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as bishop cartoonist dennis the menace from buck rogers to buzz sawyer a past family of memorable characters live in the world of the cartoonists art or in green cartoonist for bringing up father interview some of the men who create the world america's leading cartoonist tracing the history and development of the many forms of comic art ryan green's guest is one of the key developers of comedy and revising tom johnston our guest this evening is tom johnstone the king of the comic ads onetime monopolist in the field of sunday comic section ads such as peggy locksmith mccarthy nerves camels and so forth we're all familiar with the big names trips but we've never touched on to this ranch of newspaper or it just sort of grew like topsy tom how did you get started with comic ad business well
those letters for fifteen years now are huge huge bruises are coming you're jewish well the depression came along and their own record for the time i was i spent all the money and didn't sing and wish that brokers three years and i didn't know where you're going again but the measure her sharon horgan the sunday comics action because they want to get some revenue to her show the world over to your adoption one day until i was broken leg or duration maybe even have an idea for you well sure well about six months later
one of relief that broken bone is used to take a better than one study examined the best of the taliban to the issue but like having to write so i called up innovation week yet recommended him on the corner for a second straight our way that newfound attention from a nation to be restored again touches me in june june carter but short lives and the river and this really ensures their own idea had a nightmare i had met her for lunch so create a character call it works and you're first one has the first one in that region the huge huge adroit she had were the only arab world well we did one and i don't know what dashboard money and so as we go along about to join
him with the number two first money i've seen there were a good number three and they call rio's ago mr johnston we are the catlike says there's very much and why you know i don't think you're getting pregnant with another is an arduous wine jello from now on we want to pay you for a hundred and fifty dollars you don't well i don't say no show set the berlin for the first time in the senate say forty fifty dollars and they made it retroactive home care about what a couple thousand dollars at a dime for years and inside of six months i make seventy thousand dollars a year no wonder you are the best but the headquarters
so that enabled to the bones are supporting for different already forced examined to go wrong will think that fifty five dollars a month that included telephone service and the german government doesn't like fence joseph you know as well hi there i didn't exactly create a new form there because a few of those we speak of comic answer been ads with comics in for years but this was a first during his time the first time the comic strips as such and so began the region sunday conversation before the gym and this was about nineteen thirty thirty i showed him an early part of an irish setter in the nation
which london talk to him how you had a great great names in that i remember after virginia you get there was joking team and regular hear about that i've seen car engine agreement that dorothy care for she was rare issue to go up and sing shashank in europe on morning in the forestry research at a shell washington as witnesses joking about america they collaborate together show they're in town and our domestic oil up in the head or indian tv out there wants to show up with those joke and joins you right away anywhere for me immediately fell
right into in the big city three years ago he was on his way only thing just a few weeks i think king features an extra content partners on the page but i knew join dorothy dunn cleveland whenever denny syndicate and it was a very interesting story and they're getting together they're the came in she was always good and very feminine beautiful girls you're going wrong girl he was this bali was a beauty a of an artist and everything else but well i think you could go with that his story was that north using of victory meant he had to help him on his girls mediocre only other stop and silly and we got together and a very successful union you're joking michael white brush spots that he was originally from
another artist and i had the windows to close to crushing headed that fish is is there any trouble at first on getting men like not commit who were very famous interview he was doing terry that action it just made the switch from associated press there were some great stories of who were on the outcome if they're armed unless they're copping ers know i should've warned you that i had like a little extension and that if you can think of for instance how did you get this formatted how many women are less likely to distance himself from me a gentleman there were water strip for post in the head and i do have a little bottle
coffee in the region george bush kofi annan so i have a an insurance industry needs of the movie going ahead and making a station so it pre recording which for years and then there have been veterans okay huge in the weekend that a character that was originally drawn by courtney collins hello michele but how did they do in that area we go on the search for me or joe thompson and chases and was coughing and i love on a lot of
singers in the compost that's right he must have been suffering the same this summer the editorial cartoonists it to get themselves lined up on republican paper when they're staunch democrat he drew only on the public ledger cynic in philadelphia one time in and he would stand there and he was looking very sad during the land and the campaign roosevelt and he says it every day gall pictures year panning roosevelt i love the guy and he was getting frustrated so you're listening very carefully who were some of the great you have more great men understaffed for years the end of course your staff i guess buildup of by degrees any day
wendy when it does tom johnstone company become johnstone cushing wedge issues are treated this way and so for that i thought about i don't feel healthier so that j into a gentle giant crushing and examine the brewers' game a few thousand from the very steady relationships women reporter jd and he hadn't gotten a really good to copy others' memory was just a second position well it was a very successful combination because suddenly this industry which it started off with just a few mushrooms on
my way just before world war two it was a really and that this had become nothing that the artist didn't dream of the girl we'd solve some of the big timers in the field where they'd have a contract for reducing the sunday comic once we can all get in fine salary but here are arrested and i remember working for a pretty good money were getting great maya well going into names anything what would you say that we're one of millions of the biggest salaries your biggest prices for one drawing well have gone along with one hundred dollars just fifteen hundred dollars for the same drop out depending on the account the distribution of the processional local other elements enter into it have a lot money is no object was twenty one we seem to be well over the money here we're really of course you and
i aren't concerned with things like that but i think in comic advertising or any advertising they desire to make some money must be one of the prime impulses to get a person into this rat race that the deadlines and a lot of them i had to have had at least a dozen national accounts and for some reason i made my raps up and wave a world that russia take him in and maybe two months later they're called come not from tom johnson of course but this is a war reporter sally and it's a piece we have the phoenicians this is always christmas eve this comes in and you got on the fringes by the following day night after christmas or something but i suppose a lot of headaches but rewarding the eu comic advertising field fell off quite a bit from new and high energy lives for thirteen of the last ten years
the magazines and the newspapers and there it is television the big players are spending most of their money on television just gotten from magazines and newspapers and well in advance david manning lighten some of the man that i've talked to you know it's tough in this industry claim of course the tv didn't come in on this that only the two mediums are two fields were separate and have their own functions however for some reason i'm pretty sure that the new way of living that we got with tv where we could get kidded sit down see these comics lead right up for them they agree that revising the entertainment companies in all i'm sure the fact that that will go too much on that because are too many spots here we didn't finish yet on some of the other that's right
everyone was waiting for it and i think the climbers would restrict remade today we get to the effects of krill always cheerful very good streak another bomb in them but jones and mr abernathy the second that is a very clever for sure he was really for ten years my i had no money so if you and no structure one thing and continuity continuity saying that comics at all they're illustrated stories are you john legend joan was illustrated illustrated stories that comment we
have a cut those fighters is great as we from longtime very clear vision you developed a lot of a great voice and i imagine that that was a nice which for them to have something that they were really hadn't heard deadline of regularly rather than from a hectic deadlines to come up in advertising that mr mayor that we've set up that they had been going to a row and he's very rare condition do french and in the whole meal is that is a long strips of several memorable burn we and we alone they'll probably come up
because i'm going to have you reminisce a little bit away back now without a comic advertising for a bit and get back to the early days on the world and some of our used to work with they're well i haven't had a long report about nineteen twenty i had been with the newspaper out of racial issues before the judge in comics in our gadgetry with them that i was in charge of the russians then a weapon as the editor of cartoons and comics the reason they have a separate department was a managing editor of the new album mr shepherd all the comics in the morning headed office of my own hirschhorn which will try to meet tragic but in an office and everson only for two along
every once in a while sure well that was back in almost the infancy of comics and i'm surprised that newspaper like the world would've opposed them at that time it wasn't the news billed as a teenage romance a huge british today and everywhere and take on that one of the side of roses is the managing editor of the newspaper and i could get a very good salary maybe fifty seven thousand comic artist makes a half we saw a couple of a week some summer the boy you had some interesting fellows like head with headaches and was you know the one of the areas in very ancient was doing those who was a strong backers of the ruling making lessons
jettison things can get a cartoon talent a lot of establish a cartoon in the new oil like out through june the morning on her subjects course harry is famous not for a penny for those who don't know but i couldn't recommend at him because she was working for the managing editor of the new road in the feed that to those try to come to the plate and one engine hello april housing say that psychologists have done harry developed in one of this region's yes he started in the army all he never been to billings enough start about that time well aware of before that was a no i was in charge of all the cartoons and regret for association we had a chicago isn't that that's drawn by checking water on them the shooter situation because into happens in a
very well socially cartoonist as well go to ford and sank ken pollack of the office in sanctions six dollars every week from this goes along for years on our listeners a rather than was a long time foundation of attention or control and those still hasn't gotten so when it it just i just thank you that snow's going to get an office workers were to know that was even our work there was a fancy name for an office boy because he's certainly became famous in his own right was a bit of the nea korea where the gene starts with an e you never miss what you get interest in this is weird that we're making ten pro fifty one listener in chicago
headquarters in lyon young kid about fourteen fifteen year old captain richard and son so you a big cartoonish would be fair to be introduced this is as an injunction and working for my father's employment it's about north korean regime sent me down state street that's strange this morning to deliver am a terrible zoe mr morton and the office of the things in the show that one college stripper one cult cartoon quote nature wonderful then it began to go up to do characters and a move to clean and host of thought that we all had to live in a boarding house and that's where jewish a share on the boarding house hearing the major what
she would often laws yet the idea of this trip are born ursula on renovations than forty years and then when he finally switched to king features he has changed the name to ruin board as you left the show he must've gotten back all of you know what a ring and a paean to their crew onboard the boardinghouse a half years well bob fosse in hollywood there's an old time strategic influence which was a colleague and that's right the dating your brother was first in austria rodney willoughby johnstone know when that huge television agent ten houston matters in our ocean and long after work on shows shenanigans but their cartoons so it's it
was also if you weren't sure and while well my brother was out a cartoonist came two years hers people under the covers well in the days running a few sketches and photographs and he worked for many years in a cartoonist and now freed was really doing main characters in the morning were on those events he left and rivers and so i had several arson that were perceived was really bound or a mistress could be the cartoonist some unbelievable almost a chap named denis denis workman would never recorded time before the poor artist by anyone but that's what happens when some interviews has a little change in the accepted style
restaurant asked her about that moment charlie roth tartan artistic result was very good analogy jonathan was just great as been nineteen twenty five and he wanted to do some curtains with his current job it was elected to a hotel that is county judge will review as this was checked so i put them on and was so far ahead of his time in the lives of his agenda nobody made on the by the district court can't find that very funny but as a comic artist known as own newspaper and maybe different name isn't that right the issue in parishes we are rome jewish show the voter again then a man came in there we might
mention of barrow amok or convention there were no church her career when she collected question that huge pipe and in the history of the world under the sewing and sundays wiccan woman who knows when and their only was already doing the latter really excellent running them but unsettling that's candace is the skinny body odors walking down the street the stanford's and so yeah it was a troy says they
are crazy about yachts and one time he was just about seven days ahead of really stayed in his drawings and they were sweating blood of kin featuring apart comments a mayor wire comes in from their own record on florida not anything about explaining why one is going to be in that he starts off i'm in love i'm heading off on the author of the week and you'll be re contact me well tom if you have this all to do over again there any the different approaches you'd make in a comic yeah but what you have all gone all headaches and gradually make sure isn't developing talent television or born and even many believe in
it gets educators in the fall as the development has become the latest invasive laser moves to stretch he became famous for things like going on blank paper and they have different styles the truth every artist in the country doing the same thing when one couldn't get permission in on the world of drugs and that for years but then when they sat vigil an illustrator i'm an iranian city had to that can atone for the show paige and development well it must be a great sense of satisfaction to have had a part in the developing of all these men and i'm tom this has been a great player reminiscing with you i wish we could do it for another three four hours but good stuff
later after the show you've been listening to the cartoonist art an exploration of the world of comics and cartoons your host as vern green cartoonist for bringing up father and a member of the national cartoonist society with just this evening from john stoll one of the key developers upcoming advertising makers but as my readers metropolitan fm station of the riverside church and city of new york for broadcast by the educational radio network and the national association of educational broadcaster the patients major
The Cartoonist's Art
Episode Number
Tom Johnstone
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Verne Greene in conversation with Tom Johnstone. They discuss Johnstone's career as an artist, cartoonist, and in advertising.
Series Description
Vern Greene interviews cartoonist, and traces the history and development of the many forms of the comic art.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Cartoonists; Comic books, strips, etc., in advertising
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Guest: Johnstone, Tom (Tom A.)
Host: Greene, Vernon L.
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-437292a5eb2 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3c2b5b62cec (unknown)
Format: audio/mpeg
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:33:07.032
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Chicago: “The Cartoonist's Art; 10; Tom Johnstone,” 1963-05-07, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 12, 2024,
MLA: “The Cartoonist's Art; 10; Tom Johnstone.” 1963-05-07. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 12, 2024. <>.
APA: The Cartoonist's Art; 10; Tom Johnstone. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from