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the pope those be cartoonist art and anita dunn is the menace from buck rogers the bus or a vast family a memorable characters within the world of the cartoonist art brian greene cartoonist for bringing up father interviews some of them and create the world america's leading cartoonist tracing the history of the development of the many forms of comic art ryan green's guest is the creator of senator snort a hero medal and the other before a result remember george lady was recently voted the best cartoonist of nineteen sixty two by the national cartoonist society today i'm out in san francisco and see an old friend of mine i went up to san francisco chronicle back to the art department where i saw dave mckay who were back in
portland centuries ago and i know in the air but when her little corner her the most inauspicious little spot one could think to find one of our greats was one of our greats you described by san francisco banker as man who sits on orange crate in a doorway and laughs at life going by your gp why do you like to sit in that about orange crate over their will having the orange crates i use for my files and ed whelan and i've got this this elaborate filing system of orange crates and which nobody dared disturb and the wooden shoes for filing involve creating a problem an old milan boat ride on the news or said this so i'm going to go back to
a job al hirschfield a caricaturist in new york the other day he doesn't use an orange great uses a barber chair and he says it's the most comfortable thing and i were sleeping at night well i ran summer of my years here well one of the main reasons working on newsroom like those suing it's a small hamburg that's where i started to work there you know when i got out of school i started work at the chicago times then in the our department and they're so used to having people around the lawyers that were there efforts made you know to be like the other follows private room in the rugs on the floor you never worked out what you'd have a hard time explaining away this ivory tower anyway with your type of cartooning
i think you don't do this on purpose i noticed it so there's no there's no distraction from you of all people around her to work when they're automatically shells and but those are those boots are generally from a working alone growers are real action on this and what's going on around him on the heroes in june far more than its economy increase domestic situations and i know that it's increasingly difficult for a cartoonist to work all by itself and i was a bad for me i bought a farm on in new jersey night the studio right alongside my core estaban three horses they're in and they were fine but then my boy brought in chickens and i at that point i had a girl chicken jeff and myself it's
interesting now there was another man described you hear i think you viewed to him that you were a hidebound she'd been an article a few years ago and we will go to long into the psychological aspect of her life but whitey when you refer to yourself as a hidebound she or outward appearances are ambush action not in london not proud at all because your image suellen that the conformist and as someone in but a hero and i really don't feel that way and our culture i suppose a way where our civilization we are more racially louis the if you don't believe that just watch a traffic was heavy traffic and there could be three things going but they're all lined up behind one day thinking this is worse royal
rumble clicking like that this hidebound she came to hangout real story and if you want to i'll give you thirty seconds to wheel that story it's interesting well you mean that whole that you're listening post report will move out here with reporters from these two american workers dozen years africa should be joe rich morning we found we couldn't we were kids anymore so we were just devising ways an interview with the rover so i have our plan in which nobody's feelings would be hurt them we would get rid of her and that was for a very baker and he was a ranger and sometimes imagine sometimes innocent and you and semi maryland and they were saying that i was on the skids you on one
contract workers are sharply i would have no money and harry refused to do this but it would certainly not mean that tom goldman and it you do it my own way good at home and like harry yeah we had correspondents battle for parenting power plant has kept in oslo snow was looking for a store owner tony flannery few anecdotes and he was convinced of that after a few days of the year so he went back to chicago and runs through the files and found these letters and this was the hook young story on the late show if you're too much of a sheep to go in and say it you're fired fired but anyway be different and i guess not too many repercussions a few suits and so forth in the story of terror cell
we're going to review the new cartoons anyway i guess not know you do like no push down pompousness and a shay as you the movies are you here my ears of miles it's been i mean i'm you know i'm in the us us the former star of the only way to get rid of a through the cartoon fortunately i can do that and some of the very lenient good marks when you might yeah you never let on the psychiatrists couch so what this neurosis and there's no i mean you are you sorry for and so when the culture no it's only you well what would i have left an earlier feature that's right listen to sell low along with this hide bound sheath business
are you were related in any way to this fig newton no character of yours a henpecked husband or are you have a few henpecked husband who traditionally old and to have a few of them and others to lecture like going on one side and well yes i think of the nature of a known as much as anything like a stable most for things everyday life are those russian commissar is how you get started on those and of course the senator senator snort young lawyer they shouldn't just wasn't a practical thing or you know and
it occurred to me to come in for at least the threat of continuity of the panel if you have one or two characters really which we wouldn't repeat each week for as often as possible when at least you would have this family they're sure saw the euro the promised surge in orders or just a retread of the japanese spying will tell you that there are mr parker this winter which conversion mortars much easier with the japanese because of being baffled by iranian other nations are smarter or you could read that you had to use reagan's major variations in utica variations then
well into so the air and course the russians were then much more on the sophomoric ways that we use to picture back an editorial cartoon <unk> me it'll be more dedicated to the party line and former years to the point of making the numerous possibilities their era were sure and of course their front row did you ever have an early to a magnificent job of these always that courses and news clips from their magazines large size for a medal new long auto mall is that it paid off and those sometimes so one factor that means that there are any repercussions directly from
me russian friends or fbi ever step in and say what's going on here now the lowest of all the cia typical year the savannas knows them for and i must have had a fight and and you don't know when these russians and getting onto our own your wrists in the us senate to send or snort you must have had a lot of reaction from different senators no one center especially with many senators i should think of this well i have had to go through the years many letters most them on most unlike that the original mcquivey media the future of all these requests and the fact that they don't like to have the original and they'll want like the original
because you always remind them not one of them distinguished colleagues years in the many complaints from any of the senator's own racial and then serve all right certain issues you had a very interesting cartoon time or so number of times and not directly naming harry truman lipped about piano players and i think you had some reaction or harry truman was a big part of our you know it has this been ruinous part yes struggles financially or hero for many gathered in the end well he didn't have a great appreciation of him an honorary member of the national cartoonist society and has had the boys down there from brazil well
you did have a little correspondence from him which is always a great meal a dozen maybe i think to make a person feel that their stuff is being noticed and appreciated ms jackson and the opposite thing now many complaints from mother laws or your own relatives police believe he might kindly leave whatever whenever complaints from iowans clubs you know and we do a little more social than the main objection seems to be just the type of woman and portray they always seem to be of value part of the values type and i always send the pictures you show in their own members are really slow and this is you know this whole thing it could be very interesting because i know that you've had requests many times from women's clubs and from the national federation women's clubs to
appear so and richardson and senators it's a distinguished colleagues or they reminded of those are true life thing at your insurance you're right you'd rude money are some of your characters your senators and all you had some guys that really look like slobs that they're awfully kindly slobs and i think that's probably part of a very lovable slob new hampshire dr marcel is one reason why for years and they are or have been won by the panel said my people or robert perry baker was some of the lawyers are you said you should read the subways more thing
i just because of their way back when you're beginning here you started the chicago times and here you are now a chicago sun times syndicate that's right from the beginning that you did do a few of the things in between there an effect you have another feature before been an american jew in this first time with a ribbon around him and as for body or what was also leaves work whenever her to that one well very few people choose and only appear in the showtime which was a tabloid in and out it was the publishers idea that i do have the strength and the publisher was one of the original founders of the new york daily news and vote could send it along with your parents at the time he was a vice president of the chicago
tribune so his idea was that i do is strip mining the role of the army is a long it's an orphan annie overby in one strip and so will undergo an overall pollution to be choosy know sort of the spur the last of it well if that's the case you know we have another class more about one and have done is inevitable on going clear back beyond that to your academic training i know that you went to university of michigan so i ask you where you went but what to do to gain from your academic pursuits besides catch up on sleep the
publisher and for some of the very good stuff every month you define our hearts course there are also empowered her own parents to college and then i went to ann arbor in a communal costly to the academy of fine arts in warner shoemaker and kerry or until those the war ii hero i think the art institute has only finest hours in the year the art academy was mostly commercial well i think they are i don't know you teach cartooning always succeed in doing is reaping their instructor
that's truly so often turn out a whole dr marburger shoemakers your love norman smith used to sort of control for more education as soon as the woman thats fine thats bases when you have competition people often ask good you feel it too much formal training would ruin a cartoonish i don't think you can get too much knowledge of art and through the basics myself and i the cartooning is so called perkins who most part they neglect that magazines sure well you would wander two years and years of going after casting all over to the pirates know on the move i know along with your
job worker jean ritchie michigan i've never seen too many athletes appearing in your cartoons of michigan in your day was then today is a great power but putin to find humor in this apparently no idea that some form of sport especially maria so you do some it interesting that when the musical instruments and bands and so forth and i understand that you're a member of good can hire a sauerkraut band and they scream or two i was i retired only required it's a combination this might be fonder revive this old time and wi five image and so on
and to compost founder of the band and interviews president comes here and the land and the normal relations can he unify and collection of all german army uniforms bike helmets so forth and so on we have a complete outfit are and it was great for were amateurish and thereafter became more of a chore for that we have played when we want to we want to have union you know i could put on the spot and see a lot of it to me a couple of funny anecdotes here was a gag line and that i'll admit that for right now i'm and rather find out how you go about right from beginning of new set there with
six squares facing new unit after weeks supply year well first chorus so we're here amongst months ahead yeah well that to me so everyone knows these days now this is the swarm or two men you know this is a factory that would lead lines especially doing very unsettling summer league summit cartoonists arnaldo assistance to help him with the rhyme i do all my own garden but i do have help from his big man and one especially at work with her last twenty years and we sort of mentioned i think when you work right together on these things or does he send them to new or a sentimental clips own live is that don't craig yoe and he says
and i revise his version and he gets mad that my other nations can hand sew so positive kicking around today oh this is one place where this old question and working largely people often ask me with jigs which comes first the idea that going over the strip it's got every idea but it could be reversed in your bag well as the idea of true but not the actual deadline to make a new publicly could get clinton well neat get it concise unknown complex because we're people into lines and more three lines the most going for a daily and to live at the mosque for somebody in so uninviting there's missile were revised just a technical but the id always comes first time
and i think that's what they ask me which comes first the wording really north korea's economy but then you decide if i'm a pretty well known in do you go about the circus troupe that some boys knew by dueling here and then norway in their rhetoric and composition and the world not only shares directly finally she in half the time i you know where the people through with teenagers in an orlando i start over in them many times so i have i have no conception in my mind but it never quiet as i visualized when i pitched over a violation on five different conceptions been funded asylum on i suppose it'll require the least for him i suppose the main reason for
anyone to work she door sheet or she just because i do you wear them out but if you can get through with the nano surface let declaration issued id to more directly into it and direct them besides you were dead for so many years you know there's a certain conceptions or situations become cliche and you were familiar with the layout and you do it does your stuff appear mostly in this country you're in you have a small spring this program when we you must have only seven hundred papers contained but now it's about three hundred n roll and ever taking our usual french and it would make about talking and the millions of readers of course your here's your
tremendous talk to toast eighty million readers saying why not for me they can use as well would like to do one dead can you think of one cartoon for instance in any one of these and when we laugh a few of these things and you take your choice for a closer to it so you could push pins and the income tax people and real estate agents politicians the brass hats and football players college presidents capitalists bosses inventors demographers certain psychiatrists even your wife and children in the us are not yours of course that summit wife and children know we like to take a crack in this as a rope when the thriller to give us the deadline on and a description of the cartoon in a monolith i mean this is a very difficult sure is the worst thing i could do for your ears today is an avenue a second one that i was working on this morning this is to be a daily cartoon and since most of most of my daily as a couple whom are
current events this had to do with the that donation of drug well that company cuba and interestingly the refugees and so i sent to slow my edmonton i'm suggesting when it might be the thing in him and he's embedded there in which in which i thought was very good but i have my doubts about any holiday rose is also the president of the company and he's dictating two years and i refer and he's the airline is using and her friend mr joe state department that term but for all these new wonder drugs we contributed to those ominous in cuba all we're getting now a lot of complaints about side effects haggard well you're genetically this is great you've been described as one of the greatest contributors in the war
against the medicine i put your new modular dirt and throwing the worst thing i can throw adjectives be funny and you came through human thanks a lot you've been listening to a cartoonist start an exploration of the world of comics and cartoons your host is brian greene cartoonist for bringing up father and a member of the national cartoonist society next week mr greene's guest will be one of the key developers of comic advertising tom jones riverside radio the blue rv are the metropolitan fm station of the riverside church in the city is just by the educational radio network and the national association of educational broadcaster the
patients well as bad
The Cartoonist's Art
Episode Number
Vern Greene and George Lichty
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
This episode is an interview with George Lichty.
Series Description
Vern Greene interviews cartoonist, and traces the history and development of the many forms of the comic art.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Cartoonists; Comic books, strips, etc., in advertising
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Guest: Lichty, George Maurice, 1905-1983
Host: Greene, Vernon L.
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0c8be27fb02 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:29:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Cartoonist's Art; 9; Vern Greene and George Lichty,” 1963-04-30, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 12, 2024,
MLA: “The Cartoonist's Art; 9; Vern Greene and George Lichty.” 1963-04-30. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 12, 2024. <>.
APA: The Cartoonist's Art; 9; Vern Greene and George Lichty. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from