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[Exerpt from H. Purcell - The Fairy Queen begins] [The Fairy Queen continues][ Over the pass 3 days. Thousands of people have gathered here, and marched here, in the nation's capital. As it- a witness before the heads of state, and the world. A witness for peace. [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.]: Peace on earth, we neither have peace within, or peace without.- [The Fairy Queen swells and fades][Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.]: Everywhere paralyzed in fears. Horror people by day, and haunt them by night, our world is sick with war. [The Fairy Queen swells][Beach]: Dr. Martin Luther King spoke about the peace in 1968. Before him in 1943 Winston Churchill spoke of peace as an international responsibility. [Winston Churchill]: Let all of us who are here remember, that we are on the stage of history.
and that whatever our station may be, whatever part we have to play great or small, our conduct is viable to be scrutinized, not only by history, but by our own descendants. [Bell tolls- The Fairy Queen continues][Beach]: Peace does not know black from white, nor east from west. Peace transcends time. Paul Robeson, a black man of this century, changed the words of a German from two centuries ago. [Paul Robeson's, All Men Are Brothers begins and ends.][Exerpt from H. Purcell - The Fairy Queen begins][Beach]: When the United States was torn by civil insurrection, Abraham Lincoln spoke of civil peace, his words that echoed by fellow Illinois statesman by Adlai Stevenson.[Exerpt from H. Purcell - The Fairy Queen fades][Stevenson]: This is what 'Abe' Lincoln said, 'The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.' We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.' [The Fairy Queen continues][Beach]: Now, live from Washington, the Eastern Public Radio Network brings you
the rally for peace, here's the anchorman for this special broadcast. ?Bob Kerry? [Kerry]: Thank you there ?Beach? We are speaking to you this morning from the southwest mall, high above us is the Washington monument, and as Mr. ?Beach? said we now begin our all day coverage of activities here. There are many people gathered here, although it appears that the marchers have all stayed away, and we have not seen the phenomenon that has been in several demonstrations of folks getting there early to get a seat at the front. It appears that everyone except the new mobilization committee marshal, is over ready to participate in the mass march. That will bring a number still estimated between 250,000 and 500,000 persons here this afternoon, to hear many
celebrated speakers. The scheduled activities on the stage are scheduled to begin at 12 o’clock. Up until that time, were going to present material that has been gathered by the Eastern Public Radio Network news team working here in Washington for several now, and we can now begin the recorded presentation followed by correspondent Barnie Lane. ms [drumline] [drumline][Reporter]: This was the sound that heralded the beginning of the march against death, and for the past 2 days, as the march continued thru the quiet and peaceful streets of Washington DC
22 more US soldiers lost their lives, in an ambush on the Cambodian boarder. [drumline] [drumline][Reporter]: And more died in battle action elsewhere in Vietnam. More than 40,000 Americans have been killed in the 8 years of this war. 250,000 injuries have been sustained by servicemen fighting in Vietnam. And this human carnage has cost the United States [drumline] [Reporter]: $100,000,000,000. Yet the US government continues to send thousands of able bodied fighting men to Vietnam annd to spend thousands of dollars. [drumline]
[Reporter]: The increasing cost of this war, and the daily loss of American lives is probably the governing impetus that lead concerned Americans to form the Vietnam Moratorium Committee, and the New Mobilization Committee to end the war in Vietnam. [drumline] [drumline] [drumline][Reporter]: The protest began last month by the Vietnam Moratorium, and continues now with it's march against Death and this rally sponsored by the New Mobilization, or 'New Mobe' as they have come to be known. The 'New Mobe' is a broad coalition of organizations and individuals whose purpose is to gain an immediate end to the war in Vietnam. Through immediate and total withdrawal of American men and material, an
immediate cessation of military action, all US troops and equipment to be withdrawn. US bases be dismantled, all support withdrawn from the ?true? key government and the people of Vietnam be permitted to decide their own fate. [drumline] [drumline] [drumline] [Reporter]: Now hear the opening moment of the parade, the
speaker Stuart ?Mechum? of the friends service committee in Philadelphia, speaks. [Mechum]: Carry Our sense of identification. Theres those who are the victims of US military policy in Vietnam, those Americans who've died, those Vietnamese who've died, we will carry the names of the Americans. We will carry the names of the towns an- the villages and the hamlets that have been bombed and bulldozed and burned- [drumline] [Mechum]: -out of existence. Through this march we commit ourselves to continue our protest an- our resistance to this vast inhumanity, until it has been ended. And we as Americans again, can look the people of other countries in the face. Knowing that we neither mean them any harm, nor or are doing them any harm. We will now ask, uh, that everyone here, head on into a brief period of silence, and at the conclusion of this period of silence. Mrs. Judy ?Dreus? the wife of
one American naval officer, who died in Vietnam. With a group of relatives of men who have died will lead our first contingent, in this march against death. [Radio Chatter Ends] [Crowd Observing Silently][Distant Car Horns] [Crowd Observing Silently] [Crowd Observing Silently][Distant Engines] [Crowd Observing Silently][Distant Engines]
[Crowd Observing Silently][Distant Engines] [Crowd Observing Silently][Mechum]: Our March Against Death will now begin. [Woman]: Well yeah, yeah. Because I think its the worthwhile thing, yeah. [Reporter]: How do you feel as you begin to march? [Man]: I just hope we can end this war. [Reporter]: How do you feel as you begin to march? [Woman]: Just a little- uh, very quiet and very solemn. [Reporter]: How do you feel as you begin to march? [Man]: Serious and somber. [Reporter]: How do you feel? [Man]: Solemn. [Reporter]: How do you feel as- [Man]: Tired, an-. [Car horns][Reporter]: How do you feel as you begin to march? [Man]: Good.
[Reporter]: Corisp- Correspondent 'Bill' Dunlap who was of foot with the march describes the beginning moments of the march and follows some of the marchers. [Dunlap]: We are perched now on one of the large towers at the Arlington end of the memorial bridge connecting the Lincoln memorial, with Arlington Virginia. The march is just beginning, looks like several hundred people with candles. Lined up, 'long the- [Distant Car Horns][Dunlap]: -edge on the edge of the parkway leading back into Arlington. We can see from here as the march begins- [Car Horns, motorcycle revving][Dunlap]: -a double column going for- 4 or 5 people back, e- each of the young men with- [Car Horns][Dunlap]: -drums, beating a kind of 'Death March' they- they've stopped for the for the time being, bu- will begin the- begin the
drums uh, in a moment apparently. And then behind them extending back as far as we can see, and around the curve. Single file of people, young people people, recognize William Sloane Coffin, Dr. Benjamin Spock among others. Each one carrying a sign of an American killed in Vietnam, Robert W. Higgins, Bosten- from- from Maryland, Steven A ?Shorthall? from Maryland. Kurt ?Hussman? from Maryland, each of these people is apparently from Maryland- -Spock and and Coffin are carrying signs and candles for soldiers who have died in the war. ?Paul Wies? one of the co-chairmen is also in the march near Dr. Spock. There are several thousand people jammed in here, pouring out into the bridge. Traffic is pretty much jammed up, not only from the mid-hour rush- [Car Horns][Dunlap]: -but but from having to slow down so people an keep stepping out into the lanes of traffic. Quite bright there are flood lights all over the place, television cameras and movie cameras try to focus in on the beginning of the march. Now the march is beginning to move slowly, the drums have not started again. The march is trying to force its way through the crowd right
now. Doesn't seem to be making very much progress it- its not able to keep a straight line, or- or any uniform distance between the people. It is however a very silent march, with the exception of the traffic, and the whirring of movie cameras, and the sounds of police whistles as they attempt to direct the traffic of pedestrians th- are crossing the street. uh, [Laughs][Dunlap]: It is a silent march. [Distant Whistling][Dunlap]: Now theres a contingent of young young people carrying large signs with just the name of the states- [Car Horns] [Dunlap]: -and the number of dead from that state. Arizona 393 dead, California, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii 188 dead. Too many people in the way, were not able to read all of them [Distant Whistling][Dunlap]: Many of the candles
are blowing out, theres a- a good strong breeze blowing in from across the river. An many of the marchers are having difficulty keeping their candles lighted. Many of them are cupping the candles in their hands or else using their placards. William Sloane Coffin is directly below us now, the march has stopped- [truck accelerating] [Dunlap]: Apparently it had to stop for the movie cameras which are 'bout a third of the way down the bridge now. They are trying to get the drummers in, an- an I imagine the march will start moving again as soon as the drummers- soon as the movie cameras are finished. [Drumline Begins] [Drumline] [Drumline, car horns] [Drumline]
[Drumline, passing car] [Drumline][Dunlap]: You can hear the drums in the distance, the march has started again. Dr. Spock is now passing below us an- now here's the sign. Its Alabama, 798 deaths- [Passing Car][Dunlap]: California at 3,779. The largest figure we've seen so far, and now come the people with the individual name signs. [Drumline] [Drumline] [Drumline][Dunlap]: Were standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial now, looking over toward the State Department Building. The marchers have come across the memorial bridge, they've circled to the left, an- now their marching up 23'rd Street. Towards the state department uh, they have not crossed the street yet. Th- they have managed thus far to avoid crossing a major artery.
Marching along 23'rd its not quite sure what they have in mind. It's heh- they'll have to cross 23'rd and apparently they'll have to break their line of march. Yes- y- they've marched up to the traffic light at Constitution Avenue, and seem to be crossing with the light there. They're using the traffic signals. Which is favor of th- heavy- the very heavy rush hour traffic on 23'rd street, and so its going to result in a- in a considerable fragmentation of the march I imagine. Some of them are across now, we can see the candles in the distance- [police siren] [Dunlap]: -an- the candles flicker as they walk along under the trees along 23'rd street. Now we can see them through the trees marching along Constitution Avenue. Would be nice to say today is pretty today an- today is ?inaudible? but it very difficult to tell the candles from the traffic- or from the car headlights at times. [sirens whaling, aircraft overhead][Lane]: That was 'Bill' Dunlap giving you some description of the the beginning of the march, going across the Memorial bridge, and up to the
the Lincoln Memorial. This is Barnie Lane, live at the sight of the- [Helicopter overhead] [Lane]: -the rally here in Washington and I understand the marchers are on their way an- here to fill you in on that is Bob Kerry. [Helicopter overhead][Kerry]: Thank you Barnie, the drums you have heard through the recording we've presented so far are now in our sight as the lead contingent of marchers enters the grounds of the Washington monument and proceeds to the southwest corner [Helicopter overhead] [Helicopter overhead][Kerry]: The stage and podiums have been established, an- theres a large press area, there are television cameras, an- radio microphones here. Marchers coming across the field are about- 250 people wide. The line stretches back as far as my eyes can see. They are very ?inaudible? They seem to be in a formation which is guarded by yellow arm banded, New Mobilization Committee Marshals. [Helicopter overhead][Kerry]: As I draw closer, I can see- an over my head, you can hear a helicopter which is taking television pictures. I can see that the New Mobilization Marshals have linked arms, to contain the front line of the march, a very orderly procession
as they come across. Its a very chilly- and a very windy day here in Washington, people are here an- no one seems to remember the cold, now that the marchers has come- an are on the grounds and starting in. We'll have more live action in a moment, now lets get back to Barney, and the recording. [Lane]: Thank you Bob. We will be filling you in uh, from time to time on what's happening here before the rally, but now let's go back to give you more of our coverage of what's happened- [?wooden box breaking?][Lane]: -in the past two days. A period thats been very rich with events. [Helicopter overhead][Lane]: 'Bill' Dunlap was with the Marchers and followed them to the Capitol and talked to the participants about why they were marching. [Dunlap, softly]: Were standing on the west face of the capitol now, its about 2 o'clock in the morning, from here it really is a very impressive and a very beautiful sight. You can see a long row, just hundreds of candles moving up the sidewalk along Pennsylvania Avenue. And up the wide walk to the west terrace here, then they turn and come across the west terrace, an- then head back down toward Pennsylvania Avenue, they're still carrying their candles, mostly in plastic containers. An each is still carrying his placard, apparently their pacing the placards in a coffin farther on down. I h- haven't yet seen the coffin. [Marchers coming past][Dunlap]: They're walking right here, ignore the occasional clanking, its the uh, footsteps on the metal grating just before the retaining wall, separating the mall from the terrace. [Marchers stepping on metal grate][Dunlap]: It's very pretty as they approach, the names in front of each candle bearer, John J. Thompson,
Harry ?Mathey?, ?inaudible?, Robert Nolan, James S. ?Carbilow?, James ?Gurin?. These are all from Connecticut. Seems to be music coming from in the background, I think that may be coming from a radio someone is carrying. [Marchers Footsteps][Dunlap]: I guess someone has a guitar further on. Raymond ?Tetric?, 'Billy' Thompson, [Marchers coming past]
[Dunlap]: Kenneth ?Grishman?, Richard Irvin- [Woman in crowd]: What? [Dunlap]: Its beginning to rain now, the sky is completely overcast but the bright lights from the Capitol, the Washington Monument, an- the brightly lighted streets give it a- a very light glow to the ?labor head?. Although its darker on the horizon, there are at least a dozen policemen here on the west terrace, we're trying to walk up toward the Capitol, up the steps onto the ?hunter? terrace there- theres is a stature of John Marshall. I dont know at the time whether were going to get called back by the police, so were going to have to pause here at the John Marshall but we'll ?inaudible? We're standing now directly west of the Capitol. On a marble platform, thats facing an equestrian statue the line of candles. Circles around the curved road at the base of the capitol an- then turns directly towards us. [Woman in crowd]: What about the- [Dunlap]: Towards the road- [Distant truck engine][Dunlap]: -12 coffins laid out on on a black crate colored table Its a covered table.
[Traffic and marchers][Dunlap]: As each marcher passes by the end coffin, he places his placard in the coffin. They're stacked very neatly to get as many as possible in the 12 coffins. Uh- Impossible to tell from here, from just a few feet away though which have been filled and which are empty. I imagine 1 or 2 the [Traffic and marchers][Dunlap]: have been filled, they're getting quite a few into each- [Traffic and marchers][Man in March]: Yeah- thank you. [Dunlap]: -after each marcher deposits his placard in the coffin, he walks over to an area where they're setting the candles on the ground- [Traffic and marchers][Dunlap]: -all in a row, to make as much light as possible. Maybe some heat, they could use it. [Traffic and marchers][Dunlap]: And- th- they're just milling around at this point waiting for the busses to come pick them up, to take them to the centers where they- [Marcher Coughs] -will spend the night. [Dunlap]: Its the uh, early morning hours- gets to everyone particularly after a long walk like that. [Exasperated Marchers][Dunlap]: But- one fellow is walking along with a paper cup in his hands, flames shooting at least 8 inches bu- the cup is on fire an the flames aren't coming very far from his nose- he's talking to the girl next to him. One of the Marshals pointed out 'Hey buddy you cup's on fire.' Turned around very startled an- looked at it, tossed it on the ground and stomped on it, turned around to the marshals an- said 'Thanks man, I never woulda noticed it.' It really didn't look as if he woulda noticed it. [Exasperated Marchers]
[Lane]: This is Barnie Lane at the sigh the of the rally in Washington. DC and we're giving you some background on the past 2 days, particularly the March Against Death, and right now 'Bob' Kerry is going to give you uh, a little bit of what's happening here- 'Bob'. [Kerry]: Thank you, Burnie. It appears that the first group of marchers which arrived have- [Helicopter overhead][Kerry]: -not held at the begin- of the the beginning of the entire march because there wasn't really space behind them. They are assembled in front of the speakers platform. There is a line of people possibly 20 or 30 people wide- coming in from our left, as we look over to the grounds of the white house an- white house
office building. They're coming through where the American Red Cross has assembled several vehicles, manned by volunteer people. As a medical aid station, walking down along this snow fence, which has been erected on the- the monument grounds to hold the crowds back. [Helicopter overhead][Kerry]: The march proper does not seem to be over there yet, but we will get back to you as soon as we see that. Burnie, back to you. [Howling winds][Lane]: Thank you Bob- we pause now fifteen seconds for station identification. This is the Eastern Public Radio Network. [Female Announcer]: Your dial is set at 106.7-FM, WRVR, in New York. [Howling winds] [Howling winds, radio chatter, distant helicopter] [Lane]: This is Barnie Lane at the ellipse at the foot of the Washington Monument, were going to continue now with the coverage of the March Against Death and the material thats been collected- [Helicopter Overhead]
[Lane]: -by the Eastern Public Radio Network news staff here in Washington. As the first of the marchers progressed towards the capitol I too followed them. [Kid in March]: I felt it- was time for- a kid like- myself to- finally say something to the country an- stop worryin- about- whether its right or wrong to support, or not support the president. I understand that other countries got to take a higher priority than just one man- I feel exhausted- [Laughing][Kid in March]: -totally wasted, emotionally I feel really happy righ- uh- I participated bu- first time in my life I feel like I y- know- I really feel like I'm finally doing something. [Woman in March]: I'm believe that um- we should get our um, boys back from Vietnam, right away- an I- um, think President Nixon is going about the war the wrong way, an I think um. We should
show him our opinion an everyone here is showing him what they think. [Lane]: How do you feel at this point? [Woman in March]: I'm very tired at this point. [Lane]: But do you feel like that you've accomplished anything? [Woman in March]: Yes I do, I know that I saw- there were people when I walked past the White House, an- we yelled um. The- my name- each person was assigned a name, an- when my name- was. When I yelled my name I felt- I felt- I- I can't explain how I felt, I just felt some kind of angry an- an just mad an- an lets get this war over with right away. I really didn't know anybody in the war- but now, but I have this name I know at least one person, even though I- I dont know him, I know his name and it makes it more um, personal yeah. [Marchers abruptly cut, faint tape noise, marchers come back] [Lane]: There 100- 200 young people, all huddled on the steps here underneath of the statue. Waiting for the shuttle buses to come and pick them up. It is cold, it's drizzling rain, they're tired- they just ?want? to spend all those hours time carrying that candle an-
signs, an I think most of them wanna go to sleep. M- most of them- y- know seem- seem very contented. Sitting here theres a- theres a sort of sense of comradeship, with everyone else. And then theres people here who haven't marched- people came- some came to see what was going on. Some of them marched part way, they carried no candle- they carried no sign, they just stepped into the march at some point an- marched here to the end. Apparently many along the way have been, that just stepped in for a- I guess a symbolic few blocks, an then stepped out again. But here on the steps, looks more like a refugee camp than the end of a protest march. [Exasperated Marchers abruptly cut, boisterous voices in enclosed space begin][Lane]: Were at the Ebenezer Methodist Church in the southeast section now. There are hundreds or so people inside, most of whom are waiting to go out to be taken in busses over to Arlington cemetery where they'll begin to march, this is also the Marshals headquarters. The young people who've been out 6 or 7 hours standing in the cold, come back to drink a little bit of coffee, get a little sleep an- then go out again- [Unintelligible voice over loudspeaker, someone playing a flute][Lane]: -there are some people sleeping upstairs- mostly marshals an- uh, people passed out on the floors, on the pews, some in the balcony. Just anyplace where they can find a spot to lie flat they are using it.
Theres a- [Unintelligible voice over loudspeaker, crowd roars in response, flute notes resume][Lane]: You can hear the Marshal up on the uh- up behind the pulpit now using the PA system to try to get people organized but whether they're just too tired to care- or think- Just dont get. He's having a very difficulty time trying to get them in any semblance of order [Unintelligible voice over loudspeaker, rock band begins practicing][Lane]: But things do seem to be moving very smoothly in spite of it- I mean inside of St. Marks church it- its a large assembly hall, 'cause uh, its got a very strange appearance. Its all brick inside with a series of high arches, and columns along the center more or less dividing the room into 3 long sections. Uh, a Christian flag and an American flag, an then a considerable uh, looks like impromptu decoration an- signs and posters all over the place uh. L- lost and found, uh, offering transportation, people who needing transportation uh, signs pointing to food and housing, registration, an- just general information. The floors are just piled high with literature an uh, there are little groups of people scattered around leaning against the poles, talking to each other, an- just generally resting. There are a few people sleeping but theres only a very few. [Drumline][Lane]: So far the march seems to have gone very very smoothly-
[Drumline][Lane]: -very few hitches, course its practically impossible to keep- keep ranks, an uh, I don't think thats really the intent of it. Now th- have- they have not made it to the light, they now have a police escort to cross 17'th street. Whups- there- there is a problem with the police now. [Car honking] [Lane]: And- not quite sure what has happened, uh, the police is ordering them back onto the- [Drumline]
[Lane]: -sidewalk they are at Constitution and 17'th now. I think that they are going to have to wait for the light to change- [Drumline buts out briefly, cuts back much louder][Lane]: The parade did cross 17'th street with the light, between cons- ?inaudible? or against the light. I'm not quite sure what instructions the police are giving them. But the police are still hand directing the traffic equipment, the parade to as quickly as possible. Right now passing us, marching up 17'th street along- a little behind the white house, should be Pennsylvania Avenue at the old state department building in 3 or 4 minutes I think. They're passing Constitution hall now. [Drumline cuts out, then back muffled][Lane]: Were beside the old state department now, the executive office building, weve reached the [Drumline] [Drumline][Lane]: First signs of what looks like any tight security, every gate is locked. there are 3 or 4 guards standing beside each gate, and some of them are even blocked with a motorcycle. [Drumline][Lane]: An- they are carefully examining anyone who wants to get in an- then apparently given a
most people a hard time, although theres no- no telling ?inaudible? There doesn't seem to be a- a- a good deal of security around the executive office building, right around the corner is Pennsylvania Avenue and the White House. [Drumline cuts out, cuts back very distorted][Lane]: The marchers have turned to the corner onto Pennsylvania Avenue, from in front of the executive office building and within a minute will be directly in front of the White House. Right along the White House fence ?blair? house is across the of street. [Drumline][Lane]: Th- This is a security area, and the entire sidewalk has been blocked off in accordance with the US District Court decision the other day. Restricting the number of demonstrators on the sidewalk in front of the White House to 100 at any given time. As a result no one but the marchers themselves and the press are permitted onto the wide sidewalk here in front of the executive office building. Only those with Candles and placards or else pr- valid press credentials are permitted to round the corner. The others are being forced to cross Pennsylvania Avenue and walk across, what I guess is the north side of the street. [Drumline and police sirens whaling in distance][Lane]: The marchers are now directly in front of the White House, in front of the gate [Drumline]
[Drumline][Lane]: Which opens onto the ?drive? which passes the west wing. Place is jammed with Press, a- hundreds and hundreds of Press just standing around. The March has completely stopped, television mic's are on an they are being photographed now. It's catching along- along the fence, they've now stopped and uh, are now facing out. [Drumline Cuts][Lane]: Except for minor incidents the March Against Death in the past 2 days proceeding the rally thats about to go on later today were quite peaceful. we're going to go back now to 'Bob' Kerry uh, for his comments and observations about the groups that are forming here at the monument now; 'Bob'. [Kerry]: Thank you Barney, another giant contingent has arrived here on the grounds, again they seem to be about 250 people wide. They seem to be linked on the front of the movement by yellow armband march marshals from the new mobilization committee. A very orderly marching group that must number 4- to 5,000 people, there are
very few placards flying above this group. The Stars and Stripes within that lead of this second contingent, I see one poster before me now which is the first representation we've had today of the flag of the Viet Cong. The stars and stripes on the top of the poster with the red stripes on the flag portrayed as dripping blood, on the bottom the flag is a Viet Cong. That is one poster in what must now be a crowd of some 8,000 people. There are are plain red banners its difficult to tell from this distance what they are, we will give you more on them as they approach. They are off to our left, the marchers coming in. Again the stars and stripes have been hoisted on the lead of the second contingent which is now formed up in front of the podium where our speakers will be. Our speakers have started to arrive the activities on the stage will be getting underway before too long. Mrs. Coretta Scott King was seen just a moment ago entering entering the press tent where she will confer with reporters, and then go to the podium and address
massive rally. There will be many- many people addressing the rally, and many points of the entertainment this afternoon 'Bill' Dunlap will be with you to fill you in on the upcoming activities on the stage in just a few moments right now lets go back down to Barnie Lane. [Lane]: Thank you 'Bob' uh, we might add that it's- it's a sunny- rather clear day, very few clouds as a matter of fact. It is cold out here, people are in general dressed in winter clothing. In approximately 17 minutes uh, the events here at the rally are scheduled to begin, and 'Bill' Dunlap will be giving you the account of everything that happens here. We are located right to one side of the stage- with a clear view of the stage where everything is to happen. Until that time we're going to continue with more of the- [Aircraft loudly overhead][Lane]: -taped coverage of the March Against Death. I'm speaking from one of the- [Aircraft overhead abruptly cuts] [Lane]: New Mobilization marshals, that has just been offered a cookie by a marcher uh, how long have you been out here following the march? [Mobe Marshal]: Um, I've been out here about
an hour. [Lane]: How much of the march have you actually seen? [Mobe Marshal]: Well, I saw the beginning on television, and then I marched last night an- came by the white house about midnight- [Truck in distance][Mobe Marshal]: -um- I guess I was about the 7,000'th person to come by. I carried the name of Roy Estrada, a soldier who was killed in- from California. I've seen a lot of people come by- uh, I think the march is going very well. [Lane]: How was it last night around midnight? [Mobe Marshal]: It was cold and damp, but uh- there's a tremendous sprit, people were smiling and sharing um, gloves, hats, mittens, uh. [Lane]: Well- one thing that I have noticed this morning is that uh, whereas last night the thing started out to be very somber and serious like a funeral procession. This morning some of the people do seem to be smiling, uh, and it- it has a somewhat different mood how do you account for this? [Mobe Marshal]: It's a very important
thing um, there- there are 2 important ways of looking at it. We all have in mind that this is a Vietnam memorial and that we are mourning the loss of men who have been killed, the same time we are aware that this is a demonstration and it- were trying to keep our own spirits up, many people have gone without sleep now for a day and a half, 2 days, people who are tired, there're cold, they're hungry. If we can keep people smiling of course we set a good tone for tomorrows demonstration, its very important that people feel comfortable- and that the thing is going well, and that they are here with people who are sympathetic to them, and uh, they feel comfortable with. [Lane]: Have the busses from the various states been coming in quite regularly? [Mobe Marshal]: Yes they have, I've been talking to people from states all over- as they come by the white house. [Lane]: That was uh, me talking with one of the Marshals uh, let me remind you again this is Barnie Lane at the site of the rally here in Washington uh, at the foot of
of the Washington monument and uh- at the ellipse rather at the Washington monument- an- lets continue now with more of the coverage of the March against Death. [Traffic and intermittent chainsaws.][Marchers in single file, calling the name on their placard.]: Allen Brandenburg, Robin ?inaudible?, George Farrell, ?inaudible?, Howard Luciear, Francis Schmaltz, Allan ?inaudible?, George Martin, Alfred Muntz, James Norton, George O'Neil, Seven Burris, Charles Munson, David Billory, Daniel Strogh, Wade Tom Norris ?inaudible?, Martin Gillman, Dennis Hydron, Nicolas Kinaxis- [Mobe Marshal]: Got the name? Towards the white house. [Marchers single file]: Robert ?inaudible, Norman Fontain- [Mobe Marshal]: Got the name? Towards the white house. [Marchers single file]: Bernard ?inaudible?, Paul Cabul, ?Melody?, Gary Hainsly, Daniel ?inaudible? Frank Dominko- [Mobe Marshal]: Got the name? Towards the white house. [Marchers single file, calling the name on their placard]: James Crowley- [Voice over loudspeaker]: -Testing 1- 2 Testing- [Mobe Marshal]: Got the name? Towards the white house. [Marcher]: ?Mallory? [Voice over loudspeaker talking over the crowd]: -Testing 1- 2. Testing 1- 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- [Mobe Marshal]: Careful of that mic. [Marcher]: Robert Alt- Altman. [Mobe Marshal]: Towards the white house. [Marchers]: ?inaudible?, Robert Harris, [Car horn] [Marchers]: James Jinkins Jr.- -'Bobby' DePaulo, Brian O'Connor- [Mobe Marshal]: Towards the white house. [Marchers]: Daniels Stanton, Michael Madero- [audio cuts abruptly, prominent reverb cuts in] [Lane]: What you've been hearting there
are the reading of names as the marchers pass by the Northeast gate of the White House yesterday, and they were asked by the Marshals of the New Mobilization- 'The New Mobe' to call out the names that were on the placard that they were bearing, and my observation was that people called out the names somewhat with different reactions. Some seemed resentful, some angry, some sour full. I walked uh, up to the Capitol up along Pennsylvania Avenue and these were some of my observations as I went. [room tone cuts to bus going past][Lane]: -sylvania Avenue across from the National Theater at 13'th street. Theres a bus stop with people on their way to work, and behind them the Marchers pass by a continuous file of people, with placards bearing names of- of the dead. The people dont seem to, r- really know what to think
about it. It's a strange reaction, there isn't any ridicule of the- the young protestors. On the other hand in a way they sort of have the large urban apathy or they seem afraid to look. Its really hard to say what these people think. [bus sounds cut to room tone with aircraft overhead][Lane]: There were of course a lot of people uh, during the commuting time uh, yesterday morning watching the marchers, uh- for those of you who don't know Washington as a city, the route that the March took went right through downtown Washington. Through the uh, district where many of the government buildings are and through the business district. Lets continue now with more of the observations and recordings of the March Against Death. [Room tone cuts to traffic][Lane]: Here at one of the busier areas on 10'th and 11'th street along Pennsylvania Avenue. The March seems to have thinned out a little bit, its difficult with this morning traffic to keep a steady flow through all the red lights, and of course the marchers do have to stop and wait for the walk sign. [Traffic cuts and fades back up][Lane]: One incredible thing
yesterday morning, a young man, perhaps 21 years of age- 22 years of age was progressing with the March on crutches, and he had a very serious look on his face. He looked indeed like he was in some pain, and I followed him from the White House where I first spotted him- to the Capitol. He made it all the way which is something like 4 and 1/2 miles, and once he got there I spoke with him. What's your name and where are you from? [Addams]: I'm Addams from North Carolina. [Lane]: What happened to your foot that you're walking on crutches? [Addams]: I broke my ankle- [Laughing][Lane]: You broke your ankle- [Addams Laughing][Lane]: -how long ago? [Addams]: 'Bout 4 weeks ago. [Lane]: Is it still quite panful? [Addams]: No, it hasn't been. [Lane]: Uh, why did you decide to march in spite of the broken ankle? [Addams]: Conviction, simple enough. [Lane]: What sort of personal involvement do you feel? [Addams]: All the way uh,
this isn't enough y- know. Y- y- just march on the the Capitol an- the White House an- everything else. but uh, I dont know, it just isn't enough. [Lane]: How do feel now? Are your hands and feet pretty painful? [Addams]: Yeah- they are ok. [Addams Laughing][Addams]: I suppose if its been significant I'd do it over again or- even start again now. [Lane]: The young man that I was just speaking with I saw when I was at the White House about an hour and half ago. He walked on crutches with one shoe- wearing a speaker on one foot, and on the other foot he had just a- a sock and his ankle apparently up to about halfway up his calf is in a cast. When he arrived at the point in front of the capital where the caskets are located. He dropped over on the steps and just laid there breathing very heavily, he's now being carried by 2 of his friends from the First Aid trailer where he received some treatment for his foot which is
badly blistered and his toes were bleeding, and his hands as well had- uh, very uh, angry looking red blisters from using the crutches. Very courageous young man to walk all that way, something like 4 and 1/2 miles on crutches. As newsmen of course we try to give uh, accurate but objective viewpoints, but I must say that I was impressed personally by the fact that when I asked this young man why he was marching on crutches in in pain, he answered in one word and that was. 'Conviction.' We're going to go now to uh, 2 of the spokesman for the March Against Death, Stewart Meacham and Benjamin Spock I'm walking up the uh, long semicircular sidewalk in front of the Capitol building, and I'd like to make an observation here. Theres a spirit involved in the March, something that was quite apparent as it began last night at 6 o'clock uh, the
the same spirit that was apparent as Mrs. Judy ?Droves? crossed in front of the White House and called out her husbands name, and the same spirit prevailed last night as the first marchers reached the Capital here at around 9:40 PM. The uh, the spirit continues this morning, in the uh, somewhat gray light of this cloudy day, an- th- the spirit seems to be a sort of a pioneering spirit. Something that uh, perhaps exclusive to Americans, its the- a spirit of being people who did something for the first time, a- and indeed these people, uh, most of whom are young, some of whom are older. Are pioneers for peace in this century, seems that it- the periods of time in which we've had peace have been very short,
and these people are trying to pioneer peace in this century and in this decade. [Heavy wind over audio.] [Lane]: This is Barney Lane, I'm at the ellipse at the foot of the Washington monument, I can see that the crowd here is getting thicker but uh, 'Bob' Kerry is at a better vantage point to tell you what's happening, 'Bob'? [Kerry]: Thank you Barney, immediately to my right a group carrying Viet Cong flags and heralding themselves in the front with a wide banner, as 'G.I.'s Against the War' has circled a major part of the assembly area on the ellipse of the shadow of the Washington monument. There is a chain a monitors- these monitors are the Mobilization Committee March Marshals, who of course -time as that crowd picked up speed- running at almost top speed with locked arms to secure the boundary. There seems to be a- quite a bit of shouting, an- then the chant that has been heard lately in so many city's of- 'Ho- Ho- Ho Chi Minh, the Viet Cong is bound to win' went up- [Announcer over loudspeaker loudly testing equipment][Kerry]: They were very successful in getting that chant down, now the Viet Cong banners are being lowered. There seems to be a general intention from the March Marshals to keep all banners and placards lowered as much as possible on the assembly ground itself.
As you can hear in the background- [Announcer]: -1-2-3-4-5-6-7- [Kerry]: -a giant sound system is being tested in preparation for activities which will take place on the speakers podium here in just a few minutes from now. Barney, back to you. [Lane]: Thank you 'Bob' [Announcer]: Testing- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5 Testing -1-2-3-4 [Lane]: -Uh, its about 5 minutes before noon. Uh, an in 5 or 10 minutes the events on the stage here at the uh Washington monument should be starting. As I said before we had a comment from, uh, Stewart Meacham, and Benjamin Spock and I believe we have that now. [Announcer cuts out, room tone begins] [Meacham]: Been goin- through days now of, talkin- about how non-violent we are an- how legal were goin to be an- that sort of thing, and uh, the source of violence in- uh- i- in our country today is government, and the structures that out government has developed uh, to carry on violence. This is a real
problem of violence in- in the country, and this is where we need to direct our attention, uh the problem of peripheral violence is a problem that I guess uh, always exists in almost any situation- but today. It is greatly exacerbated by the despair that is being produced in the uh- lives, an- the hearts, an- the minds of many people- both young and old. Because of the very deep an almost uh- unwavering commitment it it seems to me. Towards violence by our government as an answer to all its problems. This is the problem of violence, and this is what we're going to be addressing ourselves to this weekend. [Spock]: I also uh, for the last 4 days have answered nothing but questions about violence- uh, uh. I'm absolutely sure that this is going to be an entirely peaceful and uh, orderly demonstration. The violence is obviously be- uh, the talk about violence uh, comes from the government uh, but I am discouraged that the Press keeps echoing it- echoing it- and echoing it- uh.
The New York Times this morning uh, the only- the only headline on the front of the New York Times is '9,000 total of troops now in the Washington area to take care of violent'- there is not going to be violence, uh. Every time that I have marched in Washington there have been a dozen American fascists uh, its the job of the police to keep them on the other side of the street. But 12 fascists can't stop 'bout 200- or 300,000 thousand people from demonstrating peacefully. [Room tone cuts to distorted announcer][Lane]: I'm afraid it might be a little bit noisy from now on uh, as 'Bob' Kerry was saying before they uh, are testing the mic system uh, an- the uh, enormous speakers up here uh, 'Bob' is signaling to me that he has some more com- [Announcer]: 1- 2- 1- 2- [Kerry]: Right now as we look across the field- [Announcer fading][Kerry]: -we notice that the flags which usually surround the base of the Washington monument are not flying today. Every time that this reporter has been in the city, the entire base of the Washington monument is ringed by what must be some 60- to 75
flagpoles with the stars and stripes flying. The stars and stripes are visible on many of the federal office buildings, and at the White House as we look in the distance, but they're not here on the ground. Significantly absent also within all areas that we can see are any uniformed, or military security people. It appears that the entire security for this demonstration, has been passed into the hands of the New Mobilization Committee, and their group of what- just seem to be superbly trained, organized, and controlled, Mobilization Marshals. It is no secret to anyone listening that there are troops, an- that there are police quartered and ready to move at a moment's notice. But it is very impressive now as this crowd grows to what must be some 50- to 60,000 thousand people in front of us already the- the areas of grass visible on the grounds are rapidly disappearing. And all of the security is in the hands of the New Mobilization Committee. Barney Back to you. [Lane]: 'Bob' uh, I understand that there are more people marching in from behind uh. Do you
have a vantage point for that can you catch them? [Kerry]: As I look now people come from all directions Barney, they are- they're coming from my left, in the direction of the White House and the administration building. They're coming over the hill it occurs to be a group of people who are more drifting than anything else, coming over the hill rather than an organized March. The hill upon which the Monument rests, there are scattered crowds that seem to be in some loosely organized fashion but not part of the main body of the March. Coming in from behind us as the Potomac river, the river is one of the lagoons on the river boarders the back of our assembly area. But there are people coming in from all directions. [Lane]: Thank you 'Bob' last night uh, last Friday evening. There was brief student riot in DuPont circle, a rally in support of the provisional revolutionary government in Vietnam. The students were on their way to the South Vietnamese embassy when- [Loud mic feedback coming from the PA system]
[Lane]: I'm sorry we dont seem to have that report, ready yet- but we will in a moment. There- there was uh, confrontation between a student group and police, there was a lot of shouting and chiding of uh- from both sides and eventually tear gas. Were ready now with that tape this is- [Student 1]: What do you fight for? [Lane]:-what happened ?back in concert? [Student 1]: Give us ?inaudible? [Student 2]: Whoo! [Students shouting] [Students shouting] [Students shouting][Student 1]: Fight! Fight! Fight! [Student 3]: ?inaudible? [Student 1]: Has no ?name?! [Students shouting][Student 1]: Has no ?name?! [Student 4]: Once in a while- [Student 1]: Sir is this- [Student 4]: -only when I feel like it. [Student 1]: Sir. Did you cheer for us tonight?
[Students chanting][Student 1]: Is this your flag? Is this your flag sir? [Officer 1]: Move on down the street. [Officer 1]: Y'all go on down the street. [Student 1]: Sir this your flag? [Officer 1]: Move on down the street. [Student 1]: Is this your flag? [Officer 1]: Move on down the street. [Students chanting][Student 1]: Is this your- it is- please answer me- please answer me Mr. Policeman? [Students shouting incoherently, car horn] [Students shouting incoherently][Student 1]: Get back in- hey- get back the gas is comin-! [Student 2]: Gas is coming! [Students shouting incoherently, abrupt silence] [Student silent]
[Students silent, car horn, loud pop, students shouting incoherently][Student 1]: You can't catch me- get it- get it- get it! [Officer 2]: Don't run- don't run! Don't run! [Students shouting incoherently][Officer 1]: That- is that bulletproof? [Dunlap]: What? [Officer 1]: Is that bulletproof? [Dunlap]: I dont know. [Officer ordering incoherently over loudspeaker][Officer 1]: Does somebody need water- everybody needs water [Students quieting down.] [Students quieting down. Sirens in the distance][Student 5]: He try to hit you? [coughing students in background][Student 6]: We arrived at about uh, 8:30- 8:15, And uh the people were congregating, uh, chanting- yelling- screaming- No order to the- to the uh, assembly at al, uh, no apparent leader at all, uh. Someone jumped up on a- a bench and screamed uh. 'Were gonna sleep in the South Vietnamese embassy tonight.' and you know there was a great deal of a sense of this. Everybody was yelling and screaming uh, in favor of it. So we decided that uh, we'd take off to the embassy first and get there and see exactly what preparations were being made uh, you know to meet the kids as they came down. We were standing by the police lines down there and uh, the kids charged and uh, for about 15 minutes there was no uh- uh, no rebuttal by the police at all except locked arms- wouldn't let them through. Then they called through a uh, loudspeaker system that gas would be released then about 5 minutes later it was. Then all the kids just barreled right back down to Yukon Circle where they
they- y- know they were there for the rest of the- rest of the night. [Dunlap]: Oh h- have you seen any rock throwing? [Student 6]: Quite a- well yeah- quite a bit. [Dunlap]: Did that come before or after the uh- [Student 6]: After the Viet- after the embassy thing? [Dunlap]: No after the first tear gas? The first tear gas. [Student 6]: It uh, pretty much came after. [Dunlap]: Its fairly quiet in DuPont Circle now. There are still demonstrators here, a few of them milling over near the uh, the peoples drug store side of the square uh, some down toward the- the south edge but for the most part most part their either just walking through or in small groups, some appear to be dancing on the sidewalks, uh. There are a few policemen, none in the park but there are a few scattered around the outside- [Staticky voice over speaker] - uh, oh, theres a portable radio coming through. I thought
it was a loudspeaker at first. Uh- it looks pretty much as if the demonstration is over for the evening. [Lane]: Thats what happened at DuPont Circle, and 'Bill' Dunlap and I were both out there trying to record people uh, y- know an- what was going on what was going on, and also uh, giving description an- we kept that going as long as we could, we both eventually ended up getting enough gas so that we couldn't see any longer. [Feedback on Speaker system] [Lane]: 'Bill' Dunlap is standing by uh, to give you the live coverage of the rally itself here which is scheduled to be begin shortly at the Washington monument., We pause now now 15 seconds for station identification, this is the Eastern Public Radio Network. [Male Announcer]: Riverside Radio, WRVR, New York City. [Crowd murmuring, thumping coming from stage]
[Lane]: This is Barney Lane, I'm at the monument and, standing by is 'Bill' Dunlap who has some comments uh, to tell you about what's happening with the people gathering here at the ellipse, 'Bill'? [Dunlap]: The area here is really filling up now, there's probably upwards of 75,000 people here between the speakers area, and the Washington monument. And people are still pouring in from the March from the Capitol, the entire mall area stretching from the ellipse behind the White House, over to the Washington monument, from the History- from the Museum of History and Technology- over to the reflecting pool. Separating the monument from the Lincoln memorial is almost entirely filled with people. There is an empty corner in the back, but uh, it- it looks as if that will fill up very soon. The rally should be starting in just a few moments, many of the dignitaries, the speakers, and the entertainers are up the stage now. They seem to be posing for pictures for the uh, newsreel cameras, and the television cameras. Coretta Scott King, William Sloane Coffin Jr., and Ossie Davis are- [Loudspeaker loudly testing][Dunlap]: -are on the stage now. The uh, the noise in the background is the testing of the speakers so- the uh, the rally should be getting underway any moment now. Its a beautiful day for a rally here on the mall, its very cold outside, the thermometer in DuPont circle on the way down here indicated 37 degrees, an- my impression is that its a little chillier here, than it was up there. N- you can see a number of
banners, flying, they- they seem to be going up and down- uh. They are banners here for the National Liberation Front, the Viet Cong. Uh, the North Vietnamese Flag, Hanoi, there are a few American flags flying. And uh, one interesting thing is in- I- I think this is very different from most of the other demonstrations of this sort that I have covered. Are there are many- many small American flags being carried, many of them by the Mobilizations officials themselves themselves they uh, they stick the, uh small flags- they stick the sticks of the small flags through their armbands. And there are a number of flags uh,s on bumper stickers across peoples backs, we can see a row of them in front of us now from here on top of the sound truck, uh. The t- sticker has an American flag and the uh, now famous ?sane? symbol, the ban the bomb sign, with Americans for peace inscribed in the middle- [Announcer over speaker testing][Lane]: -but the American flag is very much in evident. There are uh, there are still people pouring in from beyond the Washington monument, and as I said the rally should be getting underway any moment uh. We're going to take you to 'Bob' Kerry now, who's up here on the sound truck with me for more commentary. [Kerry]: Thank you I
think we'll go directly down to Barney Lane who'll probably squeeze in the last of the the background recordings that we'll hear. Unless there should be a lull in the afternoons activities, we can say that during the afternoon the main show will be happening on the stage and on the grass. The show of people in support of this protest- [feedback over speaker][Kerry]: -in favor of peace, as the speakers gather 'round the platform they will be speaking. The public address system will make it very difficult for intelligible comment during most of the ceremony, but we will continue coverage for the most part from this stage. Barney Lane, back to you. [Lane]: Thank you 'Bob' uh, as you can probably hear the noise continues weve got a- a band here- or perhaps its a drum core, and uh- were right beneath the speaker system here at the rally site. [Aircrafts overhead] [Lane]: Above my head for about the past hour, they're have been uh, jets from a nearby airport as well as army helicopters, civilian helicopters and I believe some of the- some of the helicopters are here for the the television network coverage.
and we have some more uh, tape to present to you of the uh, March Against Death and that will be ready in just a few moments. Uh, 'Bill' could you give us some run down about some of the people who will be here at the rally? [Aircrafts overhead cut out][Dunlap]: Uh yes, uh, the 3 chairmen- or the- the 3 MC's this afternoon are going to be the Revered William Sloane Coffin, the chaplain at Yale university, Dr. Benjamin Spock, and Dr. George Wiley, the executive director of the National Welfare Rights Organization. Uh, the Reverend Coffin and Dr. Spock were 2 of the 5 who were tried a months ago in Boston for conspiracy in connection with the rally at the pentagon here 2 years ago, and a number of other demonstrations in New York, and Boston. They were charged with conspiracy for ur- uh, conspiracy for urging young men to avoid the draft. Among the speakers we're going to hear are Carol Brightman an editor of Leviathan, and Ozzie Davis
the playwright director and actor. David Bellinger the editor of Liberation Magazine who is being tried with the Chicago 8- I guess it's now the Chicago 7, on conspiracy charges stemming from the Democratic Convention in Chicago last November. There'll be a number of active duty G.I.'s uh, on the platform today, and although many of them have been ordered not to appear we understand there are several scheduled and there are rumors going back and forth as to uh, a- the punishment they may receive from the military for appearing here. Uh, Harrold Gibbons an international vice president of the brotherhood of the teamsters is going to be on the stage. Along with Senator Charles Goodell from New York uh, Senator Goodell was appointed by Governor Rockefeller who replaced uh, Robert Kennedy after he was shot. Uh- he has been a moderate republican from Jamestown in upstate New York. But since he was appointed to the Senate he has become what uh, many reca- what many regard a 'Flaming Liberal'. Coming out very strongly against the War, very strongly for welfare reforms and other social issues an- he's infuriated many of the Republicans there in upstate New York, and in New York City itself. He may face a serious
primary challenge an- up until recently, it looks as if Governor Rockefeller might come out against his own appointee. David Hawk a coordinator of the Vietnam Moratorium Committee will also be up here. Along with ?Julia Tobson? a member of the District of Colombia School Board. Philip Hutchens a columnist for the guardian, a radical newsweekly published out of New York. Oh- one of the- o- one of the best known speakers here this afternoon uh- is Mrs. Coretta Scott King, who is up on the stage now and has been uh, posing for pictures. Theres been a huge crowd of reporters and admirers around her ever since she got here. Carol Lipman the National Secretary of the Student Mobilization Committee will be speaking. Uh, and George McGovern uh, from South Dakota who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination last year against Hubert Humphrey and Eugene McCarthy. Uh, Howard Samuels the former under secretary of commerce from New York state
and a potential m- ?Unitarial? candidate against Governor Rockefeller next year will also be speaking. Mr. Samuels got involved in the anti war movement just about a year ago and has been very active with uh- a number of anti war and peace groups. We will hear Lisa ?Shiller?, uh- an official form the Resistance Movement in Philadelphia. And probably one of the most distinguished speakers today will be Dr. George Wald a Nobel prize winner and professor of biology at Harvard University. It was Dr. Walds speech before the convention at MIT a few months ago, which created such a furor about the military industrial complex and what it has been doing to the United States- or what he says- that it has been doing to the United States, both economically, and to the uh, the psychology of the people the- the New York- the magazine picked it up and ran it in its entirety. In it's 'Talk of the Towns' column, it was reprinted widely- broadcast and rebroadcast many times. And may be the positioned paper against the military industrial complex
right now. Uh, message from Bobby Seale the imprisoned Black Panther who was recently sentenced to 4 years in prison for contempt of court. Uh will be read, probably by his wife who uh, at one point was scheduled to be here at this rally. Uh, an among the entertainers we are going to hear are Lenard Bernstein, the ?credence? string quartet, Barbara Dane, Dick Greggory, Arlo Guthrie, and the cast of Hair, there in that cast will be members of all 4 national companies, in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. And authors will also be present in speaking, thats James Rado and Gerome Ragni. John Hartford, banjo player. Richie Heaven, Mitch Miller, Tom Paxton, Peter Paul and Mary. Who I think have been at every rally held here in New- h- held here in Washington since uh, Martin Luther Kings 1963 March, uh- will be singing. Along with Earl Scruggs and the ever popular Pete Seeger. 'K were going to uh- go back to back to 'Bob' Kerry now
for a little description of what's happening out in the audience. [Kerry]: Thank you 'Bill', the banners are back up. The Viet Cong flag to our right, this is the group the- G.I.s- get outta- the G.I.s to end the war the bannar reads, uh. Say maybe 15 to 20 Viet Cong flags a wide orange bannar with a black clenched fist. Its the fist of strike. 'Power to the people' reads the banner. American flags in evidence as we look over toward the white house- [Overhead Jet engine] - [Kerry]: -in the crowd of- giant legions they're- still coming in- the green grass area here is rapidly disappearing from sight as its replaced by- legions of people. ?'Bob?'? [Lane]: Yes Barney uh, I had, uh, one crowd estimate- this is of course unofficial at this point. But I did get a crowd estimate of uh, quarter of a million does that look reasonable to you from where you are? [Kerry]: Its easy to believe but I must confess that w- when crowds begin to swell like this- estimation from my vantage point becomes absolutely impossible. We can only say that they are legion. [Distant aircraft, crowd murmuring.][Lane]: Ok. Thank you 'Bob'. Uh, we're going to play uh, a- a few more tapes segments of things that went on with the a- 'March Against Death' because we think they are important, uh. 2 of the uh, people who spoke at the initial uh, press conference. At the
New Mobilization Center, were the 2 women who lead the 'March Against Death' beginning uh- Thursday. And uh, the first speaker was Mrs. Anne Dalton of Staten Island, who was mourning the loss of her brother. [Dalton]: I became an- actively involved in this. Funeral March, in a very sad way- also my brother was killed on April 28'th his name was Walter ?Elmet? III, and he left a wife, and a baby who was a year old the Saturday after his funeral. He was my closest friend and- [Marcher shouting unintelligibly][Dalton]: -and I'm very- sorry to have to be here under those conditions. The night before Walter went to Vietnam,
he called me long distance- I wasn't able to go to see him off. He said to me- he said- 'Annie-' he said- 'I don't wanna come back without my arms an- my legs. I don't wanna come back if I'm- maimed- I've been in- I've been at ?Davport Sams? and I've seen a sampling of a 257,000 boys-' 247,000 excuse me. 'Who've been down there who- will go home- who've lost half their heads, they have no arms and no legs.' And I tried not to think about at the time- when her called me, I put it outta my mind. He was in Vietnam, for 1 month. He registered for the Draft 1AO, he was trained as a combat medic. He was willing to go- but he didn't want to kill anyone. After the funeral I got to
thinking about- what he'd said about how he didn't wanna come back. He knew- he told me- he said 'Annie I know that if I die. I feel sure- where I will be.' and I said, 'Well- maybe 'Wally'- you can encourage some of the other boys an- give them some hope in Vietnam.' And he said. 'Well- thats one thing that I hope that I can do.' And so I was h- coming home on the plane from Des Moines, and I started thinking about th- the numbers of people- I was- y- know I could hardly think. And suddenly it occurred to me, if there were 40,000 boys killed, and 257,483 wounded- that was the figures released today by the Defense Department. 25% of those who return to combat thats 64,371 boys. That means that theres 193,112 boys who were so maimed or mutilated that they couldn't go back to combat. Now if you
think that the average person has 30 relatives, that means-
Moratorium Day, Washington D.C.
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Live coverage of the March Against Death.
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News Report
War and Conflict
Global Affairs
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Public opinion; Vietnam War, 1961-1975
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: Eastern Public Radio Network
Reporter: Dunlap, William
Reporter: Lane, Barney
Speaker: Droz, Judy
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a067d065e5d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Moratorium Day, Washington D.C.,” 1969-11-15, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
MLA: “Moratorium Day, Washington D.C..” 1969-11-15. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
APA: Moratorium Day, Washington D.C.. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from