thumbnail of McCracken New Testament Reading; 81-85 Hebrews 11:1 - 1 John 5:21
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today hebrews chapter eleven the face and his face faith gives substance to our hopes and makes a certain the reality is we do not see it is for their faith that the men won't stand on record by faith we perceive that the universe was fashioned by the word of god so that the visible came forth from the invisible bye faith able often to sacrifice greater than games and through faith his goodness wasn't tested for his offerings and god's approval and threw faith he continued to speak after his death by faith he took was carried away to another life without passing through death far he was not to be found because god had taken him it is the testimony of
scripture that before he was taken he had please god and without faith it is impossible to please him what anyone who comes to god must believe that he exists and that he had a word for those who search for him bye faith nor divinely warned about the unseen future do good he'd and built an ark to save this household through his face people go whoa world in the wrong and made good his own claim to the righteousness which comes all faiths bye faith abraham will be the quote to go to our land destined for himself and his ears and left home without knowing where he was to go bye faith the settled as an alien in the land promised him living in tents as did isaac and jacob who weren't as to the same promise for he was looking forward to the city with firm foundations who's our critic tom builder is going
by faith even said i self receive strength to conceive though she was past the age because she judged that he were promised would keep faith and therefore from one man and one as good as did this band descendants numerous as the stars or as the company's grains of sand on the seashore well these persons died in fees they were not yet imposition of the things promised that had seen them foreign aid and healed them and could face themselves no more than strangers are passing travelers on it those who use such language sure plainly that they're looking for a country of their own if the hearts of being in the country the ugliest they could've found opportunity to return instead we find the morning on a better country i mean their heavenly one that is why god does not ashamed to be called their garden or he has a city already for them
my face a brown when the test came off of the pies or he had received the promises and here he was on the point of offering his only son off homie had been told through the line of isaac your posterity shall be placed for the election that got a boat even the race from the date and from that ad did in a sam's receive in there bye faith isaac blessed jacob and diesel and spoke of things to come by faith jacob as he was dying blessed each of joseph sons and worship god leaning on the top of his staff bye faith joseph at the end of his life spoke of the departure of israel from egypt and it's septa them what to do with his bones by faith when moses was born his parents had him for three months because they saw what a fine child he was they were not afraid of the king's edict bye faith moses when he grew up
refused to be called the seven cirrus daughter presented to suffer a hardship with the people of god rather than enjoy the transience pleasures of sin he considered the stigma that rests on god's anointed greater wealth and the treasures of egypt for his eyes were fixed upon the coming day of recompense by faith he left egypt and not because he feared the king center for he was resolute as one who saw the invisible god by faith he celebrated the passover and sprinkle the blood so that the destroying angel might not touch the firstborn of israel by faith they crossed the red sea as though it would dry land whereas the egyptians when they attempted the crossing were drowned by faith the laws of jericho fell down after they had been unsettled on several successive days by faith a prostitute ray have escaped the dome of the un believe this because she had given the
spies a kindly welcome need i say more time is too short for me to tell the stories of gideon beer sampson and jet fan of david and samuel of the profits through faith they wound through kingdom's establish justice so god's promise is fulfilled that muzzled revenue lions quench the fury of fire escape death by this on their weakness was to have the strength they grew powerful in war they put far not a stunt woman received back the dead race to life others were tortured to death does dating release to win a bit of resurrection others again had to face tiers of thumping even sectors in prison bars they were stoned they were sewn into they were put to the song they went to vote dressed in skins of sheep or goats in poverty distress and missouri they were too good for this worm and they were refugees in
deserts and the males hiding in caves and holes in the ground he's also won and all our commemorated for their faith and yet they did not enter upon the promised inheritance because with us in mind garden made a better plan that only in company with us should they reach that perfection and part of ourselves with all these witnesses to favor and just like a plant we must throw off every incumbents every sin to which we clean and run with resolution the race for which we entered our eyes fixed on jesus on the bands from start to finish jesus who for the sake of the joy that lay ahead of him and joy of the crops making light of its disgrace and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of god think of him who submitted to such opposition from centers that will help you not to
lose heart and grow faint in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blonde you have forgotten the text of scripture which addresses us sons and abuse to you in these words my son and i think likely overlords discipline bruce hot when he could actually disciplines those whom he loves he leaves the road on every sound on the advantages you must enjoy it as discipline gorgeous treating you as sons can anyone be a son who has not disciplined by his father and you escape the discipline in which all sons share it must be bass drums and no truce arms again we pay due respect to the earthly father so disciplined us should we not submit even more readily to our spiritual father and so empty life may disappoint us for this short life according to the lights but he does so far to welfare
so that we may share his holiness discipline or don't is never pleasant that the painted scenes people but in the ambiguous for those who have betrayed by the peaceable harvest on honest life kamen stiffen your broken arms and shaking knees and keep your steps from women then the disabled lim will not be put out of joint but again its formal powers in a piece with all men and every night for without that no one will see them see to it that there is no one among you'll fluff it's the grace of god no bedtime noxious weed growing up to poison the whole know a model person no one quote reminded like esau he sold his birthright for a single meal and you know that although he wanted afterwards to claim the blessing he was rejected forty from norway open for second thoughts or
police drove to the point of tears to find one remember where you stand not before the palpable blazing fire sinai with the darkness boom and where ruined the trumpet blast of your regular voice which they have been baby had no more but they could not ban of the combined if even an animal touches the mountain it must be stoned soul calling was the site of moses and i shudder with fear no you stand before juan's iran and the city of the living god heavenly jerusalem before him millions of agents the fool concourse and assembly of the first born citizens of heaven and got the judge of all and the spirit of good man made perfect and jesus the mediated of a new covenant who spread cord blood has better things to tell them the blood of a blow see that you do not refuse to
hear the voice that speaks for those who refuse to hear the article speaking on as found no escape still alicia we escape and we infused the other one who speaks from heaven and indeed his voice shook the earth but no he has promised yet once again i worship not just alone but the heavens or so the words once again and only once implied that the shaking of these creative things means there are no and then what is not chicken will remain the kingdom we are given is actually let us therefore give thanks to god and so worship him as he would be worshiped with a reverence and all isn't it never seized a lot of your fellow christians remember to show hospitality that are some low by so doing have entertained angels without knowing it remember those imprisoned as if you were there with him and
those who had been maltreated for you like they must do in the world body desirable letters or keep it so and the mileage bond environment for god's judgment will follow on for nick akins and adulterous do not live for money be content with what you have forgotten surface say and i will never leave you want dessert too and so we can take courage and say the law does my help i will not fear what can man due to me remember your leaders rosa first spoke god's message through and reflecting upon the outcome of their life and work follow the example of their faith in jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever so do not be swept off course by all sorts of oakland each key change it is good that our social game the strength from the grace of god not from school principal what we eat which has never done
any good to those were governed by them alter is one for which the priests of the sacred and voter id as you know those animals whose blood is brought as a sin offering by the high priest into the century have the bodies burned outside the camp and therefore jesus also suffered outside the key to consecrate the people by his own letters then go to him who saved him then doing the stigma that he bought for here we have no permanent home but we're seekers after the city which is to come through jesus then let us continually off up to god the sacrifice of praise that is the tribute of leaks which manages name and never forget to show kindness and to share what you have with others forceps of the sacrifices which approves well being a
leader send this out to them for their tablets in their concern for you as a man who must rendered an apparent let it be a happy task for them and not peed in grief for that would bring you know advantage pray for us we're convinced that our conscience is clear how one desire is or was to do what is right orla more honestly i ask for your prayers that i may be restored to you the sooner made a god of peace who brought up from the dead are more jesus the grade shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant make a perfect in all goodness so that you may do his widow and may he make of us what he would have a speed through christ jesus tomb the glory forever and ever probably i beg your brother's been with this exhortation for it is after all a short letter i have news for you i've friend
timothy has been released and if he comes in time he would be with me when i see you pretoria leaders of your guards people greeting still you're from our italian friends god's grace be with you or their reading has concluded a letter to the leaders a literary genius poetical religion from james a servant of god and the lord jesus christ greetings to the twelve tribes dispersed throughout the world or in my brother's whenever you have to face trials of many kinds culture so supremely happy in the knowledge that
such testing of your faith breeds fortitude and if you give fortune should food play you will go on to complete a balanced character that will fall short in nothing if any of you fall short in wisdom he should ask god for it and it will be given him for god is a generous giver who neither refuses nor approaches anyone but he must ask and faith without a doubt in his mind for the downturn is like a heaving sea ruffled by the wind a man of that kindness not expect that word to give him anything he is double minded and never can keep a steady course the brother in humble circumstances may well be proud that glowed lifts him up and the wealthy brother must find its parade and being brought low
for the rich man will disappear like the flow of the field once the sun is up with its scorching heat the flotilla that is it's because fall and what was lovely to look at his last forever social the rich man with other way as he goes about his business happy the man who remain steadfast on the trial for having passed that test he will receive for his prize the gift of life promised to those you love god no one under trial of temptation should say i am being tempted by god for god is untouched by evil and does not himself tempt anyone temptation of arises when a man is enticed and moved away by his own lost then last concedes
and gives birth to sin and sin or grown brains death do not deceive yourselves my friends were different and every perfect gift comes from above from the father of the lights of heaven with him that is no radiation no played off passing shadows all this at the post by declaring the truth he gave us birth to be a kind of first fruits all these creatures all that you may be served to my friends but each of you must be quick to listen so to speak and slow to be angry for a man saying that cannot promote the justice of god are we then with all that is sorted and the madness that have is to excess and quietly accept the message
planted in your hearts which can bring new salvation only be sure that you're at on the message and do not merely listen for that would be to mislead yourselves a man who listens to the message but never get support it is like one who looks in a mirror at the face nature gave him he glances at himself and goes away and that once forgets what he looked like but the man who looks closely into the perfect law below that makes us freak and lives in its company does not forget what he he has bought ek sonn it and that is the man who by acting will find happiness a man may think he is religious but if he has no control over its than he is deceiving himself that man's religion is few tile the plane their religion which it without steidle
afloat in the sight of god our father is this to go to the help of orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself and tarnished by the word and my brothers believing as you do in our lord jesus christ who remains enduring you must never show snobbery for instance to visitors may enter your place to worship one a well dressed man with gold rings and the other a poor men in shabby clothes suppose you'd be special attention to the well dressed man and say to him please take this seat while to the poor man you say you can stand off you miss it here on the floor by my food store you don't see that you are inconsistent and judge by force standards listen my friends as not god's chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the
world to be rich and faith and to inherit the kingdom yes promised to those who loved him and yet you have insulted the poor man i'm not the original pressings is it not they would drag you into court and content on the ottoman name by which god as clean joke if however you are observing the sovereign lonely down in the scripture love your neighbor as yourself that is excellent but if you show snobbery you're committing as sin and just then convicted by that low as drones guesses forever man keeps the whole pop pop for one single point he's guilty of breaking all of it for the one who said thou shalt not commit adultery said oh so most of not commit murder you may not be an
adulterer but if you commit murder hugh o'donnell breaker or the same we're always speak and act as maine who ought to be judged on the role of freedom in their judgment there would be no mercy for the man who has shown no mercy mercy triumphs over judgment my brothers what use is it for a man to say he has faith when he does nothing to show it and that face even suppose a brother orr assistant is in rags with not enough food for the day and one of you says good luck to your keep your social warman of plenty to eat but does nothing to supply them bodily needs what is the good of that so it's faith if it does not lead to action it is in itself a lifeless thing but someone
may object is one o clean stuff they send another low points to his deeds to which i reply prove to me that this faith you speak of israel though not accompanied by deeds and by my deeds i will prove to you my face your face enough to believe that that is one garden excellent the devils have faith like that and it makes them scramble but can you not see you quote let that faith divorced from deeds is bottom of what it not by his action in offering his son isaac upon the work that that our father abraham was justified show and you can see that faith was at work in his actions and that by these actions the integrity of his faith was fully proved yeah i was a fulfillment of the words of scripture abraham put his faith
in god and their faith was counted to him as righteousness and elsewhere he is called god's framed you see them that a man is justified by deeds and not by faith in itself the same is true of the prostitute ray have also was nutty justified by her actions in welcoming the messengers into a house and sending them away by a different route as the body is did when there is no growth left in it so faith divorce from deeds is lifeless as a corpse my brothers not many of you should become teachers or you may be certain that we'll teach show ourselves be judged with greater starkness well less often were on the man who'd never says our own thing as a perfect patent that evoke the bright lewis will be if we go to
bits and the horses molds to make them will be our way to weaken dad at that whole body or think of ships large they maybe it even when driven by strong deals they could be directed by a tiny rubber on whatever course the helmsman chooses so with the town it is a small member but it can make huge claims what a huge stack of timber and be set ablaze by the tiniest sparks and the town is in effect a fire it represents about our members the world with all its wickedness it pollutes are all being it keeps the wheel of our existence red hawk and it's flames of fate by arrow beasts of birds of every kind of creatures that crawl on the ground or swim in the sea can be subdued and have been subdued by mankind
but no man can subdue the time it is an intractable evil charged with a big live in them we use it to sing the praises of our modern father and we use it to enable curses upon our fellow man who are made in god's like that's sort of the same outcome praises and curses my brothers that should not be so there's a fountain gosh with both fresh and brackish water from the ceiling and a fig tree my brothers you know is a lot of buying figs no more disown water you'd fresh who among you is wise or clever let his right conduct give practical profile that with the modesty that comes a wisdom but if you are harboring bit of jealousy and selfish ambition and your heart's consider whether your claims about force and the defiance of the truce this is not the
wisdom that comes from above it is earthbound same sure demonic for with jealousy and ambition common disorder and evil of every kind of the wisdom from above is in the first place pr and then peace loving consider it and what would the reason it is straightforward and says see a rich in messy and in the kindly deed it's about its fruit to justice is the harvest rate by peacemakers from seeds sown in a spirit of peace what causes conflict some corals among you do they not spring from the aggressiveness of your bodily desires you want something which you cannot have and so you are bent on whether you envious and cannot obtain your ambition and so you quarrel and fight you do not get what you want because you do not pray for it or if you do
your grandson not counted because you break from our motives disband what you get on your pleasures you for some faithful creatures and he never let that love of the world is invited to god whoever chooses to be the way most frightened makes himself god's enemy what do you suppose that scripture has no meaning when it says that the spirit which got implanted in man tends towards envious desires and yet the grace he gives is stronger last scripture says billard who opposes the argument and gives greece but the humble be submissive in the garden stand up to the devil and he will turn and run come close to god and he will come close to you sinners make your hands clean you were double minded see that your motives up you are
they sought out for warm and we turned here laughter in the morning and you'd get it into bloom humble yourselves before gone and he will lift you high brothers you must never despite each one another eu despite his about that all passes judgment on his brother despite edges below and judges the world but if you judge that will you're not keeping it but sitting in judgment upon it that is only one law giver and judge the one who is able to save life and destroy it so who are you to judge your neighbor a word would you say today or tomorrow we will go off to such and such a time and spent a year they're creating and making money yet you have no idea what tomorrow will bring your life what is it you are no more than a
mixed scene for a little while and then discussing what you want to say is if it be the flu we show live to do this or that but instead you're borscht and bread and all such boasting is wrong well then the man who knows the goat he ought to do and does not do it is a cigar next a word to you who have great positions weekend way over the miserable three descending on europe your images of rotted your fine goods in your silver and gold of rusted away and that of their rest will be evidence to get you and consume your flesh like fire you have fired up wealth in an age that is near its close the wages you'd never paid to the middle mode you're feels a loan against your and the outcry of the repairs has reached the ears of a lot of posts
you lived on earth in want to luxury fattening your sales like cattle and the date for starters come you have condemned the innocent and murdered him he also has no resistance be patient my brothers until the lord comes the farmer looking for the precious crop as mammy you can only wait in patience until the winter and spring rains i'll follow you too must be patient and stout hearted for the coming of the world is near my brothers do not meet your troubles on one another for us are under judgment and there stands the judge at the door if you want a pattern of patients undergo treatment take the profits who spoke in the name of the lord remember we count those happy who stood firm euro had no
job stood firm and us you know the more greeted him in the end followed his food of beauty and compassion about things my brothers do not usual is whether by having or by birth or by anything else when you say yes or no let it be plain yes or no for fear that you expose your sales to judgment is anyone among you in trouble he should turn to prayer is anyone in good heart he should sing praises is one of you into he should stand for the elders of the congregation to pray over him and anointed in the name of the lord the prayer orphaned in faith will save the sick man the lord will raise him from his bed and any since he may have committed will be forgiven therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another and then
you will be healed a good man spreader is powerful and effective and it was a man with human frailties like our own and when he prayed an industry that there should be no rain water drop fell on the land for three years and off that he prayed again and the landlord crops once more my brothers it one of your number should stay away from the truth and another succeeded believe that be sure of this any man who brings us another back from his crew could we use will be arrested during his solo from death and counseling and your sins the reading has concluded at the twentieth this all the fifth chapter on a letter of james
the first letter of peter the cloning of a christian from peter apostle of jesus christ of those of god scattered people who large for a while in part as coalition a capital ship asia and the city up chosun alone in the proposal god the father hallowed to his service by the spirit and consecrated with the sprinkler blood of jesus christ grace and pieced you influenced measure praise be to the godfather of
our lord jesus christ who in his message it was a new birth into a living hope by that as an action of jesus christ from the dead the inheritance to which we are born is one but nothing can destroy it or spoil or were there it is good for you in heaven and june because you put your faith in god under the protection of a spark and to salvation comes the salvation which is even now and readiness and will be revealed at the end of time this is cause for great joy even though no use mocked for a little while if need be on the trials of many kinds even gold passes through the assailants fire and more precious than perishable board is faith which are still in the taste these trials come oh the northeast may prove
itself worthy of praise when jesus christ is revealed you have not seen him yet you love him and testing in you know without seeing him your transported with a joy to great for words well you reap the harvest of your faith that his salvation for your soul is the salvation was the theme which the profits pondered and explode those who prophesied about the grace of god awaiting you they tried to find out what was the time and what the circumstances which the spirit of christ in them pointed for telling the sufferings in store for christ and the splendors to follow and it was disclosed to them but the matter they treated all was not for their time but for yours and now it has been openly announced to you through breaches who brought you the gospel in the power of the holy
spirit sent from heaven these are things that the angels loan to see it too you must therefore be like man stripped for action perfectly self control fix your hopes on the gift of grace which is to be yours when jesus christ is revealed as obedient children do not let your characters be shaped any longer by the desired few cherished in your days of ignorance one of course who is who really like him be homely in your behavior because scripture says usually only four i am only if you see our father to the one judge's every man impartially on the record of these deeds you must stand in all of him while you live out your tag on this well you know that it was no perishable stuff like gould us over that bought your
freedom from the empty folly of your traditional ways the price or speeded precious blood as it wherever i am without mock all blemish the blood of christ he was going to stand before the foundation of the world and in this last period of time he was made manifest for usaid through him you have come to trust in god raised him from the dead and even during and so your faith and hope are fixed on god now that by will be just to the truth you a purified are solos and do you feel that sincere affection toward your brother christians love one another how to play with your strength you have been born i knew naught of model parentage but of the immortal through the living and enjoying the word of god for the scripture says
or madrassa migrants well this plan that like the flow of the field the grass with it is the flow of full but the world of work and enjoys forevermore and this word is the word of the gospel preached to you that away with malice and deceit away with more attempts on jealousy and recrimination of every kind like the newborn infants you are you must grieve for pure milk spinach to a milk i mean so that you may thrive upon it to your solos have surely you have tasted that the lord is good so come to him over livingstone storm rejected by men but choice and precious in the sight of god come and let yourself be built as living stones into a spiritual temple become a home a priest would go off a spiritual
sacrifices acceptable to god through jesus christ ford stems written it is iran at joyce cornerstone of great was the man who has faith in it will not be put to shame the great worth of which it speaks is for you who have faith for those who have no faith the stove it's the builders rejected has become not only the corner store but also a storm to cripple the iraq to stumble against they stumbled when they disbelieve the word search was then appointed lot but you are chosen race are arroyo priest to a dedicated nation and a people mean by god for his own to proclaim the crabs of him less cordial a lot of darkness into his mosque was like you wanna know the people of god who wants one artist people outside his mercy
once you have no received his messy dear friends i beg you as you use in a foreign land to abstain from the arrests of the finnish which are at war with the soul let all your behavior be such as even pigeons can recognize as good and then when there's that but i knew as criminals know it will come to see for themselves that you live good lawyers and will give glory to god on the day when he comes to hold a size submit your sales to every human institutions for the sake of the lord whether to the sovereign as supreme court to the government as his deputy for the punishment of criminals and the commendation of those who write for it is that we've got but by your good conduct you should put ignorance and stupidity to silence live as friedman not however as though your freedom were there to provide ice cream for wrongdoing but as
slaves in god service given that you wanted to everyone loved to the brotherhood wherever and still going on and to the south of servants accept your father tick of your masters with all into submission not only when they are kind and considerate but even when they occur that's all it is a fine thing if a man enjoy the parade of undeserved suffering because god is in his thoughts what credit is that unfortunately when you have done wrong and the beacon for it but when you have behaved well and suffer for it your fortitude is a fine thing in the sight of god to let you record because christ suffered on your behalf and thereby left you an example it is for you to fall in his steps he committed no sin he was convicted of no force who when he was abused he did not
report with abuse when he says that he uttered no threats but committed to his pores to the one of judges just clicked in his own person he carried our sins to the dow rose so that we might seize the main force in and begin to live for righteousness by his will skewer bbc would you estimate like cheap but now you have ten towards the shepherd and guardian of your source in the same way you women must accept the authority of your husband's so that if that had any of them or disbelieve the gospel they may be won over without a word being said by observing that she's stunned reverend behavior of their wives your beauty should resign not in oakland a dorm debating of the halo jewelry andreas but in the in most center of your being with its imperishable armament and gentle quiet spirit which is of high value in the
sight of god that's it was among god's people in days of all there were no fixed the hopes on him a darned themselves by submission to that husbands such was sailor who albeit a drum calling my boss they're children you have now because if you do good and show no fear in the same way you husbands must conduct your mind life with understanding pay on our to the woman's body not only because it is weaker but also because you shared together in the grace of god which gives your life and your prayers will not be tended to sum up be one in full and feeling all of you be full of brotherly affection kindly and humble minded do not repay a wrong with the wrong or abuse with abuse of the carteret retaliate with
blessing for a blessing is the inheritance to which you yourselves of bingo whoever loves life and woodsy good days must restrain a stem from a veil and his lips from to see the stem from rome and do good and seek peace and pursue it for the world's eyes are turned towards the writers his ears are open to the prayers but the lord's faces state against wrong doers who was going to do you wrong if you are devoted to what is good and yet if you should suffer for years that choose you may count yourself happy have no fear of them do not be traced and reverence in your hearts be always ready with your defense whenever you a go to a comfortable that is in you but make their defense with modesty and
respect keep your conscience clear so that when you have used those who were nine your christian conduct maybe put to shame it is better to suffer for whale doing except should be the wind of god and for doing wrong or christ also died for our sins once and for all he just suffered for the unjust to bring us to go on in the body he was put to death in the state it he was brought to light and in the spinach he went and made his proclamation to the imprisoned spigots they had refused to be agents unworkable while guard waited patiently in the days of no on the building of the art and in the arctic a few classes ate in or were brought to safety through the water this water but he figured the water of baptism through which you know brought to safety baptism is not the washing away of
bodily pollution but the appeal made by god by a good conscience and it bring salvation through the resurrection of jesus christ who entered have them after receiving the submission all angelica authorities and prose and is now at the right hand of god remembering that christ enjoy bodily suffering you must arm yourselves with a template of mind like his when a man as the us enjoyed bodily suffering he has finished with sin and for the rest of his days on a female live not for the things that man desire a for what god wills you're done enough in the past and all the things that men want to do when the big one then you lived in license and debauchery drunkenness riot deploying and the forbidden worship of idols know when you no longer
poems with them into all this reckless dissipation they cannot understand it and they vilify you accordingly official answer for it to him or stands ready to pass judgment on the living and the dead i was a gospel breached of those where did it all go there although in the body they received the sentence common demand they might in the spirit be alive with a lifer on the end of low things is a promise so you must lead an ordered and sober life given to prayer above all keep your love for one another at full strength because love cancels innumerable sins be hospitable to one another without complaining whatever gift each of you may have received use it in service to one another like good stewards dispensing the brits abroad and its varied forms it was speaker
speakers if you act on our cause i'm going do give service give it as in the states which god supplies in all things so act that the glory maybe to god's through jesus christ didn't belong glory an hour whatever endeavor our main reading has concluded at the eleventh there's all the fourth chapter of the first letter of peter the first letter of peter
chapter four verses to over the polling over christian my dear friends do not been bewildered by the fire the ordeal but his upon you as though it was something extraordinary it gives you a share in christ sufferings and that is cause for joint and when his glory is revealed your joints will be triumphant if christ name is flung in your teeth as an insult count yourself happy because they and that glorious spirit which is the spirit of god is resting up on you if you suffer it must not be for my fifth or saucer it not for infringing the rights of others but if anyone suffers as a christian he should feel it no disgrace but could face that name to the honor of god the time has come for the judgment to
begin it is beginning with god's own household and if it is starting with you how would end for those who refuse to will be the gospel of god and if it is hard enough for the righteous to be saved what will become of the imperious and simple so even those who suffered if it be according to god's will should commit their solos to him by doing good that make her one not failed them and now i appeal to the elders of your community as a fellow elder and a witness of christ sufferings and also up the takeover in the splendor that is to be interviewed tanned that flock of god who shepherds you are and do it not under a compulsion butt of your own free will as god would have it not for being a total she had devotion not to memorizing over those
who when i walked into your care but setting an example to the floor and then when the headship and appears you will receive for your own the odds at garment of glory in the same way you're younger man must be subordinate to your elders indeed or you should wrap yourselves in the garment of humility towards each other because god sets his face against the argument that favors the humble humble yourselves then under gods mighty hand and hewitt you up in due time castillo your cares on him for you are his charge a week be on the all that your enemy the devil lye come roaring lion both around looking for someone to devour stand up to him face and remember that your brother christians are going through the same kinds of
suffering while they are in the way and the god of all grace who quote you into his eternal glory in christ with himself after your brief suffering stock established and strengthen you on a firm foundation he owns dominion whatever endeavor amen i write you this brief appeal through sylvain a sarcastic brothers i wrote an ad in my testimony that this is the true grace of god in this stand cost greetings from harold wells in babylon chosen by god like you and from my son mark greet one another with the case of love peace to you or who belong to christ are the second director of peter the remedy for don't from simeon peter seven and a parcel of jesus christ
to those who threw the justice of our god and savior jesus christ share our faith and enjoy equal privilege with ourselves grayson peace be us and for this measure through the knowledge of god and jesus own reward his divine color has bestowed on us everything that makes for life and through religion enabling us to know the one who called us by his own splenda ad might through this might and splendor he has given us his promises great beyond or price and threw them you may escape the corruption with which last has infected the world and come to share in the very being of god with all this interview you should try your hardest to supplement your faith with eventual virtual with knowledge knowledge with self control self control without a joint fatah joined with piety
prior to a brotherly kindness and gravelly kindness with love these are gifts which if you possess the cost of them will keep you from being either useless or bottom the knowledge of our lord jesus christ the man who lets them is short sighted and blind he has forgotten how he was playing his thumb is for muslims or the law then my friends exact yourselves to pledge guard stories of calling argue if you behave so you will never come to grief that's you will be afforded fool and free admission into the eternal kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ and so i will not hesitate to remind you of this again and again although you know it and they are well grounded in the truth that has already reached europe and i think it's right to keep
refresh in your memo that so long as i still large in this body i know that very soon i must leave it indeed our lord jesus christ has told you so but i will see to it that off that i am going you will a means of remembering these things at all times it was not on tales are for responded we allied when we told you of the power of our lord jesus christ and his coming we saw him with our own eyes in majesty when at the hands of god the father he was infested with honor and glory and they came to him from the sublime president's own voice which said this is my son my beloved on whom my favorites this voice from heaven we ourselves head when it came we were with him on the sacred mountain clovis only
confirms for us the message of the profits to which you would do well to attend because it is like a lamp shining in a marketplace until the day breaks and the morning star rises to humiliate your minds but first note there's no one can interpret any prophecy of scripture by himself for it was not doing any human man prophesied of old man they wear about impaled by the holy spirit they spoke the words of god but israel and false prophets as well as true and do likewise well for stitches among you they will import disastrous harris's dissolving the very monster who bought them and bringing swift as austin and the jordanians they will gain many adherents to that disorder practices through the thruway will be brought into disrepute and that greed for money they will parade
of your creed unity with sheer fabrication but the judgment long to creed for the us nabil night to perdition waits for them with arms sleeping eyes court did not spare the angels who've said but could sign them to the dark it's a pale where they are reserved for judgment he did not spare the world the world except when no preacher righteousness will be preserved and seven others but brought the deluge upon that world of godless man the cities of saddam and tomorrow or burned to ashes and condemned them to total destruction making than an object lesson for godless man in future days but you rescued lot who was a good man shot by the dissolute habits of the more a society in which she lived day after day every site every sound of that evil course is
torture and that good mascot that's the lord's will be able to rescue the godly out of trials have to deserve the wicked under punishment until the day of judgment above all we will punish those who follow their abominable lasts they float off our take reckless and headstrong they're not afraid to insult celestial beings whereas agents follow their superior strength of my employer no insults and seeking judgment against them before the lord these men are like brew beasts born in the course of nature to be caught and killed they point to support things they do not understand like the beast they will perish suffering but for the fact they have inflicted to condos and brandy alight it's their idea of pleasure while they sit with you a table when your company because
they wrote in their own decisions they have eyes for nothing but when i was never that arrest from sin they remove the unstable to their own past musters in motion agreed on stress is on them they have abandoned the straight road and lost their way therefore the missteps of below seventy or who consented to take before doing wrong but was sharply rebuked for his offense when the dumb beasts spoke with a human voice and put a stop to the profits back to us these main aspirations that given the water based thriller by a storm the place reserved for them is blackest doctors they got a big empty words and make of sexual lasts and debauchery of beat to catch those were barely begun to escape from that he's an
environment they promise them freedom but of themselves slaves of corruption or a man is the slave of whatever it is it must have been and once escape the widows define so the knowledge of our odd and savior jesus christ yet if they have entangled themselves in these all over again and the boston by them their plight in the end is worse than before oh much better never to have known the right way and have ignored it to turn back and abandon the sacred commandments delivered to them for them the program has proven through the duo returns to its own involvement and so often wore shorts in the mud again this is now my second letter to you my friends in both of them i have been recording to you what you already know
the rose you draw this thought remember the predictions made by god's own profits and combines given by the lord and savior through your apostles notice first in the last days that will come in who scoff at religion and live self indulgent lives and they will say when i was the promise of this coming our fathers of be led to the arrest but still everything continues exactly as it has world has been since the world began in taking this view they lose sight of the fact that there were hammonds and earth long ago created by god's word a lot of water and with water and by water that first world was destroyed the water of the deluge and the present heavens and there's a good bygones would have been tempted still awful but then they'll be reserved until the day of judgment when the godless will be destroyed it is one point
my friends which you must not lose settled with the lord one day is like a thousand years and our phones and years like one day it is not that the lord is slow and fulfilling its promises some suppose but it is very patient with you because it is not his will for any to be lost but for it to come to repentance but the deal it will come unexpected as a thief on that day the heavens will disappear with a great russians and the elements will disintegrate in flames and the us will visit it would be laid bare says those universes to break up in this way think what sort of people you ought to be what the vote to dedicated lanes you should live repeatedly for the
coming of the dave goddard one day summit on that day will set the hands of bullies until they fall apart to blue bell the elements in flames but we have his promise and look forward to new heavens above us no justice was this to look forward to do you're not most to be found to peace with him i'm drenched and above reproach in his sight they in mind that our lord's patients with us is our salvation as paul or friend the brother said when he wrote to you with is inspired wisdom and so he does it all his other letters when emily speaks of this subject though they contain some obscure passages what's the ignorant and unstable misinterpret to that on roll in as they do the other scriptures but you my friends are formed
take care there not to let these unprincipled manson do show with that others do not lose your own seafood called but grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ to him be glory now and for eternity reading has concluded at the eighteenth that's all the third chapter of the second letter off peter the first letter of charm
report the fundamentals it was there from the beginning we have heard it we have seen it with our own eyes we looked upon it and felt it with our own hands and it is of this week though our theme is the word of life this life was made visible we've seen it and they and our testimony we had to get to you the eternal life which blew up with the father and was made visible to us what we have seen and head we declare to you so that you and we together may share in a common life that life which we share with a father and his son jesus christ and we write this in order that the joint of the soul maybe complete here is the message we heard from him and to pass on to you but god his light and in
him that is no darkness at all if we going to be sharing in his life why we walk in the dark are words and our lives are a lie but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light and we share together a common life and we are being claims from every sin by the blood of jesus his son if we claim to be seamless we also received a stranger is difficult if we confess our sins he is just an may be trusted to forgive our sins and plans us from every kind of wrong but if we say we have committed no sin we make him out to be a liar and then his word has no place in us my children in writing this to you my purposes that
you should not commit sin but should anyone commit sin we want to bleed our pores with the father jesus christ and he is just he is himself the remedy for the defiant of our sins not our sins only of the sins of all the world he was the test by which we could make sure that we know him do we keep his commands the man who says i know him when he does so based his come ons is a liar and a stranger to the truth but in the man who is a leader do is would the divine love has indeed come to its perfection here is the test by which we can make sure that we are in him whoever claims to be dwelling in him binds him self to live as christ himself with the us friends i give you know
new command it is the willow command which you were always had before you your command is the message which it had at the beginning and yet again it is the new command that i am giving you knew in the sense that the darkness especially and to reunite already shines christ has made this true and it is true in your own experience a man may say i am in the light but if he keeps his brother he is still in the dark one and a man who loves his brother and whales in light there's nothing to make him stumble but what awaits his brother is in darkness he walks in the dark and has no idea where he is going to cause the darkness has made him blind eye right to you my children because your sins have been forgiven for
say i write to you fathers because you know him who is and has been from the beginning i write to you young man because you have mastered the evil one to you children i've written because you know the father to you father's i have written because you know him who is and has been from the beginning do you young man i've written because you a strong god's word as in you and you have mustard the evil one do not set our hearts on the godless world or anything and anyone who loves the world is a stranger to the father's love everything the world affords or the pandas to the appetites or entice is the eyes or the dilemma of its life springs not from the father but from the godless world and that one of his passing away with all i'm so norman's but he would as god's will
stands for evermore on children this is the last hour you were told that added to christ was to come and no nanny and to christ's have appeared which proves to us that this is indeed the last hour they were drunk from our company but never really belonging to us if they had they would have stayed with us they went out so that it might be clear that not all in our company truly belong to it you'd notice that they are among the initiated this is the gift of the holy one and buy it you have knowledge it is not because you ignorant of the truth that i have written to you but because you know it and because lies wanna know ideally in to the truth who is the liar cool but he denies that jesus is the christ
he is empty christ fully denies both the father and the son to deny the sun is to be with their father to acknowledge the sun is to have the father to you therefore must keep in your hearts that which you have at the beginning if what you had and then still do well as a new un yourselves do well in the sun and also in the father and this is the process but he himself gave us the promise of eternal life so much for those who want to mislead you but as for you the initiation ritual receive from him stays with you you need no other teacher a glare or you need to know from his initiation which is real and no illusion as he talked to that in there where in him even now my children dwell in and so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming
if you know that he is righteous you must recognize that every man who does right is used and how great is the love that the father has shown to us we were called guards children and such we are and the reason why the godless world does not recognize this is that it has not known him you know dear friends we are god's children what we shall be has not yet been disclosed but we know that in that when it is disclosed we should be like him because we shall see him as he is everyone who has this whole beforehand purifiers himself as christ is pure to commit sin is to break god's will soon infect is lawlessness christ appeared as you know to do away with savings and there is no sin and hand no man that for old wells in him is a sinner the center has not seen him
and does not know him by children do not be misleading it is the manno does write to his writers says borders' writers the man who sings is a child of the devil the devil has been a sinner from the first and the son of god appear for the very purpose of on doing the devil's work child of god does not commit sin because the divine seed remains in it he cannot be us about because he is god's child that is the distinction between the children of god and the children of the devil no one who does not do right is god's child not as anyone who does not love his brother for the message you have had from the beginning is this that we should love one another and it you know was a child of the evil one and my dad his brother and why did he murdered him because his own actions were wrong and
his brothers were right my brothers do not be surprised if the wind he issue we for our part i've crossed over from death to light this we know because we love our brothers the meadow does not love is still in the realm of death for everyone who heats his brother is a mother and no moderator as you know has eternal life within and it is by this that we know what love is but grace laid down his life for us and we don't a bone to lay down our lives for our brothers but if the man is enough to live on and yet when he sees his brother indeed chats up his heart against him how can nbc and that the divine love the whales in him my children
love must not be a matter the words or call it must be genuine and show itself in action this is how we may know that we belong to the realm of truth and convince ourselves in his sight that even if our conscience condemns us god is greater than our conscience and those all dear friends mr parsons does not condemn us then we can approach god with confidence and obtained from him whatever we ask because we're keeping his combines and doing what he approves this is his combine to give our allegiance to his son jesus christ and love one another as he commanded when he keep that we keep this combines we dwell in him and he dwells in us and this is how we can make sure but he dwells with it as we know it from the spirit he has given us but do not
just any and every spit my friends taste the spigots to see whether they are from god for among those who have gone out into the world and there are many false prophets this is how we may recognize the spit at got every spit which acknowledges that jesus christ has come in the flesh tj is from god and every spinach which does not the sitcom is jesus is not for onboard this is what is meant by anti christ you have been told that he was to come and he is in the world already but you might children of god's family and you have a mastery over these false profits because he who inspires you is greater and he would spy as the godless weren't they out of that world and so therefore is there teaching that is why the one who listens to them
but we belong to god and amanda knows god listens to us while he who does not belong to guard refuses us a hearing that is how we distinguish the spirit of truth from the spit it over here friends that as love one another because love is from god everyone who loves is a german poet and knows go up but the other loving know nothing of going for god is love and his love was disposed to us in the us that he sent his only son into the world to bring us life the love i speak of is not only love for god but the love he showed to us in sending his son as the remedy for the defiant of our sins if god bless love dusty a friend's we intended bound to love one another though god has never been seen
by any man god himself and whales in us if we love one another his love is brought to perfection within us here is the proof but we'd well in him and he grows in us he has imparted a spirit to us or over we have seen for ourselves and we attest that the father said son to be the savior of the window and if a man acknowledges that jesus is the son of god gard the whales in him and he throws it gone thus we have come to know and believe the love which is fresh air huge wales in love is growing in god and god in him this is for us the perfection of luck to have confidence on the day of judgment and this we could
have because even in this world we are as he is there's no room for fear in love perfect love ben issues here for fear brings with it the pains of judgment and anyone who is afraid has not detained to love in its perfection we love because he loved us firms but if a man says i love god while teaching his brother he is a martyr if he does not love about it we're seeing it cannot be that he loves court will be as a nazi and indeed this c'mon comes to us from christ himself that he was god must also loved his brother everyone who believes that jesus is the christ is a child of god and love the parent means to love his turn it for was that when we love going to build
these commodities he loved his children to grow to love god is to keep its compliance and they're not burdensome because every child of god as vic they're over the godless world the victory that defeats the wind is alfie boe who is victor over the world and it who believes that jesus is the son of god this is you with reutter about jesus christ he came not by water robot by water and blood and there's the spirit to bear witness because the spirit is true for their three witnesses the spigot the water and the blood at least we have an agreement we're secure when testimony but surely dividing testimony is stronger and this city forward testimony is indeed that of god himself the witness he was born to his son
he'll believes of the son of god as this testimony in his own half but eu disbelieve scott makes it out to be a liar by refusing to accept god's own witness to his son the witnesses this a girl and has given us eternal life and that this life is found in his soul you was this is the sound as life indeed he who does not possess the son of god has not that life this letter is to assure you that you have a double life it is addressed of those who give their allegiance to the son of god we can approach god with confidence for this reason it we made requests which accord with his will he listens to us and if we know that our requests are haired wino or
so that the things we ask for foreigners if a man sees his brother committing us in which is not a deadly sin he should break the godfather and he will grant in life that is when men are not guilty of deadly sin that is such a thing as did listen and i do not suggest that he should pray about that but to reduce it is deadly sin we know that no child of god is a sinner it is the son of god who keeps him safe and that neither one can attach to we know that we have god's family wild or godless world lies in the power of the evil when we know that the son of god has come but given as understanding to know him to israel
indeed we are in him who is a real sense we had in his son jesus christ this is the true god this is eternal life my children be on the welsh against false gods the lesson has concluded at the twenty first there's also the fifth chapter all the first letter of john
McCracken New Testament Reading
81-85 Hebrews 11:1 - 1 John 5:21
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Reading from Hebrews to John in the New Testament.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-55e5415e1e7 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “McCracken New Testament Reading; 81-85 Hebrews 11:1 - 1 John 5:21,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “McCracken New Testament Reading; 81-85 Hebrews 11:1 - 1 John 5:21.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: McCracken New Testament Reading; 81-85 Hebrews 11:1 - 1 John 5:21. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from