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i would like to ask didn't begin our consideration of moses this morning when we really didn't get to joseph last week but we'll have to let him go you say it's because i know it is coming and that there's a poster singer almost today's fuel fewer pressure before we do i like to stress some undermine some the things he said last week that some things that you didn't say the biblical her new digs for the day when there are many big stories city method by which one content for isis the bible and that the bible is the church a scandal in its authority and it is the nature of cannon to be content first generation after generation according to the problems which bleaching changing faces we should have honesty and a good conscience about the problems that we face and the way in which we ask our questions fire or i'm in this canon is not in the words
invaded the bible is not the thought comes in the conversation between the bleeding community and the text is in the conversation between the bleeding community and the text so the question's are important the problems that we face are important and not only text there is him there is one god and it's not the bible and so but this is actually a book and a cut in that it is the only one that really tells us who we are and that we ought to be is the textbook of identity is the tradition which tells gives the answers to these two questions none of it does and that's because it is the book which is that reflects the struggles of israel and suffering of an exaltation of christ who
are are that beginning beginning in a n and not only in the sense of the first among several or embarrassed first it's the sequence but in the sense of good in the sense of flow of being that which states are being an heiress of understanding likely a blessing of an ancient patriarchs as you can read an intense forty nine the deese sir little piggy saying since on the stick with the tribal clan of the community from them although they sort of stick to them and are a part of their character their principal and basic character in that sense the bible does something for us no other literature is there is a measure of history in that theres a measure of irrationality about the relationship between church revival of which i think will be
a challenge to every generation the church as it always has been to try to explain what's special relationship with the church as with the bottle and what its authority is but i'd like to stress that it is that if it comes in that conversation that the church yes we are just do it mrs robinson is true churches it's true that thesis that he says means that the interpretation of the bottle and i one thing hindus to go through the air through church history seeing how the cargo by was executed house re interpreted generation a generation and you can see how the same passengers raped and many different ways quite honestly quite openly through two years or what's wrong with that nothing because if thirty if
the controls are used him any rules or use that keep us from ice is eating too much meaning into much but rather on the contrary helped us to have it that conversation with the text and then we will be hearing different things the thick consistency of the word god is not that it is locked into a certain syntax for all ages the consistency that were not immediately percent two men and it in fact historians are themselves you know not after all finally members of the hidden the council but they do have a you can have a perspective i mentioned last week i think that the commandment to love the enemy goes on to say that this or that we may be signs of a father losing revenue since the sun and rain and just in the unjust
i think that if we can truly learn to love it and appreciate points of views of others and the ridiculous that we might really have already become members of the new council you know take divine perspectives and looking and letting both sides of all conflicts but at least a historian has their job and that challenge to attempt to do so and to understand human conflict in all situations and it seems to me that it may be that file christian challenges to be a historian in the middle the situation in which we find ourselves i think that maybe it doesn't mean you see we don't go on in fighting evil that we honestly see it doesn't mean that we that we stop fighting the battles i remember when ron lieber and remember it's an oral tradition there ron lieber first serve
preached in this pulpit in this church and he says some signs that were anti us anti liberal as president and be a sanctuary and the story goes back to india roaming afterwards foster being a great comedy was spent neighbor a young neighbor for some answers i don't agree with everything you said need of smiled because we knew we couldn't have but foster homes say we'll have to fight their own battles in around eight at fort myer manufacturers that's quite right to say the same so to try to make it consistent and his consistency is most probably valid when it clears
inconsistent last like loading your enemy instead of honoring us for our efforts on his behalf which is where regional reporter that we talk about the three just last weekend honoring treated with because a jerry up river and i get confused is what i say in one place to another we did the three h's and i think that we can stress be a stranger to last rather than the last thing we wanted was proof text make it say what we want to say why ridiculous it provides some loving challenge to hear in it this conversation some loving challenge from god to come a step further and the pilgrimage which the church is supposed to be all with the emphasis on god's grace to give freedom to man there is a way in which one can say that god has absolute freedom we should see that i think this morning and looking
at moses and moses call there's innocence in which god wants to give himself that is to say give freedom to man freedom from the birdies least decent issues of man's experience that is to say from the gods of heaven or has an undertaker's reduce the stinson issues that's what the genesis by the way calls all those might be powerful gobs of israel's neighbors in south tennessee genesis won twenty six listener can't legislate man in our image after our likeness so that they may have dominion over the birds and the beasts of the field and the fish of the sea did you think that meant that the census me what would it do to be happening in november's like a moment happening in
november's now scientists have uses for ecology one way and another first of all to tame the land and now i think i use it to be the opposite of the church that the church has absolutely nothing to do with creation the chapter has do with crude create toro the whole chapters about jobs being god and that all those cliches that israel worshiped derose the most of the night no one's there for the first dating genesis one means that lost their dislike and artists some cases but they have dominion says all rights of the lion's mane day it has to mean you know that they ensure that people and our closest mean overnight that to mean that's opening and guidance you see we think we are talking as if they knew they were then and to hear such a message that i'm
on was not really adopting see how haiti that would have been the interim nasa the god how cyrus himself who was the air wasn't about the court but its one true god created the alliance if a god created he's not on the way to the whole six days creation fertility they got a fertility male writer but the genesis one says has no district to let the blessing from creation gotta make fertility enjoy animals plants see every season its kind in it and so on and so forth from luminaries and the forced an english student reading genesis with real owners will get further than up i asked him who can predict because an
english student with real honesty will say hey how come visit that you could have a white created in the first day but you don't get sun moon and stars two before and he asked that question and he gets a b inside he gets an opening in these heated swimming events and that is that genesis the first date creations talking about it were a mosque that the fourth in creation starting that show much come i'm ready and all those other son cups that were the moon seen them got scene of tame the starters it's an exciting check imagine being told that all of those gobs of israel's main neighbors the ones are just clobbering all the time with their armies that all those got out got to know they just say
that everybody's got one and furthermore then india six date in le mans created this is that men even can have dominion over all of them and then they're called as they are in other places like some hundred and forty eight and elsewhere not got civil liberties issues if we could only hear a message like that against our policies and hamas would be a message is that there's one that is there's only one and he has so much thought and so how or fourth acts if we live in his image we need have no fear of any other claims made a pass and the only claim that he puts opponents is that we'd be on a pilgrimage to freedom and especially freedom from for sunday's attack and it may be that after a couple hundred more years meant be able to be able to read genesis won for what it says it
is a good honest about the party's ticket is not this idea of freedom brings us to the most i think because he is every movement leader and i would like for us to think about the third and thirty third chapters of the book of exodus and what's conversations take place in those two jet skis are the two chapters of the they're well you who are sophisticated know that the first is the oldest and the second is the artist accounts of the introduction of moses to this mountain god for yahoo they're printed material here but the biblical theologians who use this open to the tyranny what they were doing and they are reportedly said conversations the longer tradition the next street is the better known it tells of the luminous experience of moses and pursuing his curiosity
about a mountain bush that burned without being consumed this moses of israel by parentage a grownup and pharaohs household in egypt as farrow's adopted grandson moses came to learn that the slaves quarters the lights were his own people and in this manner where the eyes of one of the pharaohs family opened to the injustice of the power structure of egypt four years you know non is is blind to certain forms of injustice as the responsible established authority of any society that's only not because of i guess number last week they know better don't personally accumulate that's too easy rather there be good because people who are at the top of the scale simply have great difficulty because it ain't bean snowing on whose hits they're standing there only when moses could identify with the bottom of the egypt's social
structure only when he could say they are my people did he see the injustice of the economic system by which he had benefitted doors life once his eyes with us open most exacting his passion for open justice the justice which can prove a society from its upper levels all the way through its lowest broadband civil and criminal disobedience no don't do that i can hear you doing it in a richer saying you see is that sanders says that moses committed civil disobedience therefore i should commit criminal and civil disobedience weapons last week we stress that we must not mar our lives the bible but you see we have a normal tendency to do so i think that scientists can train something in it said its ad says it's absurd in fact do that you mustn't do it just
some of you remember our last visit here not last week but another time we talked about abraham and it's because we mara liasson so much we can read the data and lied about scientists can't read it but if we're honest we must redefine through his teeth that does not mean then that we got to live through it through your research company cnbc we do it both ways we can't wind was coming in going to stop it moses committed civil and criminal disobedience and he was able to earn that or really to clobber so we should not mara liasson singing in egyptian taskmaster reading hebrew slave moses kill the egyptian i was forced to go into exile our media night that's been grazing wastes of the sun and that white house for setting a strange thing happened the
bush burned for this huge do from justice and he was a fugitive from the justice above the largest most powerful most generous nation of that time said he had done and the analogy to that what we generally say so when he was a fugitive from egyptian justice and you know they had excellent canes and all that sort of thing in law egypt away so we cannot see ourselves in the mirror of ancient egypt but that's not going to do it egypt was the most powerful and most generous nation had the most glowing foreign policy and find a policy of any country until modern terms ok and that suggests that he was a fugitive from but this bird bush continued to bar god spoke to most isn't that experience in an effect told him that he got like most is identify with the bottom of the social scale in egypt
no this is going to go and triple path isn't at its best and patterson means god feeling like man by bus full of about the word neo liberal period he's trying to get rid of it effective some textbooks room an older an earlier day and that's not so long ago in which he could revisit old house was full of anthropomorphism cinnamon toast ministry of them isn't that funny i think it's so funny not ridiculous funny just so far from the incarnation as the grocer step from office and that their religion or and the inclination on the old testament faller research fall into a pretty well i think the idea that god suffers what his
children suffer and what the poor of this world soccer's is a big win nato moses that he knew their sufferings and that people would come to deliver the dispossessed who get chosen as some people got them commission most is to be his age for celebration but before he accepted the commission moses asked two questions two questions or put differently in the two traditions but in essence they are the same in each most is asking both so exodus three and thirty three of god who among them who are you an exodus three years ago just count moses asks who in mind that i should go to pharaoh in bring the sons of israel out of egypt and the answer that god gives him his immediate an unequivocal i will be with you dream i ask what kind of answers back to the good decent raised
moses says who remind us is out with but that's as biblical as genesis twelve or anything else suddenly an exodus thirty three but his identity must try to transcend the piece of paper in the county courthouse where we hadn't have been more violence since we mostly were counties every year it is far away from what we thought a certain entity as possible in order to know what her true wouldn't it is now in sex is thirty three so called honest account moses says that does not let me no one doubts and with me and the answer there is the same my presence will go with you in the two accounts moses asks in effect the same question although the questions are phrase quite differently that answer to moses first query in both counts chapters three and thirty three is to say that i will be with you
most requests their fortune know who would accompany him and exodus thirty three evokes the same response as this question of the identity of a mime an exodus from the question what credentials have tried to challenge the economic and social system of the most powerful nation in the main were images was asking is in effect the same as the question who will be our guide what force are far will validate this freedom movement from the securities of the injustice of egypt to the insecurities of the desolate freedom for the answer to those questions as saying even i will be with you my presence the answer the question who am i we talk today about identity crisis but i think that if the answer to the question whom are brave that question
is a true question i'm not an idle one not a little bit and if it is a legitimate question in terms of the art of the uncertainties life demands and the risks god summons us to take to challenge the system the answer the only answer worth considering comes not in human terms of power various the heavy or or certificates but in the divine terms of god's transcendent unity i heard at a worship service being from from harlem recently in which the preacher said i don't know where i come from but it doesn't matter it would be organized the white community could say that and that's part of i think the exodus is giving him and genesis and mark
all the rest of it when he faced the pharaoh not for yourself but like most is a man for others and when you face of the keaton farris of the us is not for himself before the poor souls and let her you know existentially but the true answer to the question of identity must trends in the available historically the only answer that can hold out for the dissenters and pharaohs court or the advocate and leader of a new way of life from the various types is a musty humidor and when the pharaoh's heart seems hard as it doesn't agree and he argues quite coach and you're moving too fast and when the very want you know freedom complain that the way out the exorcist row there's only one identity worth having emanuel
precisely the presence of him who comes and wilco of yemen who stands at a sixth sense a time who alone can see but egypt for ohio car and nine is its own generosity and willingness to share with the hungry or more human knows that egypt's way that there is a way for this fall's even though all the evidence points to conjure for emanuel is the biblical answer to everyday quest for print but moses' other question is equally important who are you who is the stock indexes three he says when they ask me what's his name the witnesses that when i get out those sleighs and then they can ask new we
don't know what god which one was he's a dress got a bunch of them during the mall what's his name which i know xs thirty three he says de garde show me i waste accountable going to show me that you're there really one question its men's question to go through and the finances given into cancer basically one answer i am who i am and exodus three and i will be gracious to be gracious and exodus thirty three are similar not the same but they're similar in that they have firm boss freedom when moses asks glen mind that i should be the agitator for israel's freedom now mom got answered i will be with you some call an astounding student of the bible said even to the unbelieving athenians in the area
is he's not far from each one of our story in him we living for me but i was amazingly consistent at the point of its answer the question of who we are congressional race is when jeremiah asked the same question why should he who was only a lego for speaking god's name the answer again was helping with you and the fellowship of god is the one thing which joe are sure in or who's suffering refused to deny even those three theologians three friends tried to getting to do that one from harvard and one from the us and one from union by the way i do dynamic analogy all the time i'm a goof and it's a risk that if you don't do it the bible is locked back in the past and we think
about those three friends with joe when i read the dynamic out about weight isn't just the sci can't say that the low teens from harvard union in chicago that's right says theologians from harvard dean at harvard yale and union that a state must include one's own inability is to understand what about the same day but a generation to generation so that's a joe would never deny one thing that one thing he held onto despite all be clobbering was that he knew that the friendship of god what a constant there was no waiting for isn't that job twenty nine and that is job saying that the heavily council met at his house it's a little risky to do it but i checked that was professor cross harbor once were about a month ago when written in march when we were working on some assignment in the scrolls together and i said how about this
translation job was about one am and after a highland cream and so you know you try just very easy that way but he said he thought it wasn't half deadness pretty blue cross that is that's russian joe twenty nine which says the french government tend to work friendship they're sold so the guardian and other passages you see groups and works only rule means they had an account so imagine that a human being being able to say that many council members and there's one thing i know and that's one thing you cannot say even no matter how much of this is a bit of arrogance at as a cello since actress gotten this point an exodus thirty three have we have what is probably the heart of all that liberal theology is it not and i going with this most insistent ago
that we're distinct time like people from all of the people some very severe the biden presence in fellowship with god is precisely identity but they're not because you see that we've attained up those caucus condors you know we don't just thinking about the really big hit that this heart of the gospel message i think we did we must stress that today you see the gospel really is not so much talking about how men should leave the burden of responses to god believes in it that's how russians a biting presence in fellowship with god is precisely aren't the name which the prophet isaiah gave the child of his roots hope is my name your name and the name of the presence of god among many men radical monotheism is a biblical insistence on manager at
once the radical oneness of all mankind plus nature's freedom i think is nowhere better scenes than in the genesis won twenty six passage which we already talked about and i hope you can recall that fitted into this point that is the freedom that is ours if we recognize that by the creation the week are made in the image genesis one twenty six affords a glance i think god's essential nature of freedom and the firm's man's essential input to ensure freedom of or false claims false girls whom a fugitive abortions and who are you i am but i am an exodus three means that god is absolutely free of any product at which men might attacks on him to put it crudely god to uphold the thinking of that i forgot theologians because he knows they also are telling the truth about
the government orthodox your conservatism more custodial liberals thinks that it exists in text into its creed zimbabweans just dozen subjects in june israel's ark of the covenant never contain god it was the symbol of the surprise is we have no difficulty in affirming the judge in silence in freedom of the band genesis and exodus of the difficulty allergies justice we had no difficulties and affirming has sovereignty over and freedom for many theology their monthly lot of companies don't like to talk he is the judge until a tour of every creative rebuild much every doctor and every matter for every ten by which man attempts to understand him even though it was not being cannot contain if you know the god of the bible you know to be just like him to start such a rumor anyway who amassed a fugitive bush and who are you forgot his free freedom
this is precisely free to love to judge to redeem to say to come and support women suffers sultan said that they forgot the login so much thinking the german christian marcussen who were awarded to bomb when one of his letters from the nazi prison wrote that god allows himself to be edged out the world and uncles but he also sang letters from prison affirmed his understanding of god's freedom but the universe is being trans and intuition outside of atlanta for bonner for said the goal is to be young in the midst of our lives they think it embarrasses modern nation is that the bible starts with gardens with god that's really embarrassed new orthodox days we thought we enjoyed that now that we i think we're honest we don't really good we start mandating everything that we do and we know that we showed a
napkin an empirical work and in the sciences we started we were inducted but in typical thinking once a piece starts with the pistons orders to cheat don't start with then it's very embarrassing to make you know said before he died about death about movement he called silent circle that it was perhaps goes way of making us giving us back a little embarrassment about speaking maybe it's got a way of making his name of more sacred than it had been in the new world of spirit perhaps no but you see the bible talks about what the law does and not so much about what men can believe i got a lot of that just in the maoist that my mother with that is
that you know is just not all that important would actually it really isn't the judgment and the salvation of the bible is in god's policeman and that's what's a heartache and so one the bible says god in all his majestic consultant holiness has come to live among those brands that is with such ideas that the bible against the ins genesis one says creator gossip magazine far beyond all our brain imaginings the genesis to speak cities working in the garden immense first to think extra call me genesis eleven speaks of the total impossibility of men's in a vain hope of attaining onto divinity of his own devising that is building that tower begging for story the genesis twelve speaks of got an intimate conversation
challenger go on a trip the virus starts with a garden on top of what i can believe about it and this is the marvelous thing who mine asked the fugitive the bush and who are you one cannot begin where the bible begins with a lot of i was not really interested in whether man and judges truth worthy of his bleep just doesn't get it that a democratically says the dismantling judge were of iran where you've got billy jean and the first reality apprehended in the presence of god judge impose it's not so much you see that we don't measure to god's majesty that's all kind of obvious what the bible says we don't measure to his unit first purchase guns towards the bottom of a crater
the most stringent judgment upon us in the presence of god we cannot measure his majesty's bear hunt assumed an often stated part of what the story's about corruption he has spread his presence among those who my ass the fugitive the bush and who are you what his troops asked private server ordered his trial to say hey john it was true and he demands and i think that the reason is that the fourth evangelist had already painted the picture which is the answer that is to say the truth is the judgment of the condemned on the accuser of the oppressed and the oppressor it's the
judgment of tomorrow's discovery on today's event it's the saving judgement of the ultimate mr king ultimately used to mix language it's the silence of god christ and the presence of our apartment i sometimes wonder if christians are fully aware of how subversive and revolutionary the barbers i'm careful study of the bible and it's a starker and political setting is disturbing and not very comforting those who try to save the studying the bible as an escape from reality simply hadn't studied it and i'm hungry for here's a story from beginning to end of judgment that means not yield fund the sense of breeding between the bricks that's self serving but rather of turning things upside down and inside out my forte sinatra focus my way sinatra waistcoat says there is different from yours as heavens above earth it just turns things
inside judgment of the bible means saving judgement about presents his government to move his way of doing things not ours he challenges victorious incumbents the defeated invites the righteous and forgives the senate and celebration of victory the biblical law seeks out the defeated every jewish home throughout the world in the solemn joys ceremony the passover table a drop of red wine falls on every plate in memory of the egyptians who have the exodus drowned three thousand years ago the guys who might be free as a wonderful statement and that rash to exodus check fifteen mcgrath trouble with angels after the egyptian soldiers have drowned in libya and read see the exodus the angels in heaven according to this mad rush began
to sing praises and he said how dare you say when my children think it's in the nation in immigration to genesis the bible is a book which explains election is humility crime spent his success as an aspect of defeat and blessing as an occasion for sin express is played in love it will not let us go we somehow think are true honor for some his behalf the garden state always seems to come up with another question another loving show that will cause strange is a stranger an army is important and often seek to those who think they write for he has a way of showing us why as well as was right the divine providence is the biblical doctrine of divine judgment
about whether not simply continuing the ancient babylonian and the tide of news that the people's gardens of necessity a guiding and protecting deity the bible term common pianist in the ancient near east upside down that on the contrary to god is judging challenging gardens elect people or whose elect one bible is you know go to seattle said an oscillating fluidity between the one in the mini abraham is all israel and all its religious christ from the beginning the viruses bears in his body beyond just means the unjust wounds and scars of trends and artists the bible says the group responsible law abiding less absurd law abiding roman senate group responsible god fearing terraces did the best they could and complicated situation involving delicate international relations and to decide for the good both church and
status of messianic pretend a rabble rouser from demolition don't captain crunch but in that situation we're told other than if i'm with god took his identity and he accused whom i asked the fugitive of abortion who are you so marcia know when every star and realize this that if we had been there we would have been the establishment and a nothing people establishing like being in seminary in texas a church leader and we do but endemic analogy when they realize that we'd been back in the first century that we would have really been right with the good are pillars of the community about such a rabble rouser you know one of the things that luc buses really i think that i'm wondering someone working the noun i think that the main thing he does is really
to try to answer the question why victims for jesus i think that's what he's doing a few if you request of other gospels get that too but he does especially and i think that are the answers from devastating jesus was a case oh yeah i mean if you read it for in that setting and reconstruct the arms and he he was really chris kimball i mean a scandal and basket really embarrassing and i mean it to us but in a big juicy which is about one of which is what we did for june form and then we'd want to know on the moment you can't do it that way because if you think that then you don't realize how much the pharisees would have done in the first century for a season a guest justin the persistency what options in this
charity and no or so we want to say that i don't want to be put in the position every year god saying sacrifice isaac i don't want to what can't do so we will say says just as well to say what can i do to get rid of the cross human the human situation is such that we think in a certain way in god's thoughts are so absolutely different from ours but the bible says he comes dangerously close to me has come to a solution the government of the huts and hovels they were slaves in egypt is probably today in the hudson hovels of in these tests gabi spoke to learn english is probably speaking today from john fleming god who served as
israel's guide her desert and found freedom may be serving as i got an idea that newfound freedoms and we may find is those freed slaves found that is not that was rather gone on for egypt three days journey ahead of this we are in the vicinity we may also find when a postmodern freedoms from the past have lost their luster god is not being their abandoned ancestral he sticks a in fact what the bile suggests is that he's got to win that window but he believes in he hangs in even when we hang him up then it says the gun directed never got an answer to take israel and exile and enjoying him join them himself from dublin's dungeons and jails each killed
soon once you should look up comedians too don't actually going to jail now exists like that that you and so many people think that they should go out and sit down some street somewhere so the idea of a radical credentials that's not the point one goes and sits on the street somewhere because he knows he must but not in order to buy a radical credentials but it is interesting now from the post prison release the bible says so and so's in prison guard was with them and those have to be good and it certainly was in the jail with the refugees to the refugee camps the rebuttal says the vatican and the cradle of the baby just threaten the heritage soul is still known world sending its own destruction what's new the guy got on the pulse of a man trapped in the justice a
combination of two best legal systems of antiquity daybreak and roll surely is yet known are justice is not the presence of him groucho egypt's ancient slaves i will be their known also in a society whose government from medically pursues phil and dan whom i know personally frenetic it pursues such people but finds it expedient to remain silent in the face of their review first the future of abortion who are you stranger to stranger so today
go tell the disciples and peter that he's gone on before you together and there you will see him just as he told you so i think we have a little time for questions this has been the problem well the i guess it's not going to make a distinction between these two the nature of cannon is to answer two questions who we are and what we ought to be who we are and what we are not a bite and those are the reasons we
see are able to answer the question of the density of them we are bought by the story of the gracious acts of god we have an indication of what's lifestyle we should pursue but also i find in despite a tendency to extrapolate miles from the story of god's creation sex for men the bible really resist that mean it's prophetic a teacher even the soccer and uncertain in the new testament so that what we want to do is to get an idea of fun of for how that operates and not to modernize the whole thing on this numbers one hundred and one minute to take the take the it's people also the mind set of products from this is to christians
daily intake for libyans to for instance where he says had this mind in the new which was also encouraged jesus and then he recites the orders him to soar palestinian him that which has been christianized he leads to some form of god not taekwondo with aggression so you have an image of a member of the council who descends to three stores universe all the way down to the consuming regions were desperate times nine inches himself dealt with death and then the second story the high garden salsa and bring some backup away the top eleven felony was before because he's given the position of curious of the universe of folklore and the beautiful irony here in my opinion a promising years ago the tournament victories of that that they assumed backgrounds for legions who also descended on one entrance and six surging arkansas wilson says but out of
habit exactly silas lee to grasp was the one set of writing and so they they descend and do sell and they're down in that rich this letter contrast this sends out of total humility and self gifting wants nothing for himself a cordon and go slow it down and is willing to accept death out this unit but on the contrary got picks him up and then send back and regal procession like a coronation procession or way through three stores universe and then it says at the pacific i got to him and so on and the name just learning the name of jesus are indeed she'd been in heaven on earth and under the us and every tongue confess that discusses free us more to follow so what you have is an image now these guys who descended out of
the desire to set up a rival king county cork dublin and kneeling on the procession route confessing this lovable one is curious now and schism and quite rightly pasts in resisting them are laws on this thing we know modestly humility and he co wrote and asks in the nineteen eighties and how can it on human touch your pristine happen and chris says something like that you know this is how i can get up there in the first place to get on that cause i guess to go down i love to do it and it because you see that's just like abraham taking ice are going to be operating the knife the little one long hallway down as got her utter faith has got to be willing to die and be finished in the faith that god gives life and brings up and citizens a second items cost and i can't do this and and
that he sort of drops i would like to say that that didn't push it on and say that i think that was is spore was saying is that that weekend we plan in that kind of mindset wee wee weed there is a way of thinking that too that you know you have that is not absolute and does not use you in certain number of laws that are the same for all time is susan wallace lawyers very dialectic at this point when i hear that it is sometimes my colleagues are students getting into know me and then i loved to tell stories about socrates and all but certain that it is a mindset it's a kind of having what's in the book of acts likes to call having a vision of christ to me an image of christ which may mean that you do one thing one
situation another and another and it may mean that some members are committed to do one thing that is true the opposite because their image and vision of christ really indicate they should do different things so that i i i is special think that we we do to cease the kind of general ma sing that we do you know history the church's larger than any way to support the customs are up our region you the green hillsides in england or or or the coal mines in germany generally it's been done this way any rates bar improve texas supporters local customs and on what i find here is that there is a resistance to pay to a mosque intends to get the answer to to be able two were to know from this what one should do and in fact what the generalized our community is yes but to work to
look at the characters in the bible and extrapolate from dams in panama principles doesn't permit us to be honest about the reading sixty six he's been deceased sister is being used by a strike leader himself as a proof text to bolster his position than i would say it is a it is by later that one of the major candidates who approved it's on the contrary it is a way by which management can understand that life keeps moving and an
important is humanizing situation this week so the question ohno settled again ran into mara liasson things he's immediately to extrapolate from you edited and this is i think to the striking thing
to tutu think to come out with the kind of accident mara from the story is it seems to me that the way to do it was to get out of this poem the sensible what is if you are really such a dialect fish and you're always saying you can't see what's right what's wrong what's wrong what's right and how they know what to do you see you move one side and move the other such that time you view that you love your inner meaning you say what am i do then you start moving over this way we begin tomorrow laws about what to do in the end you have this tension and i think the tension is correct i think that what we live what we do end up with in the bible as a kind of a kind of special pathos divine pathos for the dispossessed how to work that out in every situation is something else that is to say there's a special
divine the divine pathos for the defeated for the dispossessed for the bottom of the pocket that this this i think we have to note this is the thrust of the gospel can hardly be any doubt about the season the that term that it can be fascinating misused like to stay in the new testament you know where it says to those who rebuked in a concerning a woman who had to work all over his feet and said that that could be given to the poor and then he said but you pull with your ways they take that you'd expect like that expression absent person and ending you have no dialogue with marxist that at all at that is that we always have the pool with us and it's kind of embarrassing until it's put back into its conference and other context is very clearly near eastern in which jesus is once more rebuking the disciples say advocates in the situation where one oftentimes reputation built just to build his record
on giving to the poor in public places she then to the near east of the forest you know that is if someone begs then you get in the name of allah on the spot when you don't and this in eastern near eastern society in two praying and eating in public places and that's the way you go on and the sight of men and i must be honest about so that jesus reveals to decide whether the sponsors he says in effect this is let her do it you have plenty of time to build their reputations it's it's a really it's a really sharp prophetic rebuke against the idea that you should pack up and show that your preferred preference would be to get to the poor in every instance you really can affect cleaning off your credentials and public back to saying that seek that i think really in context terms of thing all the way around and on speed
but that the production of the frost is clearly they're at the messages for the responsible the messages for the responsible you know to have this constant tension the bible comes to us from a thousand years in what it says is that top picks up the poor or the dispossessed who makes people often and then when they go and get their own homeland they go enact exactly the way pharoah didn't so to wake up and that's the tension says the constant tension that we have been in the constant reminder of particle that we are who we are because he did this and we should in our turn try to do for others as he did for us it's a constant tension that but i think that i see movement and we'll see you next week
Theatre Feed
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Live coverage of a religious lecture.
Recorded at Riverside Theatre
Created Date
Asset type
Town Hall Meeting
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8783f71609e (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “Theatre Feed,” 1971-05-02, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Theatre Feed.” 1971-05-02. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Theatre Feed. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from