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peeling speech is being caught or without giving yourself away and this man comes through it's obvious that he had a quick intelligence it's obvious that he had moral courage of the first degree he was capable of scorching moral indignation when i'm talking about the anger on sunday out of state department of righteous indignation eyes i was capable of it but he could be graciously magnanimous king hezekiah by ignoring his advice got tim so from this country into of wretched predicament the prophet might have said to mike pompeo so when the king and asked june cain two eyes i am asking for new advice seeking for encouragement and as i was very considerate and
patient and the pity is that the king himself didn't realize how helpful and wives and some patients the advice was that was given to a very noteworthy to its eyes as a role as a statesman know he held no portfolio in the government he's not to be thought of as an official adviser to the kings but he had open access to the clock and he freely criticize policies of state both domestic and foreign in arco after arco he expressed his judgment on political questions brian time again he anticipated the plants were to better be called the intrigues of the rulers of you that i am again he vigorously all poised and
exposed them with rumors and inside he interpreted a serious threat to junes in the naacp and tsa's egypt at its real value as a treacherous and worthless when people say that preachers in their servants should not deal with politics or economics should not done these subjects one wonders well no they didn't even know that there was a man but cotton the us spokesman for low key to him when he was was shooting in the camp it was like let's go yeah yeah that found him in the temple he himself says leaving the record behind in the yeah that you cite that kenya's i had it would appear that he was i was something of a hero to the young man's eyes i was a prophet for forty years in the year the kenyans i had died i saw them all hi
and lifted that he had an oil well invasion of the holiness of god we saw last week that they must dress the right christmas of god and that poses yet stressed god with eyes that it was the holiness of god this their outstanding profit all the essentially before christ united united with the conception of righteousness and love another conception that are transcendent morrow majesty beginning with his court in the groin three convictions established themselves rooted themselves in his mind the women and our budget contains no new site the reality of god the creator the
second nothing that human wisdom devices nothing that human strength directs can alter god's sovereignty most part of that we end thoughts which he is directing this today and said and most important piece of work the glory of god as major list moral purity and yet no one has to underscore this confessing his own sinfulness in the temple and many a time afterward on his own behalf and on behalf of its people you know i'm still not only to be forgiven but because i got accepted to be the sentiment of god but mostly beliefs well the court all the message of the man like a moss and hosea he spoke forthrightly in the
name off guard against religion devoid of montana against religion divorced from what it i think that it is true to say that far i sat a good life was the only acceptable sacrifice to bring to god you start to get coverage getting into the teaching our peoples what to me is the multitude of your sacrifices says the lord i have had enough or current offerings over arms and the facts fit beasts i do not delight in the blood of beans on of lands on earth he goes when you come to appear before the who require sod you this trampoline of michael s number six on that memorable
vaden offerings in a sense is an abomination to make the one that is that it has persisted and christian worship with a sentence like that an inscription is cynicism abomination to a new saddest and the calling of a sentence i cannot in gillette iniquity and it's the conductor's that should be watched iniquity and solemn assembly you know you're going to please my story is they'll become a burden to me now and we'll get into the news spread for your ems i want my eyes from you even though you make many prayers i will not miss the owner's box he makes perfectly clear what the conditions of worship to worship pop
watch yourselves make yourselves clean not for nothing that he caught the vision of the moral majesty ago through the evil of your doings from before my eyes sees didn't even allow them to do go to see justice correct operation the fate of fatherless plea for the little eyes i like his previous isis is explicit about the social substance which may the judgment to borrow on through the storm or one of my colleagues at epcot to put it on my desk after last wednesday's election i wish our capacity around that would be distracting and so i'm not going to do it but there was no sir cartoon personages in the cartoon one the most atta and the other a well played well upholstered
gentleman with a cigar in his mouth and he addressing the proper to say i enjoyed your top mr amos but i would like to hear more of what's right with israel i wonder if you appreciate how often a preacher wants to talk about what's right with america and yet feels under imperative obligation again and again to talk about what's wrong with america now i suppose that for a loss as far as i know was no lack of recognition that in the man that we're here and there no sos saintly women godly man but that was a situation that had to be exposed that was a condition of affairs that have to be faithfully dealt with air this situation this condition of
affairs was so widespread was so prevalent was so deep into that these men have it on their conscience it was on the hot plate it was a button they called it the burden of the market they had to do to find themselves of it ands so i decided he denounces the luxury a woman it must have done that too i didn't mention it last week he had called the society ladies the kind of patient well i sat announces the luxury of women and he goes into specifics the final really anklets that depends on the grassroots the endurance of the bracelets and to scoffs that addresses the omnibus sessions losses and the ambulance the signet rings and nose rings festival rolls the man pulls some
handbags the garments of course the linen garments the tornadoes and videos and he predicts instead of your arms and instead and instead a whale say eh all this and instead of the british rule of gear laying off set off instead of beauty shame it all came to everyone he denounces drunkenness he has no mercy on priests and profit school reunion with sprawling green who are befuddled by wine or painting vision and stumbling in giving judgment this is his language and i'm quoting him in english he denounces the denial by the british of
justice to the poor it holds them up so that people can see what is going on or to lords who join host sam adams field to field not content with one part to cars not content with one television set several television sets this is the kind of situation until there is no more rain and you know thinking about the politics the economy to grow in the midst of a man a lot of posts has sworn in my tv many homes is a big piece of it beautiful houses wouldn't inhabit it's in the name of the moment that i cite denounces all these events that he derives the status of patents in the conduct that he holds before the people the model says has the right to expect these people to come forward to his standards of justice farm that the amount of the market forces the hopes of
israel by the way had better point out here i've been talking about israel was gone and yet long after israel had gone all the way to profits continue to talk about israel that israel in the more comprehensive seems it's true that you don't care for us understand if subsequently you hear references to israel and thinks yourself but he said israel had disappeared israel is used in the narrow sense of the northern kingdom and used in the comprehensive senses we should say for the whole all palestine for the vignette of the market forces the house of israel and the main engine that on his career isn't granting and he looked for justice and it will not good for it just this this is the real person undersea the message with which this man was interested was was a somber
one iraqi in the terms of office commissioned yet this said buy into the people here and yet but do not understand see and see what do not perceive make the heart of this people fat and various have it and shut that isolates they see with that i am here with their ears and understand without toss and turn and the eu isn't anyone there was that for this commission or c he was the brains and the condition of the people is to worsen as a precaution instead of being a successful preacher he was to discover that conditions were deteriorating and that is meant to stay i wonder what would happen to that kind of many be
dismissed from his job today well as if anyone believes that sort of commission that in bewilderment yoest home alone or more and the answer really got dual citizen i waste without inhabitant and houses without mainland the land is utterly desolate and the markets was what was coming and the law are most men far away and the forsaken places at many in the midst of the land and what parents remain in it it will be abundant and like that kenneth arnold who stop remains standing when it is halal this was somber but his preaching wasn't always positive fruitful result under his influence as a cat your regulator the old testament remember you were
relieved to come out publicly like as a coyote at these false but he had good qualities and under the influence of eyes on hezekiah instituted religious with false social reforms and while i sat to spare have repentance of the nation as a whole and you know that the nation would have to be punched an adequate punishment would be drastic he couldn't believe that the punishment would and so the accident appalachian know you don't but you don't go the way of israel this he couldn't believe iran mark that would however shattered and small iranians would survive regardless of course could not come to nothing even in the passage recording his commission a commission to a hopeless mission we find a tiny sentenced the only cd is to stop
stump will remain even if the good at all please scott down a face for a moment well will survive that what remnant is at the center of his preaching this man's vision of the sovereignty of god carried with a guarantee of the survival of god's chosen people out and with it an automatic congress to survive that all the varsity choose to which they'll go all the persecution to which they have been subject to amend it nato still available and i spoke about eyes as a statesman your destination living through a cold war menace by and then ambrose on tour and from first announced his policy it's foreign policy was simple
and very consistent for thought it is he had the same for all those things came things when he was saying the same thing all the time he was against all the entangling alliances you see there were people in juneau wanted to play egypt off against the city and where the people injured at who wanted to allied themselves to all the other little poems link up either with the senate in the north against the guitar with egypt in the stands against persevere in the north as i was against this sort of thing he preached trustful reliance on top i suppose people said it wasn't realistic i suppose they said he was naive i suppose they said he was a dreamer he offends repeatedly that god control of all the nation's the destinies of the nations and he
said that if you know what's true to god god will never forsaken johnson agrees new orleans political scientist all this is our god we waited for him and he will save us trust in the lord forever god is an everlasting rock or less says the more god the holy one of israel in returning and arrest you shall be saved in quietness impressed surely it sometimes seems to me that with the money it's not an essentials dissimilar from that to rudyard kipling <unk> recession will work even are the boots her first and reeking chilled and i are in charge all about you know just the news on dust and counting coral snot we forgot or frantic post and foolish word nie mercy
on by people bored and ours as a message to really rises to supply nights when peering into the future he predicts the coming off i'm inside this word that has such mosque content for a jew to this day a messiah a descendant of the house of david a divinely anointed king this state the last two us a son is given and the government would be on the shoulder and his name would be quote wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father a prince of peace that copy of your
world was always crossing and re crossing the increase of his government and the peace that will be no end upon the throne of david and also testing them to establish and to uphold it with justice and with the righteousness from august ninth floor and forevermore the seiu of the marvel hosts will do this in another article azar speaks of the messianic thing as having an a rain of us obese not simply conjured not simply for over eleven but for a man carried racial composition from the storm a branch shall grow a lot of his roots in the spirit of a martial rest upon and perceive got to think about leaving people are heading up egypt and this idea
at the time to take care of personages they wear my team in the wall for to talk to any indicators spirit of the march of progress on in the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of pencil and of my spirit of knowledge in the field of them on his tonight show to be in the field of them or he shall not attempt by what his icy oceans and jobs and so forth or decided by what his ears here but with a righteousness he showed coach for this is means see that judgment is done the poor and the site was at edgewood a farm league of the us just shall be the devil all this waste imagine what the average military man and learned about his middle and faithfulness they get them all all his lawyers
became well known with eyes are getting into the future saying the coming of the messiah we mostly because times rushing on and to isis it's time for me to talk about setting aside for the boulevards iowa is not the work of one man the last twenty seven chapters thirty nine sixty six deal with a much later than the second half of the eighteenth century before christ the date in nineteen sixty six months we the city center jurich before christ and later in the case of some passengers to los lonely and ruins what i started it to the pump parts jerusalem lay in ruins the jews had been counting from jerusalem to babylon satirists the anointed of
our secondary calls this is a new conception is normally do this again was anointed of the law and the agent of the law even anything can be the agent of the divine purpose cyrus king of babylon had begun what was to prove a triumphant or at the chapters that in nineteen sixty six i'm not the work of as iowa profit statesman is born out by a study on the vocabulary list iowa and especially the teaching and was the author of the bulk of chapters that to nine sixty six i say the bulk of those chapters because that other chapters that judged by the same criteria of cambodian style and content subject matter seemed to come from yet another hand maybe for more than one other hand was the last of the bulk of the chapters we don't know we don't know an
anonymous writer i mean less profit appointed profit second demand a mess your mind intimate an exception in the case of jeremiah now the forms of this profit very familiar handel's messiah has done this this service wonder whether when you read the farm's you don't find yourself humming the words two handles glorious music more cleanly than any of his predecessors second eyes act of fairness that there is one god and that he is the god over and if you're talking about and then when you're writing all want a likeness compare with
him having not known you have as it not been told you from the beginning and you're not understood from the foundations of the air it is you say it's about the circle of the earth and its inhabitants on like grasshoppers whose riches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads to like it did women who brings prince's tomato and makes the groans of the earth as nothing a homeland when you compare me but i should be like him says only one with the pri eyes on high and see who created these huge brains of that post by number he calls them all by name by the greatness of his might and because he is strong and not one is it's missing on the other hand the guards of the nation's heritage that sticks and stones were no spiritual power whatsoever
spartan content for hadn't made deities believe in every passage where they're mentioned here's one such passage everyone helps his neighbor and says to his brother take umbrage the craftsman cottages that goldsmith and use mousse with a hammer and most likes the andrew say of assaulting it is good and they fasten it with a nameless so that it cannot be mobile the absurdity of a god who has to be mailed out in order not to taco is peter so is the body of the man who goes outside takes a piece of wood with a happily makes a fiat and books and so funny and witty and iraq she's an object of worship more fully to than any of his previous this is second that i asked them is that god is the
market as he knows the end of the beginning he directs the destinies of the nation's he works out his sovereign the post using the nation says his agents easily in a unique sense the god of israel second as i wrote you that has got to know his writing and that no talks about the god of history he is in a unique sense the god of israel his charges all israel is the key to this day you suppose that teaching that a columbia university the court interprets history part of what gives us its design its direction its goal is god's choice of all this people god's israel for second isaiah is god's relationship with us or rather saveur second i sat is that of next of kin water and the money or third indicator or help
so it follows that that must be a salvation footage it follows that israel's redemption must tsunami tepco the exiles will be interest on to them a jerusalem will be rebuilt its electoral <unk> will be greater than the form of god himself wilkie hated returning exiles leading the war of the desert as a shepherd leads his floor upstairs in church moving music you often have the worst misses the context i'm the grandson of the morning show returns with singing desire haven't lost enjoy she'll be upon their heads the issue of taint joy and gladness and sorrow and sly show flee away and they did get out of babylon
and they didn't get to do that and the tempo went up again and jerusalem was rebuilt and the gravitas of the people knew no bones but as i was talking to these people they would say they were displaced persons they were being subjected to every sort of indignity of the show are science was an enlightened kind of monarch amanda realized that the best thing to do with exiles was to rehabilitate them they were displaced people so the question they must've gotten with just going with the second eyes are was why has our nation have all of you say about that is with if it's chosen of god why has had to endure such suffering and his answer was because of its cities and yet not alone because of
their sins and be as our second cars are mixed ball to say that the nation had received of the lord's hand double double for instance questions why this is the deepest note in this proper guards guards guards of israel was not solely for israel's sake that was a future opening up for israel far greater simply when they're conceived of in terms of restoration through jerusalem but the future that was opening up was not to be a future for israel and worn but on earth all the nations of the world where to receive the blessing of the knowledge of god whichever to have been confined to israel distant people sort of come out of scientology who obviously knew only and there is no the universality of the true religion is to be irritating not just by god's choice all
israel as agent but by israel's suffering suffering inseparable from its mission to the nation's it it will suffer not only for its own since it will suffer with the other nations in their sins it will suffer far the seams of the of the nation's second eyes act reaches the heart jindal it's affected by the hot autumn but his people have been called by god not to enjoy unique problem but to bear you need buttons to enjoy beauty tribulations for the fulfillment of god's purposes now here is your profit pro israel is it's not to be like a setting of the city and go to not to be like egypt is not to be
like babylon israel has to be a reset so different from sendak in israel is to be a sort of a seventh of the women the suffering servant in bringing to the nation's the knowledge of god's people how to enjoy a reproach it will have to enjoy the opposition it will have to enjoy it persecution people will not lose people will reject people's calling people repudiate familiar to artists there are the words indeed that the most familiar of them or second eyes as conception of the of the seven to personalize it helps low key there's endless discussion has been endless discussion is the lot precisely mimic the heat he meant was he thinking about the
messiah was to come or c thinking collectively about the nation was he thinking about a remnant within the nation attended this is leigh the conception despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief charlie he has on our beliefs have carried our stars but he was wounded thought out points commissions he was bruised about iniquities on him was the chance to smoke that made us holds hand with his stripes we are you the knowledge of god is to be commended to all mankind by gentle persuasion this is what the seventies to be like i put my spirit upon and he will bring forth justice to the nations he will not drive or lift up his voice or make it out in the street a bruise agreed he will not break and a dimly burning week he will not flinch
he will faithfully bring forth just as he will not fail or be discouraged him he has established justice in the air and the islanders she'll wait for his low the abiding truth put into engineering followed by second by sap is that the kingdom of god is to be advanced by gentle peaceful measures and in palestine in the fullness of the times the servant of the lord appear out of this is what makes the history of his people approved artist jesus is the supreme court the lack of go to the wedding and the vicarious suffer for the wilson's second as i was in our march polls from the beginning to the end of his ministry
it's perfectly clear that by that time of his baptism he had identified himself with the suffering servant of second i saw that he realizes that it is going to bring into the kingdom of gong a ministry like that all the sudden was enough to remember how in his own hometown of nazareth he went into the synagogue and when the time came for the homily he went up and to know what role did et what portion of scripture did he turned to a second and that the spirit of the lord is upon by because he has anointed me and then that follows the passage from second as iowan one significant exception the sentence that speak so ross and engines and in the garden of good sentiment on the eve of the crucifixion he prayed
father if thou art winning removed this cup from me nevertheless not my will but no i don't have an accurate survey to the disciples i tell you that that stands for and must be fulfilled in me he was number one with the town's best assistant and second it's the suffering servant and he is the suffering servant praying that the cop might pass but cementing his will to the fathers will it wasn't the physical pain of dance that was in his mind it was a physical pain of defeat he shrank from a he didn't mean that he was prepared to die crucifixion have it have to be that he was to die by crucifixion he meant that in this radio his wonders that was to be
the instrument of the divine new foreign intervention of mankind not lie will be down upon me but thy will be done in me and roomy was the butt of his guy it wasn't a prior resignation to suffering it was a cry of concentration to surface where were you know what do you know about the vicarious suffering suffering not on your own account for your own or fences but suffering on account of others when sex so those suffering has come on you like others who have undergone the experience i'm sure you and effort to probe at the mystery for that is a mystery and failing
to find a solution for them as today because there is no complete solution maybe you have resigned yourself to enjoy what you can't fathom or comprehend there's a highway we begin to see a second eyes are we see it and it's for miss an arm or not i will be down upon me but i will be done in me and scrutiny it is the christ like consecration of suffering that can enrich every experience and turn your life into a high adventure in the service of god well next week we'll turn to one of the most difficult books in your bible when i was a youngster i was told if i read three chapters a day i could get through the bible in it and i
said to her not a dreadful time once i got into leviticus but it was just nothing to do problems i had when i came to visit you and i realize preaching many many years no happen very often preached from his e q just four or five or six times but there's a message in as a human eye can't wait don't have taught you about him i hit you probably some of you have questions about the lecture this evening and the ashes will wait on providing you with a piece of paper and without pencil secure question down if you can keep the question concise if you can referring to the subject matter of the evening that it will help waiting on the submission of any questions that you may have for me that
at two matters that i would like to comment on you and i i'm under obligation to say analysts do want to say it's like a lot of people have been around here since the past five and some of you have to be on the way early tomorrow don't want feel under any constraint to the main one moment longer in the assembly hall i won't take offensive by ceo back on your face i thought that ought to topics i want to i want to discuss those books at the korean of the assembly hall this is the period of land and then it is a period that should be devoted to her spiritual discipline people think that spiritual discipline should be and concentrated on areas of fasting how often think that we could make a disciplined by that being particularly
discriminating about our reading a point and has a carefully selected lot of books back then i would commend you to look at them now it it was unfortunate that we weren't able to provide in quantity all the books that i recommended last week that had two copies of edith hamilton spokesman for god they should go fast because she is uncommonly a book on this subject but there's a wide range of reading on hand though field of christian literature and the other thing that i want to say a word about is rape tobias and the angel by james bright it which is to be presented first next sunday at quarter past two and on tuesday night next week at eight or so on
friday night next week at an event on sunday the twenty fourth of march then at quarter past two tickets for the plague available at the cost of this christ i think very modestly and moderately a one dollar james bragg it happens to have been an alumnus of boston university he was writing his place when i was a student of glasgow university he trained there to be a doctor discovered that he had skill as a playwright i shall never forget being taken by our family doctor to see his play the sleeping pledge that the family doctors should have invited me to go with him to that they have had a significance it wasn't lost on me but i got my own back because the play was only ten minutes underway when the doctor was called on account of an emergency and i saw it through an arts reflections on the clergy without anyone to
not to me but you see tobias and the angel happens to be at what it isn't canonical hear scripture of fame but there is such a thing as the apocryphal it's the literature of it is sandwiched between the old testament and the new testament and it's a fascinating literature and it covers a period of time that that actually bridges the gulf between molokai and matthew and one makes this a very attractive piece of work actually is that you come on the man wasn't how regret to say that church who had a feeling for it the subject matter of this particular work and who made their i think youre witty scintillating player that and so i read a warm a command to bias and the
angel by james brady to you and trust that you find it possible to to be present on one advantage of those four locations prepare myself for the creation of a continent only three why is one of the most important of the profits not on the agenda are fed into then you would be delighted to hear you discuss that process i'm acutely conscious over subjects that i want to be a family and i don't know have too many years to go if in the providence of god and with your goodwill i should be continuing here have and then he was as a prophet that our hope into
cars and to deal with its image of that when i went off in january five to qualify commentary on daniel with me and it may be that the mention of babylon tonight have made the christian thinkers of daniel and a very striking a remarkable book where were they had high casualty of which as i said yet mr lawrence in the vet's first answer as for my size six heads the young man in the temple and mourning the death of years i'll look at his hero aware that israel is facing a storm a difficult period receiving his own chords on commission and volunteering his response in those very words to hear my heart sing me do you feel that the suffering of the jews in our time still has the same meaning it had at the time
allies are either direct to say that even in the time of ours are out there was no very profound appreciation of what eyes i was after he knew as the second ice it he was saying things that the bulk of people just unfathomable comprehend and even if they had some limiting what he was saying it was terribly difficult terribly difficult and demanding and this continues to be that position not only for the jewish people who god knows i've gone through all sorts of suffering and are worried sick and i sat with a sensitivity that perhaps though we are armed to fill the conception of that that we do not they they may not say
the messias come to do nazi messias com what they see in second i saw the conception of a nation enjoying vicarious suffering and the interests both of other nations but i would not think that anywhere this conception her skirt and that indeed challenges us no way and this is a somewhat longer two main subject matter in hand and i think that at the
end of the period to this discuss it with a swiftly a christian i think it's so wrong first the second that emotion to it earlier i spoke with an addiction is bleak the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all know and furthermore i mean it's
been the case but in
The New English Bible
First and Second Isaiah
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Readings from First and Second Isaiah.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e2bb1ab6f9d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; First and Second Isaiah,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; First and Second Isaiah.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; First and Second Isaiah. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from