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oh geez racial justice in the world abby what you're about to hear are part of the tenth anniversary publication of the center of the fund an organization dedicated to the examination of democracy in the contemporary world studies of the center have ranged widely over all of the institutions of modern society church cooperation labor union the military and government seeking to know the conditions of freedom the grounds of its growth the threats to its survival and the changing forms of freedom itself today part five of challenges to democracy in the next decade a legion electorate is government by the people possible speaking pianist roles
for french from iran foreign minister was currently active in the pot diesel fuel used to initiate and has just written a major book on political economy logical to komodo and jon courtney murray as jerry editor of theological studies and professor of theology at woodstock college and no now to introduce be almost cross the editor in chief of the encyclopaedia britannica our e s ashmore the price bigger be among his front as a man who lives and the international who's who a number of distinctions as a practicing attorney with a constitutional scholar as a sometime teacher and when de listing up about as joyce i'm not i don't know what the one word that impresses me politician a french politician of the generation of fear among these frogs has lived through it seems to be a great deal of the development and
conceivably the deterioration of democratic institutions one is france career includes even apparent in prison during the occupation of his country than he was imprisoned by the vichy government in and went with people from certain that government adamantly also served in the air force in france and the resistance he came back later of the pre existing key role in the post war era from various positions in the government various positions of the government including of course being chief of state on his front comes immediately from using political campaign i don't need to deal with that except to say that here this may not be a constituency sir what do your friends oh mr
chairman indian gentleman it seems somewhat odd book to get in spite of what mr chairman have fed that they should have been invited to speak to an american origins of the report its full democracy the phone may have had their duty member of the somme on on talking to experiences with democracy moreira the rockies of democracy in my country especially within a few years and how do we live jordan i'm trying to do who want their own way that they should not turn to american institutions and make that household actions to republicans but they're presuming that you
wish to hear what the french british and even one who has been unable to convince youth compliment my cat cafe about the prison kind of democracy with the legal way up without a finding he is quite hard to define them that she does that effectively balance of the world and institutions in addition five have undergone op ed economy going to shoot changes in the course of that of the kid that it's like getting a new radio intended to or build wealth building attracted big future of oblique and i you know then that these the inky the economy cuts and divinities of the fdic i sure like your first to see if you were the boat were shifted to concede divisions i have just mentioned because democracy down
to a very individualist freedom of thought that the actions of it doesn't it in front of the other with a revision of public i do ok not the kind of lazy man good and usually then diesel both the community the democratic demand the interaction of institutional were typically focuses that got a moment when another i'm going to get i'm going to get the ship to strike mortgages were no foam lack can be avoided only the politics the fact that you know gdp our democratic institutions in the united states and in this buy web philip levine now based on the fact that the companies have been able to put up a couple months
between the release of government and that is respected by all into your fishing with a continental europe we have entered the navy to obtain to feel it that the balance between ailing done with her has always been it could get at the where were the public i didn't i leave in a family these were so much ticketing found home to the public that indian <unk> will leak of the name but the effect the foam and other but politically the problem of the divided exclusively in big critique are you alone in a single leader this is so much truth in all the public that definitely don't normally go in a position to influence of executive and to express usefully do we know that
mr david deyoung of deputy director paolo and even beef producing and band them with or to compliment it functions which is going to live monday cut that world they think if you if it is they're going to think there are hoping a republican poll representative the families to confronting our world up owning and to keep fighting back flipping into refusing will end of british bank account there's no distinction between to kind of public activities is to be folding or toward a democratic society is introspective of a specific type of they are individually institutions that don't know between the executive but the end of preventative would no longer be getting done in effect actually we the committee said that democracy is undergoing
a cut nobody's putting up enough to send to these shows that a proper relationship bickering big ticket demanded that one should have been achieved only like to be accused of things mainly department of youth then of which you learned to act on oh ok to get back to my own country i do not believe that you link you to shoot could be applied to the case there are enough to be sauteing movie a few of them for the twenty thirteen you know how it think that i had an effective to a close you know what he did is a committee under metaphysical party in which i'm the first to get parole but which robert then the names the fact in my opinion that they didn't shoot them which fits family can live still perfecting
would crawl out of them to live in a country which does not affect those got a week of hitting their effects of the regime in which the freedom to be elected by a nationwide ban that god only with the opposition party bissinger probably negative thinking there and did their elected government the extreme feet below the photo or enjoyed by the congress and the supreme court at the time which in your country who are highly effective even though as i believe the big issues then if not only adapted modify them and more likely to provide and if you too plus he returns and confronts predicted problems but study of that i mean i can but they may have my compatriots to understand the fundamentalists the city other hand he did produce enough
and the height of a c span in which anything but he believed them to unload them go from an abbreviation and contemplation of how these things have been the ideation conduct and they expanded responsibilities of immortal industry admission and they don't need to my second thought when i read it to not the government can you understand then you form a complete economy tonight from its economy will that and expansion of complications and try this everyday the government is obliged to intervene sometimes even a daily question of those who in philly i look at and on and get information and they're going to give the speech in economic matters to quote one of your friends when the midst of their control and they're going to do these at fort before employment even the main thing
you mentioned the national guard at the victim of the caliphate to be banned then the big issue is going to look at the unit vicious fun song the end of partition in fact it is a major challenge in these letters of which we have literally michelle been pockets oh no tearing up sharon acquitted of big way of vitamin club in the news if you think they're willing to really be it limited he could hit growth cried when defining event everyone in the end i just didn't do that do get mentions of that they have become homeless and suing to insure that they can no longer be going to delta think the committee and he didn't do you think i think that they at home both coherent ordered the component parts of reach and a vehicle this is what made the
biggest kind of informal economy but he then of the economy and finally yesterday new out of the plan it is about revival unfortunate that defense did not do that and kept tanning time was making the soviet union reading the framework of the continued pollution and that lead on that and don't mention bacon and he'd been carried confidently no concrete in connection weekend on the show requirements the video ad of the beginning of action which remains in fifth avenue on pleasant memories you know might in any event the fdic is becoming increasingly less possibly fall the implementation of the genetic conditions of economic development in basically every whale basically you know going mobile phone and of
the eu with employment act of nineteen forty six riding with diamond wrote will be competition you have already studied the consequences of these new situation so you're most union members have engaged in that speaking means of extending democracy to fees for which it was falling about particularly in that pickup particularly gay community you wish to create the economy on the wheel to strike the right to know when you get a thing that vote by the vice president of the fund public debate is that the buick chevy which was recently published in france more no democrat you know look the weekend the efficiency overall economy briefly with their freedom and dignity of man goat you know that one's of a private individually upload your show and he
didn't who should not be crushed and he's owned a little bit of auto retailing in this but depending on whose contribution would always be i think it does precisely the wallabies when you're walking today quietly pressuring their unique experiment and if you lived in company he did that to influence the volume of consumption and investment italy has undertaken to give up for the benefit of the debate the ideas and it fell immediately converted conservative government has gone on the record emotionalism of planning a double wicked in competition with the canadians is scandinavian countries are making it big even some bill germany including you do
jails infecting week on that particularly got to write the curriculum holding ponds blocked and energy but you ended up in the us not to mention the big investments which represent forty percent of the country's building that and then we'd show it to which i have been devoted to shape the content of their future production by dissecting a big investments and influencing private what it more thing to get beaten either the popular period of education it brings you can you know really where to get help poorly governed egypt festival in the hype or critique and i think that could be the productivity show by the unions which are generally feel that they're likely to kick waging pleases
and to leap of faith well that's right i know that you are in difficulty have given up and thought do with the notion of occupation and breaking into the american democracy was a tactic to as a human occupation their other line was made by the critically peak fed by order to convene a sufficient decision it will based on defense of the meeting i go out and i couldn't be discussion reflection and the division which opened to war because the christian longo the big questions about which everyone reasonably be expected to form an opinion objection to help quote real independence monarchy over public extension of inclusion exist then <unk> administration
at the top church model could be good they didn't come to day decisions of the book that the open highly technical expert knowledge and information to download tweeting at each of the game did that and how it is seeking the situation is that the relation between the people and the big to fail really be determined by the bipolar figured he'd emotion and defied emotional reactions are right activity of the show it because nicotine goodie bag will hold of complication and the beat they both fish and it that we need both present at the love and responsibility officially launched a union working daily dealings of order to it quite up but the complexities of more delicately connect many of my compatriot the beginning to keep a keen interest
in such possibilities in the country because of the last word yo ma didn't want to think and half of my coat it could do not configure them pouring through that we will need to do more script that entity and then you build an economy kind of addiction and of particular professions are good union youth hi i'm confused fill in for the bills of the youth movements you know that people are still feel conflicted in spite of the unity government id davis secured buildings i find a very good idea that activity in the public a failed or on the region and there the computer can work in front of the group yea five when he didn't us joining the most potent that event that many vases of the coaching staff national and cultural association the union should be a good deal with to credit unions channeled the diffusion is affecting the development and political
play the piccolo thing they couldn't keep the donations like others aloha that led me to like publish the story in which i get them to hungary poland enough to induce white the console of occupation so back to court for my own book actually be going at film to be shown to be published here in english composition but iraq or because he can't believe he reviewed big enough career thinking and think that the difference especially like the goalkeeper this causes me to believe that the project white bread blends and need especially the question off to die which should be developed between a public life that we should like you more democratic and an economy to live that we shoot it but the organ according
to play lefty defense planning commissioner one of those who continued to mention your prediction was aimed at the beginning the private sector should keep the bloc of twenty nine that plan doesn't work although then to do the thought that if you're confused as nearly to go out and do it and credit them to take apart the pinnacle of action the day of unintelligible not only voting abolition of the total political show which of course in and get your responsibility of those engaged in public and what we're looking at if you're referring tehran's all the construction of conceptions that a conviction a
freedom you don't want to over repealing think about it running but on the other hand we do not wish to but he decided on the divinity of philip is to be unconscious we're trying to open a maximum of grumpy lose weight with having a maximum of freedom but you get to fundamental problem we have to short your cooperation head and weak government officials acting into a partnership and the footage i do not going to agree to confusion between the egyptian government intervention and defend doubling of the pollution responsibility i've already been perfect yet she but i do a hearing that the key and peele completion of what they look like minded think especially because it between political evolution between the government and up with empathy and what is it for rich people about making big to fail
the condition of the project it would be as it goes forward hot day usually mechanisms of representative democracy they can walk out of the things you get lifted search into education of the idea that as a vision of the black hole organizations we go yo but i want to know do the organization has happened that included into that would've preferred by which could diffuse at a level they didn't really go out of their activity have too often been limited to the promotion of no they don't look even close to being a situational with the big game and even if they wish to the lack of a
public institution and the kenyans would make it very difficult for them to maintain that kind of constructive go back with a good omen we can accomplish with the kid what led to meet two hundred that their composition of all together family defend that should be modified to aftershave to prevent that the economy can't offer night week the management of the big to fail to meet infinity without them by the traditional organizations to carry on directv people openly and officially and to lead the government's them to allow these two updating don't think you're going to open the campus as of a couple with thick heat wave that if the partner feel like you could if you knew that haunted by the constitution reports the bureau which in the case of the
government or were good enough to alter the national assembly elected by geniuses before but is writing its own national offending front window would we lose responsibilities got robbed of those of us or the british parliament i should write in which a portion of an economy can call two in which got the photos of the call me which tended to date usually would expect a direct influence on the jewish and the budget plan that that fall that were growing in political bands which each go to a revived were quote fully vetted and i got quite old but the true or so being an affiliate to apply your principles on an international ski lift you learn it really looked like respectful were all
going through some significant complications among men among some omissions now did the decision making the democrats accuse them of checks and balances that is a combination of the right and function of globalization or leave the negotiation between men professions and tortured characters dr quinn yeah the feminine which part of it the seventeenth election you'd he's at the expense of those who want to continue despite usually champion and allies by my indignant standup about the buildings of the violence but when your democratic institutions thank you bill what do
you you know but it proved it couldn't they couldn't it shouldn't have been competing at been activated at the waterworld on the commission which may be filtering activity fit to be on the road look we are going to be huge thank you for india development and begins to cut the big united nations reviewed out of shale in the emancipation of so many couldn't it he reviewed oh my god i like you who else is in which conflicting didn't have to be the growth that we don't typically meant to do cause of peace how
overwhelming the trump you're going to go after the local people feel the international affairs but why but he could become an aviation has it may be and the people and i mean it did not to go it cannot be addicted the economy development of the new nations that is in their long programs and that didn't talk no solution today is in fact it might force them to come back to court or of buildup of appropriate not for the president at least it did and i think they'll make the development by outgoing that david that are adapted to do need a loan that they look toward i'm going to stop trying to you know tweak your daily routine by pretending that he got gunned down on the efficiency of the people that i'm so for justice in defense of the
ideology what have we to offer but it would be a good way to tupac old collector they could cut in economic growth the united nations and many of those and i've shown only have shown paul only way you can achieve go ahead economists both national and international officials representatives of private foundations for those businessmen were unanimous on the spot it's like you do with the world to make sure it to them that they need to kind of pull on which goes like the clock i go from human value of a home to be a building shook you retell the politicians of the yiddish do we have to accomplish tomorrow to
make the particularly community action actually get to feel intellectually efficiency important that inequality the respect for my fellow that commission of the national review and the development is getting going to live the continents should be looked appalling of the magnificent opportunity for growth corporation among the western nations but you do with the world but they'll have a good product actually on loan a new collection of funny that he appealed to the veterans have been isolated pop and thump and contradictory edited by political made we've endured in addition for economic cooperation and development oh we're going to have to happen in the rough
route mortification ocean that is made out of the community that's awful he's a huge weekend update point of the interconnection we'd other fundamental problem with such delayed by the need for more upbeat you can put the action and the identity theft and out of the country the confessions which are shooting at each other in the community that can only be obtained bag democratic make the template for you it must be admitted that for the moment the government invoked <unk> fiction important election of their own i'm good do you do there other images that mission of going into the common market
and on top in that they can still summon that have voted we have these direct experience kind of directing that none of that technically couldn't keep the group is reaching infected is on the eventual republican voter is the political but big if it do you know the louisville contingent companies will bow and to the handling of you opened it with the world will that once again show the equally negative inflation actions the proposal made it open economy commission filed a petition of a collective put your energy and torso of a cricket economy for the kremlin then the heat of the six member countries get to the top but they'll be no community
beat up my korean cooperation yet every day every component that piece of the action and in the thick that the ties between about private corporations of the golden think the comic louie close in the whole lot of debt and they have to act a particular their own that the subject to go on poe no discussion of the beach in defense of those and pushed did we the collective endeavor both nationally and internationally let the given the means of defending that in respect of european competition show the good of pablo you would surely familiar of crumpling power and holding companies the campaign to be given up an indicator of the private thing for the three job and i think internationally
to win the election a politically institutions week and equip political tone and a huge know if we don't know morning edition oh you're looking portrait of a grenade through his patient waking up to the new world the jewish community do you have a particularly good food really really big one day getting recently monica apartment and a little bit trying to head to produce a little collective you
what is needed is something very different conflict or public either the deduction which complicates all which insurer adding one hundred and three of the few truly think would be that people you know tweet you hear each other out the rest of the company has called the naked gun scripted but he a goblet of national unity carried out an update beginning of the heap being expected of each cup doing or an enormous you please of deficiency it was a nude biking given aggravation and all the musicians that'd be a better windows are you to live the economy competitive can be mobilized about gandhi would be that only includes the immediate effect will still write a notable entirely follow taylor peaceful objectives i am on reading to be
and they continue to hope and cut the defeat be proven that governments will use it you know and i think a quotation on most elite foundations they hope it eventually pulled into a good enough and he like and i'm thinking of the gusher into rejoining before point you know might that lead ultimately that they can do most of crude weapons to normal countries road to repeal the way for a cup of coffee we choose to be a division might linger the party he reached between pleased the normal about the meatball well he's a particular to effect on the other hand their concentration of government into position to pull those and exclusion you have to do
international agreement aligning perfectly get commitments from countries that do we really going to add this week they're going out there and they made sure nobody at this unfortunately it is going to do well but you're the county is we don't have a war to play owner rich with people think he did note that they must not fall into the audition well i needed to date that patient to adopt an attitude which might further iconic and only the very difficult situation mcguffin partially due to which it showed a moment ago when i would be able to how much of it goes to the problems before it do with the local level and maybe
competent to easily win another in order to achieve these landfills and anything which might killing trees and widen divisions between them and so he didn't get into many net effect of political action in alabama with the government of the whole fine print issues that they're going to reject a conviction which is an absolute agreement that the situation is hopeless that tonight is incapable of stomping did he could give them off and killing and that can cause a growth being issued thank you you should to being at the fed is
equivalent to ensure free parties court issued a face up every morning feeling of difficulty we're going to do it which is in reverse going to shows men who ended up in the gardens only a village although i've gotten to being a kid the river was going to be we know that the market we are keenly aware that their fate is requiring police deleted and kept in a state of constant delays and do you want i knew that can be observed in the united states to do they collect the
speech which will clean fight with all of the fight is invigorating our most have both admitted to which they will be we know that we will win i've become with the philly if we ought to be effectively we've got the changes will fall from the notion that we know that means that that the publisher conception of the mccarthy instance us bluetooth capable of nafta being a complex development act when the community economy can force the heat to issue you live in adaptation and were delayed reissue of funded but lot then a bleak week the power of the government to court published a depiction of the new threat of think he felt that more democratic think there's a potential for the title of the puffin
to the football the light till believed economy can cure for faculty of mortal like to be in quebec in a given week the more coffee today because of the country after west that the definition was beyond this in fact what we need is to expand to new haven's after could only two economy can filter live and to the commercialization the victims of the mccarthy we traveled none of their to overlook you used to be in the world in which technology group or refined efficiency route not the end and unfettered but we felt the core value of freedom dignity and tapping that for democratic policies you have heard guillermo
nostrils former friend from iran foreign minister at the tenth anniversary publication of the poem for the republic center for the study of democratic institutions and wor the art in new york next you'll hear jon courtney murray as jay who is editor of theological studies and professor of theology at woodstock college in maryland is a trustee of manhattan bill college of the sacred heart on the advisory board of notre dame university and as an officer of the conference on science philosophy and religion the catholic association for international peace and a catholic commission an intellectual and cultural of her father murray dam i'm at and tom just lay his despair was cause simply by the fact that i really wasn't able to find in it has substantial ground for disagreement and read about a connected with the fund for the republican senators voted democratic institutions that it has made that we live on argument and disagreement it's intimate it's
substantially purport to essentially things first is that article i think democratic theory as today going to pause in its assumptions and for the mall well as if they are as a mistake it is presently completely impotent to direct you know the people or the government troyer in the construction all of i woke me and just certain society political economic cultural and so on i don't think an intelligent man the midwestern by those laws to victims of the fallacy of rk isn't i don't add two things the first is that this so called democratic classic democratic theory in all it was a specific of it was not a classic at all in any classic meaning of the word traffic i would have heard the station that we use company in theology
distinction between bodies all the traditions and one as merely received opinion i don't think that catholic democratic theory in all it was that they thought it was part of the tradition it was never more than i received opinion i mentioned this fight because i think there's some hope in it at the fact that when the second the second remark i want to make is that the message of his calls today by the fact that classic democratic theory still has the receiver than it has not yet been formally rejected a delay black and a message of victims of the four writers addresses the roads in the face of all the facts we still play our political institutions are being directed by the assumptions and the tenets of catholic democratic theory is that enough not to have a theory it's far worse when you think you have a
theory which is not a theory which is that no good theory and it's in point of fact all it's supposed to be an operator theory is not operating at all i say these types of classic democratic or liberalism so call all around a still an atmosphere that believe in the seventy the political sovereignty of individual citizens to believe in the sovereignty of the consumer in economics believe of the seventeen he expects conscience in their religion and miles i believe in the infinite wisdom of the common man believe that there is no such thing as history with only today believe that the state is not it is a work of art i'm not a work of history and of the genius of the people it has political aspirations but the lead vocal problems that confront us all practical problems and the belief that the resources of pragmatism are not only in the us but also and
finally there is the belief that if the people of temporal the body politic their subject to any evils whatsoever and the shorthand sufficient remedy for them is public education they looked through the development of the tree line not going to the liberal mind of the tradition of a reminder of the received opinion and here after what was that at lunch about education seems to me that senator fulbright may possibly be a witness to the fact that traffic democratically it still is the received opinion among us my wrongdoing that he seems to show the nineteenth century hope that there's a bit of public education will be the key to the development of a new political rationality that he so rightly walks that will be the key to the development of what he calls a man's capacity
of our rational morrow plots am i wrong in thinking that the distinguished senator from arkansas it seems also to cherish the notion that the goal of education is not a liberal minded the tradition but simply that remind the received opinion and of course you are speaking on the limitations of time as i am but and therefore his own cues daughters would be far more simplistic than this because if they were these simplistic i'm afraid to go to the mall and katie redolent of the outdoor optimism that he so rightly decried we don't innovate but haile operated in the colonial unconstitutional periods of all countries despite his so called classic democratic theory did not really become operated among us into along in the nineteenth century
when the tradition early america did not say that only educated people can be free what they said was that only a virtuous people can be free and this is something quite close again early america did not hold over in politics than anyone else who's of having had a box that knowledge is some knowledge you i like that ford to add to his team if i may to walk on location on the prospects for democracy it could be true that the liberal tradition of the west as decadent among us an important reason for its decay a political tradition tradition of political theory of the west an important reason for it to get is that became our lives of traditional version has no social and political i was not impressed by the horizon in quotation from my william butler yeats that senator fulbright gave us but there are those
passionate intensity my view i'm not one to decry the values of education like senator fulbright i am not anxious to talk myself out of a job my job is education i would like to be a little sure whether or not public education patient to dave and at its best and a conviction and mike white on to decry the values of the free mind i would not however want to be free of all convictions or if it were free of conviction it will be a prey both compassion and to all anonymous of intensity senator fulbright second thesis and send the need for the reconstruction of the philosophy of self government and the icon is a parade play the videos in which this reconstructive far as tomorrow there is the problem of the relationship between power and freedom
problem of rethinking the whole principle of consent the problem or are you thinking of these victims died on its representations that is the issue of the respective functions of executive and legislative there's the problem of the structure of our machinery especially for foreign policy making and that family is the role of the people in government is an ancient problem of participation i think here the big thing we must not get rid of all is the principle that is rooted in the tradition and the real tradition may make that it has the right and the duty of the people who josh direct and correct the actions of thinking that's what they said in the middle ages today we will save working the government the weather traffic unit got a dig into a hardship this mean that we have this is a basic principal which you must never go back on the problem is it's
probably to do it is to cultivate among the people the faculty of political judgment which means the bubble laying down standards far right political family of a problem of idea that other public institutions it features that will make the directed and corrective judgments of the people effective upon the actual policy and actions of job and here i would touch the modest costs and i couldn't i just one thing before that namely this i said there's some hope in the fact that the tradition is not to be identified with live with what was only i received opinion i think that the prospects of democracy in the next decade or century are very much linked up with our capacity to institute for lack of only called rna since learned their songs in western history renaissance the concept has always been
had always been a creative return to the past this is not not an idea that we like much is that as americans were always reaching for the future where and really ever had to reach back into the treasures of the past but i think this is what we have to do now to return to the past but a creative return to seize the principles of the past and then re think that in the lights out the other contemporary fact it's basically very briefly too much room on this for like himself i know they can all believe in elite cycling theory of history for any teenager no but i was struck by the fact that the turn of events in fact the indian in recent generations as brought us back to an ancient concept the concept of what was called in my youth that were still around when i was going to school the concept of political economy
i think at this time is a test prep with university the restoration artists that age of discipline in a new phone accommodated to the necessities in fact of our time the second thing i heard him say which is a very important was the need for intermediate institutions between government and what you might call the people except i never know what the people who the people are in a sense there's no such thing as the people the people as oliver meth say rather intimidating situations between government and the various orders of society the order of economics very largely the author of voluntary associations which is itself linked up with the author of education and culture he said quite rightly that it is very difficult to define what these intermediate institutions are it should be and it's even still more difficult to define the empowerment that they rightly should have i think this is an important
problem of the present day the third thing i heard him say which to me was of great importance is this he said well he said i'm not i've heard him say that the problem today it is ordered to go to assure block clinic that our effort is to somehow it into maximum of coherence and a maximum of freedom because the world water is not the antithesis of freedom but it's opposite pole the two ideas that in a complimentary relation one to the other at the other this is the problem today the problem of all that its constitution standing as the very importantly pointed out under the primacy of the political week and i'm not heard as the catholic philosopher and theologian i don't often agree with august cole but they're in the citation given my mushroom on this france i fully agree that we can no longer countenance the people who can't women's only as much as comes into being obvious that
we can no longer count on the ancient principle of an oblong liberalism that somehow freedom is the principal of order isn't there must be another principle the order that we want of course will be an altar of freedom but if you have the need of the day lasts and this is only one consideration that are major conflict go by default communism after our present war and this is as great attraction unless we can offer an order to that would be an order of freedom within which which were also promised the blessings of liberty and happiness for the world we are in bad shape i should see that than the president gone well this complication i believe is related to the future program of the center for the study of democratic institutions to bring to light certain issues with which we might well occupy ourselves it has it certainly succeeded last fall in this province this case will go on the legal electorate is government by the people possible
at the tenth anniversary convocation of the fund for the republican center for the study of democratic institutions heard earlier was pm on this for us for french from iran's foreign minister this has been the fourth in a series of programmed concerned with challenges to democracy in the next decade and ethics program you'll hear senator jay to be a fulbright and charles michel philosophy of columbia university as they spoke of the tenth anniversary publication of fuel like to know more about the center for the study of democratic institutions your invited to like dr robert and legends walked for six eight santa barbara california this recording i'm a comedian
nice work
Challenges to Democracy
Episode Number
Elite and Electorate: Is Government By The People Possible?
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 1 of a discussion of the power of the electorate.
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A series of discussions about democracy.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Murray, John Courtney
Speaker: Mendès France, Pierre, 1907-1982
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-4ed255d0280 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:59:30
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Chicago: “Challenges to Democracy; #4; Elite and Electorate: Is Government By The People Possible?,” 1963-04-07, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Challenges to Democracy; #4; Elite and Electorate: Is Government By The People Possible?.” 1963-04-07. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Challenges to Democracy; #4; Elite and Electorate: Is Government By The People Possible?. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from