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it's been now sermon of the week each week at this time riverside radio presents a sermon by leading theologians like dr robert j mccracken preaching minister of the riverside church in new york was begun breyer answered and unanswered dr mclaughlin the text is taken from the gospel according to matthew chapter seven there's seven oscar and it will be given new sikh and you will find no and it will be opened to you that is in keeping
with what we find elsewhere in the gospels jesus had nothing to say about the philosophy our psychology of prayer he nowhere touched on its theoretical difficulties for that matt says he hardly ever touched on its practical difficulties god he taught cannot be treated with too much confidence not only is this is though this great triad dogs imperative this awesome siegel and there are assurances and given that that justice positive for example
if two of you agree on earth about anything layoffs it will be done for them by my father in heaven again whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you're healthy and again truly truly if you ask anything of the father he will give it till you're in my name the reader of the gospels who allow those passages like those with their crescendo of promises to have their full force on his mind when actually expect his prayers to be answered and yet in the bible itself we
read all of man who'll talk pope would see main cost and did not receive sought and did not find not and no doctor was opened moses' prayed that he might enter the promised land but died within sight of it on the loans summit dove no needle the dream of year is at last within reach and the word of the law and surrounding an easy as i have closed the to see it with value now i use but thou shalt not all over for that paul was we had this morning parade three kinds of that his farm in the fresh might be a dream oh there was nothing selfish about that threat it was for the sake of these
weren't that he offered it and because the sergeant was a handicap this was why he wished it taken away nevertheless despite his heir nasty import should note and three take it was not taken away whatever it was i trouble epilepsy recurring attacks of malaria nervous exhaustion heat dry and his farm with him to his grave as others are found in the similarities he had to make the best of it and let it make the best of him jesus to face the problem of unanswered prayer all my father is it be possible let this cup pass
from me in the garden of good seventy eight in his last and sourced conflict three times all but that was looking the awful by our divine redeemer how passionately he offered it may be garnered from what the evangelists stay unless he was in a nationally and swear it as it were grape drops of blood but he had to drink look up he had to drink to its bid to enter the ranks moses jesus they offered prayers but where announcement and haven't we all we have prayed out in this ceaseless the very best of our ability believing and our requests have not been granted so that
one by one ancient obstinate questions of they say our minds isn't a system of things about chess the course les ha less isn't there a god that i'm going to listen perez says that any use spraying are we just talking into the dawn silence and jesus have been deceived don't know how it is some people are fooling themselves into rebellion renounce the faith of their fathers will have nothing to do with christianity the church the bible why with others there's no oak would just to know rebellious out west only and meet at the heart a widow to believe
but along with it a bewildered month which leaves them upgrade to doubt and depression just blown are just my own a praying mix actually just no deer blind i guess kate see my way through you know those things i i asked for so many times maybe i had an orator repeated like the fighters seized do but i ain't still been no marketplace it's just between me and you and you said i just somehow i ain't us know and hardly know old plot to do hope just sought to arrest but faiths do yet faith again want
to i know voters a thousand years is a single day with you and i mean into ten show with if you'll be and i ain't down knew what i a pray and tonight god this brew doesn't that strike a responsive chord or love being in deepwater this know that the night of the soul my god my god why do often exaggerated claims are made about christian experience it's refreshing to encounter a person honest enough with himself to put down the facts as he has observed them the book down broadway
and sexually marcus dogs was a minister of the church of scotland and finally the principal of a seminary for the printing of ministers but as an old man he wrote in a letter prayer in the sense of asking for things as not being in my case approved force the things i have chiefly prayed for all on my life i have not got i prayed no not because my own experience gives me any encouragement but only for christ's example an command well remembered in christ's teaching about austen and receiving seeking and finding knocking and those being opened what are we to make of that on any light be shed on this
problem of their considerations that make it less acute yes there are for one thing let us keep this problem in perspective not all prayers will announce from testimonies to that effect of too numerous to impressive to be disregarded that is an unnamed silly why he'd unveil lead the record of divine on suspicion among prayers right down through a lot of the sensors to this morning what that record establishes is that men and women have had their prayers explicitly and operate jointly times the answers have been by no means confined to be in their region of the soul george meredith seeing who arises from pran a better man
his prayer is awesome announcers have been playing unclear in the awkward world of events sickness has been cured deliverance as from danger has been experience difficulties have been some amount to help has come this oh yeah i had this speak personally is not something i am saying because i have read about it in books in each of the three churches i have served i have known of specific instances not only comfort and sustenance some peace of mind derived from prayer but healing yeah it dooms their loans ireland dose of circumstance marvelously open though oh i should add that the man and woman known to men
who have had such experiences have had something else a simple childlike trust in the goodness and power of god a strong as well as a simple faith so that for me it is unbelievable that they were the victims of the system and life long and loose a nation not all prayers go on on some in the interests of perspective that fact should be under a sport yet to acknowledge the effect brings us back to our problem shotguns it indeed a lot of the men and women that faith is simple and sprawling their prayers address and importation who's petitions are denied there are suggestions helpful enough in
themselves that do not begin to come to grips with the difficulty one example the blog is bound on principle to deny some prayers is bound to deny them because they are selfish i'm worthy unethical where they granted we should resemble spoiled children who have become subtlety and bad tempered through being weekly human and indulged when they should've been silently discipline in the seventeen century a british merchant so thomas matt forde wrote this prayer or more enable my bank to meet all its bills and make all on my diet is good man give a prosperous voyage and a safe return to my good ship
manmade or i have not insured and because now has said the days of the wicked are short i trust in the the law will not forget i promise as i have an estate in recession which will be mine on the death of that young profligate so join libby where admittedly it is an extreme case but it shows what we see as soon as we search our own hearts how self send to prayer can be how it can be resorted to as a sort of magical device to father our private ends many of us would never create the prayers we do if we thought beforehand of what kind of boredom such prayers in paul a british physicist said to a colleague about the
atomic bomb i don't know whether you pray much but i pray god that my people here will get it fast pray god and we get it fast all of which reminds one of lincoln's remark during the civil war we on our side a praying to blog to give us the victory because we believe we are right but that was only other side graham also for victory believing they are right walk musty think of us some prayers bodies piled on principle to deny only that does nothing nothing to meet the problem the display is when a man all forms of not totally and selfish prayer and that is denied me that there's another suggestion very often in advance and
also helpful but what we ask is denied because it lies in our own power to accomplish prayer is no substitute for the study of irrigation for the investigation of swamps basso i said saves lives long waits for a man's cooperation research surgery medicine before set and miracles of healing and take place here or gaston's dictum is relevant without god we cannot without us will not serrano bras are christians prayed for the assistance of god as he thought no real fever he wrote
i paced some peace and think and think and take the fevered hands and note down all i see that sun day in this don't like me happily break the painful faces ask and you're not show up we answer no not yet we seek parole it's all gone reveal through all this thing in august pure up the i'm seeing some all but now he and wondering cause and then with the discovery of the germ of yellow fever sore on our patrol base data revealing blog have placed within my hand a wondrous thing and god be praised that is a man seeking his secret deeds
with tears and toiling breath i find by cunning seeds all new zealand wondering did i know this little saying amiri a man will save all death whereas nice thing by victory oh grey yes that's helpful but it leaves the major problem and so what does the prayers that goal without isis simple trust in the goodness and wrote a blog as throngs sincere faith but sickness unpopular danger zone of that difficulties on some mountain i don't pretend to have an adequate all complete explanation i think i
would suspect in a body who claimed to have inadequate and complete explanation that maybe none on this side of the grave but anyone or listens to what jesus christ has to say about these deep matters anyone who has come to rely on trust him will hold fast to one convict if block denies the requests it is not without reason the reason why we may not be able to fathom but we can believe it is infinitely wise and loving and for our souls highest wrote this i know this you learn about him to know
very many by that experience of unanswered prayer have learned lessons that they could not have learned in any other way a lifeless been hard and bleaker than they ever anticipated it could be but if there have been losses that have been so it gains as well that eyes have been opened to the troubles and tribulations of others one says it now seems to them they were on seeing is sensitive so officially preoccupied like the priest didn't believe it and our awards pablo they work in drones too much taken up with their own interests activities and concerns to involve themselves personally when they brush against ms fortune suffering tragedy
deep trouble there are no way can consciousness of need and helplessness besides throwing them back on god has made them more compassion more understanding more patient moore oh boy something of the sort the thorn in the flesh good for paul ii be sought god three times over to take it the way it was not taken away he had to live with it he he carried it with him to his grave but seeing what it banned foreign it chastened in it deepened in it braided in solicitude and sympathy and fellow feeling it made him lehigh under on broadway and i think it humanized his theology he was a calamity young man but i think he
was a dreadful it broke two to make a better man often without it he might never have written the great hindu love in his letter to the corinthians this was one of farmed in for him that he could write like this love is patient and kind love is not jealous almost for love does not insist on having its own way it is not eligible or resentful it does not rejoice at rome but rejoices in the right there's all things believes all things owe us all things and joyous all things thornton wilder has a short plea being fueled the troubled waters one of the characters is a doctor with a secret
ailment who is waiting at the edge of the pool where the angel of the waters to come and helium at last out of the water was the angel appears in the doctor makes as though to enter the new labeling buckley angel says rabbi hecht physicians this moment is for you when that the doctor answered surely as charlene the angels otherwise your eyes and see the inmates in which my wings are core the angels still is adamant he asks would go beyond where i want to be it is your very own amorphous that made
showroom old voice trembled into the hearts of maine the very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as sven one shuman being broken on the wheel moves all the living in love this service or later the wounded soldiers and serve wasn't the doctors prayer aren't as paul's prayer was i answered it was not the onset they wanted but we can see as they could not let me i'm so was wise and beneficence so i'm standing here to say to you where is never offered to invade never all the la school board
received all lucy fine lawyer who know and today they do not get everything they want they get walked in his infinite love and wisdom lord knows is best for them we had been dealing today with the fundament what is this mortal life of hours for if we think it is for league gratification along our desires we're going to be sawed away disappointed and disillusioned if isn't there it's a school man it's a training ground for the creation and development of carrot it's a veil also making than all the
great french preacher believing that life offers supreme lake the opportunity of going to say i'm getting closer to god and our brother man made this this prayer one of the most christian prayers i know lorne i know not for joss of the only noise what i need no love this me better than i know how to love myself father give to thy child back which he himself knows not total loss some might or you depress make or raise me up i adored all like parker says without knowing them i am silent i offer myself up in a
sacrifice i yield myself to the i would have no desire to go into work accomplish by where you think you made to pray pray myself and me let us pray or gone to rest senators to school in this strange life of hours and has set just asks which taste or our courage trust and fidelity may we not spend our days complaining that circumstance or fretting that discipline but give ourselves to unlearn of life and to profit
by every experience for the sake of jesus christ my son our savior almond dr robert hare mccracken preaching minister of the riverside church has been speaking on prayer answered and ahmed liked some of the week was recorded on november nineteen fifty nine by riverside radio wypr in new york it's been the pope
McCracken Sermon, Prayer Answered And Unanswered
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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A religious sermon entitled Prayer Answered and Unanswered.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-90df436cf03 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “McCracken Sermon, Prayer Answered And Unanswered,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “McCracken Sermon, Prayer Answered And Unanswered.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: McCracken Sermon, Prayer Answered And Unanswered. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from