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as big as bell challenges racial problems
tenth anniversary publication of the center an organization dedicated to the examination of democracy in a contemporary world studies of the center have ranged widely over all institutions of modern society the church to corporations labor unions the military and government seeking to know the conditions of freedom the grounds of its growth the threats to its survival and the changing forms of freedom itself we now hear part three and four of challenges to democracy in the next decade for three education for what and for whom speaking robert imagines president of the fund for the republican vice admiral highman gee recovered united states atomic energy commission and rosemary park president of barnard college columbia university know robert mitchum i am going to speak first and the reason is that i am the oldest
american in education i am known as the oracle are of american education not only because of money when i was eight years old my father became a professor and i've been concerned with higher education for fifty six years and will recover we have asked to speak because he is the most articulate and affective critic of american education that day ms rosemarie park president of barnard college is kindly consented to shatter woman massively on this occasion she is one who still bears that burden can heat of the day and who knows what is actually going on inside education now now for myself always to say that i agree with laura james a rush home that the task of education
is an intellectual about it i believe that the great job of all countries in the near future which i mean the ten years with this publication is concerned elevator promote like the intellectual development of all the people the maximum of which they are capable of believing that this is the right of the people on the necessities of the communities in which they are members i believe that the scientific and technological revolution makes any other conception of our education archaic consider first the high rate of technological change which i'm not a reference was made this morning it is said that ninety percent of all the scientists and research workers whoever live are alive today therefore the high rate of technological change that we're now undergoing be expected steadily to increase and suddenly mobility of the population
it is alleged that fifteen million americans won't win every year game of education that they therefore has to be not to train people to go through certain that our proteins and certain places because the routines may not be there and they will live in other places the name of education has to be so to develop little actual power individuals and communities made up of these individuals will be able to face and solve problems now totally un force saying therefore reject the suggestion that there's from very high quarters of the object of education has to produce marketable skills there may be no market for these skills or they maybe they may be taught the wrong skills for the markets are available i reject the suggestion that the aim of
education there's adjustment to the environment we need to improve the environment and not to adjust to it the rate of change which everybody has revoked later we have no idea what the environment will be like him could further their education is now and always talk to have been a lifelong process of all modern developments can farm and facilitate this future for education steady reduction in the hours of labor isn't prospect we may even become the first full time citizen since the greeks at least we may have an opportunity to become the first full time citizen since the greeks they were full time
citizens because of their slates we can be fulltime citizens of we will because of our technology it's necessary therefore in the united states to overcome the believed that education is a children's is it is like mumps measles open call having had one shoe mean i'm like to cannot have it again but there's one thing you stop learning as is good is that all signs point my opinion of the necessity of universal wife along what role education this i think is a necessity for them all night of physicians called that what is necessary and must be possible but apart from that of the six i believe that this is practically possible and the apple and practical
societies of the lights the abundance to which was to peel referred this morning and has been estimated that the united states and now produce annually sixty billion dollars moral goods and i can sell you want and to which mr hill referred can only be called wet your study reduction and working hours steady increase and the leisure of the population what it takes in order to produce the kind of educational system that we need and whatnot due to say simply let's have education what it takes to reduce the kind of education that we need this cloud a un resolution a man who typifies clarity and resolution man whose criticisms are done more in the last five years the water the tenor of education and the most of anybody else is of course that we'll recall as you
like it has gotten work over here was his definition of an educated man and tell us what he would do to reduce educated people in the united states an hour ago the police can you hear me cause i don't want like most famous lakers tonight my mind an educated man is one who understands the basic fundamentals which make the world around him intelligible for him he's a man who can accept new ideas and think about m impart something of themselves through them and come up with something new he has the ability which only human beings have of withdrawing into themselves thinking about something and coming up with no idea this is the mark that distinguishes them
from animals and non educated man on the contrary as a famous philosophers set of something like a seal who sleeps for him in the match wakes up takes a look around him goes back to sleep again he just reacts he doesn't think are you might say he's like american ideas are not absorbing always reflect that now this is a very simple definition there are many definitions and i believe they're been a number of philosophers who try to calling definition of an educated man this is my stab at what can we do to have educated people are directly educated children and here i thoroughly agree with dr hutchens at the object of not have education is not salable skills the object of education's of the vault the intellect there are three basic things which i believe we can do first when the star education back to two educators that teachers united states is the only country in
western civilization with the enterprise of education has conducted by administrators or businessman in fact they're not such very good businessman because of they were there many more lucrative feels to which they can apply their efforts to make money and i'm not the guesses i hope that no one in this audience thanks and i am saying anything he can hear it as a joke or to obtain a laugh i do not think this is a laughing matter at all because the whole future of our country depends on how we can live educational problem we've already learned along there's a great question in my mind with a considerable alarm will not begun to this country before we change now so that's the first up we must turn education back to the educators and take it out of the hands or promoters and administrators abroad there are administrator obviously we have many large organization for any institution then you have bureaucracy you must have people of what these people can be assistance
to those around the enterprise and not run up inc and actors of the teachers whether hired help for this eid blamed the so called education organizations such is the nea the national education association i call me an epa the national education protective association which is composed largely by and for the benefit of school administrators it's kind of the teacher stepped out and spot in talking about education market let the administrator of the work for the next step is to have better teachers i regret that laurie james was not here he possibly could have told you that in england the teachers including those in primary school and secondary school and of course in the university's come from the top level intelligence in that country for us to have another teacher's to do this job right we were practically have to use up all of the people in our top intelligence level houses we do not have a lot of them and since we know that many of our children are being deprived of inadequate
educate education would be the smartest thing first to do to identify those children who can benefit by better education and to see that they get instead of changing into a common core curriculum as we do all over and having to be false name of democracy by saying this is the democratic way to teach we say that in a school memo lonely old and fifteen recess time comes and the kids get out on the playground they're immediately some things some things better than others we see that instantly but in the classroom with the nie that medically that some people are better than others and this is blasphemy actually cause everyone knows that god has created human beings unique individuals and to say that any two individuals identical is blasphemy this the great genius of the human race that we are all different that weekend i will be measured by these various steps that are running around the country so it is impossible for her to possible to teach your children the same way the reason we got
into this progressive mess is because at the time when education was being broadened in this country this new philosophy came which all of a sudden made it easier to teach large numbers of people it also meant that interior teaching personnel could take care of the job so we must have better teachers we must get the best people in this country into the profession and in order to do that since we are essentially commercial society we will have to increase the salary of teachers i for one think that any teacher with assault you get more than a seller or even the natural i would really do that if there are not a lot of money you create there are not enough money to pay for education i would take it out of the military ones i have said that previously and i mean ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the next thing as we must have standards you cannot change anything
you cannot improve anything in a relatively short period of time was to set up standards we have standards for medicines we have replaced an inspector stamp on the side of these are coffee a standardized her clothes are standardized but we have no standard and in education consequently we have some some thirty thousand school boards in the united states each trying to set its own standard of education the argument is that the constitution did not give any right for education to the federal government yet the federal government ever since the orders of seventeen eighty seven has been reading right has been reading funds another property to education with that we've been doing it all along and that we do to the tune of about two billion dollars a year so the people cry out for lack of federal standards are those who are benefiting by the present system who are afraid of standards we set up their meager intellectual achievements would instantly be known every other country every other modern country in the world in western europe and in england
and in russia that has been able to improve its educational system in a short period of time has by necessity you have to adopt standards there's no other way but you cannot have thirty three thousand school boards the siding there are not enough intelligent people in the united states to come through the house approved or with a good knowledge of education the concept of thirty three thousand troops and certainly the epa is concerned with the christmas play in the future in matters of that kind are not going to solve the problem i think they're an infernal wilson sonata be abolished no i do not advocate it a mandatory national standard i advocate a promise of standard that every community could about the way this is done abroad as they have their standards but the community besides out which teachers they have the standards are set by the central government but the local community site how much of it they want to carry out and what
teachers they wanted who carried out these are my three point turn teaching back to the teachers set up a standard and have our teachers the best educated and preferably the best that people in the country the pain the spark of this gets out more wreck over its strictures because though she has been an administrator for many years she has also been a teacher and scholar she gathers an instructor in connecticut college once a month to her long ago they assumed only yesterday she was for fifteen years president of connecticut college since november fifty of them president of bard college in the city of new york as partners as marwood for administrative capacity
and finance and she is for high standards of scholarship charmer personality great pleasure to present to you today the akron without end and we'll recover and friends have the time for the republic when i was invited rather late yesterday to take part in this program i went to the shoe box which i keep of both speeches to see whether i could find anything that would be acceptable and the only thing i could find was one i think quite good speech and why you should give to private education and the other is a good speech and why you should educate women and i've been working and if the vikings feel this lunch to allow me to give some portions of the speech that he without him and again and i had to go on my own and i had to either agree or disagree with what we are and all recovered stuff that i find myself in the pleasantly embarrassing position of not being able to disagree very fundamentally with either one of them
but i don't want i think to make one or two additions to the point which they have already raised and possibly to the points which were raised in the panel discussions and addresses which we hear this morning it has i think been very obvious as mr hutchings has vindicated that when we come to the real heart of the problem for discussion here today and tomorrow the special if in all other fields point the finger at those of us who happened to be an education inflate now this is your baby this is your problem to fall and so in the five minutes which i want to take your of your time today i would like to now this prospect just a little in other words i think the problematic at issue in for discussion here is not in any sense a technological problem we have the tools the problem is rather more a human problem and if you notice the people kept coming back and they kept saying
what is man how is man going to come to grips with this thing and then they took their applause and sat down no i'm kidding israel it isn't that where the problem begins because there's men that we're talking about finds himself today in a world with tremendous khaled at his disposal and he finds himself i think in a world which is the band to now both of you are acquainted with each bang was considerations in the history of mankind and civilization nobody makes the point that in western civilization the defense of infinity has been that the primaries fan and the quality of that limitation and i would like to suggest today that one of our problems now is that we are within a kind of narrow it and we do not think that we can go on ebay as we are there is limitless
space outside of us but we feel rather impotent in it about possible to come to grips with that and so rather than facing a great infinity with a perpetual gushing lot of novelty inspection said we are i think faced with a limited universe and with the human being who is uncertain of the direction which these powerful tools should be used in that produces a kind of frustration and so you look at the educator and say what should we do when these powerful tools is no question but what we can produce the specialist which has already all has already produced this remarkable civilisation affluent and luxurious beyond anything that we've ever attained before the technological skills which are produced that civilization have also encouraged the rapid growth of population so that one of our fundamental educational problems today is what to do with this
mass of people desiring education when in its utmost reality education in the changing of the individual human being how can we reach to the car this individual human being when the tools of education themselves the institutions are so overwhelmed but there is no longer in many instances a man to man relationship through which this kind of conversion can take place and so the question becomes can be a machine it may can accomplish the same kind of conversion which human being used to in extraordinary circumstances probably not every time a toll but an extraordinary circumstances used to be able to accomplish my answer would be that the machine can properly used in certain parts of the educational process probably accomplished quite a bit but it can never do the job which the human being hindu and so our problem is to save the human being for those parts of the educational process which no machine and broccoli patch
the general area of producing specialist at i think pretty well under control i think we can produce specialist sweeney but the question is whether we are producing as i said at the beginning the individuals the human individuals to direct your specialization and i'm inclined to think that we're not simply because we have totally lost sight of the fence that at least for the greeks citizenship meant a kind of ethical discipline now the idea of that membership in a society which i think most educational institutions will tell you they are preparing their graduates or that kind of citizenship as something which is totally slipped through our fingers in modern life we no longer any of us i think i honestly believe that because we are members of a democracy we have submitted to certain ethical disciplines in order to carry out the mandates of that society and that if in exactly this area in the and i think the innermost heart of the human being felt things which he
defined not to do it even though he could do them that's the area which i think education have to be most vitally concerned with an empty area where up to date am afraid we have been totally remains nine ed lee want to come to the defense of my team here education and those of us who are engaged in that it can only reflect i believe the standards and the hopes of the society which supports it and if a friday in which he did you and it exists today is i think a society which is very largely lost hope i mean it has lost hope in the sense that it does not add here to any effect did they fix thought about reality into which hope is built it does not accept the marxist hope for instance that the lapse of time in history will produce a classless society after we get over it the dictatorship of the proletariat it does not it here without so much
sentimentality that its weekend through the christian in flight that the kingdom of god made and will come it have failed i think to hold i'm very firmly to the basic invited finds that late nineteenth century science that a lot continue rationalization that will produce progress and continued control over nature will inevitably with that belief reduce human progress none of these building hopes so i think our available for us today and therefore again basically we come back to that function of education in relation to shaping the individual life and the individual balls and hopes and here i think is that our basic problem and one which you cannot blame if an education if we have not completely stop because i do not believe that any one of us as adults have completely solve this problem namely what should and can we hope today and i wouldn't suggest in concluding that the only way we come to a definition of this sense of hope which would give
direction to our society would get cohesion that the discipline which we expect of our citizens the only way i think we can come to some definition of what we make teach our children to help eight if we face clearly those things we most desperately theater and i would say that those things are first the disappearance of the stage of human life by complete destruction of this world and secondly a hobbling nagging suspicion that we're continually surrendering of freedom in order to achieve them all a curious life if we can do things efficiently and if we maintain it i think we must today that hope is the matter will talk not a matter of knowing history are a matter of indoctrination then i think that we can say as many of the thing that a lot of the war with help that hope it's hope in spite of in spite of the fear in spite of the hires in a sense that surround us in spite of the barbarity of much of our society the rest are so many areas of hope and
this was touched upon i think this morning the tremendous strides which are being made in protecting the individual human life one can take right great pride that other human beings have cared enough about their fellows to make the advances in medical science and natural science possible which we will see but if they only used these great area of uncertainty and concern and even reflected in the ideals of our younger generation they wish like anything that with something to how they wish they could fight with us as an older generation book living difficult of what we hope that we hope so little that we give them i think very little chance to fight with us and so we operate then with an educational system which can produce specialists but which is rather short at the moment and producing the kind of discipline fifth in which the greek state aimed to produce and which if we have good fortune and if we hope possibly worry in our
lifetime and make them step toward a cheating at the tenth anniversary convocation of the fund for the republican center of the study of democratic institutions now wonda blue rv er and new york part four of the series challenges to democracy in an expected senator clifford be case introduces the attorney general of the united states robert f kennedy who will speak on the bill of rights and the cold war here is senator kids lieutenant general and it's sort of a speech on a trip a like what it would do a jewish man who attempted to talk and i am alive and gracious graceful a minute got two of the most celebrated writers at least in the country on the platform here with me
and i speak of course of a government commissioner i mean it was a story that i learned in and said you've been good enough to ask before and i can sing for you without well with this disclaimer that has any significant water couple years ago in this country and immigration of the american bar apparently and he came up and out of those i think one of his fortunes is a matter that the execution goes through preside over the war and he does this sense of a girl will search which has never been hard for me to get some sort of a cushion and in addition he is a mortal i put them on you tell a story about a monster
or an essential requirement for us public radio reported on that first day of military service and he was going to be a lot in order for the dismissal and they're in the back row as get from his lips after the last week there and the sergeant and the frontline troops or what to one side or the other out of the corner of his mouth the rogue reporters the political i did i think today it would be up about the early days of the planned and
white pines is without appropriate and mysterious figure out that i didn't get the job his more serious if i were to speak of my service and we greet you in terms of our prize if a misstatement by one of the most famous siblings in the united states or anywhere in the world it would be in terms of what the fund what i did for the farm as likely to become a member and this was to me a very very great to be going to a make new laws and willie mitchell report district's own doing that was it and we were under an injunction to spend that money and
not in five years he cannot take some comfort for my failure to make a very big dent in that some of the fact that it's taken ten years for these suggestions of mind they're almost to get the job done in forty minutes and goats which are a lot less or this audience but they didn't expect to inform the complexities of the job you should make sure that oh good of civil liberties and civil rights the fact that there is hardly any black or white shades of gray for granted now but in those early days ten years ago it wasn't quite so clear to everyone and was expected by some that this was going to be an organization that would you the torch
we're good it's a tremendous pleasure for me to be back here on this anniversary to record a great kindness of the members of the board of the founders of this organization me personally blessinger ramona things funded for me and a great it was to get made the friendship of these extraordinary generous and warm human beings and for the social order grateful of the church the continued friendships that have come down years we're going to try to do it according to the cabinet in a
necessary thing he says the weapons to any of the things that might be said about it do you agree you can that indicates that even just with the distinguished guests that i want to congratulate president buttons and the fund's board of directors the imagination an initiative that have gone into the preparation of the tenth anniversary program challenges to democracy in the coming decade secondly i wish to express my appreciation of the night to consider with you the question of individual rights and privileges
in this troubled time a time of hope as well as we've seen in recent days but it is we believe the world could be we must make it as it is a world of nation states seeking public solutions well if i'm in between call the cold war is very grand in scope but very personal and important for this week in an examination of those personal questions right the interest of individual human being with a timely ever before some of you may be familiar with the reagan classroom thing and a russian elementary school i would not describe the united states that the united states has a fair country where workers and residents are starving and a capitalist exploitation by the clinical ruling classes correct that the teacher in one of the major goal of the soviet union to catch up with the united
states with a sobering throughout our history i believe the united states that they call that lag behind russia in the exploitation of one class planted a compassionate level one coca bill concluded its treaties on america with the prophetic words that the present time two great nations in the world which started from different point i loop to russia and america the principal instruments of america he went on and give it to the bank yet each had then been locked out by the will happen this way to detonate a pop the globe today the candidates made the nation wrestled with oversimplification we have only to look at the growing power of free europe a snarling tiger that had red
china or the wake and democracy of india either ride the nations of africa and latin america to know that there are other handle and holds up the globe of forces capable of playing it that it would be quite wrong and quite unlikely group that did this to become a drive by the press and confrontation between the soviet union and the united states yet in that great moment in time we can't be some coordination of allegiance under communism come to the way we did it we should be excused if we venture the opinion that we are winning at the president said last week in his state of the union that i think the one of the nearly fifty united nation members gain independence since the second world war with the come to communist control in one of the many great people and the team that we don't
everywhere we caught that the great old time with dale dickey barbarian about the law and roll and was built to keep them alive people and then speculates now on the current sylvia proficiency and high jump but overall we are winning what is it that we care that others will reach for ron paul type will surely had more than houses cars and dishwashers even communism with tom rearrangement of production priority and if you sacrifice by the new class could provide the thing no the attraction of the so called material is where it's more a thing of the mine and about why then do young foreign students become disaffected with iron curtain curricula and he got our councils what is it that brings good to the eye that no american that they take the open to figure what is that they thought what is it that men want internet freedom of conscience and action and they
can only buy the legitimate needs a private and personal security no reputation of them should be not very observant of them its entirely not that they're encouraging lip service that they also the articles won twenty four and one twenty five i had to hit the beach and family but they have gone the way of many new year's resolutions the british approved a constitution needn't be written with only if approved a constitution must be more been written if the russian deal primarily with the united states and the soviet union not because we the uk are the only nations and all that because there if they are even to believe we are the lead is respectability of the free and the communist world audio rights all about a theory that there's no promises
edition of the fourteenth amendment increase the commitment of the national government to ensure that those promises are kept but the mad air with the ballet can still right wing will immediately to mind knock on is the division of the american negro in american society and the treatment according him in all walks of life in this respect i would like to glance at the record for the headline hunter the violence in the city that in the most noticeable than in the current period the historian how low record the progress that has been made not only in the unflinching commitment of the federal government didn't have a right but more importantly in the monk of voluntary compliance like southern officials and feel different in twenty twelve even your job alabama mississippi and the media official that voluntarily made voting records available to us without any court action in about that the county in the famed skate discriminatory
practices and i mean we do and in the nineteen fifties the department is undertaken thirty two drew suits and inspected bowie record in eighty two county discrimination in interstate travel that is terminal in nineteen fifty one is going to likely be regulation or by the administration in nineteen fifty two weeks of the eight hundred and fifty five employees and found fifteen still segregated all are now de jager get their game on telly and the other two are the lawsuits were brought the only remaining segregated facilities in the country about the rail terminals in jackson and there we took that legal action which is now on appeal the field of education in nineteen fifty two more southern school district the segregated voluntarily and peacefully and he oughta consultation with the department of justice the chairman of the
president's committee on equal employment opportunity in the federal government by president johnson pointed out november that may grow employment in the federal government the twenty eight thousand nine hundred navy thick gravy of five previous eleven an increase of eighteen percent over the previous year only increase the best job they compete with only four percent engraved yet welcome kiev taking the number of the big growth increased from three hundred forty three protecting hundred maybe eight thirty three percent increase in bed with a maid in the total number of jobs of seven point eight percent in the private sector a hundred and four major national business for a fine equal employment like his right to travel she a public apology that accommodation together with the right to equal education the right have been given that will answer that and never before but again more importantly baby feet wide public acceptance in a quiet normal way that had not yet they had on the president or a lot of them but prohibiting
discrimination in federally approved it out together with action python seventeenth day and fifty five thirty find discrimination and that there is a milestone on the mark and on the american negro as well much depends on the scope and dignity of negro leadership and it is legal to protest the trailers along we crossed a rough terrain but there's much more ahead much more to do with the american negro the american indian migrant worker minorities years that the american people are themselves a minority in this world a battle has begun there are many imperfections but the important thing is that the american people backed by the government is committed to winning the struggle and they will be no let up in that effort without it we would bail our own ideals and lose the leadership of the free world meanwhile in the kremlin shadow what do we find a hundred prisoners were executed in the past year for economic
crimes most of them do we find people we find a statement last year by roman wouldn't go so we had public prosecutor at the very causes of crime in capitalist country our happened in the soviet union and wi fi may complain improper that muscovites removed daily without pain seventy seven thousand but that i'm happiest out the answers we find a law granting and prevent any unauthorized departure from the country and the unhappy story of a jewish woman then and to be shot there were eight o'clock on the manipulation unquote at a prior three years then in siberia but trying to escape from israel and long been hurt who got it made and we find a banking fifty one commentary on lawyers in ethiopia paper that i'll quote that two groups of lawyers one
modest quiet unobtrusive will acknowledge gilkey with clients guilty and referred to mitigating circumstance the other working with a vocal chords adele will even shedding from kiev is really going through the whole courtroom my client the rest is due to a mistake and when the case with three private at the public but he was the man with a man with angelique when anomaly it took its defense another modest quiet on a comparable you know doubt one of the typical media but making in communism instant utopia and appreciation for the natural rights of men covered from an overdose of marxism leninism and efficiency of a lot of them and jefferson of them it would be like oh you're the first amendment principles that we do five in any corner of the world will be communication oh it can be no
meaningful discussion of civil rights thing first the communication our constitution at all the style of think all the first amendment might have concluded but the greatest of the speech and the way he did it had credit although they're open through the narrative that much a social force of a tree falling in the lonely hearts if down truly free speech implied guarantee of the right to live with my impression that you're sent up with established on eucalyptus hill to prevent truth from going and reveal there's no such deal in russia that is which a government tried to conceal from the outside world archives to its personality but what he would hide from its own people if the repression of attack that the thickets speech denouncing stalin in nineteen fifty six gold as much about all this at the subject and i'd hear angry mob after the laws of many nations we read
about a while when it's different in belgium i went to paris and if a fitbit or what do we hear about the wager i try it and fell in russia hundreds of getting wounded when a beyond a weapon through to rowdy of them are going to feign week woke up and that's the idea that ali shaking the van the stock market dropped in new york a group of new jersey students protested us atomic at two one home prices slipped into the soviet sector geminate the new policy what if the doctor and i take it we can still look to lennon for guidance when it helped rebuild indignantly and jumping on the beach another press to be clear they will not have the year they came for a russian inquisition which prosecuted profession of an unofficial they an official unofficial opinion unofficial doctor later he wrote the periodical and non periodical press and all publishing enterprises not be entirely subordinated
the central committee of the party that today he'll be needed thirty daily wide latitude of lenin that fed policy the broad array of the court we don't take the right thing that were brought home to a young american the market with janet leigh explaining how any american could openly denounce the light on morality of the united states even ridicule the president is the thing here is that we got a soviet citizen they also denied the nouns like the morality in the united states and ridicule you're president freedom of communication and all of the information and expression i'd touched on information is crucial to a dynamic society which communism claims to be an expression of no less so that we meet with concern the soviet party reply last month the russian intellectuals who would claim that all without opportunity for different artistic direction
are condemned to death replied that the party that's not tolerate experimentation in the arts and determining the direction our artistic creativeness we shall waken fee if and how young sylvia pullen changes they now famous poem a protest typically thousand confirmed they kill prosecution persecution with only a common thing to have good working relations with the soviet press he got into the editorial quality of the paper i mean at the moment sylvia paper third their body well be writing human history even at the old autocrats is a human endeavor and the great and right then having that and move along the agitation the bolivar think
emotionally of the story and with a rate as i tried to explain how the quality of the meat in the particular struggle for civil rights for their dilemma the communication you need to be recognized by the party that invitation so called special order ministry of mentality at the inequality and within its function which was to send people to labor camps without hearing and he could pretty good without right to counsel or ipo confessions but now be corroborated by other evidence and all in all it seemed to be a growing appreciation of what the soviet caldwell legality and a growing awareness among the soviet legal profession of the obligation of the larger society and it really is the law the outcome of this trend however remains uncertain you may recall that after a great deal of joy the pride about about about quote abolishing the death penalty the soviet union in nineteen fifty won
reinstated it a crime to describe his quote economic and specifically for illegal transactions in foreign currency subsequently two men were executed under an ex post facto application of the current law of climate expert on soviet law professor howard berman i learned of accommodation he had a big thing for them with a leading the league europe's permanent remark on the unusual nature of the trial and feathered and forget that it violated the nineteen fifty eight kelly principles of criminal procedure that your reply oh we lawyers didn't like that in response parent to know that there was no less remarkable for its religious authorities didn't like that i suppose what it needed is more people will it we just don't like things where a lot of progress in the soviet union maybe due in large part to the lack of a public debate that the reagan handicap light laws by which people not doing well socially useful work unquote at exile to remote areas are true of it it went
into effect as quietly as appalling members of a combination lock all great questions but you made a great point and a great body of people speaking out impose the painting up poetry on you that speaking out in all the halls and streets and palm important that they let that point b and the stillness you'll get will be the gratitude of mankind then giving thanks you thanking the god of abraham for their live by burying christian banking log particular people giving banks in the world is listening watching wane despite a latin american to the title sounds of cuba but cowen uncle ut but on refugees of red china and here the unspeakable european to watch what they hope is the final chapter of the nation on the continent applicants can see the thing and there is much to occupy their own wallets in their own vodka company dictatorial combative not confined to society ruled by
buying health advocates appetite bill and restrictive laws on voting and free speech i know i think it meant not have prevented detention and under that wall all persons suspected of subversion and ej without it dignity of the president bill passed last year which subjects presidents were detractors defined on prison if they're the garden on meat are you slapping on the entire nation is true but it worked out that way i meant it but david are the best hope we can have perhaps that the government listened to the voices of the people of the american government that when people find a willing here they are more disposed to land a willingham weekly recap with them that our government is the world pesto the only one
where every man at the kabul would apply to and the law and what bp and the public order they begin invented to the demagogue that today both foreign and domestic it'd been thirty hours in the southern province that athens and the united states marshals what are the governors who held the line of like the image up and repeat it clear that the standards of latin america why protect the liberty of all american theater than i did as well as public that the sherman antitrust law and the protection of the community other legislation got the community and the working man and it uses the labor and today we take in the country a conspiracy which controlled the rights and liberties of our citizens organized crime the one we move again edict that we get on behalf of all up to our people
and that their call and he didn't even cure the government which answered that call with the patients and get that they were require there to read that all american finally we accounted manhandled on the pillow well we always believed that we aren't always thought that our destiny was cradling in another pan and when khrushchev reported that it's not like a boat that pilot in the early twenty reported being quote no find the card we can only suggest that they game with the rest of mankind a little higher in the meantime there is much needed to be done on her the money paid by rival powers on military hardware and find the big adventure ignited important to the people the world at the attention paid to them as human beings with a right to liquidate their hope their future is by the band and all that all and all government the measure we should keep in mind the world is watching what is done in the united states and the
soviet union and help when the world is watching and dividing and we shall continue all about to be made by the watching world with a different day when jesus or rented a man what a man thank you spoke on the bill of rights and the cold war at the tenth anniversary convocation of the fun for the republic center of the study of democratic institutions this was the third in a series of eleven programs concerned with challenges to democracy foreign minister the topic elliot and his government by the people possible if you'd like to know more about the center for the study of democratic institutions your thoughts
philip reeves reporting any loses
Challenge to Democracy
Episode Number
3 And 4
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
These episodes focus on education and the Cold War.
Series Description
A series of discussions about democracy.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Event Coverage
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
Cold War; Education
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Park, Rosemary
Speaker: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899-1977
Speaker: Case, Clifford P. (Clifford Phillip), 1904-1982
Speaker: Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5592a7a7de1 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:59:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Challenge to Democracy; 3 And 4,” 1963-03-31, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Challenge to Democracy; 3 And 4.” 1963-03-31. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Challenge to Democracy; 3 And 4. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from