thumbnail of Dr. McCracken Sermon, "The Root of the Matter" 1963-01-06
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yeah avatar and to share in the show are that you are clear in your mind as still lot faith is boise state is believing things work you know aren't true where did he get that notion for all mobile ad gets it from his parents his teachers his minister ask yourself when rabbi what you are to sate you can create the impression that faith is something people persuade themselves off to keep their spirits up me that wishful
thinking compound it all lying port and again imagines with minority which in reality what is faith it is marked unmanned drone subscription to work lead it is a marvelous some all our beliefs about god christ man and the wording in the new testament when faith is spoken are the hot and the will are engaged as well as the mind the personable this faith votes in south and all his clothes behind his beliefs and his involved from first to last and activity all these total personality he commits himself poorly
regarded and father of the lord jesus christ as we ten page after page of the gospel record this is what we observe jesus repeatedly urging on man and woman put your faith he says in the fatherly goodness of god to believe with every fiber of your being that he is incomparable a better than the best joke and think up it all better than you and an undeserved believe that he is always seeking yield is seeking intimacy of trust and affection with you lived in the spring all that they apply to every situation in which you find yourself it will help you through some out
your fears mosque that you're difficult days and it will make you a victorious or all the evils of existence the main difficulty about this is that it seems too good to be true it is heartwarming to think about but the state of the world the grim sex of life make it hard to predict and get a lot of the alternatives what is that the book in its race can you see the word on set playing on any other kind of foundation than the one in which jesus billy recalled today the faith in which he lived and died the faith see you i'm validated by his resurrection
of bodies in supreme control all the world rudy valle is therefore limited in its goal and our prayer is a redemptive couples at work in history and fatherly love is the key to the er and over universe apart in his sovereignty and wisdom is seeking to make one family this is our city this is not only the most beautiful the most moving but the most satisfying an energizing and idolizing conception of god man the world that has ever been cherished if we christians
believe that as it ought to be believed and that of nine hundred millions of us it won't even in these got these below the way we liked and halt to going to be thrown in all it is to a good not to be true till quickly wrote all this so as a logical impractical and realistic since so much is at stake at least be a games to consider jesus' someone's to faith faith in god's reality an hour faith in his fatherly baldness faith in his already in the us to intervene to be a present help in time of trouble what jesus faith is not and will be a
balmy at urenco eliza engine seeing are passive placid acquiescing state or so the pork one of his most famous one of his most activist dick figures of speech faith is a monk to move up the hyperbole is deliberately provocative the point being that faith is a creative dynamic force the sauce on top when seamus vitality it makes products that inspires calm that expresses itself in vigorous decisive action a wall of eleven chapter of the rose has this on its scheme it tells the story arc harrell a source who threw they subdued kingdoms or
our righteousness obtain promises stop the most of lions clinched the violence of fiat escape the edge of the solid old of weakness what made strong webs valiant didn't quite liked the armies of the aliens this is not just sommeliers or a direct it is the summation of the exploits all the leading men and women write down the centuries how courageous people are made by faith in god how calm and says roman emperor is oh you don't itemize is it drains the energy is deplete its resources take stock a lot of us on the other hand the fighter lies is supplies
energy increases resource goat's heart into less than awfully our man of action they have a dynamic which they foresaw this day elaine may and lay their confidence in brought new is the mom is from the father's how then can we have such a first by pondering the experience of those in home faith has been clear and strong open the bible and read some of the song portions of the boss goes and the pistols openly well some of the creative experience europeans listen to the explosive it says of the i'm seeing one as they
tear know how they have been there and what they have found recall some st you have no and was trained as a low from his st cleanest david cameron's for example in his autobiography writing about his father when i saw him lying day and i was amazed that the quiet grandeur of his face he looked like one of the great ones over the years it was a reminder that real greatness is not a thing all vote what circumstance and that it is possible the league is greatly in what the word on one thing a very limited sphere of labor i remember too as i look back in it suddenly
flashed upon me what a living message from god himself we have been to me oh alright jeez all far more real meaning to our free yeomans spent it on and they articulate thunder would have been even though it had spoken my name after all a human being is a far richer means occupying expression than any natural thing or force could possibly be here from my various child who had been won beside be influencing make enough thousand gentle ways in thinking that all up right notes kindness and selfishness and faith making it easier at every stage for me to believe in goodness and blog
and for my wife to my father been telling me how he felt taught me and how he would have me sing an air second we can have faith by associating regularly with rose who almost certainly have it this is one of the purposes that the church of jesus christ is designed to set what it is the household wealth made the police where he is a note it's the union's share says david keith in god does not rule in isolation with a piece of go from a fiat and it will soon cease to burden that will quickly turn into a play and put it back into the
fire and soon you will see it'll all ages are reasonable to say that you cannot find faith if you do not pull up its own way to the place where faith as they follow a christian church in most instances the reason why people prof ferris the faith of grace is because they have seen in reflected in a light that they have known all because they amen was although fellowship all that christ is the founder and the foundation once they're moving here barbara haws said in this set today with the nba tradition of the christian heritage around us with rice sway on life exalted
about the song in limbo obama obama wouldn't with a blog calling us to live guys to those programs comes out of how we are all within reach all wealth for our souls which can make as resourceful secure are confident dedicated strong don't miss it finally faith that its highest and bess is seen is in karma in jesus christ is the idea and that affects all the armenian think depends from start to finish soul as you look back to receive the communion think about him think about bethlehem
and ej it and not think about death seminary and calcutta and the triumph of the first east that long think about the faith that was the mainspring all his existence he believed that god is mario marni and marmite more fool maurine every one of us than any one of us evan realizes if there is one thing that those of us who are christians can't be sure all if there is one thing we are resolved to live by and to dive bar it is this such faith
as is would not have been nourished by a lie we believe throw it at the point these
bees these the play it's
b the pay it's been mr mays you know our generation
even years in the night the gao these volunteers and hip and it's by lisa knows baby was on it as it is that he's doing peter overby
i was ill all satisfied with fantasy that we made me joyous and an audi a piano out of life servants and the beauty on our part the obama and his family to slow of our bands up on the at the word of our prayers is very early the voice oh i am i thought i was really i would be i will only with the array online
rejoice in the marble or way we all were anxious or not but in everything with thanksgiving plans be made no not tomorrow and he's onto which basset or understanding your keep your boss and my crew seasons recordings whether it it arrives oh christ jesus map
rages nato and the poem the harmful and raised at my ad i might actually all know i had already had a event where it already but i talked and korean and iranian oil i did this for
you so those things we've job before our prize for the law on the price of the oil in the eu to throw away and at eighty three following the hamas is only way romney are back at this set of your soul as in many protestant churches the service of
communion which is now to be celebrated as part of this service of worship because the occasion in the life of jesus christ recorded in the four gospels and in letters of st paul when our lord at the last supper with his disciples just prior to his death we get an openness toward us who
aren't working and poor milo us who are undeserved as we partake of these elements the emblems of my son's life and more leeway in thanksgiving under the present ourselves alleging sacrifice and the antarctic element which is our reasonable service the line climbs and our laws jesus christ jesus say to me eat this is my body which is just you and remember
only as jesus broke the bread and passed it to his disciples so the broken bread is given by the ministers to the deacons and passed to the members of this congregation to eat in remembrance of jesus and his sacrifice on man the pick are
you no
no he's
been the pay is b in my this to me is call
me has been as jesus there's a cup of wine and has to do is to stifle so now the cup surpassed by the deacons the members of the congregation that they may partake to gather in communion with their load and with each other and in commitment to christian service in the world ayers
move is key
Dr. McCracken Sermon, "The Root of the Matter" 1963-01-06
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
A religious sermon entitled The Root of the Matter.
Created Date
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-64c928aff54 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Dr. McCracken Sermon, "The Root of the Matter" 1963-01-06,” 1963-01-06, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “Dr. McCracken Sermon, "The Root of the Matter" 1963-01-06.” 1963-01-06. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: Dr. McCracken Sermon, "The Root of the Matter" 1963-01-06. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from