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the pittsburgh well a state is all although only eighteen days our star ariana they is all a portion of the week the bible as read in the synagogue with the running commentary this evening we hear rabbi leon been crossed the spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation of the beacon the ruling alliance beacon new york in this weeks see that off aye yay saw we begin to relate how abraham approach the hittite people's in order to up pain from them a burial place in connection with the death of his wife sarah we continue when verses find from nine in genesis
chapter twenty three by a new and they face as out wrong and answered the children often face a brand lane mo lo so saying to him she mark a new and only hear us my lord nancy pelosi in a prince of god literally or a mighty prints out of his soul train who are now amongst us the newtown kemal a new image showing some our set augers devote less may several very light then you'd shimmy man who a person amongst us as devo is simple grow this apple or low you to let me know call me give only set off shall not to withhold from the from varying by dead by your thumb of a home and abraham rose up by huge patch who are ma let's live in a face and he bowed down for the people on the land
to the children are case by a bob bailey calmly mo and he's spoken to them saying in mediation snapchat them it could be your wish lick bowl last may see me with one eye to bury my dad from before me chamonix hear me will they get only the afro and then so how an entry for me ever owned the sun off so the family that he may give to me as small as scum of the law are shallow the cave of mugs a lot or the bubble haven which is unto him out shelby gets a sunday you which is at the edge of this feel because seth small way you can then only four full silver for the full value price shall he gave a bump to me this social family was asked pablo in your meds for a possession for a burial
place the name may all asked how much they log became of the bubbling either re fart through some geographical geological feature that they were possibly two leaders are two chambers one next to the other war as the maid of osh interprets that came to be called me on assam up a lot because i've been doubling the players who are buried there in abraham and say are ultimately then isaac and rebeck and finally j cobb and leo and the militia even ads at them and the eu what ever the basis for the name at all last time of a law this is the field that abraham requests of the children of the face we continue with firsthand the f o neall shaver so when a face now ephron was sitting in the midst of the children of praise
by young an iphone have gps of war home and answered f around the hittite abraham the odds may even a face in the hearing of the children often face less coal but they shot you know laying low even on to all that went in the gate of the city so saying in this verse the sample meaning barbie children often face on the people of the land is probably a certain representative council or some governing body before abraham appears with his request plus perhaps others who happened to be at the gate which is the center of business of legal activities of judicial proceedings for the city much as the word gay does mention for example in the show mark thou shall write them upon the board both of my house and the bomb by gates and any rate they need the lush
thanks of these phrases that children often face all who come into the gates of a city very literally and interprets this to mean that all the peoples of the city came to do an er in the words of the meadow szabo they close their doors and they went to carry out these off kindness with abraham that she quotes a slightly different version they all it build themselves from their regular employment and they came to do has said they'd be the kindness to say are returning to the biblical text that sell them the reply of athlone verses eleven and twelve loh i believe should whine the name my lord hear me how saddam then the side of the law the field give it they're hammered on shallow look on the side of the hull
and the cave that is they are going to rehab my given it like a nave in a humvee in the presence of the sons of my people in the south the falloff have i given it to the composer may settle buried i dead by huge backlog and abraham bow down with inmate ahmed aw that's before the people on the land a slight contrast and phrases between this verse verse twelve and which abraham bows before the people of the land and earlier in the verse seven when he vows to the people of the land to the children of the case in the first instance after the initial landing general favorable response abraham bows to the people with whom he is dealing in gratitude for their interests and for their consideration then when his more
specific requests for more on some of the law is favorably received the bow is not to win the people but before them in their presence he bows to god this verse is one source only me blush that one is obligated to say a prayer of thanksgiving even upon hearing good news we continue in the biblical text with the negotiations between abraham and effort on vs thirteen through twenty by the bailiff telephone and he spoke to have run because i'm a ha moments laying low in the hearing of the people of the land so saying ah you've got tall lou schimmel amy but if thou wilt i pray thee hear me now sap the last episode there happening many i
give the price of the field naked army the techno as macy shall mull that i may bury my dad that they're in bye ya an f known as outlaw homely mohel an f around and survey graham saying none to him i believe she was at my lord that hearken on to me and that's our baum laos shek el paso a piece of land worth four hundred shekels off silver they kneel they never call my be between me and between the what is it the s mason hawkins oh bury their fortnight dead by each model home and abraham hike in the telephone to have run by huge goal of a home left alone and abraham wade out to afro as pakistan i show the battle because maven a face the silver that he had spoken out in the hearing all the children all face
our bauer mayo says shaq el paso four hundred shekels off silver overlay or less ok oil money current with the merchant by your gums and was he did that said they owned the field of athlone i shall obama a law which is in mind a lot of the place that was a bubble i shall it may nominate which was before a place called mom a house on that the field becoming our showboat and they claim that it that is in it the whole eight cy show abbas on there and all the trees that are in the field i shall beholden to los silva you that are within its anti arab border roundabout let out on limited their to abraham as they purchase lane even a face in the press is of the children often face the whole body shot you know amongst all comes in the gate of his city
be out of a train and they're after call violent of a home that abraham barry asked saw huge though sarah his white helmet on last sunday hamas a lot in the cave on the field of math a lot open a monday before monday he's ever known which is the city of hebron the edits can on in the land of canaan by your comb hustled there and the field was the good nor transferred become at all our show ball and the cave that is within it laid out on my lap who's us cargo to abraham as a procession of a burial place made a spin a face from the children of crates to the biblical text of the purchase of this cave i would like to add to what notes one historical one pound you think across the ages the e mail asked
how much they will the burial place of the patriarchs became yet another link among many others is another strong attachment between the people of israel and the land of israel whether we were residing in the land or whether or perhaps more especially in exile the land and these landmarks became for us specific points of attachment the late chief rabbi of england rabbi hurts in his commentary on the whole marsh rights for generations may centuries the children of israel were to have no point off except they save the sidewalk or of the patriarchs the cave of money they won't is regarded with a man's veneration by the my heavens who built a large mosque over it and until recently altogether excoriated both jews and
christians from viewing it un visit is still connected with considerable difficulty war i do these words of rabbi hurts war written in the nineteen thirties in the decades all the fifties and the sixties that the sentence of the patriarchs are denied access to this biblical city of hebron south of bethlehem as a legal postscript it should be remembered that the verse is we have read in chapter twenty three of genesis pertaining to the sale alvino asked how much they will are used in the hollywood as supported and texts for some of the basic laws pertaining to the sale of real property thus even the narrative portions of the power of our basic to the laws of judaism you are listening to the portion of the week the
bible as read in the synagogue with preventing common day there's even your rabbi leon been crossed the spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation of the big in hebrew alliance they can be on the counter for a portion of the week is eliza crown my congregation beth shalom of kings bay brooklyn yeah it varies all this is it knowledge of all that men days on the ozark al ali him in iraq that us all then they are more human lie your man of their lawn game it was by vi are well the first law in the fall my either the
va i'm dave a lot of cool made a couple of lie at at all al ali yearlong yom <unk> yeah long will moy all my atm i am by eu laws via almada well on the yay to rocky are all palm oil is by
Portion of the Week
Haye Sarah 46-2, Rabbi Wengrovsky
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 2 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Haye Sarah.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
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Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Wengrovsky, Leon
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ef38fb16826 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Haye Sarah 46-2, Rabbi Wengrovsky,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Haye Sarah 46-2, Rabbi Wengrovsky.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Haye Sarah 46-2, Rabbi Wengrovsky. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from