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today a letter of james practical religion from james a servant of god and the lord jesus christ greetings to the twelve tribes dispersed throughout the world around my brother's whenever you have to face trials of many kinds count yourself supremely happy in the knowledge that such testing of your faith breeds fortitude and if you give fortune fool plea you will go on to complete a balanced carter that will fall short in nothing if any of you fall short in wisdom he should ask god for it and it will be given him for god is a generous giver who neither refuses nor approaches anyone but he must ask and faith without a doubt in his mind
for the downturn is like a heaving sea ruffled by the wind a man of that kindness not expect that word to give him anything he is double minded and never can keep a steady course the brother in humble circumstances may well be proud that glow and lifts him up and the wealthy brother must find its parade and being brought low richman will disappear like a flower of the field once the sun is up with its scorching heat the flotilla that it's it's because fall and what was lovely to look at his last four of your social the rich man with a way as he goes about his business happy the man who remain steadfast on the trial for having passed that test he will receive for his prize the gift of
life promised to those you love god no one under trial court and titian should say i am being tempted by god for god is untouched by evil and does not himself to anyone temptation of arises when a man is enticed and moved away by his own lost then last concedes and gives birth to sin and sin for grown brains death do not deceive yourselves my friends or good living and every perfect gift comes from above from the father of the lights of heaven with him that is no radiation no played off passing shadows all this at the post by declaring the truth he gave us birth to be a
kind of first fruits of these creatures oh that you may be served to my friends but each of you must be quick to listen so to speak and so to be angry for a man saying that cannot promote the justice of god are we then with all that is sorted and the matters that have is to excess and quietly accept the message planted in your hearts which can bring new salvation only be sure that you act on the message and do not merely listen for that would be to mislead yourselves a man who listens to the message but never get support it is like one who looks in america at the face nature gave him he glances at himself and goes away and that once forgets what he looked like but the man looks closely into the perfect law the law that makes us
freak and lives in its company does not forget what he hears but acts on it and that is the man who by acting will find happiness a man may think he is religious but if he has no control over its ban he is deceiving himself that man's religion is futile the kind of religion which it without state your fault in the sight of god our father is this to go to the help of orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself and tarnished by the word and my brothers believing as you do in our lord jesus christ to reagan's enduring you must never show snobbery for instance to visitors may enter your place to worship one a well dressed
man with a gold rings and the other a poor men in shabby clothes suppose you'd be special attention to the well dressed man and say to him please take a seat while to the poor man you say you can stand off you miss it here on the fall by my food story you don't see that you are inconsistent and judge by force standards listen my friends as not god's chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich and faith and to inherit the kingdom yes promised to those who loved him and yet you have insulted the poor man i'm not the original pressings is it not they would drag you into court and for contempt only on our name by which god as clean joke if however you are observing the
sovereign law laid down in the scripture love your neighbor as yourself that is excellent but if you show snobbery you're committing as sin and just then convicted by that low as drones guesses fisherman keeps the low low op op for one single point he is guilty of breaking all of it for the one who said though shalt not commit adultery said also most of not commit murder you may not be an adult or what if you commit murder euro breaker or the same always speak and act as a man who ought to be judged on the role of freedom in their judgment there would be no mercy for the man who has shown no mercy mercy triumphs over judgment my brothers what use is it for a man to say he has faith when he does nothing to show it and
that face even suppose a brother assistant is in rags with not enough food for the day and one of you says good luck to your keep your social warman of plenty to eat but does nothing to supply them bodily needs what is the good of that so it's faith if it does not lead to action it is in itself a lifeless thing but someone may object is one o clean stuff they send another low points to his deeds to which i reply prove to me that this faith you speak of israel though not accompanied by deeds and by my deeds i will prove to you my faith you have faith enough to believe that that is one garden excellent the devil's of faith like that and it makes them scramble but can you not see you quote let that faith divorced from deeds is bottom
was it not by his action in offering his son isaac upon the alter the forefather abraham was justified sure you can see that faith was at work in his actions and that by these actions the integrity of his faith was fully proved here was a fulfillment of the words of scripture a rumpled his faith in god and their faith was counted to him as righteousness and elsewhere it is called god's framed you see them that a man is justified by deeds and not by faith in itself the same is true of the prostitute ray have also was nutty justified by her actions in welcoming the messengers into a house and sending them away by a different route as the body is did when there is no growth left and add soul
faith divorce from deeds is lifeless as a corpse my brothers not many of you should become teachers or you may be certain that we'll teach show ourselves be judged with greater starkness all of us often wore on the man who'd never says our own thing as a perfect patent that it go to bridle his whole being if we go to bits and the horses molds to make them will be our will look weak and that it that whole body or think of ships large they may be yet even when driven by strong deals they could be directed by a tiny rubber on whatever course the helmsman chooses so with the town it is a small member but it can make huge claims what a huge stack of them be set ablaze by the tiniest sparks and the town is
in a state of fire it represents about our members the world with all its wickedness it pollutes our whole being it keeps the wheel of our existence red hawk and it's flames of fate by arrow beasts of birds of every kind of creatures that crawl in the ground or swim in the sea can be subdued at have been subdued by mankind but no man can so jewel that time it is an intractable evil charged with a big live in them we use it to sing the praises of our audit father and we use it to involve curses upon our fellow man who are made in god's like that's sort of the same outcome praises and curses my brothers that should not be so there's a fountain gush with both fresh and brackish water from the same old thing and a fig tree my brothers you don't use a lot of
buying figs no more does salt water you'd fresh who among you is wise or clever let his right content give practical profile that with the modesty that comes a wisdom but if you are harboring bit of jealousy and selfish ambition and your heart's consider whether your claims about force and the defiance of the truce this is not the wisdom that comes from above it is earthbound same sure demonic for with jealousy and ambition common disorder and evil of every kind but the wisdom from above is in the first place pr and then peace loving consider it and we're open to reason it is straightforward and says see a rich in the state and in the kindly deeds without its fruit two justice is the harvest rate by peacemakers from seeds
sown in a spirit of peace what causes conflict some corals among you do they not spring from the aggressiveness of your bodily desires you want something which you cannot have and so you are bent on whether you envious and cannot obtain your ambition and so all you quarrel and fight you do not get what you want because you do not pray for it or if you do bureaucrats are not counted because you create from wrong motives to spend what you get on your pleasures you for sound faithful creatures and he never let that love of the world is invited to god whoever chooses to be the willows friend makes himself god's enemy what do you suppose that scripture has no meaning when it says that the spirit which got implanted in man turns towards envious desires and yet the grace he
gives is stronger that's scripture says billard who opposes the argument and gives grace to the humble be submissive in the garden stand up to the devil and he will turn and run come close to god and he will come close to you sinners make your hands clean you would double minded see that your motives appeal a bizarre for warm and we turned here laughter in the morning and you'd get it into bloom humble yourselves before gone and he will lift you high brothers you must never despite each one another he who despite his umbrella or passes judgment on his brother despite just below and judges the world but if you judge that will you're not keeping it but sitting in judgment upon it that is only one more give and
judge the one who is able to save life and destroy it so who are you to judge your neighbor a word would you see today or tomorrow we will go off to such and such a town and spend a year they're creating and making money yet you have no idea what tomorrow will bring your life what is it you are no more than a mixed scene for a little while and then discussing what you want to say is if we show live to do this or that but instead you're borscht and bread and all such boasting is wrong well then the man who knows the goat he ought to do and does not do it is a cigar next a word to you who have great
positions weekend way over the miserable state descending on europe your images of rotted your fine cause i'm all three in your silver and gold of rusted away and that very unrest will be evidence to get you and consume your flesh like fire you have fired up wealth in an age that is near its close the wages you'd never paid to the men or more viewer feels unload against your and the outcry of the repairs has reached the ears of a lot of posts you lived on its thin want to luxury fattening your sales like cattle and the date for starters come you have condemned the innocent and murdered him he also has no resistance be patient my brother's untoward comes the farmer looking for the precious crop his land me you can only wait
in patience until the winter and spring rains have fallen you two must be patient and stout hearted for the coming of the world is near my brothers you don't believe your troubles on one another are you were four under judgment and there stands the judge at the door if you want a pattern of patients and treatment take the profits who spoke in the name of the lord remember we count those happy who stood firm euro had no job stood firm and you have seen how the lord treated him in the end for his food of beauty and compassion above all things my brothers do not usual is whether by heaven or by years or by anything else when you say yes or no let it be plain yes or no for fear that you expose your sales to judgment is
anyone among you in trouble he should turn to prayer is anyone in good heart he should sing praises is one of you into he should stand for the elders of the congregation to pray over him and anointed with oil in the name of the lord the prayer or forward in faith will save the sick man the law will raise him from his bed and any since he may have committed will be forgiven the fall confess your sins to one another and pray for one another and then you will be healed and goodman's prayer is powerful and effective and it was a man with human frailties like our own and when he prayed an industry that there should be no rain water drop fell on the land for three years and off and he prayed again and don't came the rain and the land more crops
once more my brothers and one of your number should stay away from the truth and another succeed in bringing embed be sure of this any man who brings us another back from his crew could we use will be arrested during his solo from death and canceling innumerable cents the reading has concluded at the twentieth this all the fifth chapter all of a letter of james
The New English Bible
James 1-5
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Readings from James 1-5.
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Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-18d8967dca9 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:20:18
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; James 1-5,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; James 1-5.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; James 1-5. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from