines ever sam brown who was shot of god all young people and the campaign he's working with a restaurant or i'd like to ask you where whether you had any conversations with
senator edward kennedy of massachusetts about possible help in this campaign and also whether stephen smith who is as broad believer whether he spoke with senator kennedy of massachusetts before coming over activity and your campaign oh i don't know i'm a bit i would assume so i didn't ask him that question we asked him to commander whenever he could with respect to him and he agreed but that ensure that these are things that you now the candy family work they discuss these things not one of them without the other as far as sen ted and he's concerned he has not gone out of the state of massachusetts and i know that he has many obligations political obligations to congressman to centers throughout the nation and it may cause a problem for him going to want and that go to another but i i believe i'm in the base of my conversation with their steve smith it does move along although you a public company arkansas i'm talking to paul you mentioned ambassador goldberg
before he's recently been named the hubert humphreys campaign manager in a new york state court in a public campaign here some people feel that this move will bring you in and vice president hundred close together and you feel about that i mean i don't really think in terms of vice president humphrey i myself was at the other ends of the pole i think in terms of his attitude with the war preventing me from ever being a supporter and that's the end of it i don't think it has nothing personal about this at all that there's nothing unusual about the set getting support from supporters of the vice president humphrey i would think that ninety five percent of the people who voted in for me in the next election we'll also be voting for vice president humphrey maybe for that matter a lot more old friend the vote free for all i know this is
something that i i couldn't obsessed by and i'm certain that this is how it's gonna work out or there's nothing unusual about these things as not it and the difficult thing to get into who's also true steve schmidt public at the same time are the global literary persuasion fellow and i'm sure that he will there will be pressure brought upon you by ambassador goldberg i don't think so you know i doubt very much to get her thank you mr blair for senator mccarthy endorses vice president which he is fairly likely to do a whole that affect you and then there's another type of even stronger pressure the kindest tomorrow's mention and sentiments lively is not a fourth party ty personally hate crime and aamodt prima donna is a passionate plea that he's not the full of potty time he's almost certain to endorse humphrey what will you do then would you let it would you would you reconsider at that i would tell you that to
bring great words of comfort in the humphrey camp tonight there's another the us has been quite as bad as the ready to proceed as you have been well i do it on the basis of what i said senator mccarthy is not a prima donna me he can't stand that kind of hamlet desk stuff and this would give him to awaken it these days as will run the mind to suffer the slings and hours of the pressures of today it the fifth andrew engel no i don't think that it will make a difference because i know sentiment thirty one left in all this he makes up his mind is not going to extend an attempt to ask anybody else to do the same thing the gym cardio story today the time said that the bronx will of course be crucial for you
and then an electronic the county leader and the branch is doing all it can to see that you know what did they serve things bother you all surely they do i don't know i don't take them lightly when somebody of my party says that support may have to admit that that's the right and prerogative as is my right and prerogative to do what i'm doing but it doesn't make me feel happy i would and mulder won a fellow at the ultimate effect of that would be and i can tell you don't know whether or not they're on others to counteract that position well i like it in the most supportive it into the liberal party or for a second you're not smiling mr o'boyle well the liberal party is running a car that's why they're running for president and ryan chats with a certain workers are you know quite a few differences with them exactly what is the liberal party going and the selection really going to make a real effort for droughts or that were sitting on their hands
regularly so iceland's lamb was interrupt for a second exactly what is a liberal party anyway when you think about it he had to sing even the eighties party and you had to split your book to be yes there are as many people in the labour party who have come to my mouth to me and said that they are for me anyway i've known take for instance in may resume congressional district there's a thought the name of tyson's running up there and as also labor party man by name of much ado fall the us a u l t and he wrote a letter to me saying i'm for you and i wrote back to him and say you embarrass me greatly because i've already taken a position that i fear mr dyson and he wrote back to me and said i don't care what position you take them for you anyway
and i'm a great disagree with the liberal party now this has happened particularly in the upstate regions are not subject to the pressures of the trade unions here that they are in the city this has happened a great deal and i believe that i would get great to have a broad support that was the reason that the liberal party endorsed listener joan surprise because they were afraid that somebody like a resin it would get the democratic nomination all i don't think that was it a lawyer i find it difficult to know why that is you know as you ask them for their support now i didn't patent requested and there were some members of the labor party that asked me before that if i would accept this endorsement of her party this was way back when i was merely the candidate of the coalition for a democratic alternative democratic rope and i said i would if they gave it to me at these however or not in the position they were mormons the upstate leaders for
discontent with the way they felt than the report he was going and they were no position to pay to give it to me there was some question whether or not if i did get twenty five percent of that party whether or not i could run in the primaries having in mind that i was not a member of that party and there's the wilson pakula law which had to be taken into account so at that time at that didn't work out i understood why or how many votes we were sharing your city boy in order to win the election and there's no way of knowing that anymore we used to set an arbitrary figure that somebody's going to the youngers lying would have to have five hundred thousand votes or to carry what would be now the upstate the republican position since that time the nassau county has got one million six hundred thousand residents and joe westchester county or something like seven hundred and fifty thousand residents and rockland county as two hundred and fifty thousand residents and
you know you've got my locks him in buffalo and logs well let's get into the business regard square are you geographically strongest in the in your state and for your real problem areas why would think that traditionally a more and stronger but i can tell you where democrats are more likely to prevail they're more likely to prevail in the working class sections number one this year i think they're also more like i am more likely to make out in they had middle class areas that are opposed to the war and so it's that would be a kind of combination of you can judge it has such an done and then say france's buffalo i think probably own b and come out of buffalo it's a substantial majority of all really a substantial majority syracuse syracuse i don't think so most
possibly mentally care about a handsome when the late president karen yeah i like obamacare and it also will find a kind caring for a different reason they felt up there is an ally of paralyzed as syracuse that every conservative in our entire county and they didn't like iraq of values to liberals will enable or four o'connor and he sets a way that i've heard it explained to me most of the democrats up there and then of course you've got other towns that don't come into that cat like rochester in binghamton and if they can dave isay on am talking also about schenectady and troy i knew that course large areas that when you add em all up together they mean that mean a lot but you got to come visit twenty thousand votes and they're generally divided them on a registered about germ two thirds republican winkler democrat understood why
are women at west point and senator kennedy worked the formula beautifully by coming to the city line twenty two thousand votes behind mini jackhammer keating here in the city you then have to do something like that to even if you get hit with about two maybe two hundred thousand by andy kindler lacey the figures with senator keating was that he won by something like nine hundred thousand votes so he can afford that can i i don't know that there that you can go in the same fashion and talk to her because we're coming into was just you're coming into strong republican but at the same time strong pc areas in utah the mud in there also with respect to draw plunger talking about republicans was some more lesson teachers back and forth at the moment but it's strongly piece orient this is true of the nassau counties were so that this situation changes this year greg thank you
very much for the wire for joining us is our guests have been just appalled wire was a democratic candidate for united states senate in new york state and now on behalf of david higgins and bob stein whether this is robert miles wishing you a very pleasant evening al rao politics is produced by the public affairs staff of the few rv are among the contributors to this evening's program was it was a young engineer was jerry rusty oh no the
Paul O'Dwyer
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Politics guest, Paul O'Dwyer, a candidate for the Democratic Senate in New York, speaks with David Higgins, Bob Stikeleather, and Robert Morris on his upcoming election, and his opinions of his last competitors and his latest competition.
Series Description
Weekly feature devoting itself to the important times and crucial issues of the 1968 election.
Recorded at WRVR Studio A
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Talk Show
Politics and Government
War and Conflict
Public Affairs
Political campaigns; Democratic Party (N.Y.)
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: Young, Elizabeth
Engineer: Rothstein, Jerry
Guest: O'Dwyer, Paul, 1907-1998
Host: Stikeleather, Bob
Host: Higgins, David
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Morris, Robert
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-451d7d68128 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:59:00
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-071d73a2036 (unknown)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 01:00:14.064
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Chicago: “Politics; Paul O'Dwyer,” 1968-10-03, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Politics; Paul O'Dwyer.” 1968-10-03. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Politics; Paul O'Dwyer. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from