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the gospel according to matthew chapter twenty two that's one then jesus spoke to them again in power was the kingdom of heaven is like this there was a king who prepared a feast for his son's wedding but when he sent his servants to someone the guests he had invited they would not come he sent out there is again telling them to say to the guests see now i have prepared this feast for you i have had my books and fetid beasts sort of everything is ready come to the waiting at once but they don't know don't use one went off to his farm another to his business and the other sees the servants at tech were brutally killed them then he said to his servants
the wedding feast is ready but the guests i invited did not deserve the honor go out to the main thoroughfares and invited everyone you can find to the wedding the servants went out into the streets and corrected warming could find good and bad i like so the hall was packed with guests when the king came in to see the company a table he observed one man who was not dressed for awaiting my friend said looking how do you come to be here without your wedding clothes he had nothing to say the kingdom and said to his attendance find him and i'm cold tenement into the dark the place and wailing and grinding of tea for so many uninvited you are chosen then the fantasies
went and agreed on a plan to trap him in his own words some of their followers were sent to him in company with man of parents party they say an muster you're an honest man we know you teach in all honesty the way of life that god acquires troubling to no man whoever he may be give us your ruling on this are we are we not permitted to pay taxes to the roman empire jesus was aware of their malicious intention and said to them you hypocrites why are you trying to catch me and show me the money in which the tax is paid they handed him a silver piece jesus asked who's head is this and who's inscription caesar's they replied he said to them than pay caesar what
is due to seize that and be god what is due to go on this onset took them by surprise and they went away and left him alone the same day gates agencies came to in maintaining that that is known as an action that question was this mosque moses said if a man should die childless his brother sean murray the widow and carry on his brother's family now we knew of seven brothers the first minded and died and as he was widowed issue his wife was left to his brother the same thing happened with the second and the third and so on with all seven last of all the woman died at the resurrection man whose wife will she be formally had all admired her
jesus said you are mistaken because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of god at the resurrection men and women do not my job lately angels in heaven but a boat that has an action of the dead have you never read what god himself said to you i am the god of abraham that got a visor and the god of jacob he's not god of the dead but a living the people have what he said and were astounded at his teaching hearing that he had silenced the center sees the fighters he's met together and one of them number tested him with this question boston which is the greatest from i'm in the mall he answered love the lord your
garden with all your heart with all your mind that is the greatest c'mon it comes first the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself everything in the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments turning to the assembled fire sees jesus asked them what is your opinion about the messiah whose son is he the son of david and applied how inane is it he asked that david my inspiration calls him lord forry says the mortgage send to my lord sit at my right hand until i put your enemies under your feed it david calls in law and hopefully be david simon
not a man could see a wooded reply and from that before and no one dared ask him another question jesus then addressed the people and his disciples in these words the doctors of them all of the pharmacies sit in the chair of moses' therefore do what they tell you pay attention to that words but do not follow that practice where they say one thing and do another they make up heavy packs and piled along main shoulders but will not raise a finger to lift the low to give themselves whatever they do is done for show they go about with braun from equities and where the fringes of their robes they like to have places of honor that feasts and the cheap seats in synagogues
to be treated respectfully in the street and to be addressed as rabbi but you must not be called rabbi for you have one rabbi and you are all brothers do not call me any men on as father for you have one father and he is in heaven no muster record teacher you have one teacher the messiah the greatest among you must be your servant for whoever owns himself will be humble and whoever humbles himself will be exalted a loss a loss for you more years and pharmacies in pockets that you are you shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in men's faces you do not into your sales and when others are entering you stop them a lost for you more
years and pharmacies have pockets you travel overseas and land to win one convent and when you have one in you make him twice as fit for halo as you are yourselves a loss for hugh laurie and gary as you see it a man swears by the sanctuary that is nothing but he swears by the golden the century is bound by his old brian foods which is the more important than gold or the sanctuary which said defies the gold or you say if a man swears by the author that is nothing but he swears by the offering that lies on the altar is bound by his old what blindness which is the more important the offering or the altar which
said defies it to swear by the auto then has to swear wont buy the altar and buy whatever relies on him to swear by the sanctuary is to swear books by the century and by a mood wells there and to swear by having is to sway or both by the throne of god and by him who sits apart it a loss for you lawyers and pharmacies people clips uk types of beat and you have to let you have overruled the weighty and the minds of the law justice nurse sick and i'm good at it is these you should have practiced without neglecting the other's buying guides you strayed off a bridge yet go down a camel a loss for you more years of our sees abell greets
you clean the outside or cup and dish which you hope to incite and by robbery and self indulgence blind policy clean the inside of the car first then the outside or so a loss for new lawyers and pharmacies advocates you're like it's covered with white watch beirut where over a roadside but inside there who of good man's bones and all kinds of fields so it is with you outside you like the artist made but inside you a broom who of hypocrisy of crime alas for you lawyers and pharmacies it opens you build up the tombs of the profits and
embellish the monuments of the seats and you say if we had beat alive in our fathers died we should never taken part in the murder of the prophet's so your knowledge that you are the sons of the bit into the prophet's maudlin to the shop what's your father's began use makes you fight was paroled or would you escape being condemned the halo i stared into their profits stages and teachers some of the un peu and crucified others you overall beauty of synagogues and howland from city to city and so on you will for the guilt or the innocent blood spilled from the ground from it isn't able to sit on either side
and a better higher quality of murdered between the century and the altar believe me this generation will bear the guilt of a bomb or jerusalem jerusalem the city that murderous the profits and stones the messenger is sent there how often have i long to govern your children asean governors have burrowed under her wings like you would not let me book group there's a temple for our garbage you shall never see me until the time when you say blessings on him go cubs in the
name of the lord willis and ends at chapter twenty three vets thirty nine the
The New English Bible
Gospel According to Matthew
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Matthew.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-feb73320913 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:15:12
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Matthew,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; Gospel According to Matthew.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; Gospel According to Matthew. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from