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the gospel according to mark chapter seven that's one growing tension a group of fighters seize with some doctors of the law who had come from jerusalem met him and noticed that some of his disciples were eating their food with defy old hams in other words without washington for the policies and the jews in general never eat without washing their hands it'll be just one or established tradition and i'm coming from the marketplace they never eat without first washington and there were many other points on which the other traditional ruled to maintain for example washing of cops jump sand comparable is accordingly these fire season the more years osteen party or disciples not conform to the ancient tradition but he traveled with the
fire of herons he answered eyes i was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites are these words this people pays me surface but their heart is far from me their worship of music for they teach as doctrines the commandments of man you neglect the commandment of god in order to maintain that tradition of men he also said how well you set aside the commandment of god in order to maintain your tradition moses in honor your father and your mother and the man who curses his father or mother must suffer days but you'll let him a man says to his father or mother anything of mine which might have been
used for your benefit to score ban meaning set up our forgotten he is no longer permitted to do anything for his father or mother to us by your own tradition handed down among do you make god's word no and void and many other things that you do it just like that on another occasion the core of the people and said to them listen to be all of you and i understand there's nothing that goes into a man from outside time to fire him though it is the things that come out of him that defy wrote a man when he had left the people and guarded doors his disciples questioned him about the possible and he said to them are you as dough as their east do you not see that nothing that goes from outside into a man come to fire him
because it does not entered into his heart but into his stomach and so passes out into the drain the us he declared although foods clean he went on it is what comes out of a band that defines him four from inside how to romance hot come even all sorts acts or fornication or faith but in a totally ruthless gleaned about us fraud indecency and the slender arabs and for rape these evil things or come from inside have the if i wrote a man any lift that please and went away into the territory of tyre he found a house to stay in and he would've liked to have made and recognized but this was impossible that once a
woman whose young daughter was possessed by unarmed teen spirit head of him came in and failing at his feet she was a gentile affirmation of city owned by nationality she begged him to drive the spirit out the right doctor he said to him that the children be satisfied first it is not fair to take the children's brand and so it to the door was so she answered even the dogs under the table read the children's scraps he said to him for saying that you may go home content the unclean spirit has gone out of your daughter and when she returned home she found the child lying in bed the spirit of laughter on his return journey from jillian teta today he went by way of
sidon to the sea of galilee through the territory of the tate terms they brought to him a man who was dave and had an impediment in his speech with the request that he would raise hands on him he talk about aside away from the ground put his fingers into his ears spratt untouched is down then looking up to heaven he sighed and said to him if i thought which means be opened was that his he was welcomed at the same time the impediment was removed and he spoke mainly jesus four bedroom to tell anyone but the board he found that the abortion they published it that astonishment you know bugs or would he does
he does well they say he even makes the death here and the dumb speak there was another occasion about this time when a huge corroded corrected and as they had no food jesus called his disciples and said to them i feel sorry for all these people they ended with me now for three days and have nothing to eat if i save them hold on fate and they will turn fate of the way some of them of come from a distance the disciples i answered how can anyone provide all these people with bread in this lonely place how many wolves have you he asked and they i said seven so he ordered the people to sit down on the ground and then he took the seven wolves and after giving thanks to god he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples to distribute and they served a job to the people
they had also a few small fishes which he blessed and ordered them to distribute the ornate to their heart's content and seven baskets were filled with the scraps that are left people are numbered about four thousand then he dismissed them and without delay got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of domino fell then the fantasies gay vote and engaged in the discussion to taste and they asked him for a sign from heaven he sighed deeply to himself and said why does this generation ask for a sign i tell you this you know side shall be given to this generation was that he lived through rehab bought and went off to the other side
of the lead no they had forgotten to degrade with them they had no more than one off in the boat he began to warm them there where he said be on your god against the living end of the fire season in the living room of her and they said among themselves it is because we have no bread knowing what was in the mines he asked them why did you talk about having no brand have you know is clean and yet you still not understand it and mines closed you advise can you not see you have ears can you not hear have you forgotten when i broke the five wolves among five thousand how many baskets whose of scraps did you pick out twelve they say and how many when i broke the senate moves among for frozen in the ice and seven he said do you
still not understand they have arrived at their say and they're the people brought a blind man to jesus and begin to touch him he took the blind man by the hand and lead them away out of the village than he spat on his eyes laid his hands upon him and i asked him whether he could see anything the mann site began to come back and he said i see man they look like trees but they are walking about jesus laid his hands on his eyes again fueled harmed and no he was cured so that he saw everything clearly then jesus sent him home saying you're not telling anyone in the village jesus and his disciples sit down from the villages of sizzling offended by
on the way he asked his disciples hutu man say i am the us and some say john the baptist others in niger others one of the profits and you he asked who do you say i am peter mcbride you are the messiah and he gave them a strict orders not to doubt anyone about it and he began to teach them that the seventh man had to undergo grade sufferings ad today rejected by the elders chief priests of the doctors of the law to be put to death at a rise again three days afterwards he spoke about it believe me at this peter took him by the arm and began to rebuke him but jesus turned around and looking at his disciples
rebuild bigger only when you say to me you said you think as a man think not as guard thinks many called the people to him as well as his disciples and said to them anyone who wishes to be a follower of mind must leave cells behind he must take up his cross and come with me whoever carries for his own safety is lost but of a babel let himself be lost for by sayed abu for the gospel that man is safe or what does a man again by winning the lower world at the cost of his true self is what can begin to buy that sailed that if anyone is a shade of the mine and this weekend a godless age beside a man would be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his father alan dove the
only jewish he also said i tell you this that are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they have seen the kingdom of god already come empower the passage has concluded have the first verse of the ninth chapter of the gospel according to mark
The New English Bible
Gospel According to Mark
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Mark.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-498a5f6e200 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; Gospel According to Mark. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from